"Uncle, this is unavoidable. If the earth wants to be strong, it must experience spiritual recovery."

Wang Chongyun went on to say: "Besides, those who dare to stop the recovery of spiritual energy are not good things. On our side, the masters are like clouds, and we should be in the upper hand. Those who kill them will be killed."

"Those little bastards are nothing. I'm worried that there will be masters from outside the domain. At that time, it will definitely cause the earth's life to be destroyed, and there will be countless deaths and injuries. It will bring a heavy blow to the earth."

The old Taoist said with compassion: "The people outside the territory are too cruel. I have seen the clips of what happened more than 2000 years ago, and I can still vividly remember it."

"In order to strengthen the defensive ability of the chaotic aurora formation and resist the invasion of immortal emperors from outside the territory, the loyal and brave monks on the earth jumped into the formation in groups without hesitation, and cast a barrier with their flesh and blood."

The old Taoist continued: "It's a pity that in the end the strongest Immortal Emperor Yanlong was allowed to enter the earth, and the other two immortal emperors were weaker and were kept out."

"After the Immortal Emperor Yanlong came to the earth, he killed countless people on the earth and forcibly crushed the powerful monks on the earth. It is sad and deplorable."

The old Taoist sighed again and said, "I wonder if Immortal Emperor Yanlong will come again this time."

"Master, you don't have to worry, the earth is different now, after the layout of the big man Tongtian, plus the preparations made by the old sect master who invited the two ghosts under the gate, and the one in the secret room to come forward, and the original general Immortal Emperor Yanlong drove out Su Mo from Earth."

Wang Chongyun said confidently: "We will surely win this battle, and no one can prevent the recovery of spiritual energy."

"I hope so, people are inside, you go in." The old Taoist said.

Wang Chongyun saluted, then led Wang Ye into the secret room.

"Master, who is the person in the secret room? Why have you never mentioned it before? Is he very powerful?" Wang Ye couldn't help asking as the master and apprentice walked in the passage of the secret room.

"He is very powerful."

Wang Chongyun kept walking, showing a smile, and then said: "Because, his name is Su Wuzhi, and he was a person who firmly believed that man can conquer heaven!"

Chapter 837 Generation is stronger than generation

Su Wuzhi!

Wang Ye is no stranger to this name, but has heard it countless times, and even admires Su Wuji.

A man who has crossed the earth is too stunning and admirable.

"Master, you mean that Su Wuji is in our forbidden area of ​​Wudang Mountain?" Wang Ye said a little excitedly.


Wang Chongyun nodded and said: "On that day, on behalf of that big man who reached the sky, he gambled with Immortal Emperor Yanlong. He wanted to use his own strength to break through the ominous suppression and break through to the Nascent Soul realm."

"I know about this."

Wang Ye said: "In the end, Senior Su Wuzhi lost and failed to cross the tribulation. He disappeared from then on, and no one heard from him again."

"No, you don't know."

Wang Chongyun shook his head, then smiled softly: "Su Wuji didn't fail back then, he...successed."

"It's just that in order to deceive people and hide his strength and develop silently, he made the world think that he ended in failure."

Wang Chongyun continued: "Since then, he was brought back to Wudang Mountain by the old sect master, and this place has also become a forbidden area of ​​Wudang Mountain. No one is allowed to set foot here, just to give Su Wuji a quiet place to practice."

"This Su Wuji is a big man. At the beginning, the old sect master concluded that Su Wuji would become a great weapon in the future, and it would be easy to reach the emperor's realm."


"Emperor Realm!"

Wang Ye said in shock: "Can cultivators on Earth really reach the Emperor's Realm?"

"That's natural. The former Ancestor Dragon was a strong man in the Emperor Realm. After the Ancestor Dragon left the earth, a second Emperor Realm appeared on the earth."

Wang Chongyun sighed softly: "It's a pity that the second emperor's state is not good, sometimes he is mad and sometimes sober, he is not suitable for birth now, otherwise he can deal with Immortal Emperor Yanlong by himself."

Hearing Master's words, Wang Ye fell into silence. There are masters at the Emperor Realm on Earth, which was beyond his expectation.

