In short, Su Yang has a lot to do.

Since his rebirth, only a quarter or so has passed, he has been very busy and has never retreated.

Now it is finally time to stop, Su Yang took this opportunity to calm down and arrange everything.

"half year later!"

"Spiritual energy recovery!"

A gleam flashed in Su Yang's eyes, and he said confidently: "Time is enough, when I leave the customs, no one will be able to stop me!"

So far!

Retreat, continue!

Su Yang really calmed down. In his world, everything was still, including himself.


The ancient warriors and cultivators outside did not stop, they were all fighting for resources intensively.

Wang Chongyun, the master of Tianji Sect, set foot in Wu Zun realm the next day after receiving the Pozhen Pill sent by Ximen Fengyun.

Because he is in Wudang Mountain, he is blessed by nature, and his cultivation speed is increasing by leaps and bounds.

Of the remaining Pozhen Pills, Wang Chongyun kept three, and the rest were all given to the prestigious sect families in the ancient martial arts world.

He also emphasized that the statement was given by the leader Su Yang, which gave Su Yang a wave of favorability.

of course.

Wang Chongyun is not stupid, so naturally he wouldn't run into trouble, but he ignored all the sects that participated in the destruction of Kunlun Mountain back then.

Because of the presence of Shi Haohan and Shi Jiutian, the land of Zen is still the top power of the ancient family.

Especially the relationship between Mount Tai and Su Yang, the leader of the ancient martial arts, further established the position of Mount Tai in the ancient martial arts world.

It is worth mentioning that Shi Haohan was baptized with golden light before, thus stepping into the realm of Wuzun.

In the past ten days, relying on his years of accumulation, he has already made further progress.

As for Shi Jiutian, his talent has become extremely terrifying, even surpassing his grandfather Shi Haohan.

However, after all, Shi Jiutian belonged to reaching the sky in one step, without the accumulation of years, so he was still in the early stage of Wu Zun.

He is not in a hurry to advance, he keeps a low profile and takes one step at a time, so that the road ahead will be endless.

Between the mountains and the sea, because of the sudden increase in the strength of Laoshan old man, the positions of the three top forces in the ancient martial arts world are naturally unshakable.

A few days ago, the Laoshan old man went to Tianjimen, wanting to challenge Wang Chongyun.

But at that time, Wang Chongyun hadn't set foot in the realm of Wu Zun, so he left without making a move.

The Laoshan old man knew that his opponent was not Wang Chongyun, and if he wanted to take away the title of Wutian's No. [-] Daoist lineage, he had to defeat the old master Wang Yangming.

But Wang Yangming never showed up, so the Laoshan old man had to go back to the mountain and sea to wait.

In addition, Furutake's reform has just begun, and he also needs to deal with a lot of things.

In short, the ancient martial world is finally no longer a pool of stagnant water, but full of vitality.

the other side.

The top ten ancient clans were not idle either, they were all facing a formidable enemy, and the ancient martial revolution started, which had a great impact on the ancient clans.


The ancient martial arts system has an end, and there is no way to go above the land martial arts, and the strongest ancient martial artist is only comparable to building a foundation.

Even, there are not many war gods on land, and it is very difficult to advance, as if they are restricted by heaven and earth.

But for the ancient clan, it is not very difficult to cultivate cultivators in the foundation-building realm. Every family has dozens or even more foundation-building masters.

But now, after the Martial God of Land, it is the realm of Wu Zun.

Wu Zun benchmarked against the alchemy realm.

The ancient warriors can set foot on Wuzun at will, and the comprehension

But because of the ominous trouble, he couldn't go any further.

Such a comparison, the gap came.

The ancient martial arts world will inevitably become stronger day by day, and at the same time, the top ten ancient clans will definitely decline day by day.

If it weren't for the fact that the top ten ancient clans had opened up the fake alchemy realm before, I'm afraid they would have been thrown out of eighteen streets by the ancient martial arts system.


If you want to make fake pills, you will not only have a narrow escape, but also need huge resources.

Among the ancient clan, there are not many fake alchemy masters, and each family has ten, which is already very good.

In order to deal with the increasingly powerful ancient martial arts world, the heads of the top ten ancient clans held a meeting.

