"Go out and play if you have nothing to do. With the three of us here, how can we make our own suffer?"

Xiao Sheng giggled, but he wasn't embarrassed at all.

This guy obviously spread his voice on purpose, and these few words were for the three immortals. ——Worried that the eldest princess would attack Zhou Zheng later, and the three immortals would not be able to intervene directly.

With the words of Fairy Fengtong, then we can directly fight!

Ao Yiling didn't even look at anyone else, his almond eyes slowly moved up, from Zhou Zheng's fingertips to his nose.

Zhou Zheng felt great coercion.

This was not Ao Yiling's intentional targeting, it was simply Zhou Zheng's self-generated induction when facing a strong man.

Even, Zhou Zheng's spiritual power, which has not been re-sealed, has a tendency to move around the corner.

"I want to take Ao Ying back."

Ao Yiling got straight to the point, and Ao Ying pursed her lips lightly, but did not open her mouth to refute.

Zhou Zheng didn't seem to have any surprises, nodded slightly, thinking about what he should say.

"This is my agreement with her."

Ao Yiling said calmly:

"I don't care what she wants to do, whether it's to repay her kindness and marry someone, or find a sister to make a sworn brotherhood, it has nothing to do with me, and the children of the Dragon Clan can arrange their own private lives.

"But since I came to Blue Star first and successfully re-cultivated, I naturally have the obligation to protect the Blue Star Dragon later.

"I agreed with her coming out before she transformed into a dragon, because she came from Longchen, which is far away from the front line of demons and demons, and there are immortals here, so the environment is relatively safe for her.

"But now, her existence has been exposed, the Jietian Sect monster has appeared in Longchen, the monster may have been eyeing her, and this place is no longer safe for her.

"I explain this to you only out of respect for you, the person involved.

"Either you can prove that you have the ability to protect her at all times, or wait for her to jump the dragon gate, and my obligation to protect her will be fulfilled... This only needs you two to wait another four or five years, during which you can use any method connect."

Zhou Zheng: ...

Good guy, this eldest sister is quite straightforward.

She said everything clearly, and every sentence was justified;

If I question or ask questions, it is clear that I am plotting against Ao Ying, and I want to sacrifice Ao Ying's personal safety to satisfy my despicable possessive desire.

"I can change another angle."

Ao Yiling looked straight into Zhou Zheng's eyes:

"Why can't you come to Dragon Palace to accompany her?

"My Dragon Clan can give you the exercises, treasures, maids, pills, and all the cultivation resources you want, and you don't need to do anything except take care of Ao Ying and give birth to a few more dragon eggs in the future."

Xiao Sheng's eyes were shining, and he almost asked if Dragon Palace still lacked a son-in-law.

The table is also OK!

What's going on?This is just starting to grab people, okay?

Xiaoyue, who was indulging in the wild beauty of the female wild dog in Huizhou, the dog's ears stood up immediately, and was about to rush to the dining table, but was caught by a pair of slender hands.

Feng Tong hugged it to her chest, gently stroked the dog's fur, and signaled it to be calm and calm.

Ao Ying raised her head and looked at Zhou Zheng, with a bit of hope in her eyes, she naturally wanted Zhou Zheng to agree to go back to the Dragon Palace together.

Zhou Zheng laughed and said, "At first I thought His Highness was strong and unreasonable, but I didn't expect... His Highness is indeed very strong, but he is quite reasonable."

Ao Yiling narrowed his eyes slightly.

Zhou Zheng looked at Ao Ying with some questioning in his eyes; Ao Ying nodded lightly, signaling Zhou Zheng to just say it.

She probably knew what Zhou Zheng was going to say. After all, the time they had been together was not short, and she had almost figured out how Zhou Zheng viewed the relationship between them.

Zhou Zheng leaned back on the chair, his shoulders became more relaxed, his voice was unhurried, and his words were clear:

"I have already received a lot of favors from the Futian League, and all the senior immortals have treated me very well.

"I have to stay here, not just for practice, but also to take on my own responsibilities.

"There's also the matter between me and Ao Ying... This is actually a muddled account. Sometimes I really want to admit this muddled account. After all, such a cute dragon girl is rare."

Ao Ying couldn't help but feel Xia Fei's cheeks, happily moving her feet behind Ao Yiling.

Ao Yiling said: "You seem very pedantic."

"I don't deny this," Zhou Zheng said, "but this pedantry is also the confidence for me to maintain self-confidence when facing a master like you."

Ao Yiling narrowed his eyes slightly: "Aren't you afraid that I will punish you for neglecting Dragon Palace?"

Zhou Zheng smiled noncommittally, and slowly stood up.

"His Highness does not seem to have the power to punish me.

"No matter what, whether Ao Ying will go back with you should be her own decision. I hope His Highness can respect her opinion. After talking with His Highness, I am actually quite at ease.

"I'm still a little tired, I'm going to rest first, excuse me."

After saying that, Zhou Zheng nodded slightly to Ao Yiling, turned around and walked to the side stairs.

"Squad leader!"

Yue Wushuang stood up anxiously, just about to say something, but was stopped by Li Zhiyong's gesture.

Fengtong turned her head, Xiaoyue raised her head, and they all looked at Zhou Zheng's back, mostly admiring.

After all, for monks, the Dragon Palace is a big tree, and Zhou Zheng seems to have never considered these issues from the beginning to the end.

Ao Ying bit her lower lip lightly, and kept twisting the corner of her clothes with her fingers.

"Speak clearly and don't regret it."

Bing Ning spoke suddenly, and there was an ice wall in front of the stairs in front of Zhou Zheng.

Zhou Zheng exhaled softly, looked at the ice wall in front of him, and said nothing for a long time.

