The guards still need to be arranged.

Chen Luo inspected for a while, this time he planned to ask Chen Guang to bring some people to stay.

Although Chen Guang is weak, he still has sharp eyesight.

Of course it is not safe to rely on more than a dozen people to guard the house, and Chen Luo also kept the King of Fa.

It cannot be said that it is foolproof, but the Fawang alone can deal with a team of dozens of people.

Chen Luo and his party drove all the cars with strong loading capacity into a long convoy to the vegetable market.

It's hard not to notice a team like this.

Chen Luo narrowed his eyes, whoever dares to steal my house has to see if you are safe and sound.


There are two more chapters, finished and sent out, almost ten o'clock

Chapter 90 Seduce, Pull

There were 60 people in a group, but they drove 22 cars, all kinds of cars.

Those who can drive drive slowly all the way, while those who can't drive follow the car to clean up the zombies on the road.

The turtle moved forward at a fast speed, and arrived at the vegetable market half an hour later.

To be precise, this is a farmer's market, not a small vegetable market.

Small cold storage, wholesale markets, grain and oil stores, condiment stores, agricultural products, live chickens, ducks and fish are all for sale.

Correspondingly, there are probably thousands of zombies here.

And the density of zombies is relatively concentrated, often more than a dozen zombies gather together.

The method of a four-person team will not work. A dozen zombies use spells together, and it is difficult to avoid them through anticipation and movement.

Head-to-head, there will be casualties.

Chen Luo said with a smile: "Faced with this situation, we must learn to use temptation and constant pulling."

"Jiang Feng, you go to attract zombies, and attract zombies batch by batch."

Jiang Feng had a bitter face, I am a majestic blaster swordsman, and I just do the work of attracting monsters.

For the sake of Jiang Feng's safety, Mi Li added status to him.

Jiang Feng entered the market, and a group of seven or eight zombies outside saw Jiang Feng and quickly chased him out.

As long as you keep a distance of more than 20 meters from the zombies, the zombies will not be able to hurt Jiang Feng, and the range of low-level zombies is not that far.

The first-level zombies can't even catch up with the first-level survivors, let alone Jiang Feng's second-level wind element, as long as Jiang Feng controls the distance well.

The speed of the zombies also varies from fast to slow. As they run, there is a clear gap between the zombies.

Ten members were waiting, and the zombie in front came, and the two members set fire to kill it in seconds.

Normally, level one zombies have a little bit of wisdom, and they will retreat when they see a lot of people.

But, with limited IQ, they think their brothers are right behind.

I have a lot of people too, afraid of you?

In the end, the gourd baby gave it away as if saving grandpa.

This method is not easy to use. First of all, it must be in an open space, otherwise there will be too many obstacles and affect the speed.

Second, there must be no zombies around, otherwise you will be surrounded by zombies, and you won't be able to run away.

Thirdly, don't be too lucky and encounter zombies that run faster than you.

It can't be used to deal with a large number of zombie groups, there are always a few zombies that run almost as fast.

Chen Luo said: "In the future, if you encounter zombies that are a little more than you, you can use this method. There are too many zombies, so don't use it. Don't blame me if you die."

Everyone nodded with bright eyes.

In fact, this method is not very clever, and it is natural to think of it after more contact with zombies.

Several second-level members with good speed attracted zombies separately, and soon, hundreds of zombies outside the vegetable market were cleaned up.

There are only zombies in the center of the vegetable market and the other three sides.

Chen Luo said: "I will attract the zombies below myself."

Chen Luo didn't dare to let Jiang Feng go, otherwise he would directly hang on the wall when he encountered a mutant zombie.

Chen Luo, who is now level five, has a maximum speed of close to 40 meters per second, even if Chen Luo is not a lightning or wind type.

In his previous life, Chen Luo only heard people say that at this time, there was an earth-type mutant zombie in the vegetable market, and its strength was probably at level four, and it might be at level five.

But it can't be level six.

Chen Luo first came to the area where pork, beef and mutton were sold. The space was five to six hundred square meters, and there were about eighty or ninety zombies.

When the zombies saw Chen Luo, they immediately chased him out.

Unlike the outer area, as soon as they saw zombies moving, the zombies crowded in this area also moved.

Like a catfish in a pond.

All the zombies ran after Chen Luo. Seeing this situation in the agricultural products area next door, although they didn't see Chen Luo, they rushed over to join in the fun.

Chen Luo ran away.

To Chen Luo, these zombies were nothing at all, but if they were all killed, they would not be able to train members.

In the agricultural product area, an old farmer zombie, wearing a straw hat, was sitting on a stool. He seemed to be still selling vegetables. When he heard the movement, he also ran out.

It runs very fast, a little faster than Jiang Feng.

Chen Luo slowed down on purpose, otherwise the zombies wouldn't play with him.

There were nearly 200 zombies, and Chen Luo didn't find the old farmer's zombie hidden in the zombie group in time.

