Xiao Ting took the order to protect Su Qiankun and Su Shenbing with all the blood slaughter members, and at the same time told the servants of the Su family not to leave the manor.

at the same time.

Sujia Manor, 500 meters away.

A middle-aged man in a blue gown was hiding in the darkness.

He was about 50 to [-] years old, with no wrinkles on his face and a short black beard on his upper lip.

The middle-aged man was thin, with long black hair tied in a bun, dressed in an ancient costume, and looked frail. He was a jade-faced scholar.

He is Du Hongjin's cousin, the jade-faced scholar Chu Fusheng!

Back then, Mrs. Hongjin and Yumian Scholar were famous throughout the ancient martial arts world, and both of them were extremely proud.


Chu Fusheng has already set foot in the later stage of Tianzong, and he can be regarded as a top group of experts in the ancient martial arts world.

However, he never married in his life, nor did he join any sect, and he was a loner from beginning to end.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Chu Fusheng was hurt by love, and he still misses Mrs. Hongjin in his heart, but he can't ask for it. The disheartened Chu Fusheng spends all day drinking to relieve his worries, and doesn't care about world affairs.

This is an epic love story, which touched many ladies in the ancient martial arts world.

Chu Fusheng's temperament is outstanding, his talent is extraordinary, and his facial features are even more correct. Otherwise, how could he have the title of jade-faced scholar.

What's more difficult is that he is an infatuated type, with a melancholy temperament, which has attracted many fans, and many women have flirted with him, but he has rejected them all.

After losing Du Hongjin for more than 20 years, Chu Fusheng indulged in the mountains and fields, a thatched hut, a book boy, and lived half of his life with simple food and simple food.

of course.

This is just Chu Fusheng in the eyes of outsiders, but in fact, he often has trysts with Mrs. Hongjin.

Even Shi Xuan is Chu Fusheng's son!

Back then, before Du Hongjin married Shi Yunfei, she had already had a relationship with Chu Fusheng.

To put it simply, Du Hongjin was pregnant when she married Shi Yunfei.

It's just that Du Hongjin used some tricks to pretend to be a virgin during the festive night in the bridal chamber.

Because of this, Shi Yunfei never doubted Shi Xuan's identity.

Chu Fusheng knew that Shi Xuan was his own son, but due to the place where he was enshrined in Zen, he didn't dare to make any oversteps, and he didn't even recognize Shi Xuan.

Usually when meeting with Du Hongjin, they are also cautious, and have not revealed any flaws for so many years.

Chu Fusheng is very satisfied with this kind of life, and originally planned to live like this for the rest of his life.


Just today, he suddenly received news that his son Shi Xuan had been killed

The murderer was Jiangbei Su Xuantian.

Chu Fusheng, a jade-faced scholar, endured it for 20 years and swallowed his anger all the time, but when he heard the news, he was so angry that he couldn't bear it, so he took his book boy and went straight to Jiangbei without stopping for a moment.

After some investigation, he learned that Shi Xuan came to Jiangbei to destroy the Su family.

Chu Fusheng couldn't find Su Xuantian, so he came to Su's house immediately, intending to use Su's house to lure Su Xuantian out.

Moreover, he wants to fulfill his son's last wish and destroy the family with his own hands.

Behind Chu Fusheng, there is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old book boy, white and clean, handsome and extraordinary.


At this moment, Bai Jing Shutong asked curiously: "This is the place where Master Shi Xuan died. According to the information we got, Su Xuantian is the sworn brother of Su Qiankun, the old Patriarch of the Su family. A few days ago, the reason why Su Xuantian shot Shi Xuan Young master, it must be because of this sworn relationship."

"Since that's the case, young master, why didn't you directly crush the Su family and force Su Xuantian to show up, but chose to wait and see here?" Bai Jing Shutong asked suspiciously.

"Lin Yuan."

Chu Fusheng said lightly: "I have warned you many times, be calm when encountering situations, and don't act rashly if you are not fully prepared."

"This Su Xuantian, according to outside rumors, can only kill half-step Dizong, and he needs to use all means, which is very laborious. How did he kill Xuan'er?"

Chu Fusheng looked at the Su Family Manor with deep eyes, and continued, "What's more, Duan Shihai, the Patriarch of the Shadowless Sect, was also present and was also killed."

"In the early days of Duan Sihai's Tianzong, his strength was not weak, and he could obliterate Su Xuantian with a single raise of his hand, but in the end, Xuan'er and Duan Sihai both died."

Chu Fusheng came to a conclusion and said firmly: "There must be something strange in this, either Su Xuantian is hiding his strength, or Su Xuantian has an expert behind him to help."

"My lord, in your opinion, what should we do now?" Bai Jingqiusheng suddenly realized and asked in a low voice.


With a sullen face, Chu Fusheng said coldly: "Observe for a few days first, I have seen Su Xuantian's photo, let's see if I can see Su Xuantian here."

"Also, Hong Jin has already gone to investigate what happened that day, and she also wants to witness Su Xuantian's killing with her own eyes, so it's not too late to do it in a few days."

"My lord is wise." Bai Jingshu Tong Linyuan said.


Chu Fusheng nodded slightly, at this moment he suddenly noticed someone approaching, so he whispered: "Someone is coming, let's go first, don't startle the snake."


Chu Fusheng grabbed Lin Yuan's clothes and left the scene. The two quickly disappeared into the night.

next moment.

