call out--

Suddenly there was a strong wind blowing from the side, and the banshee had no time to dodge, watching her nails being shot into pieces by a blue water arrow!


The figure of the banshee retreated sharply, her eyes were full of sternness, and she stared at the position of the fish tank.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a small hand suddenly came from behind Zhou Zheng, and the moment it held Zhou Zheng's arm, a golden light burst out, pulling Zhou Zheng back quickly.

Zhou Zheng only felt a blur in front of his eyes, the anger in his heart dissipated out of thin air, and his brain returned to normal thinking.

Before he had time to think about what happened to him just now, in his sight, the ten fingers of the banshee turned into sharp claws, rushing towards him as fast as lightning.

Her long hair is tied up one by one, beautiful and terrifying.

The little hand holding Zhou Zheng gently fiddled with it, already gently pushing Zhou Zheng to the side.

The figure behind Zhou Zheng turned around lightly, his long black hair swaying with inertia, and the ends of his hair brushed Zhou Zheng's face.

Her toes were three inches off the ground, and the hem of her long skirt fluttered slightly. She met Zhou Zheng's eyes for a moment, and then quickly dodged her gaze.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Zheng was protected by the girl who suddenly appeared.

The banshee flew towards her, and the girl's eyes burst into two beams of golden light, forcing the banshee back.

Afterwards, the girl raised her small face slightly, that delicate and pleasant face revealed a touch of majesty.

"A mere ferret, you can call me an official!"

Zhou Zheng was startled.

Why is there another one?

The banshee was caught off guard, and now she has stabilized her position, frowned and looked at the girl, and said with a smile:

"So it was my younger sister who fell in love with it early on, and it's my fault that Nianlang was eager and didn't look carefully at the house.

"Heh, I'm a ferret spirit, isn't my sister also a carp monster?"

The girl suddenly got annoyed: "You're the one who is weird! Please beat me up!"

After saying that, he rushed forward aggressively, grabbed a short sword out of thin air in his hand, and slashed at the banshee with a bright golden light.

Frightened by the spiritual power emanating from the dagger, the banshee's expression changed several times.

She stepped back and leaned against the wall. She took a deep look at the girl, and suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke, seeping towards the base of the wall.

The dagger flashed with a golden light, leaving only a few drops of blood.

When the girl rushed to the wall, the banshee was gone.

Just leave as soon as you say, without any love for war.

The girl hesitated a little, looked up at Zhou Zheng, and did not chase him out directly.

Zhou Zheng stared blankly, his brain was already in a state of shutdown.

I don't know if tens of seconds or minutes passed;

Zhou Zheng came back to his senses suddenly, looked down at his ankle, then turned his head to look at the girl hiding behind the fish tank, six black spots were drawn on his forehead.

"Don't, don't look at me like that."

The girl suddenly blushed a little, and argued:

"If it was my previous life, I could kill her with one finger, so I wouldn't let her run away!

"This time it's... this time it's an inaccurate estimate of the enemy's strength.

"And I'm afraid of ruining my home..."

Zhou Zheng could only tilt his head.

He suddenly thought of something, and asked in a low voice, "Did you cook the meals for the past few days?"

"Well," she agreed with a pretty nod.

Zhou Zheng was stunned for a few seconds, then sighed slightly.

His legs were a little weak, so he simply sat on the carpet, staring at the girl behind the fish tank in a daze.

Although he still can't understand the current situation, Zhou Zheng can at least be sure...

I really don't have a schizophrenia.

The girl put away the dagger, jumped out with her hands behind her back, and the hem of her long skirt swayed slightly.

Her two little feet, wearing embroidered shoes, were always unwilling to land on the ground, suspended half an inch above the ground.

She didn't dare to look directly at Zhou Zheng, and bit her lip lightly.

Zhou Zheng thought for a while, went to help up the dining chair brought down by the banshee, and tried hard to digest this weird incident.

The girl floated over from behind, her eyes were a little confused, she looked up from time to time, hesitated to speak a few times, and was secretly distressed.

Zhou Zheng poured himself a glass of warm water, took two sips in his hand, and felt much better.

Looking at the street view of the community outside the window of the living room, he suddenly felt that the world inside and outside the house was always false and unreal.

Zhou Zheng felt that he should say something.

"Are you... a person?"


"Then what about you?"

"Yes, cough, wait, wait for me to get off."

She turned her head and took a deep breath, then looked at Zhou Zheng again, her pretty face reflected the bonus, her bright eyes hid the stars, and she recited the words she had rehearsed many times in a nervous way:

"The little girl is from the Donghai Ao family. Thanks to the young master who rescued her from fishermen in the early years, I am here to repay the little girl's life today. I wish... to serve her husband with all my heart, and I hope that my husband will never abandon me."


Zhou Zheng, who was drinking water, turned his head and sprayed out a mist of water.

