So, Ao Tianyi raised his head slightly, and said in an extremely contemptuous tone:

"It's just you?"

Two members of the special operations team immediately shouted: "Backup!"

next second.

The passing figures near the exit suddenly turned around, grabbed their pistols and pointed them at Ao Tianyi in neat movements;

Beside the railing on the second floor of the station, more than a dozen girls in high-heeled shoes rolled over and jumped down, holding bright long swords in their hands, forming a sword array when they landed.

At the escalator, the toilet door, and the station exit, a large number of figures in dark blue uniforms rushed in quickly. Semi-automatic rifles, laser guns, and large-caliber sniper rifles all aimed at Ao Tianyi's neck.

Two strong men who were as tall as Feng Bugui carried Soviet-made 72.5mm RPG26 anti-tank rockets in the corner.

Of course, this is not the point. A few men and women with leisurely expressions and wearing ancient costumes are mixed among these figures, releasing their aura of primordial immortality and true fairyland.

The reincarnated fairy god who has recovered a lot of strength.

"Put your hands up!"

Ao Tianyi's nose fluttered slightly, his left hand slightly opened, and a phantom of a long spear appeared, as if it would condense into a real body in the next moment.

"seal up."

With a soft call, Bing Ning's lips opened and closed slightly.

Ao Tianyi's movements stopped immediately, and an ice lotus bloomed slowly under his feet; and when this lotus bloomed its petals, Ao Tianyi was already sealed by the solid ice, and his expression remained somewhat astonished.

The remaining four guards and two maids quickly raised their hands with indescribably nervous expressions.

Fast-food restaurant.

Ao Ying exhaled lightly, but Bing Ning beside her was puzzled.

Bing Ning asked: "Did your second brother live a carefree life before?"

Ao Ying couldn't help but raise her hand and put her forehead on her forehead: "I'll contact my eldest sister... well, I'll go buy some beef later, some beef bones and steaks, and some live shrimp..."


As soon as Zhou Zheng got out of the trance state, he smelled the strong fragrance of beef bone soup.

He searched left and right, and soon found the sumptuous supper on the round table, and heard the sound of running water from the bathroom.

Ao Ying quite likes taking a bath, after all, she is a fish now.

Zhou Zheng saw several sets of bowls and chopsticks placed beside the supper, and he was not in a hurry to enjoy the meal alone, so he got up and reviewed the basic movements of "The Jue of Life and Breath" a few times.

'Zhenyuan Great Immortal. '

I didn't expect that the boss in the myth could hear relevant information in reality.

A catastrophe in the heavenly world, the collapse of the heavenly court, followed by chaos in the world of demons and demons, and catastrophe in the Blue Star.

Are the words Xiaoyue said to herself really the truth?

Zhou Zheng thought carefully. Although he believed in Xiaoyue, he always had a skeptical attitude towards what Xiaoyue said.

If you listen to it, you will understand. You have to investigate these things yourself, see them with your own eyes, and integrate more information before you can draw definite conclusions.

Zhou Zheng still likes to explore the so-called secrets.

The sound of running water in the bathroom stopped, and Zhou Zheng's thoughts came back from the gap in the curtains.

Soon, there was a conversation in the bathroom.

"Zhou should wake up, let's go to eat! Sister Bing, your hairstyle is so beautiful!"

"Well, it's fine."

When Fairy Bing Ning's voice came, Zhou Zheng subconsciously stood up, with some doubts in his eyes.

When did Xiaoyu get acquainted with his teacher?

The bathroom door opened, and two figures came out one after another, making Zhou Zheng's eyes shine twice.

Look at this ice fairy.

The icy skin jade skin cream is gelatinous, with cold eyebrows and shallow lips.

She seems to have just taken a bath, and her long black and thick hair is still a little wet. At the moment, it is simply tied behind her head, and a wooden hairpin is inserted obliquely, so that the swan's neck is more prominent. The eyes of all creatures are deeply sunken.

Look at that little golden carp again, its skin is rosy at the moment, it is wearing a light and simple long dress, and it has the same hairstyle as Bing Ning, it is a little more playful than beautiful.

Xu is that the plum blossoms fall in March, and whose spring red branches are pretty.

Just like this, two gods, one big and one small, appeared in front of him. Although Zhou Zheng thought he was a vulgar man, he still couldn't help but took two steps back and gave them his place.

"Sit down, um, I'll go for a walk."

To avoid suspicion, simply to avoid suspicion.

"Huh?" Bing Ning was a little puzzled, "Eat something before going."

"I've been doing it for a long time," Ao Ying pulled Zhou Zheng's arm forward, and pushed Zhou Zheng to the sofa where he was sitting before, "Don't run!"

"Okay, okay."

Zhou Zheng was inexplicably nervous, sitting at the side with his chest straight, and he lost the ease and ease of the "unrestrained big boy" in the initial interview.

Mainly because the atmosphere is a bit off.

In addition to steak and soup, there are several light side dishes for supper.

Bing Ning held her chopsticks elegantly, tasted Ao Ying's cooking skills, and asked Ao Ying a few words about her cooking experience from time to time.

Zhou Zheng was eating obediently by the side, not intending to start the topic at all.

"Hee hee," Ao Ying handed over a glass of Coke, "Guess where we went today."


"Except for the supermarket?" Ao Ying's eyes were full of expectation.

Zhou Zheng was a little puzzled, and just as he was about to answer, there was a knocking sound from the door.

"I gonna go see."

Zhou Zheng ran over, glanced outside through the cat's eyes, and then opened a gap in the door, blocking the sight of outsiders with his body.

"Brother Xiao, what's wrong?"

"Hey? Why don't you let me in? What's so shameful about this?"

