The two zombies smelled Ma Yu's breath, and immediately changed their aimless wandering, roaring and rushing towards Ma Yu.

Ma Yu's mind was blank, only one thought.

It's ridiculous, I saved a group of people, and then they killed them.

Facing the rushing zombies, Ma Yu knew that he would never escape, so he closed his eyes and waited for death.

Chen Luosu Dazhu, led by Liu Wenbo who is familiar with the hotel environment, came to the fourth floor from a staircase.

This staircase happens to be not far from the cold storage.

Hearing Lin Yier's voice, Chen Luo walked over to take a look, and happened to see two zombies pounced on Ma Yu.

Chen Luo wasn't sure it was Ma Yu at first, but looking at the long braid on Ma Yu's back, he felt like Ma Yu.

But the Fawang is sure, it has seen Ma Yu many times, and knows that the purpose of this time is to find Ma Yu.

Mayu's smell is familiar to it.

The Fawang started instantly, and the distance of more than ten meters was reached in a second.

Rocket hammer.

The Fawang hit the zombie with all his head.

The physical fitness of the Dharma king is also continuously enhanced as the level increases.

The two zombies who were very close were knocked to the ground by the Fa Wang, and Su Dazhu who rushed to the two zombies immediately made up the knife.

Chen Luo looked at Ma Yu in surprise.

The cook is not dead, I am lucky.

Five days, do you know how I live these five days?

There is such a segment in the movie God of Cookery, an extremely ugly chef with amazing skills, but Master Xing looks at him and has no appetite.

Negative Ratings.

A chef with exquisite cooking skills, long and seductive eyes is rare.

Otherwise, looking at the dishes made by a rough guy, Chen Luo would directly give him [-] points off.

Ma Yu looked at the Karmapa in astonishment. She also knew the Karmapa, and the lack of a left ear was even more obvious.

Chen Luo approached and said with a smile: "Ma Yu, it's me, Chen Luo, I came here to save you."

I took such a big risk to come here, so I asked you if you were moved?

Be determined to be my cook.

After the astonishment passed, Ma Yu was really moved, and said excitedly: "Chen Luo, thank you."

Just as Su Dazhu was about to help Ma Yu up, several zombies around and the zombies in the conference hall heard the commotion and all started to rush over.

Temporarily having no time to reminisce with Ma Yu, Chen Luo and Su Dazhu guarded the door, one on the left and the other on the right, together with the Fa Wang in the middle, massacred the zombies who came to deliver them.

Waves of zombies came to send them off.

If there were more than 100 zombies gathered together, Chen Luo really didn't dare to bear it.

After a while, there was no longer a living zombie.

The few people in the cold storage saw everything through a window on the cold storage door, but they did not hear the conversation between Chen Luo and the others.

Lin Yier covered her mouth excitedly, tears flashed in her eyes, she was saved.

After persisting for five days, he was finally saved.

Li Lin, a business tycoon, no longer hurts his legs.

But the people in the cold storage were not at ease, and opened the door only after there were no more zombies.

Li Lin said with a smile on his face: "Thank you two heroes for saving us."

Lin Yier took off the mask, smiled, showing a reserved and pure appearance: "Hi, I'm Lin Yier, nice to meet you."

How could Chen Luo know that she was Lin Yier if she didn't take off the mask.

She is a top star in the first line, only a little away from the king of heaven.

Maybe these two people are my fans, taking care of myself is better than taking care of Li Lin.

Chen Luo cast her a glance, ah, you are too happy too soon.

Chen Luo asked Ma Yu, "What's going on? I'll make the decision for you."

Everyone else hid well in the cold storage, only Ma Yu was outside and was almost eaten by zombies.

It was not difficult for Chen Luo to guess that something nasty happened.

For some reason, upon hearing Chen Luo's words, Ma Yu's grievance welled up in his heart, and he choked up and told what had happened.

Chen Luo sneered, so don't be a good person.

Ma Yu herself is valuable, Chen Luocai came to save her, but she is worthless, I care about your life.

Li Lin and the others looked at each other, as if they were Ma Yu's acquaintances.

Hmph, there is no such thing as unbalanced by money in this world.

Li Lin said with a smile: "This little brother, can you please send me home, after the crisis is resolved, you can work in my company with a monthly salary of 20."

20 is not low, more than 200 million a year, how many wage earners can get this figure?

Do it for a few years and become a multi-millionaire.

One person took out a check and handed it to Chen Luo: "Just take me to a safe place and fill it out as you like."

Just write?I don't know if I can write one billion yuan.

This is the legendary empty promise.

Chen Luo called him a good guy, he is more capable than me as a white wolf.

Seeing this, Ma Yu wanted to laugh. She didn't know how much Chen Luo was worth, but at least she knew that Chen Luo's villa alone was worth a few E. Of those present, the only one who was richer than Chen Luo was Li Lin.

