Ye Yan raised her head and said:

"All spirits exist in this world, and no one is more noble than another.

"Humans are like this, so are spirits. People say they are the leader of all spirits, and demons also say they are the king of all spirits. It's just that they stand in different positions and say different things for different interests.

"However, everything in the universe exists objectively. It does not change for the thoughts of the spirit, nor changes for the thoughts of people. When you truly understand these things, you will know what is...

"Still free in all spirits."

Where have you heard this sentence?

Zhou Zheng looked at Ye Yan, the one-piece clothes on her were strange and sexy, but there was no evil in that delicate face, and her clear eyes were like a mountain stream.

"Do you still want to marry me?"

Ye Yan put her hands behind her back and looked at Zhou Zheng calmly: "Just like what we said when we were young, we will depend on each other for life."

"Sister Yan'er, those are children's words."

"Oh, you can deny what the man said."

Zhou Zheng patted his forehead: "It's the same as what you said before and now you will recognize it!"

"I admit it!"

Ye Yan said seriously:

"I traveled across mountains and mountains, traveled thousands of miles, and came back to be your wife, and I thought that just because of your ability to pick up girls, I must still be a poor boy now.

"I didn't expect... Hey! It's only the newcomers who laugh, who can hear the old ones cry.

"He has a new love, and he doesn't like my older sister who is half a year old. Men really like younger ones!"

"Sister Yan'er, can we be okay and stop talking about this?"

Zhou Zheng's face could no longer withstand such a fierce attack.

"Xiao Zheng, you have really changed a lot." Ye Yan tilted her head slightly, "You used to not hesitate, and the fierceness in your body is gone."

Zhou Zheng shrugged: "Everyone has to be like this. As you grow older, you know that being brave and ruthless can't solve the problem, and you know that fighting is either getting beaten by yourself or your wallet. Life and society will always smooth the edges and corners."

"I left you behind, it must be very hard to live alone," Ye Yan's eyes were full of guilt, "Then what do you want to do in the future?"

"Practice, become stronger," Zhou Zheng said, "Are you...really okay?"

Ye Yan suppressed those smiles, and said seriously: "In your eyes, what is problematic and what is not problematic?"

Zhou Zheng stared at her, laughing dumbfounded as his gaze shifted:

"How can there be no problem? I can feel that your current strength should be very strong. We have only been separated for six or seven years. Even if you are a reincarnated immortal, it is impossible for you to enter the realm like you.

"Sister Yan'er, what happened to you? Are you still the Sister Yan'er I know?"

"As I said just now, the most important thing between spirit and spirit is to be open and honest."

Ye Yan smiled and said: "I can show you my real appearance now. Although it is not very beautiful, when I am in front of you, I can always maintain my human appearance and limbs."

After the words fell, Ye Yan slowly took two steps back.

She floated to a height of half a meter, and the one-piece gel coat and high heels on her body quickly melted away, revealing the beautiful body wrapped in a layer of tulle.

Afterwards, Ye Yan raised her right hand, her long black hair falling down her waist turned into tree roots, and her body was also wrapped in light green bark.

Ye Yan's body merged into the trunk of a tree, the crown of the big tree was only a shadow, and the jasper leaves were swaying gently.

Her face is extremely holy, and the outline of her body imprinted in the trunk is so beautiful.

Like a wood elf.

Or the gods of the forest.

An extremely strong force of life enveloped Zhou Zheng at this moment and nourished Zhou Zheng's body, but it directly gave Zhou Zheng great benefits.

Following that, Ye Yan's long eyelashes were trembling, and she slowly opened her eyes, revealing a gentle smile.

"The local strongman is coming, I need to hide first, and when I come to you later, I hope you can give me an answer decisively... I am your sister Yan'er, and this has never changed."

Zhou Zheng hurriedly shouted: "Sister Yan'er!"

But the four or five-meter-high tree in front of him exploded into green lights with a bang, and Ye Yan's figure disappeared.

"Don't be fooled by it!"

