The three demons' black feet rubbed against the ground, creating countless sparks, and finally gave a sudden meal! !

The two demon kings glanced at the somewhat distorted arms, and then looked at Adol solemnly, with ugly expressions on their faces!

"Jie Jie, even if you are also a Demon Lord...then I am also a veteran Demon Lord!! Just rely on the two of you?! Die!"

Now that you have done it today, let's teach them how to be a demon!

While Adol shouted loudly, the black feet stomped on the ground, turning into a black beam of light and plundering towards the two demon lords!

Suddenly, the majestic momentum came out of the abyss like a beast!

"I really don't believe you can fight two with one!!"

Seeing this, the two demon kings grinned, and they were also pissed off!

Who the hell is this arrogant?

Gritting his teeth, clenching his giant fists, he rushed forward!


The demonic energy filled the air, the space trembled, and the sound of endless violent collisions resounded through the Demon Lord's Hall.

Under such fierce battles, even the sturdy and abnormal Demon Lord Palace built with unknown materials is crumbling...

All the demons knelt down on the ground, too frightened to move!

They haven't seen the Battle of the Demon Lord for a long time, they never thought that today...

Even hand-to-hand combat is terrifying!


After a while, the space in the Demon Lord's Palace finally couldn't bear the violent physical impact, and began to shatter and fall off like a mirror...

"Rong! Darkness destroys light!"

The two demon kings were severely suppressed by Adol, and finally they were no longer willing to fight hand-to-hand!

While dodging Adol's heavy punch, they formed the same handprint in their hands, and the seal was completed in an instant, and then the palms were heavily intertwined!

The devil is awe-inspiring!

chi chi chi-

A black destructive beam burst out from the intersection of their palms! !

It shot towards Adol, rolling up countless debris of the Demon King's Palace!

The space continued to shatter, the Demon Lord's Palace had already begun to collapse, and a large area of ​​building materials tilted and fell!

Adol's black face changed drastically, combined attack?Actually engaged in a sneak attack? !

He didn't have time to deploy defenses!Even if locked by the qi machine, there is no way to avoid it!hateful!

In a panic, Adol could only hastily set up a barrier of magic energy, and watched the powerful beam of light shoot at him helplessly!

It's over, now you have to peel off your skin if you don't die!

Just at this moment! !

A huge and burly figure manifested in front of Adol out of thin air!

He looked at the black light beam indifferently, and drew a dark round hole in the void in front of him with his fingers!

The light beam shot into the pitch-black round hole fiercely, and disappeared, as if being swallowed... Then there was nothing and then...

The huge figure flicked his arm again, and the pitch-black hole disappeared.

After a while, the Demon King's Palace no longer collapsed and returned to tranquility, but it was very messy, with debris all over the ground, broken space walls...


Adol stammered, then looked at the huge figure in horror and surprise, and suddenly knelt down!

"See, see the Demon King!"

The two demon kings on the opposite side were stunned for a moment, their expressions changed dramatically, and they quickly knelt down respectfully.

The other demons bowed their heads and trembled in fear, and even the king appeared... What day is it today...

"Adol, tell me." Kieranke ignored the two demon lords opposite, but turned his huge body and looked down at Adol and asked.

Seeing this, the two devil kings on the opposite side froze slightly.

"Wang, Dijia and Bazhong..."

Adol knelt down and told Kieranke the details of the incident.

Kieranke's face became more and more indifferent when he heard the words, and he said without turning around: "Dijia, Bazhong..."

"Wang, I...we are here." Di Jia and Ba Zhong responded quickly, they were panicked at this moment.

"Are you not enough magic generals and magic soldiers? Huh?" Kieranke turned and stared at them indifferently and asked.

The soaring devilish energy permeated the sky, suppressing Dijia and Bazhong trembling all over, hurriedly replied: "King, enough is enough."

"Since it's enough... have you two dispatched troops to Beixuanzhou?"

"No...not yet..."

Di Jia and Ba replied intermittently, they actually felt in their hearts that it was unnecessary to send them there...With the strength of their strange demons, wouldn't it be enough to just fight in at that time?


Kieranke suddenly shouted in shock, frightening all the demons to the point of tearing their hearts apart!

"Wang...Wang...we were wrong! We will go down and deploy later!"

The two demon kings, Dijia and Bazhong, were already stunned. They were really afraid that the demon king would kill them if he was unhappy.

"From now on, the two of you will be under the leadership of Adol for the time being. If you continue to neglect your duties and don't pay attention to the affairs of the clan - there is no need for the two of you to live, Jie Jie."

After the words fell, the huge figure of the different demon king slowly dissipated in the palace of the demon king...

"Congratulations to the Demon King!"

All the demons saluted respectfully!

Adol stood up slowly, staring at the two demon lords opposite him with black eyes, without saying a word.

