Feng Qing lit a cigarette for himself, and calmly exhaled a smoke ring:

"If I want to make trouble, I can easily destroy this place and escape in peace. This time, I came to Longchen just to meet my netizens for a drink and a chat."

"is it?"

Xiaoyue thought for a while, this guy didn't seem to notice that Xing Zhe was in a bad state.

Mu Zha glanced at the Demon King, but didn't say much.

Zhou Zheng raised his hand to hold the sign of 'No Smoking in this room', and proposed: "We have a lot of people, why don't we play a battle game, which one are you two good at?"

Xiaoyue pursed her lips, Feng Qing raised her eyebrows, and said in different voices:

"It's all right."


Then they squinted at each other, the smell of gunpowder became stronger, and their fingers and dog paws began to do warm-up exercises.

Zhou Zheng watched this scene weakly, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

This duel can be regarded as the pinnacle contest between the two camps of Blue Star.

Another half hour passed.


Feng Qing sneered and said, "It's been a few years, but you're still so foolish, you're better than your face and keyboard."

Xiaoyue snorted: "Didn't you make progress? If you hit a set of skills, you still owe half a pipe of blood to the defense tower!"

"It's the network delay and the response of the buttons is too slow. The equipment here is a bit incompetent," Feng Qing spread his hands, "and this king's operation is too advanced."

Zhou Zheng cleared his throat, and quickly thought about countermeasures to prevent the two big shots from fighting offline.

As soon as the aftermath of the fighting rages, the Third Industrial Island will probably evaporate!

[Today's attendance task: to appease the Demon King and let him leave Longchen happily. 】

"Click on, turn on the handle, I probably know... the instructor will mainly play the shooter, the one that can go to A all the time, it is not convenient for you to change the key, just press the A key and it will be fine.

"Senior Feng, let's play with meat. You like to compete head-on with the opponent, fighting with real men. The meat shield has a kind of joy that makes people unkillable, and you can play with your opponent."

"Bring me one, it's kind of fun."

Mu Zha smiled and said authentically, and the interface on the computer displayed a picture of a crystal explosion in a man-machine match.

Uh, although it is the picture of one's own crystal exploding.

Zhou Zheng took a breath, and took out his natal hero, shaking his fingers slightly.

Muscle memory has been awakened!

In the evening, Zhou Zheng hugged the little gray dog ​​and walked out of the Internet cafe with his head downcast, his fingers trembling.

Really... Sitting in an Internet cafe four times in a row, never winning.

The three immortals behind him were all in good spirits, as if they were in a good mood.

"I'm going back, I won't drink today's wine."

In the setting sun, Feng Qing stretched out:

"Loritron, cough, Zhou Zhengha, we have added friends in the game, and when we are online, just shout, this is for you."

A jade talisman fell into Zhou Zheng's arms and stuck to Xiaoyue's dog's face.

Zhou Zheng didn't refuse, and nodded with a smile.

Xiaoyue pulled the jade talisman away and scolded: "You have the nerve to give such a rubbish escape method, but if you have the ability, I will give you the secret method of wind escape."

Feng Qing sneered, then suddenly reached out and pinched Xiaoyue's ears, squinting her eyes:

"Your puppy is so cute."

Xiaoyue bared her teeth and grinned fiercely, wanting to fight back fiercely.

Seeing this, Mu Zha thought for a while.

The teacher often said that all spirits should not conquer each other, but today's experience has also confirmed this.


Feng Qing waved his hands and walked towards the sunset without looking back.

Xiaoyue suddenly asked, "Hey! Aren't you in a bad mood? What's going on?"

"There are so many liars in the human online world. It's ironic that a man can become a woman with a voice changer just to find twisted pleasure."

Feng Qing sighed long, his figure gradually disappeared.

Xiaoyue tilted her head to express her puzzlement.

Mu Zha wondered, "What do you mean by that?"

Zhou Zheng shook his head: "This Lord Demon King, probably...was deceived by online dating again."

"Why did you say another word?" Xiaoyue keenly caught the point.

Zhou Zheng smiled and didn't say much, but he was thinking about the accidental conversation between Feng Qing and Xiaoyue.


"Old Yue, you said, the red and blue sides must fight to the death, and won't they stop until they push each other's hometown?"

"No way, this is the rule of the game."

"Who made the rules?"

"How do I know?" Xiaoyue rolled her eyes, "Heroes are only controlled by players outside the screen, and minions are just rolling forward. There will always be a crystal explosion on one side, and then the next round will start. What do you think is a hero? Are you eligible to be manipulated? Who is just a soldier?"

"Tsk," Feng Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, "I think that as long as the ten players in a round cooperate, they can always develop other ways of playing."

"Play the game well, you, the record is still negative."

Chapter 58 A Quiet Conspiracy

When he accompanied the traveler boss back to the squad villa, Zhou Zheng felt exhausted.

As soon as they entered the room, the three team members gathered around the dining table were stunned. They quickly adjusted their expressions and got up to salute Mu Zha.

Xiao Sheng smiled and said, "Xing Zhe, you didn't leave... Would you like some fried chicken?"

Mu Zha flicked his big smooth black ponytail, walked forward with his hands behind his back, and was going to make some simple and elegant comments on those boxes of fried chicken.

Zhou Zheng sighed, went to sit on the sofa, feeling sleepy.

Yue Wushuang asked in a low voice: "Squad leader, what's wrong with you? You look very tired."

