Duanmuliu said in a flat tone: "The prohibition order of the Dizong was proposed by me."

"Although we intend to destroy this place this time, with my strength, the five counties and nineteen countries dare not have the slightest complaint, but the rules are the rules."

Duanmuliu said seriously: "I am a person who always obeys the rules. I will not make a move unless it is absolutely necessary."

"When ordinary grandmasters die, let those peak grandmasters do the work. These bastards are greedy for life and afraid of death, and play tricks. They didn't fight with ordinary grandmasters before. What's the use of keeping them?"

Duanmu Liu sneered and said: "Besides, this time I summoned them from five counties and nineteen countries, I didn't intend to let them go back, Duanmushu, do you understand?"


Duanmushu paused for a moment, then suddenly realized, and said admiringly: "Understood, this is using strength to fight strength, killing two birds with one stone, the old ancestor is wise."


Most of the team led by country D belong to the five counties and nineteen countries.

Especially ordinary masters and peak masters are almost all summoned from various countries.

Duanmuliu wanted to use them to attack the country of Hua, and at the same time annex it, reduce the power of the five counties and nineteen countries.

Not to mention that the group of members of the Xuetu appeared in the way, even if they did not come, these masters and masters would not want to return to their respective countries alive.

Although doing so would offend the five counties and nineteen countries, but Duanmuliu is powerful, so naturally he is not afraid of these things. He judges those countries and dare not trouble D country.

The most important thing is that in this way, there will be a gap between the masters of various countries. After all, most of the masters are in this team.

This kind of fault will cause the Five Counties and Nineteen Kingdoms to have no new masters of the Dizong for a long time in the future, and there will be very few people who will advance to the Tianzong.

Although there is a prohibition order on the battlefield, there is no order outside the battlefield. Whether a country is strong or not depends on those who surpass the master.

Duanmuliu did this to pave the way for future generations, and to make country D a powerful and unrivaled country in the next few decades.

Therefore, Duanmuliu didn't care if the members of the Xuetu obliterated the soldiers on the scene, even if they slaughtered the master, he would not ignore it.


At this time.

above the castle.

"More than 2000 grandmasters, all...all dead!"

Zhao Tiance witnessed the battle below with his own eyes, and he was stunned. He couldn't believe this scene at all.

It's unbelievable that the Su family's hidden guards did such a feat.

"I didn't expect First Young Master Su to have such a guard, it's so shocking!"

Zhao Tiance looked at Su Yang from a distance, cast grateful gazes at Su Yang, and murmured: "Although Young Master Su is a waste, ignorant, but this time, he saved Nanjiang and the All over the world, I want to report it and reward him for his achievements!"

With this thought in mind, Zhao Tiance went down the tower and used a special communication method to bypass Prince Ping and contact the Emperor of Kyoto.

at the same time.

Below the city tower, more than 400 ancient warriors at the pinnacle of masters slowly approached the 49 blood slaughter members, gradually narrowing the encirclement.

"I have observed for a long time. These weirdos are not invulnerable. They can also be injured. With our strength, we can completely injure them. Don't be afraid."

"That's right, but be careful, don't confront them head-on at all, they are surprisingly powerful."

"Let's fight together and consume their strength, and we will definitely be able to take them all down!"

More than 400 grand masters reached the peak, and it was agreed that they rushed up almost at the same time.

The 49 members of the Blood Slaughter, faced with the siege of so many masters and peak masters, were somewhat overwhelmed.




Several members of the blood massacre followed, and the blood from the beatings spilled into the sky.

Although they were lost, they could choose to avoid the vital points, so the injuries were not fatal.

With simple handling, they continued to fight hundreds of masters at the peak.

In this way, 49 blood slaughter members exchanged their own injuries for the lives of their opponents.

As long as the opponent is killed, they will be nourished with blood and their injuries will be restored.

After such a cycle, more than 400 grand masters peaked, and soon there were only [-] left.

"The vitality is so tenacious!"

"Weird people, really weird people, as long as they don't kill them directly, their injuries will heal after absorbing the blood, and their strength will also increase a little, it's too weird!"

"Everyone, don't be chaotic, concentrate your strength, kill one by one, don't disperse."

"That's right, we divided into several groups, attacked a person at the same time, cut off his neck, I don't believe they are still alive!"

The remaining [-] masters at the peak of the master vaguely found a way to deal with the blood slaughter members, and they shot mercilessly.

But at this moment, Xiao Ting, who had been watching the battle, made a move.

Xiao Ting's strength was already able to crush the peak of the Dizong, so he could easily crush these masters.

However, he knew that his master's intention was not simply to improve his own strength, but to improve the strength of the entire blood slaughter.

and so.

Previously, Xiao Ting did not participate in the massacre, but just silently guarded by the side.

Now seeing that the blood slaughter members were in danger of life, he directly took action to resolve them.

Afterwards, Xiao Ting roared in a low voice: "Xue Tu listens to the order, line up!"


The 49 blood slaughter members, upon hearing Xiao Ting's order, immediately found their positions according to the memory in their minds, and in an instant, the formation of Fulong combined attack was formed.

They came to the southern border battlefield this time, not only to strengthen their physical bodies, but also to be familiar with the Fulong combined attack technique.

Now is the right time.