Ao Ying raised her hand to straighten her hair, and whispered: "Actually..."

"Ao Ying?"

Zhou Zheng interrupted her words, but only gave her a back view.

"It's safer for you to go back, I can't protect you yet, so I can't open my mouth to keep you.

"In the picture I can think of, when we meet next time, you should be smiling from the bottom of your heart, and then tell me that you have had a good time and practiced well, and you are now an adult. With full judgment.

"I hope that your affection for me at that time is based on the memories we have spent together in the past few months, not that I saved you that year.

"Three or four years or four or five years, when I get the news that you have successfully transformed into a dragon, if you don't come to me, I will go to the Dragon Palace to see you, and then tell you, you are actually..."

Zhou Zheng smiled freely and said in a warm voice;

"Very charming."

After saying that, Zhou Zheng seemed to have unloaded a heavy burden, and his shoulders slowly dropped.

He turned around and looked at Ao Ying, whose eyes were filled with tears at some point, she nodded slightly to Zhou Zheng, and then smiled with her mouth covered.

Bing Ning thought for a while, and looked at Feng Tong as if asking for help;

The latter rolled his eyes and asked Bingning to let Zhou Zheng go.

Ao Yiling's expression softened a lot, he took a sip of the tea in front of him, and then frowned slightly.

Hmph, this vulgar crude tea has a sour smell.


Ao Yiling was concerned about the safety of the Dragon Palace, and took Ao Ying away in such a hurry that Ao Ying didn't get to spend more time with Zhou Zheng.

The three immortals came here purely for Ao Yiling.

Contacting the Dragon Palace for an alliance is not something that the three defensive immortals can directly decide. It takes a coach of the level of Yinhu God General to make the final decision.

Before Ao Ying left, there was only time to do one thing.

She took out three mobile phones in a row, and added her large and small accounts as friends of Zhou Zheng and three teammates, to ensure that she could also contact them online after returning home.

When Ao Yiling took her into the sky above the clouds, Zhou Zheng could still faintly hear Ao Ying begging her eldest sister to increase the speed of the Internet in Longgong.

In the living room, three immortals, Bing Ning, Xiao Yue, and Feng Tong, each sat cross-legged in the shape of a character.

Xiao Sheng, Li Zhiyong, and Yue Wushuang looked at it curiously, wanting to see what the so-called banning method was.

Bing Ning was a little displeased.

She just found a good partner and found the joy of cooking, so she didn't give Zhou Zheng any good looks at the moment.

Although, her usual expression was only cold, and there was no change in her expression.

"Let the three worry."

Zhou Zheng smiled awkwardly.

Xiaoyue curled her mouth: "You can consume precious spiritual power from previous lives to protect mortals. This kind of behavior is enough for us to spend more energy on you."

Fengtong snorted lazily and smiled, "Then next time you just break the ice ban and let her make up for you at any time."

"Even if you fight with spiritual power, your fire is far from enough."

Bing Ning retorted calmly.

Zhou Zheng could only laugh dryly, and then said: "This time, please let the immortal save more spiritual power for me...that is, let the speed of releasing spiritual power be faster."

"Why," Xiaoyue raised her eyebrows, "Aren't you afraid that the road foundation is not strong, and there is a bottleneck behind?"

Zhou Zheng said directly:

"I have to do a few things. Without the strength, it is difficult to move forward, and the monsters will not wait for me to practice gradually.

"If the spiritual power of my previous life can improve my cultivation quickly without any side effects, I want to accept it as quickly as possible."

The three immortals looked at each other for a few moments, and just as Bingning was about to speak, Xiaoyue said suddenly:

"I can't promise you directly about this matter. In this way, the three of us will set a ban for you first. After I go back and think carefully and consult the ancient books, I will find a way to help you speed up your cultivation. How about it?"

Fengtong and Bingning looked at Xiaoyue with strange eyes.

Is this guy being too nice to Zhou Zheng?

Moreover, which reincarnated general didn't quickly accept spiritual power, and then began to fight against demons while recovering his cultivation?Doesn't this method come at random?

The two fairies gave Xiaoyue some face and didn't question her directly.

Later on, torture would be inevitable!

"Thank you."

Zhou Zheng exhaled lightly, trying not to think about Xiaoyu's departure.

She just went home to practice, and she didn't go to suffer and suffer... Well, she must be served by hundreds of maids at home, and she used a pool of pearls for bathing!

It's just that the Internet speed in the sea is not good, and I don't know if she will adapt after returning.


Bing Ning's voice sounded, and Zhou Zheng's mind quickly returned to tranquility.

The blue, red, and black celestial powers began to revolve around Zhou Zheng, temporarily sealing Zhou Zheng's previous spiritual power. This time, according to Zhou Zheng's request, the speed at which the spiritual power was released and nourished his soul was increased. three times.

This is already the limit that Zhou Zheng's soul can digest.

two hours later.

When Xiaoyue appeared in front of Uncle Fu, her head was bandaged, her left front paw was hanging on her chest, her left face was blue, and her right face was scorched black. Seeing Uncle Fu, she almost burst into tears.

"What's wrong with you?"

Uncle Fu put down his chopsticks: "Been beaten?"

"Those two fairies, they don't even let dogs go!"

Xiaoyue was full of grief and indignation: "But my subordinates would rather die than submit, and they are not afraid in the face of danger, and they still keep their mouths shut! You absolutely did not reveal your existence, Uncle Fu!"

"is it?"

Uncle Fu narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Now that everything is waiting to be done, why don't you rush to arrange defenses and resume production?"

"Ah, it's Uncle Fu like this," Xiaoyue put down her paw, and began to tell Zhou Zheng's request.

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