How can this guy do things so well?

Obviously it was you who proposed to bet on Li Feixuan, and Mr. Su is such a good gambler that if he loses, he will give Li Feixuan to you, but you backhandedly clicked the report.

Do you do it politely?

Chapter 9 He... Seriously?

Su Yang stared at Zhao Wenbin with hairs all over his body, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva in panic.

Immediately afterwards, he hurriedly said: "Well, Concubine Xuan, my dad just sent me a message saying that something happened at home and urged me to go home. I, I will leave first."

"Well, goodbye, Young Master Zhao, thank you for calling Qiqi that day." Li Feixuan thanked again.

"You're welcome."

Zhao Wenbin responded casually, then turned around and was about to leave.


At this time, Su Yang said coldly: "Did I let you go?"

"Young Master Su, you are willing to bet and admit defeat. Isn't that just losing the dog fight? Are you still targeting me?"

Zhao Wenbin gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to do this, no one in Jiangbei will dare to bet with you in the future!"

Young Master Su had two hobbies in his life.

One is women, and the other is gambling.

Dog fighting, card games, racing cars, all involved.

In the past, Young Master Su was extremely poor at gambling, and he refused to admit his losses, and he was the number one young master in Jiangbei.

Even if they reneged on their debts, everyone didn't dare to fart too much. Although they didn't say it on the surface, everyone gradually stopped betting with Young Master Su.

This made Young Master Su, who had become addicted to gambling, miserable. After paying off all the debts, he reintegrated into the gambling circle of the rich and young in Jiangbei.

And since then, Young Master Su is willing to gamble and admit defeat, never defaults on his debts, and has a very good reputation.

Zhao Wenbin knew of Young Master Su's weakness, that's why he said the above paragraph.


The current Young Master Su is no longer the playful gambler he was before.


Su Yang just slapped his hands, and then sneered: "Go to hell, who said that I targeted you because I lost the dog fight?"

"Ten days ago, I didn't want to go to school, so I wanted to level the school, so I paid Wang Fugui to contact the bulldozer."

Su Yang stared at Zhao Wenbin, and continued, "I heard that you contacted the bulldozer?"

"Yes, yes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the bulldozer I contacted!"

Zhao Wenbin's expression changed drastically, and he said hastily, "I have nothing to do with your accident. It's because you can't drive a bulldozer that you were buried."

Seeing the change in Zhao Wenbin's expression, Su Yang knew in his heart that it must be his hands and feet.

It's just that the Zhao family is just a small family, and Zhao Wenbin is also an ignorant and incompetent fool. He definitely can't do such a big game, and there must be someone else behind it.

This person is most likely Su Jinghan, Young Master Su's foster brother.

But there is no evidence, Su Yang didn't want to scare the snake, so he said: "I didn't say that it has anything to do with you."

"However, Zhao Wenbin, you are too dark to be f---ing, you took 300 million from Wang Fugui?"

Su Yang said impatiently: "Now I will give you a chance to spit out all the money you ate, and I will pretend nothing happened, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Su Yang stared at Zhao Wenbin angrily, and said angrily, "I'm willing to gamble and admit defeat, but I'm not stupid. I haven't dared to blackmail my money in Jiangbei yet!"

Seeing this, Zhao Wenbin heaved a sigh of relief, a sneer flashed across his mouth, but he hurriedly said on the surface: "I'm sorry, Young Master Su, I didn't know you wanted to contact the bulldozer, so the quotation was a little higher, so I'll transfer the extra money to you." You're stuck."

"Damn it, Zhao Wenbin, with what you mean, can you trick me?" Wang Fugui was furious when he heard this, and gritted his teeth, "Damn it, it's too bullying!"

Zhao Wenbin ignored Wang Fugui, and transferred 200 million to Su Yang through mobile banking, and then said: "Master Su, the money has been transferred, can I go?"

"Well, that's about the same."

Su Yang nodded in satisfaction, then squinted slightly to examine Zhao Wenbin, and said with a slight smile: "Now that I have capital, I have a chance to make an appointment for a dog fight, and I will win back all the money I lost to you before."

When Zhao Wenbin heard this, he was still pained because of the loss of 200 million, but now he was instantly happy.

Dog fighting?


This money-giving boy is going to give me money again, and I will win the 200 million yuan sooner or later.

"Okay, Young Master Su, make an appointment another day."

Zhao Wenbin agreed, and left Joseph's restaurant in a hurry.

"Su Yang, you want to make trouble at my birthday party, right? Okay, I'll call Qiqi right away and let her clean you up!" At this moment, Li Feixuan clenched her silver teeth and said.


Su Yang raised his mouth and said, "Concubine Xuan, do you think I'm afraid of that dead girl?"


Now he is Immortal Emperor Xuantian, a girl who can do three-legged cat kung fu, what a fart.

"Don't make trouble, Young Master Su, you're scared, you're really scared, let's go, I don't want to be beaten!"

However, Wang Fugui next to him was frightened when he heard Li Qiqi's name, and he ran out while pulling Su Yang.

Su Yang thought about it, before he was sure who was plotting against him, he should maintain Young Master Su's personality.

"Wife-to-be, I was confused for a while before. From now on, I promise you that I will never do anything wrong to you. Get ready to marry me."

Su Yang looked at Li Feixuan, said seriously, and was pulled out of the supreme box by Wang Fugui.

