The Taoist who moved the mountain jumped out from the wall, looked at the spiritual creatures and the monks in the hall with a smile, grabbed the wine gourd and poured it with his head up, and sprayed a puff of mist from his mouth.

Amidst the screams everywhere, the Taoist rolled up his sleeves, swept away dozens of figures, and crashed into the wall.

Harsh alarm bells rang through the main city.

A ferocious divine dog sprang out horizontally from the ground, cutting off the movement technique of the mountain mover. The two faced each other, and the mountain mover turned his head and left.

How could Xiaoyue let go of this Tianjiao monster and hurriedly chased him underground.

But every time it catches up with this Taoist, the opponent's sleeve will flash with aura, and release a monk or spiritual object that was taken away before, which greatly affects Xiaoyue's pursuit.

at the same time.

There were riots of varying degrees on various agricultural islands and industrial islands. Some buildings suddenly caught fire, and some spirits rioted for no reason.

The whole city fell into chaos within 2 minutes.

Zhou Zheng's team, who had just had enough food and wine, also received the attack mission. Feng Bugui's anxious voice made them dare not delay any longer, and immediately rushed to the scene of the spiritual riot on the third industrial island.

Fairy Bing Ning rose from the sky, and disappeared in a flash in the night sky.

"Okay, little monk to clean up."

Looking at the messy courtyard, Mu Zha rolled up his sleeves while shaking his head, which was unexpected... quite virtuous.

In the main urban area, a hospital dedicated to the special investigation team.

Jiang Li, who was lying on the hospital bed, seemed to be awakened by the noise outside, slowly opened his eyes, and turned to look at the small bed set up beside him.

The girl curled up in the small bed, her face that should have been youthful and beautiful was full of tiredness at the moment.

A black butterfly flies by the window;

Jiang Li heard the crisp sound of the soles of the high heels colliding with the floor, looked up, and saw that somewhat familiar figure.

"Have you considered it?"

"Sister Yan'er...I've made up my mind."

Jiang Li's somewhat hollow eyes gradually lit up with a little light.



Xiao Sheng's soft drink echoed on the temporarily closed road.

Dozens of figures stood still like wooden figures, and the surrounding group of special investigation team members immediately rushed forward, binding and packing these humanoid spirits.

"It's done!"

Xiao Sheng waved his hand, turned around smartly, and raised his eyebrows at the three people behind him.

Zhou Zheng gave a thumbs up and gave his team members some appropriate rewards.

But Li Zhiyong crossed his arms and said: "Something is not quite right."

"Do you think the riot came too suddenly?"

Zhou Zheng pondered for a while, trying to analyze:

"Everywhere in Longchen City was attacked, even the Spiritual Object Management Bureau was attacked, but after the attack, there was no further information. It seemed that they were trying to scare us on purpose."

Yue Wushuang asked softly: "A strategy to disturb the soldiers? Or a strategy to exhaust the soldiers?"

Xiao Sheng laughed and said, "You've read the Art of War recently and you've been stunned. The western front hasn't been fought yet, so what's the use of them disturbing the enemy's rear?"

"Cut," Yue Wushuang rolled his eyes at him, "A majestic general doesn't care about the art of war, no wonder he can't get promoted."

Zhou Zheng let the two quarrel, and whispered to Li Zhiyong.

They searched for information through the group chat feedback, and used their mobile phones to find a map of Longchen City, marking the places where the accident happened one by one.

Not long after, Zhou Zheng and Li Zhiyong raised their heads and looked at each other, saying in unison:

"something wrong."

"There should be four to five people who shot secretly," Li Zhiyong said, "They are clearly distracting us and covering up their true intentions."

Zhou Zheng frowned and pondered: "Who will make the move? What do they want to do? To break into the Spiritual Object Management Bureau and take people away, the cultivation base must be in the Heavenly Immortal Realm. The service hall of the Spiritual Object Management Bureau is always guarded by real immortal masters... ..."

