"Sovereign, can you bear this? I can't bear it!"

Seeing that the other party was looking for death, the Great Elder was overjoyed, and he shot at the Hongya Sect Master.

"Then there is nothing to talk about, let's do it." Ao Tian looked at the Hongya sect master and said indifferently.

He was afraid that the son would be in a hurry, and wanted to finish these trivial matters quickly.

Just when the master of Hongya Sect and the Great Elder were about to make a move...

They saw the extremely rich green martial ring slowly appearing under Ao Tian's feet...


Chapter 12 Young Master?

King Wu! !

Observe the richness of the color of its arms.

At least in the mid-term of Martial King!

The expressions of Hongya Sect Master and Great Elder changed dramatically!

Looking in disbelief at the green martial ring slowly spinning under Ao Tian's feet, waves of coercion slowly emanated from it.

As soon as the green martial ring came out, the surrounding voices became even more silent... Everyone looked at Ao Tian in horror.

King Wu...

"How could it be, how could it be! It turned out to be King Wu..." the suzerain of Hongya Sect whispered in his heart.

His mouth was a little parched, and he was thinking of quitting.

A strong man like King Wu is not something he can provoke, even if he is at the peak of Wuling!

Not to mention anything else, just relying on breaking through the Martial King can increase the lifespan by 200 years!This is not comparable to Wu Ling.

Among them, strength and longevity will be qualitative changes!

Even after being promoted to Queen Wu, she has the ability to fly into the air!

The Great Elder's face was also a little pale.

"Really, you died for nothing. It's not that you didn't avenge you because of the teacher. It's because you have no eyes. You have provoked such a powerful enemy. Now the teacher may not be able to protect yourself. You are an unfilial son!"

The Great Elder thought bitterly.

"Sect Master, our Hongya Sect can't afford to offend the strong King Wu, let's forget about the space stone, life is important! If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood!"

The Great Elder spoke to the Suzerain of Hongya Sect through voice transmission.

The master of Hongya Sect felt disgusted, what the hell, the Great Elder really disgusted him today!


"Uh, senior, these people and these sacks are all at your command...It was me before...I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, senior, don't worry! After I go back, I will strictly discipline the disciples of this sect !"

The head of the Hongya Sect endured the pain and bowed and said, but he was able to bend and stretch.

What the Great Elder said is also right. In front of life, the space stone doesn't seem to be so important anymore?

Hearing what the suzerain said, the great elder heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the suzerain would be tough. Now he is really afraid!

Ao Tian didn't respond to them, got off the plate armor of the carriage, bowed to the carriage, and asked respectfully:

"Young master, today's matter..."

"You can figure it out. Today's matter has been delayed for a long time."

Lu Nanzhuo's voice came from the carriage.

"Yes." Ao Tian was a little flustered, the young master seemed a little dissatisfied, the matter had indeed been delayed for a long time.

But Lu Nanzhuo also understood that Ao Tian probably wanted to deal with it all at once, so it would be quieter.So Lu Nanzhuo didn't blame anything.

There is still someone in the carriage?


Son?What son?

There was a sound of gasping for air in the field.

But these city residents dare not speak, dare not discuss!

Seeing how respectful all the mighty King Wu was, Hongya Sect Master, Grand Elder, and several disciples were all dumbstruck, scared to the point of death.

What kind of character is worthy of a strong man who is at least in the middle of King Wu to drive the horse!What kind of character deserves such respect from a strong Martial King!

Looking at the posture of King Wu, he looked like a servant to put it bluntly.

The lord of the Hongya Sect and the Great Elder looked at each other in blank dismay. They knew that a big boss must have come to their Hongya Sect area, and the chills in their hearts were even worse!

"My...my lord, our wife and children are still in their hands, can you, can you..."

At this time, dozens of men suddenly knelt down to the carriage where Lu Nanzhuo was in.Among them, the man who was beaten by Chen Zhen boldly whispered.

He knows this is his only chance!

They burst into tears, it doesn't matter if they are caught mining, transporting, suffering, they can bear it!They were afraid and did not dare to resist, but they were worried about their wives and children.

Ao Tian looked at the suzerain of Hongya Sect.



Then, with a livid face, he looked at the other three disciples who were assisting Chen Zhen in carrying out the mission.

The three disciples knelt down on the ground in fright.

"Zong, suzerain, it was Brother Chen Zhen who came up with this idea! We have tried to dissuade senior brothers before... but senior brothers are afraid that they will be lazy and affect the progress, so we don't listen..."


