"Such an arrogant young man from a wealthy family has done many evil things behind his back, and he may even have killed someone. I support Jiangbei's high-level officials to send people to investigate!"

"Investigate? Hehe, who dares to investigate me, First Young Master Su, I can't kill him!"

"Upstairs is excellent."


For a while, Su Yang also became angry.

It is mainly the reporters on the scene, either big V, or short video bloggers with millions of fans, they unite, it is too easy to push a hot spot.

In just a few minutes, "I'm Young Master Su" became a trending search, and the rankings continued to rise.

So much so, I am Young Master Su has become a hot word on the Internet, used to threaten and intimidate when pretending to be coercive...

Chapter 149 Reporter: Are you angry about getting up?

The reason why the video shot on the spot exploded is that these media have a lot of traffic, and there is another reason.

That is, the video clipped the beginning and the end, and did not present it completely. The incident about Su Yang making the security guard double his salary was cut out from the video.

The crusade on the Internet is getting louder and louder, "I am Young Master Su", this sentence is widely used.

Su Yang didn't know that what he did just now caused an uproar on the Internet.

He came to the first floor of Fengmao Building, but he didn't see Li Feixuan, so he called to find out that his wife had gone to the bathroom, so he waited outside for a few minutes.

"Su Yang."

At this moment, Li Feixuan came out of the bathroom, her beautiful and delicate jade face was full of sorrow.

"Honey, I haven't seen you for a few days. Why do you look so haggard?" Su Yang asked with concern.

"You have the nerve to ask."

Concubine Li gave Su Yang a white look, and then said: "I haven't been able to contact you these few days, and I haven't seen Uncle Su. I heard from my grandfather that something happened to your family, so I am very worried about you."


Su Yang approached Li Feixuan, and said with a playful smile: "Honey, you are so worried about me, you don't think you will fall in love with me?"

"I, I...how can I be so fast!" Li Feixuan brushed her hair on her forehead, blushing and said: "I just care about you from the perspective of a friend."

"So that's the case." Su Yang smiled softly: "That's okay, as long as you don't like me."

"What's the meaning."

Concubine Li Xuan heard the words, her jade face turned ugly, she gritted her teeth and said, "Su Yang, you don't want me to like you? I like you, is it a shameful thing for you?"

"No, my wife, you misunderstood."

Su Yang met Li Feixuan's gaze, and then said: "It's like this, we've only just started dating, and you fell in love with me before I showed any seriousness, it's too easy, it made me There is no sense of accomplishment.”

"In the future, if I perform well and shine brightly, will you still love me to death?"

"So, it's better for us to take it slowly, and I'll make you fall in love with me bit by bit." Su Yang said seriously.


Concubine Li curled her lips and said: "It's still shining brightly, I love you to death?"

"Su Yang, you are too arrogant, maybe I will fall in love with others in the future!"

Concubine Li Xuan said arrogantly: "After all, there are many suitors for a good girl like me. If I just pick one, they are more handsome than you."

"Tch, what's the use of being handsome, and he can't be eaten, are those people as old as me?" Su Yang said with a face full of disdain.

"Haha, what does it mean to be as old as you? I don't care about age. I accept it when I'm two years old. So what if I'm not as old as you..."

As Li Feixuan was talking, she saw a playful smirk on Su Yang's face, and the people passing by also had weird faces.


what big

Li Feixuan immediately realized that she was extremely ashamed, and said in a low voice with her jade face blushing: "Su Yang, you are going to die, what are you talking about, what's the big deal, there are so many people here, it's not embarrassing!"

"My wife, the conscience of heaven and earth, I have the same idea as you, that is to say, their age is all wrong."

Su Yang said innocently: "Besides, you shouted it yourself, so what does it have to do with me?"

"You... huh!"

Li Feixuan snorted coldly, knowing that she couldn't talk to Su Yang, so she stopped continuing the topic and said instead: "Su Yang, let's go eat hot pot, I want to order two shrimp slips!"

"Honey, are you hungry?" Su Yang smiled.


Li Feixuan nodded seriously, her eyes lit up, she looked like a snack at the moment.

"I'm hungry, why bother to eat hot pot, mine is so big, it can be eaten as a meal." Su Yang smiled wickedly.

"You are looking for a fight!"

Concubine Li Xuan's face darkened, and she glanced at Su Yang angrily, and she was about to teach Su Yang a lesson.

Su Yang smiled lightly, and quickly dodged, Li Feixuan was chasing after him.

In this way, the two chased after each other, and soon came to the exit of the building.

"Okay, Su Yang, let's stop making trouble with you. You go out first to attract their attention, and I will sneak away by myself. We will keep in touch and meet somewhere after we leave." Li Feixuan said in a low voice.

"Honey, how long have you been stuck here." Su Yang asked with a smile.

"Actually, it's been less than a day. I deliberately said it for a few days, and wanted you to come here soon." Li Feixuan was a little embarrassed.


Su Yang smiled, he didn't expect his wife to lie, and then he asked curiously: "My wife, why don't you want to be interviewed?"

"I'm not interested in becoming an Internet celebrity, I just want to do my dance training well, so that more people can understand classical dance." Li Feixuan said seriously.

"Well, then I think you should accept their interview."

Su Yang came up with an idea: "Now that you are so popular, you will definitely gain a lot of attention. You can just use your fame to promote classical dance and teach more people to dance."

"I've thought about this too, but I really don't want to be an Internet celebrity. I watch those anchors broadcast live every day, and they have everything they say in the live broadcast room. I don't want others to judge." Li Feixuan said seriously.

