But what the beggar just now did has not risen to the point of heinous crimes. The key is that the other party finally gave him five yuan, which shows that he has kind thoughts in his heart.

Facing such ordinary people, Wang Yangming could only bear with it, and would never fight back unless he had to.

and so.

Wang Yangmingkong has great strength, but he didn't fight back just now, but let the opponent leave.

"Damn it!"

"If you rob money, you rob it. You have to say the right name. I'm not a monk. I'm a Taoist priest. I'm a Taoist priest!"

Wang Yangming looked anxiously at the direction in which the beggar left, tears almost streaming down his face.


It's too bad.

this time.

He looked down at the crumpled five yuan on the ground, and finally chose to pick it up.

"What a good man, he also knows how to leave money for breakfast, which is better than my wife treats me."

Thinking of this, Wang Yangming suddenly became less angry, and even a little grateful to the beggar.

"Daoist, you just got off the bus. You must be exhausted after driving all night. Do you want to find a hotel to rest?"

At this moment, an aunt in her 60s and [-]s came up and said courteously.

"No, I have something else to do." Wang Yangming directly refused.

"Come on, Daoist, my house is the best hotel near the bus station. All the guests who have been here say it is good, and there are many repeat customers."

The aunt went on to say: "There are even some customers who come here by car to patronize us."

"Infinite Heavenly Venerate."

Wang Yangming glanced at the aunt, and didn't want to talk to her at first, but the aunt addressed him correctly and knew to call him Daoist.

Call him Daoist!

How could he refuse to communicate with a person who called him Taoist priest?


Wang Yangming didn't believe the aunt's words, and smiled softly: "Poverty is not stupid, why would someone come all the way by car and go to your hotel to sleep, who would be so free?"

"It's true, I don't have to lie to you."

The aunt showed a smile, leaned over and whispered, "I know it's not easy for Taoists to make money, so don't worry, I'll give you a bargain, and I promise you will spend the least amount of money to play comfortably."


Wang Yangming frowned and said, "Isn't going to the hotel to rest? What are you playing?"

"Master Dao, don't pretend to be confused. Come with me. The most beautiful waiter in our hotel has just seen off the last guest and is free right now."

Immediately afterwards, the aunt didn't want to say anything, and directly pulled Wang Yangming into the alley near the bus station.

Wang Yangming struggled a bit, but it was a pity that the aunt's strength was too strong, so he couldn't break free, so he had to follow the aunt to go forward.

What's more, Wang Yangming was also very curious about what Auntie was talking about.

In this way, a few minutes later, Wang Yangming was taken to a remote hotel by his aunt.

Since it was almost dawn, there were very few people in the meeting, only him and the aunt.

"Hey, He Wan, came out to receive guests. What, you went with your boyfriend? Then come back early, don't let your husband find out, or he should come to the hotel to make trouble again. How can I do business, um, you As long as you know what's in your mind, I'll hang up first, and I'll think of a way for the guests here, at worst, I'll receive them personally."

The aunt made a phone call in front of Wang Yangming, and the chat was very rich.

Seeing this, Wang Yangming finally understood that the aunt was a pimp.

This is not a serious hotel!

Also, the aunt is going to receive her in person... It's so late, it's terrifying to think about it!

After reacting, Wang Yangming turned around and was about to leave.

"Daoist, wait a minute, don't go, there are other waiters in our hotel, if you are really anxious, if you can't wait, I can also go into battle in person."

The aunt pretended to be charming and said: "Don't look at me as I am old. In fact, my advantages are obvious. I am experienced and I can take good care of myself. I am 64 years old, like 46. People say that women have 41 flowers. I promise not to let you suffer."

"This... I... Wuliang Tianzun, I still have something to do."

Wang Yangming smiled bitterly, wanted to leave but couldn't at all, the aunt hugged his arm tightly.

"Why, you don't like me?" Unexpectedly, the aunt became angry when she heard this.

"No no no."

Wang Yangming hastily said in a perfunctory manner: "The main reason is that I don't have much money, otherwise... otherwise I would have stayed."

"Not much money?" Aunt asked, "How much money do you have?"

"Five dollars."

Wang Yangming took out the crumpled five yuan and heaved a sigh of relief after speaking.

Five yuan, she would never agree to this, after all, now a chicken leg costs more than five yuan, and a chicken must not be enough.

"make a deal!"

But who knows, the aunt actually agreed, and she just threw herself into Wang Yangming's arms like a hungry tiger...

Chapter 824 Contact Su Yang

5 minute later.

Wang Yangming wiped off the lipstick marks on his face, and strode out of the hotel.

As for the aunt, she was limp on the ground, motionless, as if she had just experienced a violent impact, her eyeballs turned white.

"Infinite Heavenly Venerate."

Wang Yangming stood at the door of the hotel, looked back at the aunt who was lying on the ground, straightened his clothes, and said helplessly, "I didn't want to do anything, but you forced me to."

"It looks like you are a dragon and a tiger, but I didn't expect it to be so useless, just lie down peacefully, I hope you can have a long memory, Taoist priest, don't mess with it!"

Wang Yangming was a little proud, turned around and was about to leave.

But at this time, there was a rush of sirens not far away.

Immediately afterwards, three or four police cars roared in and stopped outside the hotel, and then twenty or thirty police officers rushed out and surrounded the hotel exit.

"Comrade police officers, you came too timely. This hotel is not clean, and the proprietress is suspected of organizing sales..."