Li Zhiyong murmured: "Breaking into the Spiritual Object Management Bureau to take people away, instead of massacring..."

"Instructor Xiaoyue has been sitting in the Spiritual Object Management Bureau," Zhou Zheng said, "Is it possible that the other party deliberately lured Instructor Xiaoyue away?"

"Is there any treasure house hidden in our Longchen City?"

Li Zhiyong asked himself and answered:

"As far as I know, there shouldn't be any. Immortals carry all their treasures with them, and everyone has magical treasures. So what is the purpose of the other party to distract instructor Xiaoyue and create these disturbances?"

Zhou Zheng began to pace with his hands behind his back;

Li Zhiyong raised his hand and squeezed his chin, walking in circles following Zhou Zheng's rhythm.

Xiao Sheng and Yue Wushuang tilted their heads slightly.

Good guy, they're in the same team, why doesn't brain evolution take both of them!

Li Zhiyong suddenly thought of something, his eyes flashed a bit suddenly, and he said to Zhou Zheng: "The two tigers are entrenched in the mountains and forests. If you want to get rid of them, you should attack them one by one."

"Teacher Bing Ning?"

As soon as Zhou Zheng finished speaking, a blue ice lotus suddenly bloomed in the night sky behind him.

The diameter of that ice lotus was unknown, and its lower end was no more than a hundred meters above the ground. It lay across the outside of the protective cover of the Third Industrial Island, illuminating half of the sky in Longchen City.

But the ice lotus was quickly covered by a puff of mist, and it was hidden in the night in an instant.

"Zhiyong contact instructor Xiaoyue! Teacher Bingning is in trouble!"

Before Zhou Zheng finished speaking, he was already charging forward holding a shield and a knife.

Wisps of cyan spiritual energy surrounded his body, and after a few steps, he was already three meters in one step, flying as fast as he could, but he used the wind escape technique he had just learned.

Xiao Sheng hurriedly shouted: "Squad leader! This is a battle of immortals, it's no use if you go!"

"Not necessarily useless," Li Zhiyong said indifferently, "Think about the state of the walker at home."

Xiao Sheng and Yue Wushuang's eyes lit up.

Li Zhiyong sighed: "We should be the ones who are worried now. How can we remind all the immortals to come and support the ice fairy?"

"I'll call someone," Xiao Sheng patted his chest, "Don't worry, they will give me some face!"

The gazes of Li Zhiyong and Yue Wushuang were full of suspicion.

the other side.

After Zhou Zheng rushed out, he began to think about what he could do to help Teacher Bing.

The area where the ice lotus exploded is not too far from him;

Although I can support the past as soon as possible, but the protective array of the third industrial island is blocking the way, it is actually a bit troublesome to go out by myself.

He was very aware of how much he weighed, so rushing over at this time would serve to take a closer look at Fairy Bingning's condition, and with the protection of the large protective array, he would send the information back to Instructor Xiaoyue as soon as possible.

As for the banning of Mu Zha Yuanshen's golden wheel, in Zhou Zheng's view, it is completely unreliable.

If you want to stimulate the eight treasure wheels to emit golden light, the conditions are too harsh, you have to die like Mu Zha... Cough, the kind of exploration full of curiosity can burst out the golden beam that can seal the golden fairy .

In the first two eruptions of my spiritual power, I didn't feel that the treasure wheel had any effect at all.


Zhou Zheng's heart flashed through the scene when Bing Ning was teaching him, the blue light around his body was even brighter, and his figure almost flew close to the ground!


A soft hey suddenly sounded in Zhou Zheng's ear, followed by a strong smell of wine.

Zhou Zheng, who was running wildly, turned his head suddenly, but saw a sloppy Taoist floating beside him, keeping relatively still with him.

