Our old Li read this kind of book to practice?No wonder he always acted mysteriously, giving the first impression that he was a bit ordinary, but the more he looked at it, the more he seemed to be hiding something.

The roots are here!

"Bai Shou Tai Bai Jing" has a total of three chapters, the first, middle and lower, and there are many remarks in it, which Zhou Zheng can't agree with at all.

For example:

"Heroes of the three worlds, gods, ghosts, immortals and demons are all in the chess game, and they are all manipulated by the chess player. It is rare to be at ease, and they are finally limited to this place.Although my generation of monks has no intention of fighting and harming others, we should have comprehensive self-protection methods. '

At first glance, this sentence seems to be quite correct, but after careful consideration...

There are many dangers that little monks need to face, how can they protect themselves comprehensively?

Unless it is the kind of peerless genius who has practiced for hundreds of years without moving and hiding in the mountains without encountering any inner demons or bottlenecks, otherwise he will not be able to achieve the realm mentioned in this scripture!

Of course, Zhou Zheng also thinks that many of the viewpoints in this scripture are quite good.

For example, the outline of the nine verses.

The third of the general outline of the scriptures: selfish desires, the root of disaster, and peace of mind, and later self-cultivation. '

This scripture is to persuade people to reduce their own desires, and many disasters can be avoided if they don’t get greedy.

'The sixth of the general outline of the scriptures: avoiding natural disasters, there are changes, avoiding man-made disasters, there are many difficulties. '

Zhou Zheng remembers that in Journey to the West, monkeys learned 72 changes, originally to avoid the three disasters. The first half of this scripture is not difficult to understand, but the last two sentences...

Is it more difficult to avoid man-made disasters than to avoid natural disasters?

In addition to the general outline of the Nine Bureaus, this "Bai Shou Tai Bai Jing" also gives a "realm" division.

Xiaowen: Think ten times before acting;

Moderate stability: no one in the world knows my name;

Dawen: The three souls do not enter the world.

Zhou Zheng estimated it himself. Being in the world of mortals, most of the time he can't help himself. With his character and the situation he is in now, he can only be a little stable at best.

But Shisi is too exaggerated.

The greatest value of this scripture lies in the last recorded magical technique - "Spiritual Tortoise's Breath Jue", just a few hundred words of formula, but it is a supreme magic method, which seems to coincide with the meaning of transcendence .

This technique has only one function, to hide one's own realm.

Zhou Zheng memorized the formulas, feeling something in his heart, and decided to experiment later.

Something seems not quite right.

Zhou Zheng flipped through the scriptures, and found one of them: "If the realm is ten, hide eight and reveal two, when interrogated by others, reveal four and protect six".

That guy Li Zhiyong told himself whether he was at the second level of Returning Ruins Realm, or after Hidden Realm?

Ah this!

Zhou Zheng was about to go to Li Zhiyong to question him and find out, when he suddenly realized that he turned to the last page of this scripture, which was the last few lines of the "Spiritual Turtle's Breathing Art".

The words of the scriptures are actually changing!

Zhou Zheng got up instantly and pulled out the round shield, frowned and stared at the somewhat evil scriptures, only to see that the handwriting separated the radicals and reorganized them into four lines of gatha:

This world is not my world, and this teacher is not that teacher.

The road ahead is rough and dangerous, and my friends are more stable.

There's a smiley face on the back!

Before Zhou Zheng could figure out what these four lines of characters meant, a cluster of pale white flames suddenly appeared from the middle of the scriptures, and then quickly swept across the entire book.

Zhou Zheng didn't have time to react at all, the handwritten scriptures had disappeared, not even a single bit of ashes were left behind!

Zhou Zheng squeezed his eyes hard, carefully observed closely, and found that there was no mark on the desk in his bedroom.

what happened?

Isn't it a bit too supernatural to have no ashes! ?


Zhou Zheng's Adam's apple trembled up and down, turned around and rushed out of the room, heading straight to the basement!

"Zhiyong, isn't your scripture a bit weird! How can you burn the ashes!"

Zhou Zheng's voice stopped abruptly, and Li Zhiyong put on a tuxedo, looked at Zhou Zheng with a smile, and raised his hand as a gesture of please.

"Squad leader, would you like a drink?"

"Why are you... talking like a god?"

Zhou Zheng sat down with a frown and stared into Li Zhiyong's eyes, who met his eyes calmly.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Li Zhiyong raised his hand and pointed at one side of the wall, and several layers of formations were opened at the same time, completely wrapping the basement.

He sighed: "Whether you believe it or not, the squad leader, I can't answer the squad leader's doubts."

"Why?" Zhou Zheng didn't know why.

"I will be honest with you, monitor today, and this is the only way for me to protect myself."

Li Zhiyong said seriously: "Everything stems from my dream. First of all, I lied to Futianmeng, saying that it was a dream I had when I was a child. In fact, I had a dream when I was 17 years old. I have only practiced for six or seven years now. load."

Zhou Zheng pondered for a while: "So..."

Li Zhiyong's expression was always a bit uneasy.

"Are you only 23 and [-] this year?" Zhou Zheng's eyes lit up, "Brother Sheng Sheng, come and listen?"

Several black lines hung on Li Zhiyong's forehead, and he almost threw up the table and escaped.

"Just kidding," Zhou Zheng said with a smile, "Seeing that you are too nervous, let's ease the atmosphere... You don't need to pay too much attention to this. We are classmates and good buddies. If you don't want to tell any secrets, don't tell them. I can trust you. .”

Li Zhiyong frowned and asked: "Squad leader, don't you care about my specific realm?"