"Wang Ye, don't be hit. With your talent, if you can revive your spiritual energy, you will have a chance to reach the imperial realm in the near future."

Wang Chongyun comforted him: "I brought you here to see Su Wuji this time because I want you to form a good relationship with him. In the future, you can ask him for more advice. It will be beneficial and harmless."


Wang Ye responded respectfully, feeling extremely excited in his heart, Su Wuji is his idol, and he will see Su Wuji soon, how could he not be excited.


Under the leadership of Wang Chongyun, the two came to the depths of the forbidden area, where they met Su Wuji.

At this moment.

Su Wuzhi sat cross-legged on the futon, there was a vent above his head, and the sunlight came in and shone on him.

Today's Su Wuzhi is unkempt, with long and messy hair, and a black and white beard that is more than 20 centimeters long.

Especially the clothes on his body were tattered, like a beggar on the side of the road.


The power exuding from Su Wuji's body was chilling, and he didn't dare to approach him at all.


After Wang Chongyun and Wang Ye appeared, Su Wuji slowly raised his head, and his eyes suddenly fell on the two of them.

He opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse because he hadn't spoken for a long time: "Wang Chongyun, who is the person next to you?"

"Brother Su, he is my apprentice, Wang Ye, who has always admired you, so I brought him here today to see your demeanor." Wang Chongyun said politely, and motioned Wang Ye to greet Su Wuji.

"Junior Wudang Wangye, I have met senior Su Wuji."

Wang Ye saluted respectfully and lowered his head, not daring to meet Su Wuji's eyes.


Su Wuji looked at Wang Ye for a few times, nodded and said: "Your talent is indeed not weak. I predict that your future achievements will not be weaker than Wang Yangming's, and may even surpass him. Practice hard. The future Wudang Mountain needs you to maintain it."

"Thank you senior for your praise, this junior will definitely live up to everyone's expectations." Wang Ye replied in awe.


Seeing this, Wang Chongyun said: "You have seen Su Wuji too, go down, I have something to say to Su Wuji."


Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Ye folded his fists and bent down to exit the secret room.

"You are a very good apprentice, what a good seedling." Su Wuji said.

"Brother Su, I admit that my apprentice is talented, but compared with your great-grandson, he is still far behind." Wang Chongyun smiled and said.

"Great grandson!"

"I have a great-grandson!?"

When Su Wuji heard this, he was immediately excited, and asked hastily as if to confirm: "Wang Chongyun, you didn't fool me, did you?"

"Of course it's true, why should I lie to you?"

Wang Chongyun smiled softly: "Brother Su, you don't even think about it carefully. You have been in seclusion for more than 100 years. Let alone you have a great-grandson, even your son Su Qiankun has a great-grandson."


When Su Wuzhi heard the news, he immediately laughed heartily and said: "That boy Qiankun usually eats, drinks and plays, idles around, doesn't think about making progress, doesn't learn and have skills, doesn't seek to make progress, doesn't know what to do, doesn't know what to do, in short, he is very out of tune, I didn't expect that the Su family would flourish, very good, very good."

"Brother Su, isn't it a little too much for you to comment on your son like this?" Wang Chongyun stroked his beard and smiled.

"Not too much, not too much at all."

Su Wuzhi said seriously: "I'm already flattering him. You don't know. At that time, Emperor Zhun came out, the ancient martial arts fell, and the cultivation system was faulty due to ominous reasons. across the earth."

"At that time, I was very famous. Many people came to ask me for advice and learn from me humbly, so as to improve their own strength."

Su Wuzhi went on to say: "But my own son Su Qiankun is such an idiot, he actually hates cultivation and spends his days eating and waiting to die. I'm so mad."


Wang Chongyun lightly smiled and said: "No wonder you signaled Ximen Fengyun back then and encouraged the major ancient martial arts sects to besiege Kunlun Mountain, presumably to force Su Qiankun."


Su Wuji didn't hide anything, nodded and said: "If it wasn't for that, he only knows how to have fun, so how could he achieve anything?"

