People who eat a lot will naturally have better aptitude, and their strength will grow faster.

The power that can be absorbed at one time will also increase with the growth of strength.

Based on the experience of his previous life, Chen Luo reckoned that he could absorb the power of 8 crystals at a time.

That's a lot. A person with poor aptitude may not be able to absorb all the power of a single crystal when he first awakens.

The power contained in each crystal is not the same, more or less, but the difference is not big. A total of about [-] are absorbed, and the strength of a second-level supernatural being can probably be achieved the day after tomorrow.

Sucking and sucking, Chen Luo sat up all of a sudden.

"It's not right, I absorbed five, why do I feel like I just inhaled a little bit."

Originally, after absorbing five crystals, Chen Luo should have been more than half full, but now, it's just like stuffing teeth.

This is of course a good situation, the more power absorbed at one time, the faster the strength will grow.

Chen Luo was both surprised and delighted and began to absorb it again.

When he absorbed the 21st one, Chen Luo's head suddenly hurt, but it didn't hurt like when he woke up in the morning.

Chen Luo couldn't believe it, I reached the second level on the first day of the end of the world?

In the previous life, he was only promoted on the 14th day.

In the morning, when Chen Luo just woke up, he was able to launch four space balls at once. Now, Chen Luo can launch at least 15 times.

And the power has increased a little.

Dealing with zombies, there was no qualitative change. Killing eleven or twelve zombies was the most, but it still couldn't keep up with the efficiency of the electric baton.

Regardless of this change, Chen Luo continued to absorb the power of the crystal.

After reaching the second level, the effect of the lowest-level crystals on Chen Luo has been weakened a lot, because the power of this kind of crystals is not pure enough.

Once reaching the fourth level, the lowest level of crystal power will have no effect at all, and can only be barely used to speed up the recovery of strength.

Therefore, Chen Luo didn't even bother to pick up some zombie crystals, as long as they were enough.

It wasn't until he absorbed 42 crystals that Chen Luo felt that he had reached his limit and couldn't absorb any more. Part of the reason he was able to absorb so much was because he had reached the second level.

Level up, not only abilities, but physical fitness has also been strengthened a little.

The physical fitness of a king-level supernatural user is no worse than that of a tenth-level physical system superhuman.

Weakness is also relative.

Feeling the power in his body, Chen Luo stood up, wondering if he could use the Void Sword now.

Chen Luo began to condense the strength of his whole body into the palm of his hand, condensing into the shape of a sword.

This sword is not invisible, invisible.

A pale white laser-like lightsaber gathered in Chen Luo's hand.

In less than five seconds, Chen Luo collapsed on the bed profusely in sweat. Using this ability reluctantly was too exhausting for him.

Chapter 19

In Chen Luo's previous life, when he was at the ninth level, he controlled the Void Walk, and at the king level, he controlled the Dimensional Blade.

It's not to say that you must be level nine to master void walking, everything depends on comprehension ability, and there are no NPC skill instructors to teach you skills.

Now as long as there is enough energy in his body, Chen Luo can use the void walk at the first level, but obviously, at the first level, it is impossible to have enough strength to support the void walk.

Chen Luo reckoned that he would have to be level [-] to be able to barely use the void walk, but it was only a short-distance void walk, a maximum of [-] meters.

All of Chen Luo's powers can be consumed in one go.

The Sword of the Void is the ability that Chen Luo mastered when he was at the seventh level. It condenses the power of space and becomes tangible.

The Void Sword is extremely sharp, cutting iron like mud is not enough to describe it, it can cut the target's body in half, but no blood will flow out.

He couldn't fight, and the treatment didn't work at all, unless there were other powerful space-type abilities to help.

It is Chen Luo's powerful weapon for killing people and stealing goods, and sneak attacking the target.

At its peak, the Void Sword that Chen Luo condensed was like substance, and could easily last for half an hour.

Now, there is only a faint light and shadow, and it doesn't take five seconds.

Chen Luo, who was completely exhausted, smiled and didn't care. It would be good if he could use it. Facing some existences with very strong defenses, he could already pose a threat.

Unable to continue absorbing crystals, Chen Luo, who was tired all day, soon fell asleep.

His Holiness not only had to work, but also guarded the house.

His Majesty's sense of hearing and smell is very well developed, and it is more effective than any bodyguard to guard him.

If it can solve the trouble, it will solve it by itself, if it can't solve it, it will notify Chen Luo.

It can be said that with Dharma King, Chen Luo can sleep peacefully, otherwise, Chen Luo will be very tired and always have to be on guard against unexpected guests.

His Holiness: I feel that I have endured a lot that I should not have endured, and my dog ​​life is full of exhaustion.

The next morning, Chen Luo asked Su Dazhu and the Fawang about the absorption of crystals.

Su Dazhu said excitedly: "Brother, the method you said is really effective. I feel that my strength has increased a lot. Er, I have absorbed seven crystals."

Seven yuan is already very good.

Fa Wang called nine times in a row, which meant that he ate nine yuan.

Chen Luo hehe, fortunately it's not 99 yuan, otherwise you would have to bid 99 yuan.

When you have a subordinate, why not give you a nine-year compulsory education.

Su Dazhu looked at the Fawang in amazement, this dog is really not simple, he was so hungry yesterday, he didn't pay much attention to it, but today he found out that this dog is not ordinary.

