[The reincarnated immortal and former thunder god Zhou Zheng fought fiercely with demons, was exhausted and seriously injured, and was rushed to other stars for treatment. 】

Naturally, Ao Ying had received Zhou Zheng's reminder in advance, and there was no reaction from the whole Dragon Palace.

The monks of the Futian League remembered Zhou Zheng's name. In the official overhaul group, many people added special attention to Zhou Zheng to ensure that when this guy showed up to sell demon corpses, they would get the news as soon as possible.

As for the demon side...

King Qingyuan: Great victory!

All the demon kings: It's all thanks to King Qing's command and dispatch, to clear away the serious troubles for our holy spirit clan.

From the standpoint of Zhou Zheng's team, this fishing plan got rid of a group of monsters, relieved a little bit of pressure for the front line, obtained merit, spirit stones, and precious materials, and has the power to eliminate "lolicon" in the Futian League. outside popularity.

On the side of King Qingyuan, King Qingyuan preliminarily established the status of the 'leading lion', expanded his own influence, and completed the first unified linkage of the eighteen road demon kings.

It seems that no one has lost, but the angles of winning are different.

In a corner of Longchen City, several master workers in blue uniforms were slowly hoisted by a crane. They were talking and laughing while taking down the huge poster.

The season for beach trips is over.

Beach and blue sky, white clouds and volleyball, bikinis and sunhats.

A passing boy grabbed his mother by the skirt.

"Uncle, they rolled up the sea."

"That's just a poster, the real sea is endless," the mother raised her hand and rubbed the boy's head.

"Then mother, does the sea have an edge?"

"Of course there is. If we go to the beach, that's the edge of the sea. The sea is actually a bigger lake, but it's very big. If you take a boat, it will take a long time to get to the other side."


"You'll know when you see it, we have an appointment."


The first agricultural island, a green land with an area of ​​five acres, merged into a corn field by night.

A two-meter-high courtyard wall was added outside the green space, and a sign of "Institute of Abnormal Biology" was hung outside the courtyard door, and a semicircular protective cover (array) was buckled on the ground to isolate the outside world. Sight.

This barrier of light is actually relatively ordinary, it is a simple protective formation that is exposed; it is impenetrable from the outside, but it is unobstructed when viewed from the inside.


Fairy Ice Lemon walked out of her cabin.

She is wearing a loose skirt, but it does not conceal her graceful and soft figure, her long hair like a waterfall is half up, and there is no color difference between her neck and collarbone.

She glanced at the few people standing in a row in the distance, tapped her toes, floated under a big tree in the corner of the yard, and sat sideways on the recliner.

Take a pot of iced tea, a little ice crystals appear on your fingertips and condense into a teacup shape, then lower your head and sip it lightly;

Holding a volume of heavenly scriptures, carefully understanding the Taoist rhyme contained in it, unconsciously, you are fascinated.

A Persian cat jumped over, squatted in the lounge chair next door, and gently swept its tail.

Lingqin'er raised her paw and touched the cat's whiskers—how should she get close to the fairy elder sister?Wait online, don't worry.

"Okay! Cough cough!"

Feng Bugui's loud voice came from afar.

The two-meter-tall strong man clapped his big hands, and Zhou Zheng's team lined up with four people, their heads held high.

Feng Bugui cleared his throat and grinned:

"We have also been honored by you, and we have not been able to show up for the past few months, so we simply applied to be your instructor for a few months!

"My cultivation level is not as good as yours, so I won't care about cultivation matters, if you have any questions, please go to the real instructor.

"What I can teach you is experience! From the cataclysm to the present, I followed the immortals to fight on the front line. Because of the bottleneck of my cultivation base, I gradually couldn't keep up with the vanguard. I tried to plan for a while. There is also a good grasp of the sophistication of the world, which will be taught to you later.

"But my most important task is to train your willpower, especially a reincarnated general who is said to have absorbed two treasure lotus platforms but failed to break through the bottleneck. I won't name them here."

Xiao Sheng clenched his fists.

Yue Wushuang covered her mouth and laughed directly.

Feng Bugui waved his hand, pointing to the new negative mountain array not far away.