"I just need to clarify one thing," Zhou Zheng asked. "Facing the octopus monster that day, Yu Kong rushed out in a hurry, and then secretly told me that you are at the second level of the Ruins Returning Realm. I remember correctly."


"Did you have the strength to defeat the octopus monster?"

"I'm not half sure, but I'm a little bit sure that I'm delaying it for the time being," Li Zhiyong said, "This incident also shows that my xinxing cultivation is not enough. I was too impulsive at the time, and I have copied that scripture a thousand times afterward."

Zhou Zheng nodded slowly: "That's enough. I'm actually very pleased that you were able to abandon your code of conduct and rush out."

After saying that, Zhou Zheng raised his hand and patted Li Zhiyong's shoulder:

"Okay, I'm going back, oh yes, your scriptures spontaneously ignited."

"Spontaneous combustion?" Li Zhiyong asked immediately, "Squad leader, please explain in detail how it spontaneously ignited."

"that is……"

Such and such, such and such.

Zhou Zheng described the situation just now in detail, uttered the four lines of gatha, took Li Zhiyong to his room for a walk, and then returned to the basement.

Li Zhiyong sighed for a long time, sat down on the sofa, rubbed his face with his hands a few times, his eyes were a little empty.

What's up with him?

Zhou Zheng stayed by the side for a while before comforting him slowly: "Zhiyong, have you encountered any problems? Do you need to discuss it?"

"I don't even know who he is," Li Zhiyong sneered, "I don't even know who my master is."

Zhou Zheng was puzzled: "Isn't that the famous Taibai Jinxing?"

"That's right, my master Bai Jinxing, even the old gentleman himself recognized it that way."

Li Zhiyong sighed:

"At the end of that dream, the old man with the golden five-pointed star on his forehead seemed to wake up suddenly from a dream. He looked at his hands in astonishment and muttered to himself, 'Why am I here'."

Zhou Zheng couldn't help pondering, and fell into deep thought beside him.

"You mean, Taibaijinxing was manipulated by someone, and asked Meng to accept you as an apprentice?"

"Well, then the old man also recognized me as a named disciple," Li Zhiyong said, "When he left in the end, there was still a bit of confusion in his eyes."

Zhou Zheng took a breath and suddenly thought of something.

Li Zhiyong paused for a while, and a little inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

Then the two looked at each other, raised their fingers tacitly, and drew out of thin air, writing two large characters at the same time.

Zhou Zheng wrote about the sky;

What Li Zhiyong wrote is Tao.

Then the two brothers looked a little shocked, and immediately fell silent.

"It's all you need to know about this matter," Zhou Zheng urged, "The road ahead is rough and dangerous, I'll go back first."

"Squad leader, walk slowly... You're causing trouble to the squad leader."

Li Zhiyong sighed softly, and watched Zhou Zheng leave the basement with his hands behind his back.

Not long after, the guy smiled a little at the corner of his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately returned to a slightly sad look.

He really didn't know who his teacher was, after all, it was the ultimate state of stability.

But the squad leader didn't ask a few key questions, and these few questions can be regarded as real secrets. If the squad leader asked, he really didn't know how to answer them.

the other side;

The corners of Zhou Zheng's mouth began to twitch slightly after he left the basement.

Well, starting today, I should start to hide some realms myself.

This kid Zhiyong must have saved a lot of hands!

So what is the law of heaven and earth, the two of them tacitly want to fool each other.

Zhiyong is good at everything, he is also smart, and his character is trustworthy, but there is one thing... Zhiyong has obviously never experienced social beatings, and he is still too immature.

The micro-expression when changing the subject is obviously a little uncontrollable.

Zhou Zheng smiled, jumped up the stairs in one step, put these messy things behind him, grabbed his phone and started chatting with Xiaoyu.

Now that the monster's second wave of offensive has just been resolved, there is no need to worry about the third wave of offensive coming soon;

Xiao Sheng and Yue Wushuang had already gone to replace the materials used in the formation, so Zhou Zheng could relax for a while.


"Leibu righteous god? Zhou Zheng?"

Coral Sea, Crystal Palace.

Ao Yiling, who was wearing a long skirt of flowing clouds, walked forward slowly, and the two tortoises who bowed their heads followed each other and claimed yes.

With the support of the clam girl, Ao Yiling slowly reclined on the treasure tower, with a jade body stretched horizontally and curvaceous, the princess wearing a battle armor and a red dress showed her tenderness and tenderness.

She said: "Can this matter be verified?"

The old woman Guixian hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Highness, it has been verified by many parties, and the news given by the Futian League is indeed true."

"Well," Ao Yiling nodded slightly, "If he was an upright god in his previous life, he could barely match up with Yingying. Since we have heard about this matter, we have to express it."

"Your Highness, what do you mean?"

"In the name of Yingying, send some gifts to Zhou Zheng."

Ao Yiling sighed:

"This silly girl, she just got along with people for three or four months, and she devoted all her attention to him. The 3000 years in the previous life were really a waste of time, so what can I do?

"The gifts don't need to be too expensive, so as not to bring disaster to Zhou Zheng. Didn't they send a batch of Lingshi treasures before? Try to choose some that can be used before becoming a fairy."

The two Guixian old women bowed their heads and saluted: "The old minister takes orders."

Ao Yiling waved his hand lightly, and the old turtle fairy retreated; beside her, the clam girl knelt forward and gently tapped Ao Yiling's leg with her catkin.

There are also hippocampus playing music and starfish dancing, creating a sense of peace everywhere.

Ao Yiling traveled 3000 meters and found the deepest palace in the Crystal Palace.

On the big soft bed, the girl in the pink nightdress was turning around with a smile on her face, her eyes never leaving the phone in her hand.

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