"At Ao Ying's house, we will send a letter, saying that Ao Ying is here in Longchen City, everything is safe, and try not to mention your existence.

"If my predictions are correct, their people may come to you later, and some people may think that you are too lucky to be jealous of you or something.

"But don't worry, we have the final say here, the rules in the sea are different from those on land.

"In principle, we guardians of a happy life will not interfere with your relationship with Ao Ying, but Zhou Zheng, you have to learn to control the scale... Do you understand what I mean? It's really going to be a situation that can't end , it will be difficult for everyone.”

Control the scale.

Zhou Zheng avoided these irrelevant topics: "Thank you instructor for your concern, then I will go there tomorrow. When will the instructor be free?"

"I'm fine, I'll be waiting for you tomorrow, you can bring Ao Ying with you."

Xiaoyue exhorted:

"Since she appeared on our territory, she has to be registered according to the rules. By the way, I will send her a copy of "Guide to Modern Life of Spiritual Beings", as well as some special training subsidies for kind spiritual beings.

"In this way, it is confirmed that she has come here to practice, and she is under our protection, lest those sea spirits say anything and be deceived by you."

"Okay okay."

"See you tomorrow, Wang."

As Xiaoyue hung up the voice, several black lines slowly hung on Zhou Zheng's forehead.

The Guardian Immortal of this city doesn't really think that he and Ao Ying are in love, does he?

Ah this!

Zhou Zheng was inexplicably a little puzzled.

Is it his illusion?The god dog instructor seems to take great care of him, and has considered everything for him.

'This is the pattern of a fairy? '

Zhou Zheng turned his head to look at Ao Ying beside him, and found that Ao Ying was pretending not to hear anything; she looked at the city scenery outside the car window, and gave him a beautiful head back.

Ao Ying's left hand was placed by his side.

At this moment, the index finger and middle finger, which were as white as jade, supported the catkin, walking like a small person, crossing mountains and rivers, crossing mountains and mountains, heading towards the back of Zhou Zheng's hand.

Just halfway through, Zhou Zheng raised his hand to clear his throat, and the little man turned a corner immediately, returned to his original position, and obediently lay down.

Zhou Zheng suddenly thought of something.

Just now Xiaoyue reminded herself that the people in Dragon Palace might cause trouble for Ao Ying, a mortal, because of his gratitude?

This thing is...

Zhou Zheng suddenly looked up at the rearview mirror, just in time to see the driver's sight refracted through the mirror.

There is a bit of ferocity in the sight;

With a kind of pleasure of 'I'll make you look good later'.

Zhou Zheng grew up in an orphanage. When he was young and ignorant, he often got into fights with others. He was very familiar with this kind of look.

He decided to do something about it.

"Master, this doesn't seem to be the way to Xingguang."

Ao Ying raised her head and looked at the seat in front, her eyes were smudged with a faint golden light, and her complexion changed accordingly.

Zhou Zheng: ...

Feelings, you really just played with your phone just now!

The taxi driver reflected in the rearview mirror has a sharp and somewhat indifferent face, and the bluetooth headset in his ear also looks high-end.

Ao Ying's pretty face was full of seriousness.

She quietly stretched out her hand to grab Zhou Zheng's arm, blinked at Zhou Zheng, and then looked at the car door beside Zhou Zheng.

This hint... to jump off the car?

The driver squeezed a smile from the corner of his mouth, and said in a rough voice, "I offended you, Third Highness."

Before the words were finished, the fishbone decoration on the driver's wrist burst into dark blue light, and the taxi's door and roof were immediately covered by a layer of aqua blue halo.

The driver slammed the steering wheel, the taxi scraped off a corner of the wall, and threw it roughly into the alley in front left!

Not far ahead turned out to be a dense fog!

"Come on!"

Ao Ying rushed over immediately, grabbed Zhou Zheng and slammed into the side car door, and slapped Zhou Zheng's side car door with her green hands!

The water-blue halo flowed slowly, and the taxi only slightly bumped a few times.

Ao Ying was directly blocked back, her petite body sat on Zhou Zheng's lap, she turned her head and glared at the driver.

Zhou Zheng just felt dazzled and didn't have time to make any movements during the whole process.

He's still just mortal.


Ao Ying shouted angrily.

The man in the suit driving the car said in a low voice: "Your Highness, the prime minister wants to chat with you."

"You guys! Hmph!"

Ao Ying's angry little face turned pale, but she just clenched her fists and quickly calmed down.

When she looked up at Zhou Zheng, there was a bit of apology in her eyes.

"It's my family's guard, Zhou, don't worry."

"That," Zhou Zheng laid his body flat on the back of the seat, "First, cough, you get down first."

Ao Ying lowered her head and glanced at her eyes, she couldn't help Xiafei's cheeks faltering, she didn't know what to say, she turned her head and moved back to her original position.

The driver of the car glanced at Zhou Zheng, and the dark glasses couldn't stop that sharp look.

