"Then I'm afraid too."

"Okay, by the way, it's my first time here, this road is a bit narrow, be careful."

"I know. Actually, after passing this opening, it's not narrow anymore. The road inside is quite wide. Let's speed up after passing this opening."

"Okay, my speed is very fast, hey, wife, you have to keep up."

"No~ slow down, I haven't exercised for a long time, if I go too fast, my body will fall apart tomorrow."

Concubine Li Xuan was talking, but Su Yang had already run away, so she spoke to the phone: "Qing Dai, I won't talk to you for now, hang up, Su Yang, ah, I'm in so much pain, I'm bleeding!"


On the other side, a beeping sound came from Hua Qingdai's ear, and Li Feixuan had already hung up.

At this moment, she froze in place, her eyes filled with astonishment...

Chapter 301 Su Xinghe and Li Qiqi

In a luxuriously furnished room.

Hua Qingdai held up her mobile phone, her exquisite jade face froze, both stunned and dazed.

I'm going to speed up?

After this mouth, the inside is very wide?

The next day, the body will fall apart?



This...are you sure this is running?

Lie to a three-year-old!

"What are you running for, Concubine Xuan, I didn't expect you and Su Yang to develop so fast, and you both...do that kind of thing!"

Hua Qingdaiyu blushed, suddenly thinking of what Su Yang said on the phone.

What are you afraid of, there is no one on the road.

Does this mean that Su Yang and Fei Xuan started doing it on the main road...


"It's too bold!"

Hua Qingdai said in disbelief: "Feixuan is such a pure and clean girl, but now she has fallen so far, it's all Su Yang's fault!"

"The super rich young master Su really lives up to his reputation. He has a wild nature in his bones. Concubine Xuan is with him, it's like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth!"

Hua Qingdai gritted her teeth, suddenly feeling worthless for Concubine Li, but thinking of her grandfather Hua Shimiao's attitude towards Su Yang, Hua Qingdai was particularly curious.

"What's so good about First Young Master Su? Why does my grandfather favor him so much?"


at this time.

Villa area, on a small road.

Concubine Lixuan ran too fast just now, she accidentally fell down and hit her knee, her flesh rubbed against the ground, and blood oozed out instantly.

Su Yang hurriedly turned around, knelt down to clean Li Feixuan's wound, and asked at the same time: "Honey, are you okay, does it hurt?"

"Of course it hurts."

Li Feixuan glanced at Su Yang angrily, and complained: "It's all your fault, you ran well, and any speed is all your fault."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Su Yang responded while covering the wound with spiritual energy, and the wound healed almost in the blink of an eye.

Instead, Su Yang asked with concern: "Honey, does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt... Hey, it's strange, it was obviously bleeding just now, and the wound suddenly disappeared?"

Concubine Li Xuan was full of curiosity, stood up and moved around, and found that her leg didn't hurt at all, as if she hadn't been hurt just now: "What's going on?"

"Wife, in fact, you didn't get hurt at the beginning, you just hurt too much, which affected your judgment." Su Yang laughed.

"Oh, maybe it's because I'm blind."

Li Feixuan nodded as if agreeing, and then said angrily: "I don't care, Su Yang, you caused me to fall, and you have to be responsible for me. Now, I want you to carry me away."

"Haha, you little rascal, it's ok, you can recite it, but I will charge interest."

Su Yang smiled, turned to carry Li Feixuan on his back, and held his wife's... ahem, to prevent his wife from slipping.

At first, Li Feixuan was full of doubts about the so-called interest, but now feeling Su Yang's restless hands, she immediately reacted, Yu blushed as if she could pinch blood.

"Su Yang, your hand!"

"What happened to my hand?"

"Where did you put it, quickly move it away!"

"No, wife, if I move it away, you will slide off me."

"You... hmph, forget it, just don't move around!"

In the end, Li Feixuan compromised and let Su Yang carry her behind her back.

Under the moonlight, the silhouettes of the two became longer and longer.


At this time.

Outside the Nine Gates Black Market.

in the dark.

Two figures, one small and one large, stood side by side, both holding a baseball bat in their hands.

"Big sister, I've been watching this guy for a long time today. The things on him are very valuable and will help you a lot."

The little guy standing on the left spoke, his voice was only three or four years old, full of immaturity, and then said: "I've got this vote done, and I promise to let you break through to the realm of energy transformation."

"Haha, really, little brother Xinghe, you didn't lie to me, did you?" The person next to him asked as if asking for proof.

Not bad.

This small figure is exactly Su Xinghe,

As for the person on his right, it was Li Qiqi.

At this moment, the two were wearing black clothes, with flesh-colored stockings on their heads, each holding a heavy baseball bat in their hands, squatting cautiously in the dark.

On that night about seven days ago, Su Yang sensed Chu Fusheng's aura in Su's Manor, so he didn't go back to the villa by the river.