Chapter 27 The Luckiest Thing

Everything Ma Yu said made Su Dazhu angry.

He hates this kind of person who repays revenge the most.

They took you to rescue, but they wanted to send you to death instead.

Is this something people can do?

Su Dazhu couldn't help but stepped forward and gave each of them a big bag.

Lin Yier didn't let it go either.

The strength of Su Dazhu's hand made them dizzy.

Li Lin said angrily: "You..."

After all, he still didn't dare to speak harshly. He just saw the scene of these two people killing zombies.

These people covered their faces, daring to be angry and dare not speak.

Lin Yi'er lowered her head, feeling endless humiliation.

Liu Wenbo opened his mouth wide, you are too courageous, aren't you afraid of their revenge?

These people are not simple, and they have a deep relationship background.

Chen Luo scoffed at the conditions offered by several people.

In the last days, is money still useful?

Wiping your butt is not as good as toilet paper.

Just live in a dream, 20 per month?

Made, look down on people.

As for the big star Lin Yi'er, after the end of the world, this kind of person is the worst. He looks good and has a star halo.

Countless evil hands stretched out to them, life would be worse than death.

Ma Yu was so angry that she would have died if it wasn't for Chen Luo, and she couldn't help but slap Li Lin and the others. Lin Yier was the focus of care.

Ma Yu had no strength, and the slap was not loud at all.

Not very harmful, but very insulting.

Li Lin suppressed his anger, and said in a low voice: "Little brother, you also vented your anger on your friend. It is indeed our fault. As long as you can send us to a safe place, no matter what the conditions are, you can mention them."

Chen Luo has always adhered to a principle, as long as you are my enemy, if there is a chance to kill you, I will never let it go.

These people have been sentenced to death by Chen Luo.

As for the halo of the rich and famous, hey, there is a P.

Chen Luo was afraid of scaring his female chef, so he pretended to go out to find the rope, and when he came back, he brought the rope from the supernatural space.

"Hey, we won't kill you either, but tie you up. Whether you can survive is up to fate."

Li Lin was furious: "What's the difference between you and killing us? Do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes?"

Su Dazhu sneered and said, "Then when you threw her out, didn't you think about this problem?"

Ma Yu, who couldn't bear it at first, immediately turned cold, but whispered to Chen Luo: "Chen Luo, thank you, but forget it, kill them, and you will suffer."

In Ma Yu's consciousness, he didn't think that the order had collapsed.

Chen Luo smiled indifferently: "If you saved them, they will all harm you. I will definitely not save them. Can they not hold grudges?"

"Being kind to the enemy is being cruel to yourself. Don't worry, I know it well."

Li Lin and the others would not stand still and wait for death. Looking at the big iron rod covered in blood in Su Dazhu's hand, they didn't have the courage to step forward to fight at all.

I can only want to escape like birds and beasts scattered.

Chen Luo took out the electric baton and hit each of those who wanted to escape.

Screams sounded.

Su Dazhu stepped forward and began to tie them up.

What Chen Luo didn't expect was that Lin Yi'er actually knelt down and walked forward on her knees, with tears in her eyes, she was about to take off Chen Luo's pants.

"Help me, I'm willing to do anything."

Lin Yier planned to betray her lust, so many people watched, but Lin Yier, who had experienced big scenes, did not panic at all.

Her reputation is not very good, and she doesn't care what everyone thinks. She can explain it afterwards, and everything is a scandal.

Chen Luo turned pale in shock. You, you, take off your pants if you disagree with me?

Chen Luo said coldly: "Get out, I think it's dirty."

Lin Yi'er said pitifully: "I haven't showered for several days, it's inevitable to get dirty, you can wash it for me."

Liu Wenbo looked at it with envy, and shouted in his heart, if something comes at me, I don't think it's dirty, this is a big star.

It's dirty, he can't wash it off.

Chen Luo directly stuffed a stinky rag into her mouth.

Chen Luo said: "Let's go, let them fend for themselves."

Chen Luo would not leave such a threat, but if he killed them face to face, he was afraid of frightening Ma Yu.

Chen Luo took Ma Yu downstairs, ready to go back, and the two tasks that came out were all successfully completed.

Secretly gave the King of France an order.

The Fawang understood, and after turning around, he went to the third floor to attract some zombies and brought them to Li Lin, Lin Yi'er and others.

Everyone in Li Lin looked at the rushing zombies, except for Lin Yi'er who was gagged, they all screamed.

Chen Luo shrugged his shoulders: "It seems that they are not very lucky to encounter zombies so soon."

Ma Yu sighed: "They were eaten by zombies, it's none of your business, Chen Luo."

Liu Wenbo opened his mouth: "Brother, I want to follow you."

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