The hostility of fish spirits.

The taxi drove smoothly through the dense fog, turned a few turns, and drove into a quiet parking lot.


The sound of brakes lingered in the open field for a while.

The surrounding fog began to dissipate, with the taxi as a dot, revealing more open space.

The burly man in a suit at the driver's seat opened the door and walked out.

There are many silhouettes around.

As the fog receded, these figures revealed their appearance—a group of strong men with a height of 1.9 to [-] meters.

They were wearing suits, sunglasses, and Bluetooth headsets plugged into their ears.

——Obviously he is an elite guard of Dragon Palace, but he has the feeling of the concierge department of Dragon Palace Group.

There was a neat sound, and the group of strong men knelt down on one knee at the same time.

With a sullen face, Ao Ying pushed the car door and rushed down.

"Who told you to come!"

Zhou Zheng had already realized something, his expression was quite calm, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

He got out of the car calmly and watched Ao Ying get angry there.

"Your Highness."

An old and gentle voice sounded from the left.

The fog there spread left and right, and an old woman with white hair walked out slowly, leaning on a cane. The big silver tortoise shell on her back was quite eye-catching.

Whoa!Prime Minister Turtle!

Still the female version of Prime Minister Turtle!

Ao Ying frowned and pursed her lips, and said in a low voice: "Fourth Grandma, I should have made it clear in the text message I sent you. You can just come and deliver me some pills yourself. Why are you engaging in such a battle?"

The old Guixian smiled wryly, bowed his head and bowed to Ao Ying.

"Third Highness, it's not that this old slave doesn't help you, it's really...you let go of a ferret a few days ago?"

Ao Ying's expression froze, she immediately realized something, and nodded slightly.

The old woman touched the ground with her cane, and beside her was a strong man in a suit who stepped forward and threw a dead ferret to the ground.

The old Guixian began to use his supernatural powers [Worry-hearted]:

"Third Highness, it is true that you are not cautious enough.

"After this ferret escaped from Longchen, she went around saying that she had received top-secret information about the Dragon Palace, and wanted to pretend to be a rare commodity and join the Eighteenth Road Demon King. Fortunately, our people discovered it in time and got rid of her secretly.

"But the news of your presence here has probably already reached the ears of the Eighteenth Road Demon King.

"Our Dragon Palace has not yet risen, and the battles in it are extremely dangerous, and this place is no longer safe.

"This old slave has the guts to advise you, go back to the sea to practice.

"If you like this mortal brother, you can take him back with you. His Highness will grant your requests."

Ao Ying's pretty face was full of disappointment, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

Zhou Zheng stood obediently beside him.

It's nothing to do with him, the sight that the old Guixian looked at just now was kind, which made Zhou Zheng feel at ease.

He didn't bully Ao Ying, he acted upright, so he didn't have to feel guilty.

Having said that, Zhou Zheng still secretly opened the mobile chat software, found Xiaoyue's profile picture, and adjusted to the input mode for sending voice messages.

Just a little backhand.

Seeing that Ao Ying was silent, the old Guixian said again:

"Third Highness, the avatar of His Highness is waiting for you over there. It is inconvenient for the avatar of His Highness to meet outsiders. See if you can move..."

Ao Ying turned her head to look at Zhou Zheng, and said in a low voice, "I'm going to talk to Eldest Sister, and I'll be back in a while."

"Go ahead and have a good chat."

Zhou Zheng smiled and waved his hands, and then felt the hostile gazes around him.

The current situation did not exceed the limit of Zhou Zheng's imagination.

He can only be thankful that Ao Ying didn't call her husband.

But what caught Zhou Zheng a little off guard was that as soon as Ao Ying left with Prime Minister Gui's grandmother, the surrounding strong men stepped forward in unison and surrounded him.

The surrounding fog is thicker.

These strong men began to move their necks and limbs, their joints were crackling, and their eyes were full of unkindness.

Zhou Zheng's expression was quite calm, he pressed his finger on the voice recording button, and said to his surroundings:

"Everyone, I think you may have some misunderstandings. I am a friend of your third highness."


The burly man who had been driving before stepped forward with a slight sneer on the corner of his mouth.

It narrowed its eyes slightly, and layers of neck lines appeared on its neck, and the back of the neck line split blood-red and turned into gills.

What changed at the same time was the figure of this strong man.

Accompanied by the sound of the fabric being torn apart, he was like a blown up balloon, growing from 1.9 meters to a height of two meters, muscles all over his body swelled, and a gray fin protruded from his back.

Shark muscle monster?

Zhou Zheng's mouth twitched slightly.

He felt that the other party was making a lot of fuss. To deal with a young man like himself who hadn't practiced yet but was thin and handsome, it was completely unnecessary to transform himself.

If two strong men come here at random, he will definitely not be able to do it!

When things came to an end, Zhou Zheng didn't have stage fright, instead he smiled a little, and asked calmly:

"What are you guys trying to do?"

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