" he serious?"

After Su Yang and the two left, Li Feixuan recalled what Su Yang said just now, and lost her mind for a while.

After a few minutes.

Outside Joseph's restaurant, in a black Mercedes.

"Young Master Su is amazing. These 200 million are all my belongings. I have saved them for a long time. I thought it was a waste of time, but I didn't expect you to want them back!"

Wang Fugui said gratefully: "As expected of my good brother, for the sake of my little brother's money, he acted righteously and taught Zhao Wenbin that pitfall. It's so cool!"

"Young Master Yibo Yuntian Su, it's great to be your brother in this life. You have my card number in your transfer records, so please transfer the money to me." Wang Fugui said ecstatically.

"Money?" Su Yang wondered, "What money?"


Wang Fugui had a question mark on his face, and then smiled wryly: "Young Master Su, don't make trouble, give me the money quickly, or I will become a pauper."

Seeing Wang Fugui's expression, Su Yang stopped joking, but said: "The 200 million is useful to me, let me let it go first, and I will pay you back double in a few days."

"What use can you be... Damn, Young Master Su, don't you really want to fight dogs with Zhao Wenbin?"

Wang Fugui was surprised at first, and then persuaded: "Don't do it, Young Master Su, you will definitely lose. Besides, last time you lost in the dog fight, you just stewed and ate the dog that you raised for a year. Now you can't even kill the dog." No more, how to play."

"Didn't you open a dog farm, just pick one from you when the time comes."

"Wori, Young Master Su, my kennel raises all pet dogs, Teddy, Huskies, if you use them to beat Zhao Wenbin's pitbull, you won't be killed by one bite!"

"You don't need to worry about it, drive me home, I'm tired." Su Yang lay on the passenger seat and closed his eyes.

"It's over, it's all over now, and 200 million is going to be wasted again."

Wang Fugui was unhappy, but he started the car anyway, and the black Mercedes sped away.

When Su Yang returned to Su's house, Xiao Ting appeared and said respectfully, "Young Master, the Patriarch has been waiting for you in the study for a long time."

Chapter 10 Su Shenbing for the Country and the People


Su Yang nodded, looked at Xiao Ting, and began to analyze in his heart.

On Xiao Ting's body, there is an aura that is different from aura, it should be inner strength, and it is very powerful.

Su Yang speculates that Xiao Ting's attainments in this area are definitely not weak.

But compared with the spiritual energy, the inner strength is a world of difference.

Reiki can completely explode the inner strength.

There is no way, one practicing martial arts and one cultivating immortals are not comparable at all.

Although Su Yang is only at the first level of Qi training, he is confident that he will not lose to Xiao Ting, and even with some tricks, he can defeat an existence at Xiao Ting's level.


Su Yang didn't know what level Xiao Ting's strength belonged to, and how many such masters there were in Jiangbei, so he said sideways: "Xiao Ting, I want to understand something these few days."

"If I knew martial arts, maybe I wouldn't have been buried a few days ago, so I want to learn martial arts."

Su Yang looked at Xiao Ting, and said, "Xiao Ting, do you think it's too late for me to practice now?"

"It's not too late, it's just that learning martial arts is very hard, and the young master may not be able to persevere." Xiao Ting was a little surprised, and responded truthfully.

"It's okay, I can suffer."

Su Yang smiled, and Yu Feng turned around: "Xiao Ting, you are the captain of the Su family's secret guard, so you should be very strong, right?"

"Reporting to the young master, I'm just average."

Xiao Ting's words were very modest, but his expression showed a look of arrogance, and he continued: "However, there are no more than ten people in Jiangbei who are stronger than me."


From this point of view, my current strength is already regarded as the top existence in Jiangbei.

Su Yang knew it in his heart, and then smiled and said: "You are so good, you must teach me if you have the opportunity."


Xiao Ting responded respectfully, but he didn't take Su Yang's words to heart.

In his eyes, Su Yang is just an idler with no knowledge, no skill, no ambition to make progress, practicing martial arts and so on, probably just talking, or just a 3-minute enthusiasm, there is no need to take it seriously.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that the current Su Yang seemed to be a master who could stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Su Yang naturally saw that Xiao Ting's attitude was very perfunctory, but he didn't care.

He just wanted to know if Xiao Ting was strong in Jiangbei, he didn't want to learn martial arts from Xiao Ting at all.

I'm a cultivator, what kind of bullshit internal skills, I don't like it at all, okay?


Su Yang strode to Su Shenbing's study room, pushed the door open and entered.

The moment he entered, he noticed that Su Shenbing was watching a short movie on his laptop.


It's that kind of special little movie with colors, and the sound is not turned off, which is very exciting.


Sensing someone coming in, Su Shenbing hastily closed the computer and looked over vigilantly.

After discovering that it was Su Yang, Su Shenbing gritted his teeth angrily: "Little bastard, are there any rules, don't you know to knock on the door first?"

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I won't knock on the door until I come in next time." Su Yang moved the chair and sat opposite Su Shenbing.

"Never knock on the door next time?"

Hearing his son's words, Su Shenbing's face turned dark with anger.

"Dad, what were you looking at just now?" Su Yang asked abruptly, with a playful smile on his face.


Su Shenbing was a little embarrassed: "I didn't see anything, I was just studying the traditional culture of the enemy country. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle."

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