However, you ate nine yuan, and I only had seven yuan. What does this mean?

I have to go to the grain depot today and take away all the rice and flour there.

After thinking about it, Chen Luo still took Su Dazhu along.

But obviously, Su Dazhu doesn't have this kind of personality, and he won't sit back and enjoy his success at home.

Then it's better to take Su Dazhu with him, not only to take care of him, but also to let Su Dazhu become proficient in fighting.

Chen Luo gave him the armor prepared for Su Dazhu, let him familiarize himself with it, and gave him two electric batons.

This set of armor is not heavy for Su Dazhu who is strong, it is equivalent to ordinary people wearing winter clothes.

As for Chen Luo, after being promoted to the second-level ability user, his strength has also increased a little bit, and it seems a lot easier to put on the armor.

After everything is ready, start to go.

It's not that there are no other survivors in the community, but except for a few people, they will not take the risk to come out unless they are forced to do so.

Still watching the situation at home.

When leaving the community, Chen Luo walked away with the supplies from the supermarket in his villa area.

When he came to the place where the heavy truck was parked, Chen Luo smiled.

The heavy truck was safe and sound, and the free guard was fine.

Seeing the zombies, Su Dazhu had armor and electric batons, ready to move.

However, Chen Luo stopped him: "These are all free labor, just let the king lead them away."

The French king walked the dog skillfully and easily lured away all the zombies.

Su Dazhu said depressingly: "Why, I feel that the dog of the King of Fa is more useful than me."

Chen Luo laughed, and comforted him: "Don't compare with a dog, what it can do, I can't do, each has its own strengths."

"It dares to eat shit, do you dare?"

After Fa Wang got into the car, Chen Luo didn't drive towards the grain depot, but headed towards the suburbs first.

To get to the grain depot, you have to take a detour, or you have to go through the urban area. With a population of 3000 million in Shendu, isn't this courting death?

It's well worth the extra time to detour.

Chen Luo was familiar with driving. Before the apocalypse, Chen Luo had specially studied the routes and how many routes reached the grain depot.

And reached the stepping point near the grain depot.

On the road, many survivors like Huang Mao tried to block the road, but Chen Luo did not slow down.

If you dare to stop, I dare to hit you.

It took Chen Luo more than five hours to reach the 100-kilometer road.

The grain depot is a three-story building, quite long, but not very big overall.

Even if it is all filled with food, it won't hold much.

But below it is a very large basement, which stores unknown grains.

The area above the ground is just office space.

Chen Luo directly drove the heavy truck into the grain depot. In this spacious area, it is not easy for a heavy truck to kill zombies.

Chen Luo kept circling around the grain depot, and didn't stop until almost all the zombies inside were killed.

During the process, Chen Luo didn't see any survivors.

If there is, if you hear the movement on your side, you will definitely call for help.

Chen Luo narrowed his eyes. There are quite a few staff members in this grain depot. There shouldn't be a single survivor.

Chen Luo came to the corridor leading to the basement in the office building. The door of the corridor was not closed, it was wide open.

The aisle was pitch black. Chen Luo took out a flashlight and took a look. When he saw a white bone, his pupils shrank suddenly.

This is obviously the remains of a human being, with all the flesh and blood gone, leaving only a skeleton.

There are some kind of mutated small creatures in the grain depot.

Is it an ant or a mouse?

Normal zombies gnawed on humans, and there would definitely be some leftovers left over, which they couldn't eat cleanly.

Only mutated creatures like ants and mice can eat so cleanly.

They are very weak, and their individual strength is small, but they cannot support a large number.

A large army of ants, Chen Luo has seen a group of hundreds of thousands of them, and anyone who sees them has to run away.

The skull of this white bone is facing Chen Luo, and the whole body is tilted towards Chen Luo.

It can be deduced that when he walked towards the basement, he found the terrifying creature inside, and hurriedly turned back to escape, but he failed to escape.

Chen Luo hesitated for a moment, in case he encountered an astonishing number of guys, he was really not sure that he would not overturn the car.

But if you don't go down to collect food, you won't be able to come for a long time.

Chen Luo still gritted his teeth, he couldn't take risks, and it didn't matter if he lost it, the safety of his life was important.

"Squeak, squeak."

Chen Luo's complexion changed drastically, and he pulled Su Dazhu away without hesitation.

This voice is a group of rats.

Chapter 20 Mutant Rat King

The current situation is not whether Chen Luo wants to enter the basement of the grain depot, but the group of rats smelled the smell of Chen Luo and others and ran out.

Chen Luo wasn't afraid of ordinary rats, even if there were hundreds of them, Chen Luo didn't panic too much.

The key is that I don't know the number of rats. If there are thousands of rats, then GG.

At present, Chen Luo lacks large-scale killing methods. Once he is surrounded and thrown to the ground, he can only wait for death.

The electric baton is absolutely unable to kill a large number of rats, it has a power limit.

Chen Luo, who didn't understand the specific situation, was absolutely unwilling to fight to the death, so he pulled Su Dazhu and ran away.

Chen Luo finally understood why there was no survivor at the grain depot.

With the sharp teeth of mutant mice, except for solid thick iron doors, such as safes, ordinary anti-theft doors, and wooden office doors, they can't stop mice at all.

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