Now Zhou Zheng's team has a lot of spiritual stones, and they didn't intend to move out the large formation with the mountain in the landscape painting, and directly built a more advanced version!

"First! Find your ultimate load! Stand still!"

The four of them stood up straight with their hands behind their backs.

"Turn to the left, turn! Jog into the formation! Use your mana to resist the force of the load, and keep your body movements as simple as possible!"

"Yes! Instructor!"

Soon, the four of them each held a formation talisman, and with four beams of light of different colors, they started jogging on the formation wall paved on the ground, and habitually settled down.

Feng Bugui held a stopwatch in his hand: "The next thing is your limit test, each of you will increase the weight by [-]%!"

The four of them pressed the talisman at the same time, and the beam of light deepened at the same time.

Yue Wushuang's movements immediately became a little difficult, her small face turned slightly pale, and her mana began to flow poorly, but she gritted her teeth and did not fall behind.

Feng Bugui stared at the stopwatch, waited for Zhou Zheng and the three of them to sweat on their foreheads, and shouted again: "Each of them increases the weight by half!"

The four beams of light deepened again, and Yue Wushuang's speed suddenly slowed down a bit.

"Very good," Feng Bugui grinned, "It's normal for the female players to be weaker than you. Whoever falls behind first among the three of you will pour footwashing water for the other two for three days! Let's all run! Now is the test of your patience." !"

Zhou Zheng, who had the lowest level of cultivation, had already begun to swell his muscles, and the long-lost feeling of soreness struck again.

Li Zhiyong also frowned slightly, and silently deepened the color of the beam of light around him, so that he would not look too relaxed.

Xiao Sheng was staring at Zhou Zheng at this moment, but he was fighting secretly, the burrs on the top of his head almost seemed to fly.

More than ten minutes later, Yue Wushuang clutched her belly and exited the formation, fell to the ground and panted for a while, the sweatshirt on her body was wet with sweat, showing her pretty figure.

But she didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately sat cross-legged in meditation, placing a ring of spirit stones around her body.

Another half an hour later, Li Zhiyong frowned and withdrew from the formation, and also meditated cross-legged, quite calmly.

In the big formation.

Zhou Zheng exhaled like a cow, with white smoke coming out of his nostrils and stretched veins on his forehead. He was still running wildly at this moment, and every time he stepped on the wall of the ground, there would be a thumping sound.

Xiao Sheng next to him... has already rolled his eyes and is still holding on, with a ferocious face, gnashing his teeth, chasing after Zhou Zheng.

Feng Bugui had already put away the stopwatch, frowning at the scene.

Uh, will there be any accidents if you practice like this?Why are these two still competing?Isn't there already a pourer for washing feet?


Zhou Zheng let out a low growl, and there was a buzzing sound coming from his body, and a celestial light poured out and fell from the top of his head. He raised his head suddenly, and his aura suddenly surged in vain.

The ninth rank of gods!

Feng Bugui's facial muscles trembled slightly, then he gritted his teeth.

practice!Train him to death!This Hun Dan is too bullying, and he can still break through by running!Why can't he go to heaven!

That night, Zhou Zheng and Xiao Sheng sat paralyzed on the sofa and could not move. They still insisted on soaking their feet for half an hour, carefully peeled off the dead skin, and looked at Li Zhiyong, who rolled up his sleeves and put on an apron, with a smile. Basin leave.

"Cool!" Xiao Sheng laughed loudly.

Zhou Zheng took a photo of Li Zhiyong holding a footbath with his mobile phone and sent it to Xiaoyu.

I don't know what's going on, but Ao Ying's network has been getting worse and worse recently. It takes a few minutes to upload a photo, and the video will be blocked one by one.

So, three months later.

In the Crystal Palace, Ao Ying looked at herself in the mirror with a smile, and tried her best to step up her feet to make herself look a little taller, and there were a few shallow outlines of jade scales on her arms.

In an abandoned town [-] kilometers away from Longchen, in the cave of the Demon King Fengqing.

Feng Qing hummed a light tune, and under the gaze of the monsters kneeling behind him, he turned on the name change function in the game, deleted the five words 'Bu May Zai', and entered the name that he had conceived for a few days— —'The rest of my life'.