Su Yang arrived, looking at the direction the two left, with a slightly dignified expression.

"Is it the late Tianzong period?"

Su Yang murmured: "It's really troublesome, but it's nothing to be afraid of. It's just that he walks pretty fast."

Chapter 275 Six Days Later

Just now, when Chu Fusheng left, he used the true energy in his body, and Su Yang has already noticed his true strength.


Su Yang didn't chase after him, because he was afraid of being ambushed, and because it was unnecessary.

Since this person is going to be detrimental to the Su family, he will definitely come again. I just need to wait and wait, so as not to change.

Thinking of this, Su Yang jumped back to the manor.

After coming to his room, Su Yang sat cross-legged and counted his methods in detail.

Shuilongshui, so close to the end of the world, Baishi Reincarnation Fist, Dongfu Key, and the secret art of blood sacrifice.

Using them one by one, it will not be a problem to obliterate Tianzong's later stage.

However, this is more expensive.

The Key of the East Mansion is okay, at most the spiritual energy in the body is gone, and the energy stone can be used to replenish it.

But the blood sacrifice secret technique is too harmful, and it takes a long time to recover.

In the later stage of defeating Tianzong, he must activate the key of the East Mansion in the state of blood sacrifice.

"here we go again……"

A few minutes after Su Yang sat down, he felt that breath and appeared outside the manor again.

However, the man just stared at it from afar, as if he had no intention of entering the manor.

"It seems that he is still afraid of the Su Family Manor. He must be guessing who killed Duan Sihai and Shi Xuan."

"Headache, this guy won't come in and won't leave, it's difficult."

Su Yang smiled helplessly: "If I had known this, I wouldn't have allowed Xu Shanju to leave."

"If Xu Shanju is here, I will join hands with him, and it will not be difficult to kill this person."

"Huh? Right!"

Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Yang's mouth: "Zhang Ruomu should still be in Jiangbei now. I am the Lord of the Medicine King Hall, so I can order him to come to the rescue."

"With my help, Zhang Ruomu has reached the peak of Tianzong, and he can easily obliterate the late Tianzong outside."

"What's more, there is a more terrifying existence in Yiyun Villa, whose strength is unfathomable."


Su Yang dialed Hua Shimiao's phone number and said calmly, "Hua Shimiao, where are you?"

"Reporting to Master, I have received a message from you, and have sent doctors to collect medicinal materials."

On the phone, Hua Shimiao said with a smile: "At the moment, I am in Yiyun Villa, and according to your instructions, I am teaching the Nine-Turn Rejuvenation Needle."

"Is Zhang Ruomu beside you?" Su Yang asked.


Hua Shimiao said truthfully: "The deputy hall master left Yiyun Villa early this morning. It seems that those first-class sects are looking for trouble again. The deputy hall master needs to deal with it."

After Su Yang became the Hall Master, Zhang Ruomu logically became the Deputy Hall Master, handling various matters of the Yaowang Hall on behalf of the Hall Master.

"Well, I see."

Su Yang nodded slightly and fell into deep thought.

Without Zhang Ruomu, the background behind the Palace of Medicine King probably won't stay in Evian Villa either.

As a result, the power of the Hall of the Medicine King could not be expected for the time being.

As for Xu Shanju, he just left for Kyoto this morning, and he probably hasn't arrived yet.

What's more, Wang Fugui's matter is more urgent. If it is delayed, maybe Liu Chutian will marry someone else, and regret it for the rest of his life.

After much deliberation, Su Yang finally decided that if he had to, he would perform a blood sacrifice to kill the invading enemy.

However, some preparations are needed before that, at least the medicinal materials for restoring qi and blood must be prepared.

In Su Yang's memory, there happened to be a pill called Qixue Pill.

The refining of Qi and Blood Pill is relatively complicated, and the medicinal materials used are very scarce, so Su Yang did not consider refining it before.

But now with the Palace of the Medicine King as the background, what medicinal materials can't be obtained?

"Hua Shimiao, I will send you another prescription later. No matter what method you use, you must gather the ingredients for me. The sooner the better!"

Saying yes, Su Yang hung up the phone, and sent Hua Shimiao the recipe for refining the Qi and Blood Pill in the form of a text message.

Followed by.

Su Yang sent another WeChat message to Concubine Li, saying that she was going to retreat, and told her not to come to Su's Manor to look for her these days.

Afterwards, Su Yang put the mobile phone into the storage ring, with a cloudy face, the corners of his mouth raised, and sneered:

"Hmph, let me see how long you can bear it. The day you can't help but enter Su's house is the day when you die!"


this time.

Southern Anhui, Jiufeng Mountain.

Qian Shanxue finished handling the affairs of the Nine Gates, and dragged her exhausted body back to the main peak.

Su Youyou has already rested.

After taking a hot bath, Qian Shanxue sneaked out of her busy schedule and took out her mobile phone to play.

At this time, she suddenly saw a missed call, and after clicking in, she found that the caller was actually Su Xuantian.

Su Xuantian!

Su Xuantian!

Isn't this Su Yang!

However, Su Yang is already dead!

Qian Shanxue cheered up immediately, looked at her phone, and soon saw a text message from Su Yang.


"The text messages are from Su Yang's tone. He said he knew I was Jiang Xue'er, and that he would pick me up and go home with Youyou in the future. Is... Su Yang not dead?"

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