Xiao Sheng raised his eyebrows with a smile, and walked forward with a stride. Zhou Zheng wanted to stop him, but he was blocked by the aura surrounding Xiao Sheng, so he had to take half a step back.

Xiao Sheng's smile suddenly froze on his face.

On the sofa outside, Bing Ning was wearing a long skirt and her long hair. She was leaning forward at the moment, with her left hand under the chopsticks, putting a shrimp into her mouth and chewing carefully.

Ao Ying was worried that her exposure would bring trouble to Zhou Zheng, so she had turned into jade and landed on the other side of the sofa.

"Fuck! Ice!"

Just as Xiao Sheng was about to shout, Zhou Zheng grabbed the guy's big mouth and pushed him straight out of the room.

Chapter 25 Why are you yelling so loudly!

When he figured out a certain problem, Xiao Sheng felt that his world view had been subverted.

Early in the morning, as soon as Zhou Zheng came to the practice area, he heard Xiao Sheng's voice:

"Brother, how did you do it? With mortal resources, you caught up with the Ice Fairy from the Heavenly Wonderland!

"This is the head maid of the Temple of Picking Fragrance, the celebrity in front of the Queen Mother back then! Blue Star is the least human-eating fairy among the current gods!

"Isn't the Queen Mother the one who hates the matchmaking of immortals the most? You can win all of them?"

Zhou Zheng could only raise his head and sigh.

No arguing!

He explained for a long time last night, but Xiao Sheng only believed what he saw.

Just a little bit, Zhou Zheng pulled Ao Ying in front of Xiao Sheng, and shouted, 'Ice Fairy is here to find my fish'.

But Zhou Zheng soon realized that if he really did this, Xiao Sheng would definitely give him a thumbs up.

'Embrace left and right, Fairy and Dragon Girl, awesome Plath! '

Xiao Sheng can definitely say such nonsense.

Come on, let him go, anyway, the clean is cleared.

Letting Xiao Sheng wink at the side, Zhou Zheng closed his eyes calmly, and began to recite the unknown general outline of the exercise silently.

[Original Qi is far away, does not transform clear and turbid, all things are inherently born, and do not return to Yuan Qi. 】

Following Li Zhiyong's late arrival, the nine people gathered together, and Fairy Bing Ning "flashed" into the arena and appeared in front of everyone.

"Continue to teach the "Life-breathing Jue" today, if you have any difficulties in practice, you can directly ask me."

The crowd answered in unison.

It is Bingling's practice to tell everyone what they have learned at the beginning of class every day.

To Bingning's surprise, Xiao Sheng, the thorn in the class, cooperated with her teaching work very much today; Xiao Sheng was called by name, and also answered some monastic questions very seriously.

Bing Ning also felt that this genius seemed to have grown overnight, and understood what humility is.


'Brother and daughter-in-law, let's give you some face, brothers and wives should not be bullied. '

When Xiao Sheng thought about it, Bing Ning was pleasing to the eye.

Zhou Zheng, who didn't know about this, quickly immersed himself in the joy of cultivating Taoism, constantly consolidating his own low-level Taoism, and laying more foundations for the future cultivation building.

During the next period of time, while Xiao Sheng diligently made a dinner appointment with Zhou Zheng, he began to secretly observe the interaction between Bing Ning and Zhou Zheng.

It went smoothly, and Xiao Sheng hit a lot of real hammers.

Bingning did have some extra care for Zhou Zheng.

The most blatant thing is that on the 15th day of the opening class, she activated the 'Legating Mountain Formation' in advance and let Zhou Zheng enter it alone to practice. ——Cultivators can withstand several times to hundreds of times of gravity in it, so as to sharpen their mind and soul and promote the unity of body and soul.

Is this the treatment that a little cultivator in the body forging state can enjoy?

Doesn't the operation of the large formation consume spirit stones?

Only these reincarnated generals can have this level of resources!

In Xiao Sheng's view, there are still many more direct proofs about the relationship between Zhou Zheng and Bing Ning.

During the lunch break and dinner time, Zhou Zheng, who hadn't bigu yet, went in and out of Bingning's 'faculty dormitory' many times. Every time he entered, he was hungry, and every time he came out, his mouth was oily.

As for what's going on inside...

'Don't dare to think about it, we don't dare to think about it! '

As a result, Xiao Sheng's special training life has added a daily joy.

Zhou Zheng's practice in the body training environment was as fast as ever.

There seems to be no barriers for him in the current realm, and Zhou Zheng still has a small pressure in three days and a big pressure in five days.

Bingning told Zhou Zheng one thing.

The shortest practice record for a reincarnated general to break through the body-forging realm is half a month, but the holder of this record is only in the middle echelon of reincarnated generals at this time, and his strength is not as good as that of a true immortal.

After more than ten years of rapid recovery of strength, the Reincarnated Heavenly General has gradually slowed down his practice.

Even with the memories of their previous lives, they will encounter various bottlenecks after stepping into the Yuan Wonderland and the True Wonderland. They either need to seek a breakthrough on the edge of life and death, or they need to retreat and walk through the ups and downs.

The rapid progress in the early stage is not necessarily a good thing.

If the road foundation can be solidified in the body forging environment, the possibility of encountering bottlenecks in the future will be slightly reduced.

Therefore, in order to lay the foundation of the road, Zhou Zheng gradually went to the point of restlessness.

Half a month after the start of the class, he has stepped into the sixth level of body training, and he is already able to hold his breath, swing his fists like a wind, and can use the magic power in his body to run and hang in the air for a few seconds.

It was at this time that Fairy Bing Ning opened the "Legating Mountain Formation" for him to further help him sharpen his body.

It is said to be a large formation, but it is actually just a small disc with a diameter of 15 meters, covered with fairy light above and below.

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