There was a sudden roar from the side.

Before Zhou Zheng turned his head, there was a gray shadow in front of him, it was Xiaoyue.

Xiaoyue let out a humming sound, then opened her mouth suddenly, swallowed all these green glows, lowered her head and retched a few times, and cursed:

"A long life! Why did the demon girl from Jietian Sect come to me!"

Chapter 42 Her First Kiss

Heaven religion?Futian League?

In the squad villa, Zhou Zheng had not moved in the dining chair for a long time, and Ao Ying was beside him.

Xiaoyue sat at the dining table, looked around, saw that most of the people here were familiar faces, after a little deliberation, she decided to say more to Zhou Zheng.

Then, it looked at the big man with his arms crossed.

"get out."

Feng Bugui pointed at himself in astonishment: "Me?"

"Besides you, who else is in the Xiantian realm!"

"Who are you, you!" Feng Bugui yelled at the top of his voice, "Where is the spirit here to guide the country and let the captain go out!"

Xiaoyue grinned, and raised an eyebrow at Feng Bugui.

Half a minute later, Feng Bugui ran out of the villa in desperation with his mobile phone in hand, and his boss's boss's boss roared from the phone receiver:

"You dare to contradict anyone! Master Xiaoyue is my Shangfeng! The master in charge of all local practice affairs! The only designated spokesperson of Blue Star of the Tengu Clan! Who is he, he, he can be a real fairy!"

Feng Bugui's forehead was covered with black lines.

Can this be blamed on him?

The captain of his district is not qualified to hold a meeting. He really didn't know that the master guarding Longchen would be a young dog!

Inside the room, Yue Wushuang asked in a low voice full of unconfidence: "Instructor, should I use it?"

"You stay."

Xiaoyue said indifferently: "Feng Bugui has no hope of becoming a fairy in his life, and his upper limit of aptitude is congenital perfection, so it is not suitable to listen to what I say next, it will not benefit him.

"If one day you can set foot in the Realm of Primordial Immortal and True Immortal, it won't hurt to know more about this."

"Good instructor," Yue Wushuang immediately sat up straighter.

Around the dining table, Xiao Sheng and Li Zhiyong looked serious.

Xiao Sheng asked: "Squad leader, is that really your childhood?"

Zhou Zheng rubbed his face with his hands vigorously, and sighed slowly: "Well, I'm sure she is Sister Yan'er, the eldest sister who grew up with me in the orphanage... What exactly is Jietianjiao?"

"Madman, monster," Xiao Sheng said, "You can even regard them as demons and heretics."

Li Zhiyong laughed suddenly: "The squad leader's identity as a prostitute is beyond doubt."

Ao Ying said, "I also know something about Jietianjiao. I'll add it after the instructor finishes talking."

"Actually, there's not much to say."

Xiaoyue said: "The Futian League was established by a group of old ministers who wanted to restore the Heavenly Court, restore the order of the Three Realms, and continue to protect the common people. What was established next, confronted us tit for tat.

"The similarities between the two sides are probably that...they both have a group of old ministers from the Heavenly Court.

"It's just that the former minister of the Heavenly Court in Jietian Sect is a follower of that person, and he doesn't want the Heavenly Court to be restored."

Zhou Zheng couldn't help murmuring: "You are still free to the living beings."

"This is their ultimate idea," Xiaoyue sighed, "It sounds good, right?"

Zhou Zheng nodded.

"But in fact, the shadow of the Jietian Sect can be found behind every world where demon chaos breaks out."

Xiaoyue said:

"The freedom they talk about means that all spirits are equal, the strong prey on the weak like tigers and leopards prey on cattle and sheep, and the same is true when demons devour humans.

"Although it's a little inappropriate for me to say that, as if I'm trying to whitewash that person, but Jie Tianjiao obviously distorted the meaning of that person."

"Just tell me what's wrong with Yang Jian," Xiao Sheng snorted, "Can he still jump over and shoot me dead with his sky eyes?"

