Xiao Sheng rested his hands behind his head and floated beside the two of them, occasionally glancing at Yue Wushuang who was wearing a tight combat suit.

Yue Wushuang put her hands behind her back and deliberately kept a distance of two meters from Zhou Zheng to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

"How long has it been?" a young team member said with emotion, "the last time I caught monsters in the steel factory, Team Leader Zhou hadn't cultivated yet. In the blink of an eye, three or four months later, his strength surpassed mine."

"Pay attention to the monster, don't break free, this thing is a bit fierce."

"It must have been practiced for 500 years, right? Although there is not much magic, but the physique is really strong."

"Quickly, clean up the scene, and add a few layers of seals to this thing and press it back for interrogation."

"Our squadron... is doing well."


In the northwest of the third industrial island, behind the compound with the sign of the special investigation team, there is a low-end 'villa'.

They are said to be villas, but they are actually small buildings built by themselves for the members of the special investigation team to live and practice.

This treatment is much better than the factory dormitory where Zhou Zheng worked before.

The RV slowly stopped in front of the larger three-story building in the center, the doors opened all around, and several figures jumped out.

Zhou Zheng smiled and said: "Go back to practice, there should be no duty today."

"Squad leader have a good rest," Yue Wushuang greeted with a smile, then rolled his eyes at Xiao Sheng, and jumped directly to the window on the third floor with light steps.

Xiao Sheng frowned slightly.

'She targeted me? '

It's been so long since the last oolong incident, why does Xiaoni still remember it.

Li Zhiyong walked over with his hands in his pockets, and said, "Xiao came here to help, and we will continue to arrange formations today."

"Is it still arranged?"

Xiao Sheng stared: "Didn't we arrange triple protection, triple isolation and triple maze? Are you here to guard against the demon king's sneak attack?"

Li Zhiyong thought for a while: "We have already encountered the demon king once, and this possibility cannot be ruled out."


Xiao Sheng's thighs trembled, and he raised his head and sighed: "Then you use your own spirit stone and mana, we can't catch a sheep like me! Squad leader, just take care of him!"

Zhou Zheng smiled and said: "Use some of my spirit stones too, everyone will practice here for a long time in the future, it would be good to have more formations."

"Well," Li Zhiyong nodded, "Squad leader can take the three spirit stones for me later... I'm afraid his reserve is not enough."

Xiao Sheng clutched his big gold chain tightly, with a green light in his eyes.

The room allocation of the five of them is based on the entire floor, and they don't usually go through the door.

The first floor has the largest space, including the living room, dining room, main bathroom, and two bedrooms. Xiao Sheng and Li Zhiyong each occupied one, and the latter also requisitioned the basement floor, saying that they wanted to build an alchemy room.

Zhou Zheng and Ao Ying lived on the second floor, occupying the master bedroom of this building, and reserved a tea room for everyone on the second floor.

Yue Wushuang is on the third floor with the smallest space, and the per capita area is the largest for one person.

When Zhou Zheng closed the door, a fairy light flickered in the pocket of his jacket.

Ao Ying transformed into a human form, wearing an ancient dress, and floated down in front of Zhou Zheng in a circle. Her crystal clear feet slowly landed on the ground, and she jumped over with a smile.

"Thank you sir for catching monsters! Do you need a massage?"

Zhou Zheng smiled softly: "Actually, you can also come out for a walk, Yue Wushuang really wants to chat with you."

"Okay," Ao Ying's lips made a popping sound, "but I just want to stay with you."

With slight ripples in Zhou Zheng's heart, he took off his heavy uniform windbreaker: "Have you replied to the letter from Dragon Palace?"

"It's strange, the second brother seems to have given birth to a lot recently."

Ao Ying sighed: "I asked the fourth grandma, the second brother seems to have started to change his gender, and started to distance himself from the monsters... Let's leave them alone, I am not interested in the authority of the Blue Star Dragon Palace, I will leave everything to the eldest sister Just fine."

"Yeah," Zhou Zheng stretched, "I'll take a shower and start practicing."

"I'm going to catch up on anime, and I haven't watched many of the dramas you recommend Zhou! If you're hungry, tell me, you're not used to bigu just now."

Uh, this little house fish really doesn't need to practice?

Zhou, who reached the seventh level of Xiantian Realm in three months, expressed his envy anonymously.


at the same time.

Fengqing Demon King's Cave Mansion, the top floor of the abandoned office building.

Feng Qing looked at the screen in front of him with a haggard face, still a little sad, typing on the keyboard with his fingers, scolding a few rookies for playing monsters indiscriminately.

The fox demon prime minister who was standing on the side looked worried, but just stood with his head down, waiting for his king to vent his emotions before reporting the matter.

Chapter 37 Demons Chaos, Old Enemy Comes

Feng Qing put down the mouse and rubbed his stiff wrist.

On the side, the fox demon maid who changed into a bikini theme knelt forward holding a cigarette lighter ashtray, as if these three objects could not be placed on the table.

No way, this is the only content they can serve.

Soon, as the wind chime slowly exhaled a circle of smoke, he calmly said:


"Report to Your Majesty," Prime Minister Fox Demon yelled coquettishly, "The frontal battle has been stabilized by the Futian League, and the main force of their six families is also in a hard fight, and we are about to rush to support from the side."

"What about the other five families on the side?"

"None of them are willing," the fox demon said softly, "All the lost land recovered before was divided by the six families in front, but they refused to give us half a piece of meat. The other five families are not fools, so it is impossible Wasting troops for nothing."

Feng Qing said calmly: "We just need to be able to advance and retreat with the other five families, and we don't need to be too conspicuous."