"Honey, your values ​​are fine. Who said you must start a live broadcast? You can gather all these people on your official account, and post a video article or something when you're happy."

Su Yang said with a smile: "Don't you also want to promote your dance training class, the effect of interviews will be better."

"It's true...but... I'm afraid to face so many media." Li Feixuan said in a low voice.

Su Yang comforted: "It's okay, I'll cheer you up from behind, if you think the interview is almost done, give me a sign, and I'll take you to eat hot pot."

"What if they don't want to let me go?" Li Feixuan smiled wryly.

"They dare, I'm Young Master Su, I punch a little reporter, don't worry." Su Yang laughed.


After being comforted by Su Yang, Li Feixuan mustered up her courage, walked through the revolving glass door, and soon appeared in front of many reporters.

"Come out, Miss Li Feixuan is out!"

"It's so beautiful. It's exactly the same as in the video. There is no beautification or filter. She is a pure natural beauty!"

"Her facial features are so classic, it's just like my aesthetics. I, a female blogger with 500 million followers, actually became her fan just by looking at her!"


In an instant, all kinds of long guns and short cannons were aimed at Li Feixuan, frantically taking pictures and recording videos.

"Hello everyone, I'm Li Feixuan. If you have any questions you want to ask, you can ask them now." Li Feixuan smiled, but it was obvious that she was a little nervous.

After the voice fell, the reporter standing at the front put the radio microphone next to Li Feixuan, and asked: "Miss Li Feixuan, as we all know, one minute on stage, ten years off stage, your classical dance skills The performance is so good, it should be due to hard work and practice, fans are very curious, do you have the habit of sleeping in, in other words, do you have the energy to wake up?"

"I haven't." Li Feixuan shook her head and answered seriously.

"It seems that everyone's guess is correct. You must wake up very early every day and practice dance hard, so you can present the best dance to everyone." The reporter said with a smile.

"No, I didn't wake up angry because..."

Who knows, Li Feixuan was a little embarrassed, and added in a low voice: "I only wake up when I'm out of breath..."

Chapter 150 The Lovely Concubine Li Xuan

Didn't wake up angry, did I get up because I didn't get angry when I fell asleep?

As soon as this sentence came out, all the reporters on the scene were stunned, and then everyone laughed.

"Haha hiccup, Miss Li Feixuan is so cute, I love love as a girl!"

"I don't get up until I'm out of breath, Miss Li Feixuan, the world is real."

"The classical dance is so good and so cute, who doesn't like Miss Li Feixuan?"


Most of the reporters at the scene have become Li Feixuan's fans, and the scene is almost turning into Li Feixuan's fan meeting.


There are also a few reporters who think that the reason why Li Feixuan is popular all over the Internet must be related to capital, and there is a team behind it. Otherwise, why should others post so many video works that are not popular, and her one video becomes popular?

So, one of the reporters stood up and asked: "Miss Li Feixuan, you became popular all over the Internet almost overnight, especially on the Douyin short video platform. scary."

"These are things that many short video bloggers dream of but can't get. How did you do it, or do you have anything to do with the Douyin short video platform?"




As soon as these words came out, the scene fell silent instantly, and everyone's eyes fell on Li Feixuan.

They are also speculating on this issue, and feel that behind Li Feixuan, it must be related to capital, and perhaps signed a contract with the Douyin platform long ago, so Douyin pushed her crazily.

Everyone is waiting for an answer.

At this time, Li Feixuan said truthfully: "Do I have anything to do with the Douyin short video platform... Yes."

"Hehe, let me just say, how could someone suddenly become popular for no reason, this is definitely a hype!"

"Although Miss Li Feixuan is very beautiful and her dance is also good-looking, but without the capital to fuel the flames, it will definitely not be so popular."

"If there is no accident, Miss Li Feixuan has already signed a contract with Douyin, or signed with some big unions, all of which are packaged."

"It was the first time I met him, and within a few days of becoming famous, he admitted that he had a team, hehe, Li Feixuan's EQ is worrying, this kind of person is short-lived, and after losing the favor of the audience, the popularity will soon disappear. "

Some reporters began to look down on Li Feixuan, and their words were slightly contemptuous.

The reporter who asked this question showed a smug smile, and then asked: "Miss Li Feixuan, what is your relationship with Douyin, can you tell me in detail, fans are very curious."

"Of course it's convenient, there's nothing we can't say about it." Li Feixuan nodded and said.

Hearing this, many reporters held their breaths and concentrated, not daring to breathe, and stared at Li Feixuan intently, while their guns and short cannons were ready.

Generally, anchors, Internet celebrities, signing contracts, etc. are all confidential and will not take the initiative to disclose them to the public.

Li Feixuan, who is now popular all over the Internet, openly admits that she has something to do with the Douyin platform, and is willing to tell everyone in detail that this is definitely a big hit, so everyone is looking forward to it.

"My relationship with Douyin..."

Concubine Li paused for a moment, then said seriously: "I... am a Douyin user."


what relationship?

Douyin's... users?

Fuck, after a long time, it turns out that the so-called relationship is this relationship.

In this way, who does not have something to do with Douyin, we are also Douyin users, what is the relationship?

"Haha, I laughed so hard."

"I didn't expect Miss Li Feixuan to have such a side. I thought she had something to do with Douyin."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. Miss Li Feixuan has a low EQ. She is in the atmosphere this time."

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