3 minute later.

Mi Li exclaimed in a low voice: "I, I'm not ready yet."

Grandma Chen Luolang said likewise: "Mili, what time is it now? In this world, no one knows how long they will live."

"There is today, not necessarily tomorrow. When you are ready, your brother Chen Luo may have died."

"Isn't that a pity?"

When Mi Li heard this, she felt that it was so right.

Instead, Mi Li took the initiative to hug Chen Luo.

There are flowers that can be folded straight and must be folded, don't wait until there are no flowers to break the branches.

Chen Luo didn't expect that this happiness came so suddenly, and he thought it would take some time.

For some reason, Chen Luo felt a pair of eyes staring at him.

Chen Luo was in a cold sweat, the rice was here.

Chen Luo threw Rice, who was watching him curiously from the side, out of the room.

rice:? ? ?

Chapter 62

The rice was held by Chen Luo with one hand, and after opening the door with the other hand, the rice was thrown to the ground at a height of more than one meter.

It can be said that it is a bit rough.

Ahem, it can also prove that Chen Luo can't wait.

This kind of height is nothing to a cat, but Mi Fan was stunned.

Mi Fan was very wronged, Chen Luo, you were not like this before.

With a loud noise, the door was immediately locked, and Mi Fan couldn't get in even if he wanted to.

His Holiness lying on the ground seemed to be mocking, honestly sleep with me outside the house.

At this time, Mi Ling opened the door. There was no bathroom in her room, so she thought of the independent bathroom on the third floor.

Seeing Mi Fan, Mi Ling mocked, "This isn't Chen Luo's kitty, why didn't he sleep with him and ran to the living room?"

Mi Mi snorted: "Chen Luo is bullying Mi Li in the room. I saw Mi Li's distress. He must have persuaded me to come out because he was afraid that I would help Mi Li."

Rice should save face, too.

Hearing Mi Fan's words, Mi Ling was stunned.


What kind of bullying method?

Miling is not like rice, he doesn't understand anything.

Mi Ling's expression kept changing, and she subconsciously rushed into the house to help Mi Li.

The King of France stopped her.

No one can enter without the owner's consent.

You have to follow the procedure and knock on the door first.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being disrespectful.

Mi Ling, who was about to knock on the door, suddenly gave up when he thought of something.

If Mi Li wants to, what does it matter if he rushes in by himself?

Mi Ling clenched her fists, damn it, Mi Li has just come of age.

For someone else, Mi Ling could slap him to death.

But this person is Chen Luo.

Mi Ling sighed leisurely, the cabbage in his house was crushed by the pig.

Forget it, isn't it a matter of time?

Mi Ling returned to her room with mixed feelings, Mi Mi wanted to keep up, Mi Mi was used to having someone to sleep with him.

Now I can only spoil Mi Ling.

But Milling slammed the door shut.

Mi Fan's big blue eyes faintly sparkle.

Huh, no one wants my rice.

Mi Ling was inexplicably irritable, tossing and turning, and almost stayed up all night.

Seven o'clock the next morning.

At the dinner table, there is millet porridge and siu mai in the morning.

Chen Luo said: "Sister Yu, fry two poached eggs later."

Ma Yu nodded, and said strangely, "Where are the rice grains? Still sleeping? She doesn't usually sleep in."

Mi Ling sneered: "Why else? I was harmed by someone."

Chen Luo said, how did you know, sister-in-law, that's right, Mi Li didn't come back to the house.

Mayu understood everything at once, so it turned out to be the case.

Mi Li likes Chen Luo, she has already seen it, but it is difficult for Chen Luo to eat it until now.

Originally, she thought that Chen Luo would be impatient for a long time, it was not easy.

In this troubled world now, there is no leisure for you to fall in love slowly.

Ma Yu glanced at Mi Ling as if nothing had happened. How would Chen Luo deal with this sister-in-law?

The Fawang was on the side, swallowing the breakfast made for it, but the rice was lying on the sofa with a cold face.

Chen Luo came to Mi Fan with a guilty conscience: "Mi Fan, why don't you eat, it's not good to be hungry."

Mi Mi snorted softly: "Mi Mi is very angry, and the consequences will be serious."

Chen Luo said embarrassingly, "How serious is it?"

Last night, I was anxious and threw the rice out. It is normal for rice to be angry.

Mi Fan raised her head: "How serious is it? The kind that a small dried fish can't coax well."