Suddenly, Chen Luo felt movement behind him. Looking back, a zombie with extraordinary speed was approaching him quickly. Seeing that, he was about to catch up with him.

The old farmer's zombie issued three spikes of earth, lined up, almost sealing off all of Chen Luo's positions.

Chen Luo is not surprised but happy, to meet you so soon?

Chen Luo squatted down directly, avoiding the spikes, and at the same time began to condense the blade of the void.

Three more spikes struck, and Chen Luo used Void Walk to move behind it in an instant.

Otherwise, the old farmer's zombies would hide in the crowd of zombies, and they would inevitably use void walking.

Walking in the void not only avoided the attack of the old farmer's zombie, but also came behind it when the old farmer's zombie was unsuspecting.

The old farmer's zombie didn't even have time to use the soil shield, and Chen Luo slashed across his head with a sword.

Chen Luo carried the beating head and continued to run forward.

In front of Chen Luo, the fourth-level zombies had no power to fight back.

More than 200 zombies were chasing Chen Luo, and more than 40 zombies were at about the same speed.

If Jiang Feng dared to attract such a group of zombies, he would kill his teammates.

Everyone was stunned to see Chen Luo attracting so many zombies.

Chen Luo shouted: "Everyone run up, take advantage of their speed, throw them away, and prepare spells at the same time, turn around and throw them after roughly aiming, and run after throwing, don't stay."

Chen Luo skipped over the members, and the zombies behind him naturally started chasing the others.

Everyone ran, keeping a little distance from each other.

Zombies can't catch up with them now.

As soon as the spell was ready, some people threw it back. Anyway, there were so many zombies that a blind cat could touch a dead mouse.

No one dared to stay, there was a gap of up to 0.3 seconds.

The zombies couldn't react at all, and when they wanted to fight back, the members had already started running away again.

The zombie forcibly threw the spell, but it couldn't hit anyone at all, and the distance was not enough.

As long as this rhythm is maintained and there are no zombies blocking the road ahead, there will be no danger.

The surrounding zombies have been cleaned up before.

More than 200 zombies were easily eliminated.

Everyone showed happy smiles, even a little excited, as long as they work hard to train this method, no amount of zombies will be enough for them to kill.

Chen Luo shook his head, the premise is that you have to keep up with the evolution of zombies.

Most of the survivors couldn't keep up with the evolution of zombies.

What's more, without Chen Luo killing the old farmer's zombies, no matter what method you use, you can only escape, and how many you can escape depends on luck.


I have to write Chapter 4 even if I don't sleep

Chapter 91 Iron Fist Invincible Xia Haoran

After that, Chen Luo continued to use this method to attract zombies.

Although it's a bit too strenuous, but it's safe to win, otherwise you will face the zombies head-on, and the casualties will be too great.

This method quickly ran into difficulties, as the members' psychic powers were quickly depleted.

After being promoted to the second level, you can probably cast spells about ten times, and you can't kill the zombies in seconds without touching the vital points of the zombies.

Sixty people barely killed more than 400 zombies, and they were already out of breath and could no longer use their abilities.

The members of the elemental system are basically useless.

Next, I can only look at Chen Luo's.

Su Dazhu and others had to kill them carefully, after all, the density of zombies here is higher.

Chen Luo took out the long-lost iron rod.

Level [-] beats level [-], and with the blessing of rice grains, isn't it grandpa beating grandson?

What's more, Chen Luo won't fight head-on.

Chen Luo killed more than 400 zombies by himself, and the rest were mainly killed by Su Dazhu, Mi Ling and others.

After waving it several hundred times with great effort, Chen Luo was a little out of breath.

With a certain amount of zombies, Chen Luo would be exhausted even if he was tired.

Everyone was stunned, especially Wang Chao Liu Qi and others later on. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would have believed it?

One person killed more than half of the zombies in the farmer's market?

However, Chen Luo waved his hand: "Don't stand still, quickly take away the supplies that can be taken away."

Everyone nodded excitedly, with such a boss, who would be unhappy?

Yang Xuan drove the heavy truck in, and there were several large trucks and many small trucks in the farmer's market.

While collecting crystals from the zombies, everyone was looking for the car keys.

The keys to most of the vans were found.

Chen Luo came to the cold storage. This cold storage could not be compared with the cold storage where Chen Luo hoarded pork, it seemed a bit small.

Chen Luo was going to take out some pork and beef. Even if the cold storage had a power outage, it would be too late for everyone to be happy if there was any pork. They would ask why the pork was not spoiled?

Take out ten tons, it's [-] catties.

Chen Luo directly kicked the door of the cold storage, and kicked it open fiercely.


Chen Luo entered the cold storage. To Chen Luo's surprise, the cold storage was still slightly air-conditioned!

Chen Luo was puzzled, didn't the power go off early?

Could it be a backup diesel generator?

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