Ao Ying yelled sweetly, and then put her futon next to Zhou Zheng, imitating Bing Ning's elegant posture and slowly seated, the skirt of the palace was spread out, like a crabapple in full bloom.

The six girls in front who didn't know the truth looked at Zhou Zheng and Ao Ying a few times from shock to sudden surprise, and then withdrew their eyes.

Obviously, this handsome girl came for their squad leader.

Two people are carefully considering the name Ao Ying, after all, the surname 'Ao' is quite rare.

"Today, I will teach you the magic lesson."

Bing Ning said slowly: "Before the class starts, let's make a summary of this assessment. Zhou Zheng and Li Zhiyong are excellent, and the rest are qualified. Each reward is different."

After saying that, Bing Ningsu brushed her hand in front of her, and nine storage magic weapons of different styles slowly emerged, and with her slender fingers flicking, the nine storage magic weapons flew in front of the nine people.

Of course there is no Ao Ying.

"Thank you teacher."

The crowd responded in unison.

Only Xiao Sheng rolled his eyes. He felt that he had contributed the most and received the most beatings in this assessment, and he clearly felt the jealousy of Bing Ning and others towards him.

The storage magic weapon that Bingning rewarded Zhou Zheng was a wristband.

The whole body of the wristband is black mixed with gold, and the outer layer depicts a black turtle. The structure is simple, but it just fits Zhou Zheng's wrist.

Zhou Zheng took off the cloth wristband, revealing the ice blue, fiery red, and gray and black three-color ring-shaped restriction—a layer of restriction had been added by Bingli a few days ago—and buckled the wristband on again, He took a few glances with satisfaction.

Pretty handsome.

Bing Ning glanced at him, and said: "Today's first lesson, let's talk about how to refine a magic weapon that you just got. Obviously, a magic weapon can be used by you just because you wear it on your body."

Ao Ying laughed softly, Zhou Zheng looked a little embarrassed.

There are two main ways to refine magic treasures. One is to nourish magic treasures with your own soul power, which is more common in high-level magic treasures, immortal treasures, and spirit treasures. bigger.

Treasure selection generally refers to these magic weapons that are easy to generate their own spirituality.

One type is to use the talisman of the magic weapon itself, which has unique control skills, that is, it can be used by oneself, but cannot be used by others. It is mostly used in storage magic weapons, or various magic weapons.

Zhou Zheng's wrist guard also belongs to the latter.

After successfully activating the mana, he set the 'unlock method' of the wristband according to Ao Ying's voice transmission, and then he penetrated a wisp of spiritual consciousness and began to look at the objects inside.

Seeing this, he was really taken aback.

The storage magic weapon has its own space, and there is no influence of gravity or other forces in it. The value of the magic weapon is evaluated according to the size of the storage space.

There are more than a dozen cubic spirit stones the size of a fist, accounting for three-quarters of the storage volume inside the wristband itself.

There is a cloth curtain in the corner, with many pockets sewn on it, and there are porcelain bottles and jade bottles, and a piece of paper is pasted in front of each bottle, with small characters written on it to explain the functions of these elixirs.

Early stage resources are filled up directly.

Bing Ning briefly explained the method of refining magic tools, and then officially started the second course - spells.

"Cultivating the Tao and cultivating the law are actually two different things, but the higher the level of the Tao, the greater the power of the spells and supernatural powers that can be cast.

"But you must understand that cultivating the Dao is to improve the Dao realm, to continuously sublimate the life of the creatures, to strive for longevity step by step, to pursue the Dao and your own detachment, which is the foundation of your foothold.

"Cultivating the law is to protect oneself in the process of cultivating the Tao, to avoid the three disasters, to avoid the six disasters, and to protect the Tao fruit obtained by one's own cultivation.

"The two are one inside and one outside, so don't lose sight of the basics.

"Before the official lecture, do you have any questions about supernatural powers?"

A female student asked: "Teacher, how do you define spells and supernatural powers?"

"The concept of spells and supernatural powers is not clear, and there are different opinions."

Bingning said slowly:

"Probably, supernatural powers are spells that can reach gods.

