Zhou Zheng turned over and jumped out of the back seat of the car, stepped on the soft soil, and hurriedly asked, "Is there no way to break the magic formation?"

"This phantom formation is very clever, we don't have any masters who are good at breaking formations," Xiaoyue said, "and I have already sent voices from thousands of miles to ask the generals, this formation can only wait for the people inside to come out, or someone to go in and shout Wake up the people in the formation."

Xiao Sheng frowned and said, "Then go in and shout, aren't you two great angels?"

"Don't dare to enter, this thing is not based on the level of cultivation."

Xiaoyue smiled wryly:

"This phantom array focuses on the Dao heart. Among us, the one with the strongest Dao heart and the purest Dao heart is Bing Ning. One fell into one.

"The most troublesome thing is that you don't dare to forcibly dispel this formation from the outside, otherwise the monks who have already fallen into it will probably collapse directly."

Li Zhiyong said: "Is there a monk who has reached the realm of the gods at the age of twelve or thirteen? Such young people are suitable to join the battle and shout."

"Yes, but it will take some time to find it..."

Xiaoyue thought carefully, and the dog's eyes suddenly lit up:

"That's a good idea! That's right! Why don't we find a few teenagers to try? These teenagers haven't had much life experience yet, so how can they have so much regret and guilt?"

Zhou Zheng suddenly said, "I'll go in and try."

Fengtong wondered: "You have no obsession?"

"I'm actually fine."

Zhou Zheng recalled carefully, the pictures from childhood to adulthood flashed across, and all turned into a sigh in front of the dean's tombstone.

It is not an obsession that a person cannot be resurrected after death.

I can still live without anyone taking care of me since I grew up, and I have no guilt or regret.

He looked up at the maze ahead:

"Instructor Xiaoyue, prepare both hands. At the same time, look for young people who can join the formation. I will go in and try. If I can't, let those who join the formation behind also pull me out."

Yue Wushuang frowned and said, "Squad leader, you better not take risks..."

"When I joined the special training class, I hadn't started to practice. Teacher Bingning had the grace of preaching to me."

Zhou Zheng had already put away his horizontal knife and round shield, and walked towards the mist in front of him empty-handed.

"If I know that I can go and not go, that will be the guilt and regret in the future."

"Zhou Zheng!"

Xiaoyue still wanted to stop it, but Feng Tong glanced at it, and Xiaoyue shut up a little guilty, and could only worry there.

This, if something happens to this, after Mu Zha leaves, how will he explain to Uncle Fu!

Xiaoyue seemed to have heard the sound of knives being sharpened from Fuber's consultation room...

Li Zhiyong looked at Zhou Zheng's back with a smile, with a bit of thought in his eyes, but he was the calmest one among the crowd.

In the mist.

Figures appeared in a trance before Zhou Zheng's eyes, but these figures slowly dissipated before they could condense.

Zhou Zheng didn't dare to be careless, after all, this was the formation that trapped Teacher Bingning.

The scattered spiritual consciousness fell into the sea like a mud cow, and his own mana was suppressed and unable to function in his body. He could only continue to move forward into the inside of the formation based on his previous feelings.


There seemed to be a cold light passing by, and there was a tingling sensation on the cheek.

Zhou Zheng raised his hand to touch it, and his fingertips were stained with a little blood.

He took a few more steps forward, and the bone-piercing wind rushed towards his face. There was a field of ice and snow in front of him, and the fluttering snowflakes became sharp blades that could pierce through his divine body.


The maze couldn't trap him, but he was going to be blown to death by the breath from Teacher Bing?

Zhou Zheng gritted his back molars and came here. Naturally, there is no reason to return without success!

He tried to connect the storage magic weapon with his spiritual sense, and successfully took out the round shield. After trying a few times, he finally injected mana, so that the round shield glowed brightly and lay in front of him.

"Teacher Ice!"

Zhou Zheng yelled at the snow-filled land ahead, but got no response.

Going forward, the ice and snow are even worse.

Zhou Zheng could only try his best to hide the vitals of his body behind the round shield and trek against the snowstorm.

Scratches continued to appear on the outside of the legs, shoulders, and arms, and drops of blood flew out, and then quickly condensed into ice.

He just kept moving forward, constantly estimating his limits.

Suddenly there was no resistance ahead.

Zhou Zheng rushed forward two steps, immediately stabilized his figure, hid behind the round shield and surveyed the environment he was in.

The blizzard was gone, and he broke into a palace made of ice crystals. There were ice sculptures everywhere, as well as furniture and statues made of shining ice crystals.

The furniture is considered antique, and the shapes of those statues are quite interesting. They look like ice lemons, but their poses and painting style are... magical girl transformation?

This big scissors, simply!


There seemed to be singing coming from the front.

Zhou Zheng stepped on the 'mirror surface', turned around several ice-blue wardrobes, and saw that busy figure.

'Bing Ning' was wearing a chef's hat and a white coat, with a spoon in his left hand and a kitchen knife in his right, staring intently at the gurgling iron pan in front of him.

Not far in front of her was a 'judge's seat', in which were more than a dozen ice sculpture figures.

In the first row are Fengtong, Xiaoyue, Aoying, and two female fairies;

The second row is a few girls that Zhou Zheng doesn't know, they look very young in appearance and temperament... the students from the previous training class?

Zhou Zheng found himself in the third row, feeling a little relieved in his heart.

My position in Teacher Bing's heart is quite good!Already reached the sixth or seventh place among outstanding students!