When Wang Yangming saw the policeman, he went up to him and wanted to report the situation to the policeman.

However, at this moment, a nearby police officer took out his handcuffs and handcuffed Wang Yangming with a snap.

"We have received a report that this hotel is gathering people to sell prostitutes. We have reason to suspect that you are a client of prostitution. Please come with us." The young police officer said upright.


Wang Yangming hurriedly explained: "Comrade policeman, you have misunderstood. I am a dignified monk, how could I do such a thing."

"Hehe, what are you acting for? You're still a monk. Don't you just dress like this for excitement?" The young policeman said coldly.

"What and what, I seek the stimulation of wool."

Wang Yangming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hurriedly said, "Even if you really seek excitement, you still have to cosplay with women. Have you ever seen men in uniforms?"

"You know a lot. How dare you say that you are not a prostitute after playing so much?"

The young policeman went on to say: "Listen to what you say, and you're always messing around. You can't see it as a real Taoist priest. It must be for excitement."

"You rich people really know how to play. It's really interesting to play Taoist priests in this kind of place!" The young police officer looked disdainful.

"Rich people?"

When Wang Yangming heard these three words, his head exploded immediately, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Ten minutes ago, I was indeed a rich man with huge sums of money. Unfortunately, I was snatched away!"

"Speaking of this matter, the police informed me that I want to call the police. A beggar robbed me just now, and he stole all my money!" Wang Yangming said hastily.


The young police officer couldn't help laughing and said: "You are so good at playing. I have seen playing maids, nurses, and presidents. This is the first time I have seen someone playing beggars. This is quite novel!"

"Comrade policeman, you misunderstood me. I was really robbed by a beggar. I want to call the police!" Wang Yangming wanted to cry but had no tears.


The young policeman didn't bother to listen to Wang Yangming's explanation, so he said, "One size fits all. Let's deal with your prostitution first, and then talk about your being robbed. If it is true, we will make the decision for you."

"Okay, thank the police for notifying me, then I will deal with my prostitution first, I will... wait for this matter!"

Wang Yangming smiled wryly and said, "Comrade policeman, you still don't believe me. I really didn't go whoring. I was wronged."

"Shut up and get in the car!"

The young police officer pushed and pushed Wang Yangming, forced him into the car, and then got into the car himself.

As for the other police officers, they had already rushed into the hotel to arrest others.

I have to say that the current police officers are very efficient, and soon all the people in the hotel were arrested.

The aunt who was knocked out by Wang Yangming just now naturally did not run away, and was even escorted to the car where Wang Yangming was.

The two men were handcuffed and sat facing each other, with a police officer next to them.

"Grandma, please explain to them, I really didn't go whoring."

Wang Yangming looked at the aunt on the opposite side, and said in a pleading tone: "Let's seek truth from facts. You did have thoughts about me just now, but I didn't agree. I punched you to the ground. You have to prove my innocence."

"What do you call me? Granny? Are you blind? I'm only 46 this year!" said the aunt angrily.

"I said it yourself, you are 64, and you will be [-] if you want to see it. Shouldn't you be an old lady?" Wang Yangming said seriously.

"You're only in your seventies!"

"Seventy, you underestimate me too much, I am hundreds of years old."

"Hundreds of years old, how dare you say it, damn it, before you came, our hotel was fine, you must have reported it, just wait, I will definitely make you regret it!" said the aunt viciously.

"To shut up!"

The young police officer sitting next to Wang Yangming reprimanded, turned to look at the aunt, and asked in a cold voice: "Did he prostitute you? Our law enforcement monitors the whole process, and what you say will be recorded. You should know that you are committing perjury." Consequences, so please tell the truth!"


The aunt thought for a few seconds, and finally, with hatred for Wang Yangming, she gritted her teeth and said, "Before you came, I was doing business with him, and he pressed me on the bed, didn't let me move, took off my clothes, and put me on the bed. I……"

"Okay, there's no need to go into details about the process, we're not interested!"

The young policeman interrupted first, then looked at Wang Yangming next to him with disgust on his face, and said coldly: "You really don't mind meat and vegetables, you can do it at such an age!"


Wang Yangming wanted to cry without tears, and stubbornly retorted: "I really didn't prostitute her, I... by the way, there must be a money transaction for prostitution, you can check it out, I didn't give her money, hahaha, so Can you prove my innocence?"

"You gave it!"

The aunt's hands were handcuffed, and she took out a crumpled five-dollar bill from her pocket with difficulty, and hurriedly said, "Comrade policeman, this five-dollar bill is what he just gave me."

"I'm old, and I'm worthless. No matter how small a fly is, it's still meat. Usually, the hotel business is not very good. I'm struggling to make a living. I also do it for five yuan. At least I can buy two catties of rice." The aunt said seriously.


When Wang Yangming heard this, he couldn't bear it anymore, and swears directly: "You are so stupid, you are so cheap!"

"Comrade police officer, he scolded me!" The aunt complained in a hurry: "He insulted my personality, I want to call the police!"

"You want someone else to insult you?"

The young police officer said coldly: "You two are good people, stop arguing, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it in the police station!"

"I don't want to go to the bureau, I still have something to do, very important!" Wang Yangming said anxiously.

"Is there anything more important than being caught whoring?" The young policeman said in a deep voice, "Being a good person, doing something wrong, but going whoring, are you worthy of your family? Think about how to explain it to your family." Bar!"


Wang Yangming didn't bother to explain. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Can I call my family?"

Wang Yangming counted others, basically counting everything.

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