That day, Li Qiqi, Zhou Yutong, and Li Feixuan took Su Xinghe to a barbecue.

As a result, at the barbecue stand, I met a group of people picking on faults, and one of them stepped into the realm of Huajin.

Li Qiqi's three-legged cat's kung fu is good against ordinary people, but when she meets that group of people, she is directly defeated.

At the critical moment, Su Xinghe made a move, three times, five times and two times, and beat everyone to the ground.

Since then, Li Qiqi has formed a deep friendship with Su Xinghe, and she doesn't hate Su Xinghe anymore, even if Su Xinghe dislikes her as a child.


Li Qiqi kept pestering Su Xinghe, asking him how he cultivated and why he was so strong at such a young age.

Su Xinghe naturally ignored Li Qiqi, and ignored her.

But later, Li Qiqi caught Su Xinghe's weakness.

This little guy with a mysterious origin has two hobbies, one is eating, and the other is concubine.

Compared to eating, Su Xinghe wanted to find a concubine more.

So Li Qiqi lied that besides Tongtong, she had several girlfriends, each of whom was several times more beautiful than Tongtong.

As long as Su Xinghe told her how to cultivate, she would introduce those girlfriends to Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe was immediately tempted, but he didn't say that he had set foot on the Grandmaster through enlightenment, but he could guarantee that Li Qiqi would set foot on Huajin.


When Li Qiqi heard this, she immediately changed her mind, and changed her request, asking Su Xinghe to help her, and in exchange, she would introduce her best friend to Su Xinghe as his concubine.

in fact.

How can Li Qiqi have girlfriends who are several times more beautiful than Tongtong, they are all lying to Su Xinghe.

However, Su Xinghe was young and inexperienced after all, so he didn't notice it at all, and agreed to Li Qiqi cheerfully.

After Zhou Yutong returned to Jiangnan, Su Xinghe began to think of ways to help Li Qiqi improve her strength.

Now Li Qiqi is in the realm of dark energy, it is actually not difficult to break through to Huajin, as long as she takes some pills that increase true energy, she can break through.

But when Su Xinghe ran away from home, he didn't bring this kind of medicine with him, and he didn't have any money with him.

No way, he came up with the idea of ​​the Nine Doors Black Market.

Before coming to Jiangbei, Su Xinghe had prepared a sufficient strategy, so he knew the stronghold of the Nine Gates Alliance in Jiangbei.

But he didn't want to expose himself, lest his mother send someone to arrest him, so he turned his thoughts and thought of robbery.

Su Xinghe asked Li Qiqi to take him and pretend to be a disciple of the nearby sect, and bring his younger brother to the Nine Gates Black Market to buy things, and see the world by the way, so it won't arouse others' suspicion.


Su Xinghe was looking for targets in the Nine Gates Black Market, and he picked out stall owners to attack. When he came across something he liked, he would jump out and rob him while the other party was leaving the Nine Gates Black Market.

In just a few days, Su Xinghe and Li Qiqi have successfully committed crimes many times.

Li Qiqi has also stepped into the peak of dark energy, only one step away from the state of transformation energy.

Chapter 302 Big Sister, Don’t Forget to Promise Me

Tonight, Su Xinghe observed for a long time, and finally settled on a elixir from a middle-aged stall owner.

Although Su Xinghe is young, his knowledge of ancient martial arts is fluent.

He can conclude that as long as Li Qiqi takes that elixir, she will definitely be able to successfully advance to Huajin.

"Big sister, don't forget to promise me and introduce your beautiful best friend to me as my concubine." At this moment, Su Xinghe said excitedly.

"Little Brother Xinghe."

Carrying a baseball bat, Li Qiqi said generously: "Don't worry, the elder sister patted her chest to assure you that she will keep her word."

"Cut, do you have breasts?" Su Xinghe said casually.


Li Qiqi was not polite at all, directly grabbed Su Xinghe's ear, and said fiercely: "What did you just say?"

"I, I, I... Big sister, let go, I didn't say anything." Su Xinghe said hastily.

"I clearly heard it, how many times have I said it, don't say I'm young, don't say I'm young!" Li Qiqi twisted Su Xinghe's ears hard,

"It hurts, it hurts... Wait, big sister, stop making trouble, that guy is here, it's important to do business." Su Xinghe said seriously.

"Hmph, I'll let you off this time."

Only then did Li Qiqi let go, and together with Su Xinghe, they hid in place and remained motionless.

At this time.

A middle-aged man in a gray robe walked out of the Jiumen Black Market, playing with a black pill in his hand.

"Hey, it's really difficult to do business these days. I'm so busy today that I haven't made any business."

The middle-aged man sighed again and again, then put away the black pill and planned to return to his residence.


But at this moment, Su Xinghe made a move, jumped out, and hit the middle-aged man on the head with a stick.

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