"Yes... Your Majesty, what's on your mind?"

"Huh?" Feng Qing glanced across.

The fox demon trembled, and quickly knelt down: "The servant has overstepped."

"Get up," Feng Qing said calmly, "but there are other things to report."

"My lord, the frontal battle is in a quagmire. Grandma Muxuan proposed to send a group of experts to disrupt the rear of the Futian League, which means sending people to die."

Feng Qing snorted: "Grandma Muxuan likes to engage in these crooked ways, let her do it herself, our clan doesn't need to shed blood in vain."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Feng Qing waved his hand, then sighed lightly, staring at the krypton gold light effect on the screen in a daze.

Ding Ding!

A chat box pops up in the lower right corner.

Feng Qing casually opened the chat box and glanced at it, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

[I smile with a smile: Is brother in CP?Can voice yo, can clip sound. 】

Humph, these vain and empty women.

[Lonely Yan Yanjiao: No place, single. 】

Ding Ding Ding!

[I smile and bloom: Hahaha, why are you single, are you a DINK? 】

Feng Qing replied a little impatiently:

[Lonely Smokey Chiu: I was hurt just now, so I'm already insulated from such things. 】

[I smiled and gave birth to flowers: Is there a melon?Can I eat melon? 】

Feng Qing shook his head in various ways.

Why do these human women like to poke other people's scars?Are you bothered?Really, no manners!

Soon, the top floor reverberated with crackling keyboard sounds, and the lingering sound lingered for a while.


'On the sixth day of joining the special investigation team, I feel pretty good. The speed of practice has not slowed down. I have been meditating in the house, so I might as well go out for a walk regularly. '

On the sofa for one person, Zhou Zheng was holding a jade talisman and was sitting quietly typing words.

This is his practice diary, not an unscrupulous diary.

After moving to this small villa, the living conditions have been significantly improved. In addition to the independent bathroom, there are also cloakrooms and a quiet room for practice. After all, the entire second floor belongs to him and Ao Ying.

At Zhou Zheng's request, Li Zhiyong set up different isolation formations for the three floors to ensure personal privacy.

Ao Ying also used the secret method of the dragon clan to decorate the second floor, and then started to wander around in her pajamas...

In addition to practicing, Zhou Zheng got the opportunity to sharpen his mind and perseverance for free.

Zhou Zheng also took the time to go to the main city and returned the apartment he rented.

Although there is now a large amount of material subsidies every month, and after the start of bigu, the concept of ordinary money has gradually changed, but the total amount of social resources is limited, and since I have no needs, I don't have to occupy excess resources.

"Erying, we're going out together today."

Ao Ying poked her head out in the cloakroom and looked at Zhou Zheng: "I'm ready, look!"

She jumped out from behind the curtain, showing off the small uniform.

Zhou Zheng couldn't help feeling that the same dress - a black shirt and slim trousers inside, a dark blue windbreaker outside; she was just an ordinary operator when she put it on, and she was clearly the 'chief's daughter'!

"Remember to wear a mask."

"Obey, Team Leader!"

Zhou Zheng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes with a smile, and really wanted to pinch this lovely face with his fingers.

Ao Ying patrolled together, and Yue Wushuang naturally found a companion.

Zhou Zheng discovered that he could understand fairly advanced high-level spells, and could understand many obscure practice formulas;

But I really can't understand the strange friendship of girls.

This person and fish were obviously unfamiliar before, Ao Ying sweetly called sister Yue a few times, Yue Wushuang was a little at a loss at first, and then...became Ao Ying's "ten-year old sister", and started eating and drinking with Ao Ying have fun.

When there is no emergency mission, they have a fixed patrol area, and they can go back to practice after staying here for six hours a day.

The area Feng Bugui arranged for them was originally a relatively peaceful area, with the bustling business district of the Third Industrial Island.

It's a pity that they have been on urgent missions since they came here, and few of them can go to the streets to gather folk songs.

It's not bad today.

In the gazebo of the square where people come and go, Xiao Sheng chatted with a few elder brothers in security uniforms, talking about spitting stars flying around.

Li Zhiyong stood in a corner with his eyes closed, as if he had entered the state of cultivation, but in fact, he kept spreading his spiritual consciousness to observe the area they were in charge of.

Ao Ying and Yue Wushuang have already gone to the shopping mall to look at the clothes.

If the best way for boys to enhance friendship is drinking, then the corresponding behaviors for girls should be shopping together, manicures, skin care, complaining about ugly clothes...etc.

Zhou Zheng, the team leader, is the most diligent, constantly patrolling everywhere, and takes this job very seriously.

Helping grandmas cross the road, helping pregnant women lift heavy objects, taking care of single cubs, looking for lost pets, patrol work is very fulfilling.

Hearing the other party's voice of thanks, Zhou Zheng also felt that his Dao heart became more nourished.

"Strange, why is it so peaceful today."

Xiao Sheng muttered from the Bluetooth headset: "Aren't those things very active a few days ago?"

"Don't be crowed," Zhou Zheng scolded with a smile, "It would be nice if you could be more peaceful. There are no monsters or spiritual creatures with evil spirits, which means there are no victims."

Xiao Sheng chuckled: "Squad leader, why are you still so superstitious? If I really can crow my mouth and say 'I can't break through', 'I can't break through' to myself, then I can break through?

"There is no basis for practice."

However, Xiao Sheng just finished speaking.

"Zhou Zheng, Zhou Zheng, can you hear me?"

Feng Bugui's roar came from the walkie-talkie on his shoulder: "I sent you the address, go there quickly! The two teams over there are in a hard fight, and there have been casualties!"

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