Look carefully at this Taoist;

He is tall and thin, carrying a treasure gourd on his back, stepping on straw sandals, with protruding eyebrows, a dirty Taoist robe full of dirt, and long dirty hair full of oil stains. It seems that he hasn't bathed in several years.

At this moment, the Taoist kept raising his eyebrows at him.

Do they know each other?

Zhou Zheng suddenly slammed on the brakes.

The Taoist rushed out horizontally, and bumped into the large light wall not far in front with a bang. The whole person unfolded into a "big" character, made a few "squeaking" sounds, and slowly slid down from the light wall.

This breath...

It seems to be similar to Sister Yan'er's breath fluctuation.

Zhou Zheng didn't dare to be careless, the mana in his body was constantly circulating, a cyclone appeared in the middle of the sea of ​​energy, his eyes were filled with lightning, and he clenched the handle of the knife tightly.


Raising a big hand high, the Taoist jumped up and turned around to look at Zhou Zheng with a smile on his lips.

"Friends Daoist, Daoist Pingdao Moves Mountain, Ye Yan'er saw me and wanted to call me Master, you can just call me Master Move Mountain!"

Zhou Zheng's forehead was covered with black lines, and he was already thinking about how to run away.

Sure enough, Jietian Sect was messing up.

"Meeting is fate. Pindao gave you a chance, which is also a great gift for our eldest niece!"

The Taoist who moved the mountain squinted his eyes and smiled, and in his hand was a square wooden plate, on which the nine palaces and eight trigrams were engraved, faintly flowing with colorful rays of light.

Then, Taoist Qianshan flicked his sleeves, and more than a dozen thumb-sized figures fell into the wooden plate.

"These are all the little spirits of your Futian League. Pindao originally wanted to take them back to Tianshan and pick one or two disciples. Today will be cheaper for you."

Taoist Qianshan was still talking to himself, but Zhou Zheng suddenly said:

"Senior, you showed up today, but to target Fairy Binglime?"

"Ah, yes."

Taoist Qianshan fiddled with the wooden plate in his hand:

"It's okay to tell you, we have prepared a phantom array, which can interfere with Bingning's Dao Heart and hinder Bingning's breakthrough.

"With the few of us, it is difficult to fight Bingning in a short period of time. Bingning has a supernatural ability to save her life, that is, to freeze herself... But it can make her unable to break through for a hundred years, which can be regarded as achieving her goal.

"All right."

Taoist Qianshan raised his head to look at Zhou Zheng, only to find that the latter turned his head and ran wildly, his figure was as fast as lightning.

"Hey hey hey, want to tip off the news? Can you run away? Let's go!"

The wooden plate in his hand rose across the sky, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a diameter of hundreds of meters, covering Zhou Zheng's rushing figure directly within it.

In a few moments, the Taoist who moved the mountain disappeared without a trace.

The wooden plate was restored to a length and width of one foot, and was thrown into the grass under the tree by the Taoist who moved the mountain.

"Don't blame Pindao for using this alienation strategy. If you don't belong to my Jietian sect, what will happen if Xiao Yan'er runs away with you in the future?"

Taoist Qianshan muttered in a low voice, then narrowed his eyes slightly, and floated away with his hands behind his back.

Only a ray of sound is left circulating in the wooden plate.

"Boy, you only have half an hour to decipher the formation, find the spiritual objects inside, and rescue them from trouble; after half an hour, the formation will self-destruct, and you will be teleported out. Those who cannot be rescued by the spiritual objects will be finished." .

"Don't worry, they are all going to rescue Bingning next, and no one will notice your strangeness.

"I wish you a safe heart, reincarnated immortal."

Chapter 60 Break!Talk about moving mountains!

'I wish you a safe heart, reincarnated immortal. '

The voice of the mountain-moving Taoist continued to echo in the gray and white narrow space.

Zhou Zheng looked at the environment he was in vigilantly, as if a nail had been pierced into the sole of his foot, and he stood upright.

It was a boxy room with a gleaming portal in front of it.


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