"Opening an altar to pray for rain is magic, summoning wind and rain is supernatural power; transporting five ghosts is magic, and carrying Mount Tai to surpass the North Sea is supernatural power.

"In addition, some supernatural powers are not obtained through practice. For example, in ancient times, all powers stood side by side, and innate beings stood on the top of immortals. They all have their own accompanying supernatural powers, which can be mastered by nature without practice.

"However, for spells, as long as you have enough cultivation level, enough understanding and perseverance, and your genus is compatible with it, and you can get the tricks of casting spells, you can master it through learning."

All the students nodded their heads.

Xiao Sheng smiled and raised his hand: "Teacher, I have a question!"

"Ask, don't make trouble."

"Everyone says that the Divine Power Tiangang 36 Transformation is much better than the Disha 72 Transformation, so why can't Marshal Canopy defeat the Buddha?"

Bing Ning pursed her lips slightly, her eyes flickering with ice blue light.

Ao Ying suddenly felt a cold breath coming from the side, turned her head to look, and couldn't help but pursed her lips and suppressed a smile.

This ice cube is very artistic.

"Don't ask these useless things," Bing Ning said indifferently, "The strength of a supernatural power does not mean the strength of one's own combat power. Don't mention the name of the taboo too much, lest the other party feel it and bring you unwarranted disasters .”


Zhou Zheng was slightly puzzled, but this is not the time to ask these questions.

Li Zhiyong asked about the principle of mutual restraint of the five-element spell, and Ice Fairy continued to explain the spell. The nine students listened attentively and attentively.

Bing Ning also revealed to them the next arrangement.

In another month, if their course progresses smoothly, there will be a second assessment.

This time the assessment was not in Longchen City, but started from Longchen, traveled more than 600 kilometers westward, and arrived at the demon defense line built by the Futian League and human beings to experience the real demon battlefield.

This made Zhou Zheng very excited, and his practice was even more motivated.


at the same time;

At the bottom of a certain trench in the deep sea, two of the three jade stones arranged in a zigzag shape lit up at this moment.

"This Second Highness is really trash."

Sitting on the throne, with a few beauties beside him all the time, the troll king looked extremely gloomy.

The kun demon king, who still didn't reveal the specific figure, only had the faint outline of the big fish, just sighed: "Oh, we still made a wrong bet, thinking that this little dragon can become a fortune."

"How could he be so stupid as to leave Dragon Palace and stay in Longchen for so long? According to the news from Dragon Palace, all his subordinates have been recruited by that eldest princess, and Dragon Palace is now monolithic."

"How is it now?"

The two sea demon kings fell silent.

"Don't force the Dragon Palace too tightly. The Dragon Clan has a way to travel through the world. They may come here to support at any time. We can only find a way to make the Dragon Clan give up this star."

"It's better to contact the Eighteenth Road Demon King on land..."

"They have always looked down on my holy spirit in the sea," the troll king snorted coldly, "Instead of contacting them, it is better to unite vertically and horizontally to unify the scattered forces in the sea.

"When we have mastered this sea, they will naturally give us the respect we deserve.

"The most troublesome thing now is the eldest princess of the Dragon Palace. If the Dragon Palace is stabilized, she will probably start a conquest and recruit all kinds of holy spirits. The Dragon Clan is best at fighting to support war. This is the big problem for you and me."


"She is stronger than you and me, so what are you going to use to assassinate her? Even if she succeeds, she still has to bear the revenge of the Dragon Clan."

"Then what should we do!" Kun Demon King was a little annoyed.

The troll king smiled confidently.

"Looking at it now, we still have to start with Ao Yitian. As long as the one who kills the dragon is a dragon, there will be no proof of death when the dragon clan comes to investigate. What does it have to do with you and me?"

"Do you have a plan?"

"Just had this thought."

"Then why are you laughing, plan quickly! I'll go and contact some other comrades who are closer to the Crystal Palace. If you can't be soft, then you can only come hard."



During the break between classes, Zhou Zheng rubbed his nose, a little wondering that he was already a monk, and he still had symptoms of a cold.

"Don't rub it with your hands."