"Hey," Xiaoyue glared at Xiao Sheng, "Isn't this showing a kind of taboo and respect, don't let the queen show off, if you have the ability to fight before the battle."

"I can't beat it anyway," Xiao Sheng shook his head, "This True Monarch is really awesome, when he explodes in the end, even an aftermath angel can melt."

"That is to say," Zhou Zheng looked at Xiaoyue, "the philosophy of Jietian Sect and Futian League are exactly the opposite. The former pursues the law of the jungle under disorder, while the latter pursues the reconstruction of order and protection of the weak."

"That's right," Xiaoyue said, "but I think what makes us better than them is that we follow principles in everything we do, and they do things by unscrupulous means... Your friend should be the Shepherd of Jietian Sect now."

Zhou Zheng asked: "Then how did she get the strength, fallen demon?"

Xiaoyue pondered a few times: "I shouldn't have told you this, but for the sake of our good relationship, let me reveal something to you."

"Well, thank you instructor."

"The Jietian Sect claims that all are equal, as long as they can pass their trials and become one of them, they will be called friends.

"But their trial is very cruel... It can also be said to be inhumane.

"When a strong man in the Golden Immortal Realm falls, the Dao that he had previously condensed and relied on to live forever will also be shattered, and this will produce fragments of the Dao Principle."

"Their trial is to use mortals with no or low cultivation to fuse the fragments of the Tao, so as to obtain the power inherited from the fragments of the Tao, and become a true immortal or a heavenly immortal, and then the strength is fixed.

"For this kind of trial, one out of 10 people can survive. It is impossible for people without great perseverance and luck to survive, and most of these people who survived will be mentally abnormal because of this kind of encounter.

"The body of a mortal is fused with fragments of the Tao. This is the secret method that the Jietian Sect is proud of. It claims to replace all cultivation. In fact, it is just trying your luck to see if you can meet a soul that resonates with the fragments of the Tao.

"As far as I know, most of the shepherds will collapse on their own, as short as eleven or twelve years, or even seven or eight years. They are just the carriers of the fragments of the law.

"After all, cultivation is not only the strength and strength of cultivation, but also the state of mind to control this strength and bear this strength."

Xiaoyue sighed softly, seeing that Zhou Zheng's face was a bit gloomy, she didn't continue talking.

Zhou Zheng seemed to have turned into a wood, and the image of Sister Yan'er untiing the gel coat and turning into a sacred tree always flashed before his eyes, and his mind was in a mess.

People in the restaurant came and went, only Ao Ying sat on the bench, supported Zhou Zheng's arm, and did not leave.

Xiaoyue had to rush back to preside over the overall situation, but did not stay long.

Before leaving, it said something very interesting.

"I really didn't mean to hack the Jietian Sect. Even if the Futian League and the Jietian Sect were against each other, I wouldn't deliberately blackmail it. Everything I said was true. After all..."

Xiaoyue grinned: "The deputy leader of Jietian Sect is my uncle."

A real dog relationship.


The crackling keyboard sounded like running water.

With a warm smile on his face, Feng Qing's handsome face regained its sunshine.

This made Prime Minister Fox, who had been worried before, heaved a sigh of relief, and started to worry again.

On the computer screen, the parade floats stopped in front of the wedding church, and a pair of game characters in gowns, surrounded by a group of friends, walked into the palace of game marriage.

[Lonely Yanyan: Thank you brothers, tonight's lottery ball is 15 gold, let's see who is lucky! 】

The chat box on the screen suddenly boiled, and bright fireworks floated everywhere.

[I smile and bloom: prodigal! 15 gold is thousands of dollars, why not buy some fried chicken! 】

Feng Qing grinned.

She is just like that, not worldly at all.

Half an hour later, Feng Qing sank into the computer chair, turned his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

"My lord," Hu Yaocheng hurried forward, "Tomorrow at noon, there will be a demon king meeting, and the other [-] out of the [-] kings will participate. It is said that they want to chat with a group of kings in the sea to calm down the blue star. thing."

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