"Presumptuous! This is how you treat the citizens who support my Hongya Sect!!" The master of Hongya Sect slapped the disciple who hadn't finished his sentence with a slap! !

The disciple flew backwards far away and lay down on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Hong! Tao! Is that the good disciple you taught!!"

The suzerain of Hongya Sect suddenly stared at the elder with eyes full of anger, and said in a condensed voice, calling his name angrily.

"Sovereign, I, I did ask Chen Zhen to find some healthy young men in the city to help my Hongya sect, but I gave him 20 blue crystals, and I ordered him to pay, suzerain! As for the wife and children, This bastard!!”

The great elder said in panic.

At this moment, he hated Chen Zhen to the bone, what kind of personal transmission, personal transmission! !

"Hmph, strong man? Do you think they still look like strong men? I'm so angry! Hong Tao, if you don't give me an explanation today, you, the Great Elder, have come to an end."

The suzerain of Hongya Sect was still angry, and said indifferently, looking at the elder.

Seeing that Zong took the initiative, the great elder was really angry, and he was anxious.

He grabbed his disciple's neck and said fiercely.

"Tell me! Where are the wives and children of these townspeople!"

"Yes, in the dungeon inside the sect..." The disciple dared not look into the eyes of the great elder and the suzerain.


Before the Great Elder could speak, the Sect Master of Hongya Sect shouted again, the thick yellow martial ring surged on the soles of his feet, and he slapped the disciple to death with a single palm.

"Don't let people go! Do you want me to beg you to go!" The suzerain shouted in shock!

"Yes, disciple, I'm going right away." The last disciple in the field said hurriedly, he was panicked.

"Stop! Hong Tao, go yourself!" the suzerain stared at the elder and said.

"Yes." Of course the Great Elder did not dare to object at this time.

Hastily galloped away towards Hongyazong.

"Go back to the sect and receive the punishment yourself."

As if his anger had subsided a lot, the master of Hongya Sect turned his back to the last disciple and said.

"Yes, yes, thank you for the kindness of the suzerain not to kill." Tears flowed from the disciple's eyes. He thought he would die today, and he was in despair just now.

"Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord! Thank you, the suzerain!" The men knelt down on the ground, weeping. After knowing the truth, they didn't hate Hong Huangzong so much.

It turned out to be a rat droppings, spoiling a pot of porridge.

Now that the mouse droppings are gone, the porridge is drinkable again! !


"Senior..." The head of the Hongya Sect looked at Ao Tian and the carriage on the carriage with longing eyes.

"My lord..." Ao Tian asked towards the carriage.

"Let's advance to the city."


After finishing speaking, Ao Tian sat on the plate armor of the carriage again, flicking the whip lightly.

The carriage drove towards the city again, this time no one dared to stop it.

When passing by the lord of Hongya Sect.

"What's in that sack." Ao Tian asked lightly.

"Empty...space stone." The head of the Hongya Sect didn't dare to hide anything anymore, and it still hurts to think about it.

"Hey, what is my way, only a remote place like yours will treasure it, keep it for yourself, and treat the city people well is the kingly way."

After speaking, he prepared to drive the carriage towards the city.

"My son stays for one day, and will leave tomorrow, don't disturb him."

After Ao Tian sent a word again, the carriage gradually drifted away.

"Uh, yes, follow the teachings of the seniors."

After bowing to the carriage, the lord of Hongya Sect raised his face, ecstatic!

Depressed mood swept away.

The boss doesn't even want a space stone!The space stone is the main material for refining the space ring!There are so many space stones, as long as they are refined properly, there are at least 20 pieces!It's done!

The space stone must not be put into storage bags and space rings, otherwise it would not be so troublesome to carry it manually!

The suzerain of Hongya Sect suddenly slapped himself!

"Why am I so blind! I should have invited the boss to Hongyazong just now! Alas, my head..."

Seeing the suzerain like this, dozens of men nearby thought that the suzerain of Hongya sect blamed themselves so much because of their affairs and even slapped themselves. They couldn't help being moved, the suzerain is a good suzerain!

Sovereign, you don't have to.


The lord of the Hongya Sect once again bowed in the direction the carriage was leaving.

This time, he was convinced!


Chapter 13

Hongya Suzerain Hall.

The suzerain of Hongya Sect sat on the chief seat above with a serious face.

There are also elders sitting in twos and threes on the seats on the two sides below, watching their noses, noses, and hearts.

"Great Elder, you should send all the citizens back in person."

The Sect Master of Hongya Sect looked at the Great Elder sitting at the front with some disgust and said.

"Sovereign, those city residents have been sent back safely, and I also gave each of them a blue crystal..."

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