Having been with the strange demons for so long, they know them too well.

The odds are slim.


Chapter 150 Do You Understand?


Lu Nanzhuo's steps suddenly stopped, and his quiet eyes looked at the mountains in the distance.

Duotian froze, he was still thinking about his sister, what's wrong with the young master?

Then he looked in the direction of Lu Nanzhuo's line of sight...

Somewhere in that mountain range, there are strands of black air lingering, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect!

"Demon energy..." Duotian murmured slightly.

Lu Nanzhuo nodded lightly, and walked towards that side with his hands behind his back.

Duotian rubbed his chin while following Lu Nanzhuo's pace, he became a little curious.

Did you encounter a strange monster in this wilderness?Or some other monster?


"Okay, let's do this, you are ready to..."


Before the spirit of the strange demon finished speaking, the mountain wall exploded violently!

Everyone was shocked!

Everyone was immediately exposed to the sun!

They looked stunned, dazed, and then panicked.

Could it be that the people from Zhongxuan Continent came after them?How can this be!

The dust raised by the explosion slowly dispersed,

The two figures gradually became clear.

One in white and one in black.

Everyone looked at the two strange figures in fear and confusion, and soon, they noticed that the soul body of the strange demon was shaking crazily! !

"Nan... Grand Master Nanzhuo!!!"

The spirit body of the strange demon looked at the white clothes in extreme horror, and growled in disbelief!

Hearing the fearful growl of the strange demon's soul body, everyone was stunned!

What Grand Master Nanzhuo? ...

After reacting for a while, everyone looked at the indifferent young man in white with stiff faces...

Could it be, could it be...

At that moment, disbelief, admiration, fear, and shame surged over everyone's heads!

Everyone suddenly knelt heavily and said in a trembling voice,

"Great...great lord, I...we..."

In this regard, Lu Nanzhuo did not have the slightest emotional change, and said calmly,

"Duotian, kill them all, leave one alive to search for their souls."

These calm words are like the sickle of death, crazily cutting everyone's emotions!

"Lu Nanzhuo!! I didn't expect you to be alive! Jie Jie!" The strange demon spirit body laughed wildly. He knew that he would die, so it didn't matter.

What a pity...

Seeing that the young master had no intention of talking to the soul body, Duotian swung his left hand lightly and pulled the Heavenly Sword Saintess out, then quickly stretched out his right arm, and a black mist spewed out towards everyone!

Instantly wrap everyone up!

"What kind of magic energy is this! Who are you?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"woo woo woo woo..."


Chi Chi Chi!

In just a moment, everyone in the field has been corroded!

Several black boxes are left lying quietly!

Lu Nanzhuo looked at the remaining black boxes with his hands behind his back and said softly, "Come out, don't let me do it myself."

Soon, the souls in these black boxes emerged, and they all looked at the white clothes in fear and disbelief!

They are so familiar!

"Master Nanzhuo, before I disappear, can you let me understand..."

A strange demon spirit looked at Lu Nanzhuo calmly and said.

At this last moment, he really wanted to know, their king was dead, why did he, Lu Nanzhuo, survive till now?

"No, kill me." Lu Nanzhuo's eyes were indifferent, without the slightest desire to say anything.

Hearing this, the strange demons just looked at Lu Nanzhuo with hatred in their eyes. They didn't want to resist. They don't have a body, and their resistance is just to humiliate themselves before they die!

In their helplessness and despair, the sky-shattering black mist has enveloped them!


There was only one beautiful Heavenly Sword Saintess present, and she was kneeling on the ground at this moment, looking at Lu Nanzhuo with tears in her beautiful eyes.

"Great... Your Majesty, I..."

"Duotian, search the soul." Lu Nanzhuo ordered softly as if he had never heard of it.

Just as the beautiful eyes of the Heavenly Sword Saintess were terrified, Duotian had already put two fingers on her forehead, and a faint light flickered.

After a while, Duotian lowered his fingers, looked at Lu Nanzhuo and said softly, "Master, it's done."