Chapter 3 Fairy


The little golden carp was swimming around in the fish tank, watching Zhou Zheng lead two police officers to restore the scene just now.

Finding that Zhou Zheng complied with her request and did not 'confess her', Ao Ying gradually let go of her anxiety.

After about five or six minutes.

Zhou Zheng slammed on the door of the house and shouted anxiously to the outside: "Officer, what I said is true! I'm really not crazy!"

"Mr. Zhou, if you do this again! We will sue you for reporting false police reports!

"What banshee, goblin, escaped from the bottom of the wall! What is that under your wall? Do you know the reinforced concrete? Young man! You have to believe in science!"

"No, officer, I really saw the serial murderer!"


The door was closed forcefully, leaving Zhou Zheng standing behind the door in a mess.

There is no way to do this. If you tell ordinary people about this kind of thing, they will be regarded as crazy after all.

Zhou Zheng walked back to the dining table in distress, looked at the food that had gone cold, and put his hands on his head dejectedly, letting himself calmly analyze what to do.

Call family?

Well, I don't have any family myself.

Talk to a few colleagues?

A few pictures emerged in Zhou Zheng's mind, all of which were a few of his colleagues getting together, either holding their mobile phones to play games, or eating and drinking and chatting about the world outside the protective shield.

There is no one to rely on!

Let's chat with Uncle Fu and ask Uncle Fu for his opinion...

"Would you like to warm it up?"

A crisp call came from the side, and the girl transformed into the little golden carp floated over in an ancient dress.

Zhou Zheng stood up at once, and looked at the girl nervously.

Although he finally decided to call the police, he did not 'sell' the little fairy who saved him, so that the story he told the police lacked a large part and was completely unconvincing.


She was a little uneasy, the catkins stirred the skirt, looked up at Zhou Zheng, then quickly lowered her head, and asked in a low voice:

"Did it cause you trouble?"

Zhou Zheng wanted to nod at first, but he couldn't bear it when he saw this, and said in a low voice, "No trouble, just a little... a little confused. You saved me just now, and I haven't had time to thank you."


The girl raised her head and stared at her almond eyes, looking at Zhou Zheng full of hope.

Seeing this, Zhou Zheng immediately lost his temper, and nodded with a smile.

She stood on tiptoe happily, and said happily, "It's right to protect your husband!"

"Cough! Cough-cough-cough!"

Zhou Zheng choked on his own saliva immediately, and hurriedly said: "No, we can't talk nonsense! Why are you husband and wife...Can you sit down and have a good chat?"

"My lord, take the seat, and the concubine can just sit down."

"My name is Zhou Zheng. You can call me Zhou Zheng. What's your name?"

"Good husband! The name of the concubine is Ying, and the husband can also call the concubine Yingying."

"Shout Zhou Zheng! Zhou of the circle, Zheng of salvation!"

"Mr. Zhou Zheng?"

The little murloc tilted his head and blinked slightly.

Zhou Zheng: "...I'm tired, feel free."

Ao Ying suddenly showed a happy smile, and her beautiful face full of collagen was slightly radiant at this moment.

White and translucent, like the effect of a skin care product advertisement.

Zhou Zheng had no choice but to lose the battle. He sat in a chair and thought for a while, but couldn't find a clue.

He called the police, but the police came and scolded him.

Zhou Zheng asked weakly: "Miss Ao, was that a monster just now? A monster in myths and legends?"

"Yes, it is."

Ao Ying responded softly, gathered up her skirt, and sat on the dining chair beside her with her small buttocks.

Zhou Zheng was suddenly glad that he didn't save the hundreds of dollars when he bought the table, so he gritted his teeth and bought two dining chairs, which finally came in handy today.

Ao Ying thought for a while, then whispered:

"Husband, have you read Journey to the West?

"It was "Journey to the West" before the catastrophe, and many of the contents of that ghost novel were evolved from local operas, and that was another human story compiled.

"This human world that my husband lives in exists at the same time as other human worlds.

"About 30 years ago, this world suddenly had spiritual energy, and because of this, some disasters occurred, which attracted demons to spy on.

"The banshee who attacked your husband just now may have been attracted by a bit of spiritual energy in your husband's body. This spiritual energy... was deliberately added by me, my concubine, in order to help your husband prolong his life."

Speaking of this, her face flushed slightly:

"So Husband doesn't need to thank me, but I'm causing trouble to Husband."

After saying that, she blinked, waiting for Zhou Zheng to ask another question.

Zhou Zheng kept searching all kinds of weird legends with his mobile phone.

To be honest, although these things are outrageous, the degree of outrageousness has not reached the point where Zhou Zheng can't accept it.

After all, myths and ghosts have been in Zhou Zheng's culture since he was a child, and many TV dramas and literary works are related themes.

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