At this moment.

Among the mountains, there is an exquisite and simple building complex, which has a long history at a glance.

This is the headquarters of the Dongfang family, and the accumulation of the Dongfang family for thousands of years is here.

The Dongfang family is impregnable, with hidden formations and monsters to protect the mountain. Throughout the ages, except for being invited, only two people have forced their way into this place.

One of them is Su Wuji, who has shocked an era,

More than 100 years ago, he came to the Dongfang family and took away many resources.

But Su Wuji did not kill them all, and the resources he took away were only equivalent to [-]% of the Dongfang family.

As for the second person, it is Jian Chen, one of the four strong outsiders who came to Earth.

Jianchen is outside the domain, a cultivator of the realm of transforming gods. After coming to the earth, he was suppressed by the inherent laws of the earth and became the realm of Yuanying.

This inherent law, all outsiders, cannot compete with it.

Even Immortal Emperor Yanlong, when he came to Earth back then, his strength was reduced to that of a quasi-emperor.

Naturally, there is no way to avoid a small deity transformation.

Jian Chen, who fell to Yuanying, together with Lu Junting and two other experts from outside the region, caused disasters everywhere on the earth, and was finally defeated by the big man Tongtian, and weakened the realm of the four of them, reducing them to the realm of alchemy.

Chapter 657

Jianchen, as his name suggests, is best at swords, and the same is true of the Dongfang family, which has a collection of many famous swords.

The Sky Sword in Su Yang's hand is one of them. It was given to Zhang Changsheng, the illegitimate son, by Dongfang Yao, the patriarch of the Dongfang family, and was later taken away by Su Yang.

In addition to the Cang Qiong Sword, the Dongfang Clan also had several peerless swords, so Jian Chen broke into the Dongfang Clan.

With Jianchen's strength, everyone in the Dongfang family naturally couldn't compete, so they chose to submit.

From then on, Jian Chen became the real person in power of the Dongfang family.

And the Dongfang family has also become lackeys outside the territory, serving the masters outside the territory.

A few days ago, Dongfang Yao, the Patriarch of the Dongfang Clan, was ordered by Jianchen to call the other nine ancient clans to discuss matters concerning the ancient martial arts world.

The place where the meeting was held was in the Dongfang family.

So, at this very moment, the Dongfang family gathered the heads of the other nine ancient clans, as well as more than a dozen cultivators of the fake alchemy realm.

"Everyone, you must have heard about the transformation of the ancient martial arts. The situation of our top ten ancient clans is getting more and more serious."

At this time, Dongfang Yao, who was above the main seat, said solemnly: "Our ten ancient clans have dominated the world for thousands of years."

"The original emerging ancient martial arts system was vulnerable in our eyes, so we didn't care about it. For thousands of years, it has enslaved the major sects of the ancient martial arts world in batches."

Dongfang Yao went on to say: "But now, the ancient martial arts system has undergone a change, and there is even a Martial Venerable Realm, and even many people have set foot on the Martial Venerable."

"However, none of our top ten ancient clans has advanced to the true alchemy realm. If things go on like this, I'm afraid it will be our top ten ancient clans who will be enslaved."

Dongfang Yao looked around at the few people present, and said worriedly: "Everyone, do you have any countermeasures?"

"Patriarch Dongfang, you must be worrying too much."

After the words fell, a middle-aged man sitting next to him said: "It's just the realm of Wuzun, our ancient clan also has the realm of fake alchemy, we can deal with one or two, so don't panic too much."

This person is wearing green clothes, holding a folding fan, and has an extraordinarily elegant demeanor. He is the head of one of the ten ancient clans, the Shangguan family, Shangguan Wujiu.

"Shangguan Patriarch's words are wrong."

Dongfang Yao shook his head, and then said seriously: "The realm of fake alchemy can indeed be compared with Wu Zun, but above the Wu Zun of the ancient martial system, there is also Wu Sheng, but our cultivation system cannot advance to Yuanying."

"Continuing to develop like this, it won't take long for the ancient martial arts world to ride on our heads."

"Martial saint realm?"