"It is said that it is not as strong as the third generation. I don't want the Su family to be ruined by the second generation."

"By the way, how is Su Qiankun's strength now, is he following the cultivation system or the ancient martial system?" Su Wuzhi asked.

"It used to be an ancient martial arts system, but it was later changed to cultivation. It has been successfully established a while ago."

Wang Chongyun continued: "However, Su Qiankun's son, Su Shenbing, is also your grandson. He is quite good. Just yesterday, he completed the first broken golden elixir, which is already a fake elixir."


Su Wuji smiled and said: "One generation is better than the next generation, is Su Shenbing right? When I get out, I must meet this cheap grandson."

"Don't be happy yet, there are stronger ones."

Wang Chongyun smiled and said: "Your great-grandson Su Yang has taken control of the Void Tower, and is now in the Nascent Soul realm. The old sect master just sent news that he has set foot on the Nascent Soul peak, and he is about to cross the catastrophe."

Chapter 838


After learning about his great-grandson's achievements, Su Wuzhi was even more ecstatic, and couldn't help laughing: "One generation is better than one generation, and one generation is stronger than one generation!"

"Su Qiankun is useless, his son is a bit talented, and his grandson is even more unique!"

Excited, Su Wuzhi asked: "By the way, how old is my great-grandson this year? Is he 40?"

"Forty... You're thinking too much, you're in your early twenties today." Wang Chongyun said truthfully.

"In his early twenties, at the peak of Nascent Soul, this..."

Su Wuji couldn't be more excited. It can be seen from his expression that he is extremely excited at the moment: "My Su family, Daxing, haha!"

"Brother Su, you also have a great-great-grandson and a great-great-granddaughter. Those two little guys are not simple roles."

Wang Chongyun broke the news again, and smiled softly: "Especially your great-great-granddaughter, who was born as Tianzong, and now it is even more serious. I don't know the exact realm, but I have seen her roots, hundreds of millions of people It’s hard to pick just one.”

"Good, good, good!"

Su Wuji stood up excitedly, and said excitedly: "Exit the customs, today I will leave the customs, it's time to meet my relatives."

"Brother Su, I came to look for you today, and it is indeed time for you to leave the customs, because tonight is the day when the spiritual energy will recover."

Wang Chongyun said seriously: "The old sect master asked me to inform you that the recovery of spiritual energy needs your help."

"Is the spiritual energy going to recover so soon? Very good. I have been lurking for so long, and it is finally useful."

Su Wuzhi's expression also became serious, a stern light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "There are billions of living beings on the earth, and people from outside the territory are absolutely not allowed to act recklessly here!"

"Brother Su, can you tell me what realm you have stepped into now?" At this moment, Wang Chongyun couldn't control the curiosity in his heart, and couldn't help asking.


Su Wuzhi was silent for a few seconds, and then slowly spit out two words, his tone was extremely flat, but it caused an uproar in Wang Chongyun's heart.

Quasi God!

He even set foot in the quasi-emperor realm!

This is too scary!

As Wang Chongyun, he knows some of the secrets of the earth. He once heard Wang Yangming say that there are more than one quasi-emperors on the earth, but they are all from the Xianqin period. hunt down.

Wang Chongyun would not be too shocked if he saw the quasi-emperor master.

But when he heard that Su Wuji was the quasi-emperor, he was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked, and even thought he heard it wrong.


Su Wuji is only over 100 years old, even younger than Wang Chongyun. In Wang Chongyun's eyes, Su Wuji was just a junior.

However, Su Wuji's growth rate is too terrifying. In just a few years or more, he has grown into a powerful figure in the world.

At that time, Zhundi masters were not available, the transformation of ancient martial arts had not started, the cultivation system was ominous, and there was a fault in the powerhouses of the earth.

Su Wuji had the Void Tower to suppress the ominous, unscrupulously set foot in the realm of alchemy, and suppressed the entire earth.

At that time, although Wang Chongyun was polite to Su Wuji, he was not very convinced.

After all, if there is no Void Tower, Su Wuji will definitely not be able to set foot on the alchemy, so why is he powerful in the world?

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