Fulong joint attack technique.

The 49 members of the Blood Massacre will be like one person, and they will burst out with a hundredfold power.


Following Xiao Ting's yell, the 49 members of Xue Tu used a strange formation to kill the [-] masters.

In an instant, the team formed by these peak masters was directly dispersed.

Xiao Ting didn't make a move, he was just instigating from the sidelines, but the strength erupted by the Xuetu members was enough to crush [-] peak masters.

For a moment, the scene screamed again and again, and the peak master was like a chicken cub, allowing the blood slaughter members to slaughter.


at the same time.


Forbidden City.

Jinluan Hall.

Above the majestic palace, there are resplendent and resplendent, with four thick pillars, like huge stones holding up the sky, carved with dragons and painted with phoenixes.

At the highest place of the hall, there is a throne that all those who pursue fame and fortune in the world are eager to sit on.

Behind the throne, there are nine golden dragon sculptures, with teeth and claws, threatening to engulf the world.


A middle-aged man with a serious face sat on the throne, not angry but mighty.

This person is the pinnacle of power, the co-lord of the world, ruling thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and hundreds of millions of people, overlooking the world and the common people!

He is, Long... OK... God!

The dragon travels in the world, and I am the only one!

Chapter 320 Great Victory in the Southern Border War

Above the main hall is the emperor Long Xingtian.

Under the main hall, there are nearly a hundred civil and military people from the Manchu Dynasty, all of whom are powerful figures in the world.

The person standing at the front on the left is the emperor's younger brother, Prince Ping Long Xuxing.

The person standing at the front on the right is an old man over sixty years old, the current prime minister Liu Zhonglian.

Today, after the outbreak of the southern border war, Long Xuxing, the head of the military officer, and Liu Zhonglian, the head of the civil official, summoned all the civil and military officials and rushed to the hall to discuss countermeasures.

"For a long time, country D has been at odds with us on the two southeastern borders, and wars often occur."

The emperor Long Xingtian frowned and said: "This time, why did they suddenly attack on a large scale? Could it be that they really have a plan?"

"My lord, the most urgent task is to send troops to reinforce the southern border. Is it possible that the southern border should be handed over?"

Liu Zhonglian, the head of civil servants, stood up and said impassionedly: "Every inch of land in the country is bought by countless sons and daughters who sacrificed their lives and sprinkled their blood. For this, an inch of land must not be given up!"

"The prime minister's words are wrong."

However, Long Xuxing took a step forward and directly denied: "Country D is coming in menacingly, and the road is like a broken bamboo. The fall of southern Xinjiang is inevitable. Even if we send reinforcements, it will not help."

"Instead of this, it's better to preserve our troops, accumulate strength, and then look for opportunities to fight country D to the death."

Long Xuxing suggested: "My brother suggests, let D country enter the customs, divide it, and then use the Tianlu warfare method to annihilate them all!"

"The Emperor!"

When Liu Zhonglian heard this, he hurriedly said anxiously: "It's absolutely impossible, this move is like leading a wolf into the house, and there will be endless troubles."

"If country D uses southern Xinjiang as a springboard to continuously send troops into the country and erode our land, how can our country resist it?"

Liu Zhonglian said worriedly: "Let's not talk about whether the Tianlu tactics are effective, even if it is effective, then it's not good. After all, when country D enters the country, hundreds of millions of people will die."

"Even if country D is destroyed, so what? Can the people who died in the war come back to life?"

Liu Zhonglian pleaded for the people, saying: "I hope the emperor can consider the people's livelihood, resist the enemy outside the southern border, and fight to the death with country D!"

"Zai Que is really ignorant!"

Long Xuxing sneered, and then said in a deep voice: "According to the information I got, country D dispatched 50 troops this time, more than 2000 ordinary grandmasters, and [-] peak grandmasters!"


As soon as this remark came out, a turbulent wave immediately set off on the scene, and all civil and military officials were shocked. Obviously, they knew what it meant to have more than 2000 ordinary grandmasters and their own [-] peak grandmasters.

"Using the power of the whole country, we can deal with one or two, but resisting the enemy outside the southern border city is tantamount to wishful thinking."

Long Xuxing continued: "Besides, it will take at least two days to gather the masters and soldiers scattered all over the place."

"As for Southern Xinjiang, it is doomed to fall tonight, and there is simply no time."

"Besides, Prime Minister, do you know who is the leader of Country D this time?" Long Xuxing asked coldly.

Liu Zhonglian met Long Xuxing's gaze, and responded neither humble nor overbearing: "It doesn't matter who it is, it can affect the battle situation?"


But Long Xuxing nodded, and said seriously: "Because that person was once the myth of invincibility in country D, Duan...mu...liu!"

"What, Duanmuliu!"

"Isn't Duanmuliu dead? He died more than 100 years ago!"

"He is the invincible god of war in modern times. He has a fierce reputation on the battlefield, but it has been so many years, he is still alive!"


Most of the civil and military officials knew Duanmuliu's name.

This is also normal.

As mentioned above, Duanmuliu is the invincible god of war in modern times, and has left a strong mark in modern history.

The contemporary people have all heard of Duanmu Liu's achievements and know his brilliance.

Therefore, when they heard Duanmu Liu's name, everyone was not calm.

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