Ao Ying whispered from the side, and leaned over with a handkerchief, her exquisite body almost leaned against Zhou Zheng's body, and gently wiped the tip of Zhou Zheng's nose.

Zhou Zheng smiled at first, after all, he was used to this kind of interaction.

But he soon realized that something was wrong with the surrounding environment, and a few glances glancing over.

Uh, play dumb, otherwise this matter is really hard to explain.

Chapter 33 Preparing for the Innate Realm, Sending Orders on the Western Front

Teacher Bing Ning also said before that when they come back, they will ask them why they practice Taoism.

For this question, Zhou Zheng has been thinking hard for the past few days. He can neither say anything too false nor too vulgar, and also consider whether it will affect his 'prestige' as the squad leader.

As a result... now there is no such stubble at all!

Maybe the Ice Fairy forgot, or maybe what she said before was just a cover for the first assessment.

There is another small detail.

Most of the six female students in the class are from the "Practice School". Some of them should know that there are two mid-term assessments in the special training class, but no one gave them any hints that day.

Zhou Zheng didn't mind this much, but felt that everyone was not as innocent as they seemed.

After Ao Ying became the No. 10 student of the special training class, she officially began to pair up with him. Almost wherever Zhou Zheng was, she must be there, and she always only had Zhou Zheng in her eyes.

Li Zhiyong didn't seem to feel anything about it, he practiced diligently every day, and the level of hard work was almost the same as that of Zhou Zheng.

But Xiao Sheng... is jealous of his real name.

"If brother can only get stuck in the bottleneck in this life, and can't aspire to longevity and break through the sky, then it's not bad to have a sweet love!" '

One night, after tossing and turning, Xiao Sheng finally made up his mind, picked up his mobile phone, read some posts about love skills, and started shopping a lot of books online the next day.

After reading a series of works such as "The Law of Men and Women", "36 Skills of Love", "Whoever Takes the Initiative Will Be Passive", "My Heart and Sweet Candied Child", Xiao Sheng secretly made an appointment on a dark and windy night. Followed Zhou Zheng to the window of the small playground.

"Hey, monitor?"

Xiao Sheng cleared his throat, and said to Zhou Zheng: "Teach me, pass on your experience, how did you get on good terms with Miss Ao?"

Zhou Zheng was also a little guilty, and muttered with the voice transmission method he had just learned: "Don't talk nonsense, this matter will be discussed in a few years."

"Why? Although Miss Ao is still a little childish, she is knowledgeable, sensible and innocent, which is pretty good."

"How old is she?" Zhou Zheng glared, "That's a crime."

"Hey, what laws do the gods control?"

"But to be a human being, one must have a minimum conscience."

"Okay," Xiao Sheng clicked his tongue, "Then what are you going to do? The girl is devoted to you, and you just stick around like this? Don't take the initiative or refuse? You're an old cartoonist."

Zhou Zheng sighed softly, and said slowly:

"People are not earth and rocks, and I am also an ordinary person. If we get along day and night like this, there will often be some...

"Well, that's a normal thought.

"I once persuaded myself that she is now a fish and will be a dragon in the future, so I don't need to use common etiquette to limit my affection for her.

"Wait a few years, wait until she is 20 years old, if she is still there, I will take the initiative to get closer."

Xiao Sheng gave Zhou Zheng a thumbs up, and said with emotion: "Okay, there's nothing wrong with your idea, but ah, there are flowers that can be broken straight away, don't wait for flowers without flowers to break branches."

Zhou Zheng crossed his arms and said with a smile, "That's what you're looking for?"

"Of course not," Xiao Sheng glanced left and right, "Hey, tell me, how can I catch up with a girl?"

"If you don't cultivate well, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah, that, double cultivation," Xiao Sheng said solemnly, with his hands behind his back, "There are many magic methods of double cultivation, which advocate the combination of yin and yang, and they all have the effect of breaking through the bottleneck. You don't want to be the monitor, I just practice double cultivation with others. , no matter what, there must be an emotional foundation.”

"There is some truth in what you say."

Zhou Zheng pondered for a while, thinking carefully:

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