Chen Luo smiled: "Will the ten sticks work?"

"No, I need 20."

"Okay, deal."

"Well then, for the sake of your sincerity, I forgive you, hug."

Chen Luo's heart almost melted, she was so cute.


Chen Luo stroked the rice lightly: "Mi Rice, you can be hugged during the day, but you are already a mature kitten, and you need a cat to sleep at night."

It is necessary to cultivate Mi Mi's independent consciousness as soon as possible. Chen Luo doesn't want to sleep with Mi Mi, nor does he want to sleep with Mi Mi.

Bring breakfast into the room and give it to Mi Li. Mi Li shyly left the room after eight o'clock, not daring to look at anyone.

Chen Luo didn't fall into the gentleness, and still acted according to yesterday's plan.

Chen Luo gathered everyone together and began to train them.

The main thing is to train the application of spells. If the spells are not accurate, what is the use?

For all elements, give them a fixed target and let them use very little force to aim and practice.

Mi Ling has already hit very accurately, so let her hit Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng will soon face a large number of first-level zombies, and the first-level zombies are not the kind of close combat, but spells.

If hit, minor injuries are minor.

Dodging spells is necessary.

It happened that Mi Ling was used to train Jiang Feng.

For someone with a physical system like Su Dazhu, just help him from the sidelines.

At ten o'clock, Chen Luo checked the time and arranged for Ma Yu to start cooking.

Originally, Chen Luo prepared extra meals for everyone, including bacon or canned luncheon meat, but last night he had a bridal chamber and was very happy.

Add a big meal.

Chen Luo deliberately exposed a generator in his garage, so that it is reasonable to have meat in the refrigerator.

Chen Luo took out about twenty catties of pork and asked Ma Yu to make braised pork with potatoes.

Ma Yu cooks meals for so many people by herself, she can still be busy with a bit of hard work, but she can't always let her do it alone.

In the future, the team will get bigger and bigger, and Ma Yu can't always rely on one person.

Chen Luo assigned her an assistant, Jiang Ling, the girl who had awakened the power of the light department. She didn't need to practice much, she just assisted in the back.

Although the cooking can't be compared with Mayu's, it's not bad.

The meat that Chen Luo took out was from the cold storage, which was similar to the one from the refrigerator.

When Jiang Ling saw the pork, his eyes were a little straight, and he swallowed subconsciously.


Ma Yu smiled and said, "Chen Luo feels that you haven't had a good meal for so many days, so I specially give you extra meals."

Mayu can't always say, hi, this is a wedding banquet.

Jiang Ling was in charge of peeling the potatoes and cutting them into cubes, washing the rice a little and starting to cook it, and Ma Yu was in charge of cutting the meat and cooking.

Didn't everyone know that they ate braised pork with potatoes until the meal was ready?

Without the slightest bit of oil and water in their stomachs, their stomachs began to wriggle immediately.

There was no living room that could accommodate nearly 30 people, so Chen Luo simply moved the dining table to the yard.

Everyone is having fun together.

The fragrant braised pork and rice tempt everyone's stomach.

Chen Luo understood their feelings and said without any nonsense, "Let's serve dinner."

Each paired with a bottle of Coke.

What Chen Luo took out was [-] catties of pork, and each of the [-] people could get about [-] taels. With potatoes, it was enough for everyone to have a delicious meal.

Everyone couldn't help but rejoice that it was great to hang out with Chen Luo.

While eating, some girls couldn't help but shed tears, they were so excited.

The smell of braised pork seemed to spread far away, attracting a dilapidated car, and a man and a woman with haggard looks alighted from it, who seemed to be brother and sister.

Chapter 63 Test

The man and woman who got out of the car were indeed a pair of brother and sister, the elder brother was named Li Ming, and the younger sister was named Li Hui.

They felt that staying in the urban area would become more and more dangerous, so they took the risk and came to a remote location.

I thought that a remote location would be much better, and there might be a rescue base, but I didn't expect that there were indeed fewer zombies than in the urban area.

But like the supplies in the supermarket, all are gone.

They came to Chen Luo's place and were very happy to see the supermarket in the villa area, but they were disappointed after entering.

After overturning two villas, there was no water, and they dared not drink tap water.

They still have a little food, and they are not hungry, but they have not drank water for almost a day, but they have not found water, and their lips are already very chapped.

Little sister Li Hui heard a voice from Chen Luo, so she rushed over to have a look.

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