"I'm so tired," Zhou Zhengsheng said without any regrets, "I can meet anything!"

Mu Zha said warmly: "He dragged a demon king this afternoon, and he used his wisdom to bluff him away."

The three of Li Zhiyong were all startled.

"Xingzhe's exaggeration," Zhou Zheng counted the lines on the ceiling, and said quietly, "I'm just a vehicle for the Tengu instructor."

Mu Zha smiled and said: "But it is true that a crisis was resolved, and the demon king left this big city without making a move."

"This demon king is also a different kind. He was cheated of 18 yuan in online dating, and met a man with a voice changer."

Zhou Zheng sighed: "Online dating is harmful...Of course, I don't count it now."

Yue Wushuang brought tea, and said with a coquettish smile: "Squad leader, your desire to survive is almost overflowing the screen."

Zhou Zheng smiled without saying a word.

"Squad leader, if you say this, I won't be sleepy!"

Xiao Sheng's eyes glowed green, and he turned over the back of the sofa and sat beside Zhou Zheng, skillfully crossing his right leg:

"Quick! Tell me in detail! What's going on, this is it!"

Zhou Zheng recalled it carefully, and found that Xiaoyue did not ask him to hide what happened this afternoon, so he briefly recounted the process.

The four of them get along well with each other, naturally the fewer secrets, the higher the tacit understanding.

Soon, the battlefield against fried chicken moved from the dining table to the sofa and coffee table.

Mu Zha was listening to the four of them chatting, fiddling with the magic weapon that Zhou Zheng bought for him at public expense before he came back—a smartphone, and he has already mastered the new mobile surfing skill proficiently.

This immortal learned these things really quickly.

Xiao Sheng asked deeply: "Squad leader, why do you think Feng Mo said that?"

"Let the people above figure these things out for themselves," Zhou Zheng shrugged, "Instructor Xiaoyue said, don't trust demons lightly; we are just some small shrimps under the Primordial Immortal Realm, and practicing hard is the right way."

Xiao Sheng glanced at Mu Zha.

Isn't this, wanting to earn some performance in front of Mr. Xingzhe.

Li Zhiyong said: "Squad leader, let's rest at home. The three of us will go out on patrol and fulfill our duty time."

"Well," Zhou Zheng said, "you remember to buy some clothes for Xingzhe. Xingzhe should live with us for a while, to refine his heart in the world of mortals and observe the common world."

Mu Zha said warmly: "Thank you for your care, fellow daoist. Is there any spare room here? If not, it is also possible for the monk to go to the roof."

"How can I let you live on the roof," Xiao Sheng immediately stood up, "We have a room that is always empty, and I will clean it up for you right away. Why don't you live in my room? I am very clean!"

Zhou Zheng and Li Zhiyong looked at each other and smiled lightly.

This guy is not so attentive to the only female player in the team!


Because Mu Zha couldn't fly anymore, he officially moved into the squad villa.

However, Zhou Zheng did not affect his pace of cultivation, and the team returned to the previous rhythm of cultivation.

They learned one thing from Mu Zha - the landscape painting was actually transformed from a pagoda. The pagoda was once a magic weapon used by King Li Tian of Tota to train soldiers. Mu Zha also felt a breath of Li Tian Wang, so he found it. This pagoda.

I just didn't expect...

Once you come, you can't leave!

There is one thing to say, Mu Zha's mentality is really good, since he came, he will be at ease, and he seems to have quickly forgotten that he was banned.

According to Zhou Zheng's observation, apart from being a bit of a coward, this Hui'an walker is excellent in other aspects, such as demeanor, self-cultivation, style of conversation, and etiquette.

What's even more rare is that Mu Zha has a beautiful and fresh temperament all over his body, and it's quite refreshing to get along with him.

Even when Zhou Zheng chatted with Ao Ying and mentioned Mu Zha, he couldn't help but sigh:

'It takes how many six roots of clean water to soak such a handsome gentleman. '

I don't even know what kind of demeanor the other two Zhas are.

On this day, Zhou Zheng was sitting on the balcony on the roof of the building, breathing in and out, feeling the aura of green wood between heaven and earth, and a jade talisman spinning in front of him.

Officially start to practice the five thunders rectification method!

The five-thunder rectification method is completely different from Qingmu Yinlei. To be precise, the lightning-leading technique is the "practice premise" of the five-thunder rectification method, and the five-thunder rectification method focuses more on controlling and controlling lightning.

What are five thunders?

According to "Luoshu", the east, the south, the north, the west, and the fourth, the fifth is the ancestor of the central number, and the five thunders refer to the Qi in the heaven and the earth.

Practice this method, you can drive away thunder and lightning, pray for rain and sunshine, cure evil spirits and subdue demons, eliminate locusts and swarms, practice to a high depth, you can "five qi towards the Yuan", "three flowers gather on the top", step through the void, and control thunder soar.

After two days of comprehension, Zhou Zheng felt that he had initially grasped the tricks of the introductory chapter, and now he needed to verify it!


Breathing out the turbid air in his chest, Zhou Zheng began to slowly gather his mana.

Pointing with the sword, pinching the Thunder Jue, the mana in his body surged, and Zhou Zheng's eyes glowed with blue-blue thunder.

Then raise your sword finger high!




A crooked bolt of lightning fell from the sky, and Zhou Zheng on the roof immediately lay down.

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