【Please change your name, this username is already taken】.

Feng Qing's forehead was covered with black lines, and he casually searched the player list, and sure enough, he found a player with the same name.

He raised his hand slightly, and the fox maid beside him hurried forward.

"Your Majesty?"

"Go to find this person offline and buy his account."

"Yes, Your Majesty... Your Majesty, the online meeting is about to be held. This time, it is said that we are going to discuss the eighteen coalition forces attacking the southern front. It is not appropriate to be absent."


The corner of Feng Qing's mouth twitched slightly, he lit a cigarette for himself, sat on the chair, puffed out the clouds, and kept thinking.

Chapter 74 The Nine Heavens

Xiao Sheng's special training results were not ideal.

He also doesn't understand what's wrong with him, he has enough insights and is in good spirits, every time he tries to hit the bottleneck, but he still can't break through the Hall of Return to the Ruins and leap into the ascension.

That layer of window paper, invisible and intangible, is really too difficult.

Xiao Sheng sighed, and jumped out from behind the disc player, the burrs on his head slumped against his scalp, and the big gold chain seemed to have lost a little luster.

'Otherwise, I'd better switch to Tianting rap and be a cheerleader for everyone. '

He thought a little decadently.

Lying on the bed, Xiao Sheng looked at the mirror attached to the ceiling, and the reflection in it showed that he had become stronger recently, and his originally thin body was covered with a little muscle.

He raised his left hand and scratched at the mirror, as if he wanted to hold something, his eyes were in a trance, and several pictures flashed across his heart.

The burning palace, the crumbling sky;

Shockwaves from far away;

That somewhat cold cycle of reincarnation...

"Oh," Xiao Sheng sighed slightly, turned over and jumped up, humming the latest pop song, put his hands in the front pockets of his jeans, and walked slowly outside the house.

In the dining room, the monitor's catwoman was carving watermelons with a knife.

Xiao Sheng couldn't understand, where did this spiritual creature get so many long socks, and the colors were not the same every day.

That kind of dress with a short waist skirt and long socks is not as good as a neon dress with ethereal sleeves?

The aesthetics are different and cannot be understood.

Zhou Zheng was holding a tablet computer and was fascinated by it, Xiao Sheng swayed over: "What are you looking at, monitor?"

"Overhaul the video files shared in the group."

Zhou Zheng sighed: "The demons have stationed troops on the southern front, and the battle is about to start again."

Xiao Sheng supported the back of the sofa with his hands, dexterously jumped to the front of the sofa, and sat down with his legs crossed:

"It's been like this for these years. The monsters rest for a few months before going to war. Every time a group of little monsters are killed, they stop fighting. I suspect that they have given too many spiritual objects and not enough rations."

"I think it's unlikely to be a problem with rations. It should be because I don't want the reincarnated immortal to retreat for a long time."

Zhou Zheng carefully analyzed:

"Like Blue Star's current situation, the demons who seem to be on the dominant side are actually under a lot of offensive pressure.

"The core combat power of the Blue Star human camp is the reincarnated immortals, followed by a large number of monks, all of which have a strong growth potential. As time goes by, the demons will become more and more disadvantaged.

"The monsters have the advantage in numbers, but because of the lack of battle formations, good and bad internally, they can't fully exert their advantage in numbers...By the way, didn't you say before that there is a King Qingyuan who is uniting the Eighteen Demon Kings?"

"The three-headed lion spirit, the god will give the comment--aspirations are big and talents are sparse, but it is difficult to achieve success."

Xiao Sheng took an apple at random and gnawed on it:

"However, King Qingyuan is quite strong, and he is second only to the severely wounded Demon Flood Dragon in Blue Star.

"The more troublesome thing is that the lion clan among the monsters is quite special. The big monsters of the lion clan scrambled to recognize Jiuling Yuansheng as their grandfather, and ranked them according to their seniority, forming a big clan. They have made troubles for hundreds of years.

"Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng is extremely defensive, causing other demon clans to give way to the lion clan.

"The King Qingyuan on the blue star should be the great-great-grandson of Jiuling Yuansheng."

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