Dijia and Bazhong stood up, looking at Adol with uncomfortable eyes, but remembering the last words of the Demon King, they felt infinitely terrified in their hearts, so they reluctantly bowed to Adol,

"Monarch Ador, please give me your instructions in the future."

"Jie jie jie jie..."

Seeing this, Adol looked up to the sky and laughed wildly!


Chapter 147

"Hall Master, after the Tianxin Region and the Chili Region...the strange demon dens in the Xuanling Region are also destroyed...tonight, a deputy hall died..."

"It's very bizarre, as if there is an invisible big hand stirring all this!"

In the darkness, a man in black robe said in a low voice to the shimmering rune in his hand.

At the same time, on the other side, the Qingluan tribe.


Qingtianxing frowned as he listened to the report from the Demon Slayer in the rune.

Liu Yan on the side had beautiful eyes, she knew it was all done by the young master!

But she won't tell Qingtianxing, that will cause trouble for the young master, not trouble, mainly because she knows that Lu Nanzhuo thinks there are too many things.

Since returning from Luoyun City last time, Liu Yan has been looking for an opportunity to tell Qingtianxing that he already knew about the fact that he is the master of the Extinguishing Demon Palace.

So much so that Qingtianxing didn't even bother to avoid Liu Yan when he contacted the demon extermination envoy later.

Qing Tianxing asked her how she knew?

Liu Yan sold Yin Yan and the two directly.

As for how Qingtianxing punished Yinyan, she didn't know.

"Contact the demon slayers from other domains, and investigate the big hand behind the scenes." Qing Tianxing said softly, looking at the radiant runes floating in front of him, his eyes flickering.

"Yes, Hall Master."


The arraignment ends.

The rune fell into the palm of Qingtianxing, and Qingtianxing was always looking at the night ahead, as if thinking about something.

Behind the scenes...

Shaking his head, he didn't have any idea, so he turned to look at Liu Yan, only to find that she was smiling...

"Cough, Yan'er, why is it so funny?" Qing Tianxing looked at Liu Yan and asked inexplicably.

"Uh, no, Father, Yan'er went to see Auntie! I suddenly remembered that I have something to show Auntie!" Liu Yan quickly stopped smiling, and said with a serious face, and was about to leave after speaking.

"Oh? What is it? Take it out and let Dad see it?" Qing Tianxing said with interest.

Liu Yan had no choice but to stop, a transparent jasper fan appeared in the palm of her hand...

It was exactly what Lu Nanzhuo casually threw to her when she fell into the abyss of God in the past...

"Hmm? Qingluan Treasure Fan?" Qingtian Xing was slightly stunned, and then continued: "The current Qingluan Treasure Fan is just a mere middle-grade holy artifact... Sigh..."

Qingtianxing smiled regretfully.


Liu Yan grasped this word accurately, and asked anxiously: "Father, what you mean, this Qingluan treasure fan is more than that before?"

Qing Tianxing laughed, and said softly: "This is just a secret passed down by our Qingluan ancestor. After all, I have lived for so many years, but I have never seen..."

"Hey, by the way, why is this Qingluan treasure fan with you?"

Qingtianxing suddenly reacted and paused for words, then looked suspiciously at the Qingluan Baofan in Liu Yan's hand.

The more you look at it, the more strange it becomes. This Qingluan Treasure Fan...familiar yet also tinged with strangeness?

Just when Liu Yan wanted to clean up Qingluan Baofan,

"Yan'er, accompany A Niang to visit the Feng Clan...uh"

Liu Qing, who was dressed in a fancy dress, walked in, and saw the Qingluan Fan in Liu Yan's hand at a glance, she was stunned!

Immediately after reacting, the palm of his hand flashed, and another Qingluan Treasure Fan appeared...

Two Green Luan Treasure Fans...?

Except for Liu Yan, Qingtianxing and Liu Qing stared with wide eyes.

Don't wait for the three of them to react!

The two Qingluan treasures suddenly trembled violently, shining brightly!Light up the night sky!

Immediately, it flew out from the astonished hands of Liu Yan and Liu Qing!

Grab each other!

The extremely intimate entanglement is like lovers who haven't seen each other for thousands of years... Once they meet, the feeling of longing bursts out!

The air began to tremble, and the night sky above the Qingluan clan was enveloped in colorful air, attracting many members of the Qingluan clan, who all looked at this magnificent scene in amazement.

Qing Tianxing reacted from the astonishment, and flicked his sleeves at the sky,

Suddenly, a curtain of light enveloped the entire Qingluan clan.

From the outside, everything in the Qingluan clan is normal.

Many elders and holy sons with high status moved closer to this side, first greeted respectfully, and then looked over strangely,

Uh, two Qingluan precious fans?

As the two Qingluan treasure fans continue to intertwine, the light becomes more and more blazing in the dark night!

A wave of coercion swept the audience!

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