Zhou Zheng was thinking about how to wake up Bing Ning, but Bing Ning skillfully transferred the 'big chaos stew' from the iron pan to the plate, and a little figure of ice crystal jumped out from the side, shouting loudly:

"Judges, please rate!"

A dozen ice sculptures below put up the '10 points' sign at the same time.

Zhou Zheng suddenly realized—Ms. Bing Ning longed for others to praise her cooking skills positively.

Uh, is this the obsession of a celestial being?

Bing Ning, who got a perfect score, immediately smiled and narrowed her eyes, walked out of the stove with big strides, and bowed to the ice sculptures in front of her with her hands behind her back, and there was an ice crystal villain holding a trophy and writing "King of the Chef". King's pennant...

"That, teacher?"

Zhou Zheng couldn't help shouting.

He really can't stand it anymore!

If you don't wake up the teacher, the house of Teacher Bing will collapse!

Bing Ning froze in place, then lowered her head and sighed, all the ice sculptures melted, she stood there as if a little lonely, muttering to herself:

"No one likes to eat my cooking?"

"I've eaten it, and it tastes pretty good." Zhou Zheng took two steps forward, "Teacher, everyone is worried about you. After you come out of the battle, I will eat as much as you cook! This is the magic formation, teacher!"

Bing Ning turned her head slightly, looked at his figure, with a small smile on the corner of her mouth.

Zhou Zheng shuddered, the ice blue in front of his eyes quickly receded, and at the same time dissipated was the dense gray fog.

After a while, Zhou Zheng found himself standing in a field, surrounded by large stretches of crooked crops;

Two meters ahead, Bing Ning, who was wearing an ice blue dress, knelt on one knee with her sword in her right hand, her loose long hair slowly fluttering with the night wind, and the skirt was spread around her body like a blooming ice lotus.

Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were clear and clear, and the breath around her was faintly rising.

But then, Zhou Zheng heard a voice:

"Nonsense to seal a hundred years."

"Understand, understand," Zhou Zheng grinned.

Bing Ning put away her sword and stood up, frowning at Zhou Zheng who was covered in scratches. With a light tap of her hand, a layer of ice crystals appeared on Zhou Zheng's wounds, and the wounds were also healing quickly.

"Don't worry about me if you encounter such a situation in the future."


"and also."

Bingning glanced at Zhou Zheng, then lowered her head and floated beside him, a strand of hair brushed Zhou Zheng's nose.

"Thank you."

Zhou Zheng scratched his head, turned around and followed, his eyes reflected Bing Ning's back, tall and slender, with agile curves, but not so inaccessible.


"So, how do you want to solve this matter?"

A few minutes later, Zhou Zheng was surrounded by more than a dozen spirit creatures under the watchful eyes of more than ten Longchen Guardian Immortals.

Lingqin'er pinched her waist and pouted the corners of her mouth. As a representative of these spiritual creatures, she began to negotiate with Zhou Zheng.

"Do you really want us to call you master? And then we will revolve around you in the future? Everyone is working for the Futian League, which is a bit too much!"

Zhou Zheng pinched his chin and muttered solemnly: "There are a lot of spiritual creatures in the house, and eating is a lot of expenses. I really can't afford it."


Lingqin'er stared and cursed: "Who wants to eat your cat food!"

"Uh, do you eat cat food?"

"Bah, bah, bah, I'm not interested in that kind of thing, I eat whole grains! No, we have fasted!"

Zhou Zheng smiled casually: "Okay, I'm not kidding anymore, there are so many immortals here, let them help us unlock this spiritual contract."

"Spiritual contract? What spiritual contract?"

Xiaoyue floated over on a cloud the size of a pillow, the dog's eyes were full of curiosity, and carefully looked at the collars around the necks of these spiritual creatures, the dog's brows became more and more wrinkled.

"Forcing the spiritual contract, who tied it up for you? If you tie this thing up, you won't be able to untie it. If the master dies, all the servants will die, and if the servant dies, the master will be safe."

The dozen or so spirit creatures were taken aback.

Chapter 62 Fish, we have a cat

In front of all the spirits, immortals, and the onlookers who heard the news, Zhou Zheng briefly recounted his previous encounters.

Because it involved a compulsory spirit contract involving more than a dozen spirit creatures, he explained everything in detail.

"Mountain Taoist? Have you met Taoist Qianshan?"

Xiaoyue frowned: "This thieves actually found you. I chased him for a long time and he escaped. His earth escape is very slippery."

"It's useless," Fairy Fengtong made a short comment, "Why didn't you swallow him in one gulp?"

Xiaoyue's dog eyes widened: "He took a group of spirits as hostages! Ah bah, spirit matter! Just throw one out after running for a while, so I don't even dare to chase too closely!"

Feng Tong sneered and said, "He slipped away."

"Solve the problem first."

Bing Ning spoke softly, Feng Tong and Xiao Yue glared at each other, each summoned three or five real immortals, and began to discuss how to cancel the compulsory spiritual contract set up by Taoist Qianshan.

Zhou Zheng wasn't too nervous. While talking about the mountains with Xiao Sheng and Li Zhiyong, he connected to the depths of the East China Sea with his mobile phone, and shared the new and strange things that happened here.

She is at the bottom of the sea, the water pressure is strong, and the internet speed is slow, so it's probably going to be boring.

Having said that, Teacher Bing's Dao Heart is so strong.

Bingning actually played tricks in the magic formation that other angels dare not enter...


As soon as the phone vibrated, Zhou Zheng saw the words 'Jiang Li Object', and immediately chose the answer button.

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