The Heavenly Sword Saintess collapsed to the ground violently, with a splitting headache.

"Kill it." Lu Nanzhuo said calmly, and then walked out with his hands behind his back without looking at it.

Hearing this, the Heavenly Sword Saintess's heart trembled violently, her eyes were ashamed, and the Great Master was as ruthless and ruthless as a king!

However, she deserved it.

"Hey...beauty, how about I take you to have a good time before I die?"

Just when the Heavenly Sword Saintess gave up, she saw the middle-aged man in the black shirt in front of her smilingly start to take off his clothes and walk towards her!

"You, what are you going to do!" The Heavenly Sword Saintess shrank her pupils and shouted in horror.

"What do you think? You are going to die soon, sir, let me show you the last happiness in the world."

Duotian smiled wretchedly, and looked at the Heavenly Sword Saintess with bright eyes. This was much better than Chenyuanlou's. His hands were already on her shoulders.

"No, don't! Please!"

Heavenly Sword Saintess begged, seeing that the middle-aged man in black couldn't be stopped, his lower abdomen began to bulge slightly!

He was going to explode himself!

With quick eyes and quick hands, Duo Tian lightly tapped his lower abdomen with his fingers, and that swollen spiritual energy was suppressed!

"Hey, come on, beauty~"

The Heavenly Sword Saintess burst into tears, and immediately despaired!

Just when Duotian was about to tear his clothes, Lu Nanzhuo's plain voice sounded behind him.

"Duotian, I asked you to kill me."

Duotian's movements froze, he turned around and looked at Lu Nanzhuo who didn't know when he would come back incomprehensibly.

"Young master, this..."

Lu Nanzhuo stared at Duotian and said softly, "It's the second time I said it just now."

Duotian frowned, looked at Lu Nanzhuo and said in a deep voice: "My lord, Duotian doesn't understand!"

Lu Nanzhuo suddenly chuckled, and then punched out fiercely! !

Duotian's pupils shrank suddenly!

Looking at this punch, he wanted to resist it, but it was too late!

boom! ! !

This punch hit Duotian's chest fiercely!

Duotian's face suddenly turned pale, and then he was lifted up by the strength of this punch, and shot backwards wildly!

Boom! !

His body penetrated the rock wall in an instant!

This punch is still not used!

Rumble, boom!

The continuous loud noise resounded through the mountain range, startling countless reptiles and birds! !

When Duotian reappeared, he was already at the other end of the mountain range!

He was carried by this punch directly through the entire mountain range! !


Duotian collapsed to the ground, spurting out a mouthful of blood!

He raised his head, looking with some difficulty at the white robe with his hands behind him.

"Duotian, some people have made big mistakes, and they can be killed, but you have to do such things before they die... It's a bit disgusting."

Lu Nanzhuo looked down at Duotian, and continued to say lightly,

"Also, since you surrender to the deity, remember not to let the deity speak the words a third time."

"You, do you understand?"


Chapter 151

Duotian's heart trembled slightly.

Suppressing the severe pain in his body, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said in a trembling voice, "Young master, Duotian understands."

Lu Nanzhuo sighed slightly, with a slightly relaxed expression, and said softly,

"Duotian, I know that you are cultivating demons, and you can do whatever you want without any scruples. Behavior as before is nothing more than normal for you..."

Hearing this, Duotian bowed his head and remained silent.

"Nature will give you the opportunity to release your nature, but sometimes, you'd better restrain yourself."

"Because your strength is good, this deity often gives you face, but I also hope that you will have a degree, and don't be like today."

Lu Nanzhuo looked at Duotian with dark eyes, and rarely said so many words.

Duotian sat up with difficulty, cupped his hands and said in a respectful voice: "My lord, I won't do it next time."

Lu Nanzhuo owed him the grace of regeneration, saving him from the darkness of tens of thousands of years, and Duotian knew very well what kind of person Lu Nanzhuo was.

Now that he has surrendered, he will naturally not and dare not back down.

"On the other side of the endless sea, you must want revenge?"

Lu Nanzhuo suddenly said softly.

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