Shangguan Wuji smiled lightly and said: "The realm opened up behind the ancient martial arts system has never been experienced by anyone before. It is conceivable how difficult it is to give birth to a martial saint in the ancient martial arts world in this life. In hundreds of years, I'm afraid there won't be any Martial Saints."

"And according to the information I got, our cultivation system will usher in a turning point in half a year, and the ominousness will disappear by then."

Shangguan Wuyin smiled and said: "Based on the accumulation of our ten ancient clans for thousands of years, it shouldn't be difficult to appear in the Nascent Soul realm in a short period of time, right?"

"I don't know about your situation, but my ancestor is already in the realm of the nine-turn fake alchemy. If the world is no longer bound, he will be able to set foot on the real pinnacle of alchemy within three days, and even have a chance to attack the Nascent Soul, sir. If it takes ten days, or even ten years, it will become the Nascent Soul Realm!"

Shangguan Wuji continued: "So, in my opinion, Patriarch Dongfang's worries are completely unnecessary. Let those ancient warriors go about their business. The world in the future will still belong to us cultivators after all."

"That's right, the head of the Shangguan family is right, and my family's ancestor is also confident that he will achieve the Nascent Soul Dao Fruit in a short period of time."

"I've also heard some news that after half a year, the earth's aura will recover, and it will be ominous. We really don't need to worry about it."

"The ancient martial arts have changed, and it's time for the spiritual energy to recover. I can't wait to see the ancient martial arts world become more and more prosperous. Don't worry, they won't be arrogant for long."


Several Patriarchs of the ancient clan around nodded their heads in agreement with Shangguan Wuyin's words.

However, the complexions of Nangong Yin, Xia Houyin and others sank.

The Nangong family and the Xiahou family, like the Dongfang family, had already surrendered to the outside world.

This time they came here with a mission. The ten ancient clans must unite to deal with the ancient martial world.

Hearing the speeches of these Patriarchs now, his face is naturally not good-looking.

"Half a year later, the spiritual energy will recover?"

At this moment, Nangong Yin said lightly: "Where did you hear the news from?"

"Ever since the three great immortal emperors outside the Territory interfered with the earth more than 2000 years ago, the earth's spiritual energy has dried up."

Nangong Yin said seriously: "After so many years, the aura of the earth is declining day by day. How can it recover in half a year? It's completely nonsense."


Xia Houyin nodded and said: "We can't bet all our hopes on unknown things. We must kill them before the ancient martial arts world rises completely, so that we can keep the top ten ancient clans' position on the earth!"

"I agree."

"I also agree, it should be so, killing it in advance is the wise choice!"

Among the ten ancient clans, two militant clans spoke up and approved the proposal of Nangong Yin and Xiahouyin.

"Nangong Yin, Xia Houyin, how can you be sure that the recovery of spiritual energy after half a year is nonsense?"

At this moment, Xi Luoye, who had been sitting silently in the corner, said: "Ten days ago, some of you also thought that it was impossible for Guwu to reform."

"But in the end, Mr. Su still started the transformation of ancient martial arts. In my opinion, the recovery of spiritual energy is real."

Xi Luoye stroked her beard, smiled softly and said, "Maybe it will be opened by Mr. Su himself, and by then, it will really be the golden age of the earth."

"Xi Luoye, shut up!"

Hearing this, Nangong Yin stared at Xiluoye immediately, and said coldly: "If you hadn't brought the people from the Xi family to stop it that day, how could the descendants of the Su family initiate the transformation of ancient martial arts?"

"The current situation in the ancient martial arts world is all thanks to your Xi family. Hmph, it's your Xi family who caused our ancient people to be so passive. You can be convicted!" Nangong Yin asked.


Xi Luoye stood up and asked back: "The ancient martial arts world also belongs to the earth's local system. Our common enemy is outside the territory. The ancient martial arts revolution was successful, the ancient martial arts rose, and the overall strength of the earth improved. What is my fault?"

"If my Xi family, as you said, played a key role in the transformation of Gu Wu, then it would really be the glory of my Xi family!"

Xi Luoye said coldly: "This ancient clan meeting, if you continue, my Xi family will not accompany you!"

After speaking, Xi Luoye wanted to leave.

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