Bing Ning clenched her fist with her right hand and tapped lightly on her left palm.

It should be good to make ground three delicacies today.

Xiaoyue: ...

Well, let's go to Uncle Fu to receive the reward first.


Almost the same moment.

At the bottom of a certain trench in the East China Sea, there is a deep sea cave where strange fish swim.

The three jades shone brightly again, and three figures appeared one after the other.

The shirtless man is surrounded by two mermaid beauties;

The shadow with the outline of the fish is still a shadow.

"The seven-day period has passed," the shirtless burly man said with a smile, "Your Highness has made some progress."


Ao Yitian's facial muscles kept twitching: "In the next few days, I will go to Longchen myself and bring back my third sister."

Chapter 23 About the little thing about breaking through twice a day

Zhou Zheng fell asleep until the next morning, only to be awakened gently by Ao Ying's soft humming.

After waking up, Zhou Zheng was not only full of energy, but also fierce; he felt that his strength seemed to have grown a lot, and his right hand, which was sealed by a triple immortal, was also full of strength.

"How do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

Ao Ying turned in from the outside and asked nervously, holding a plate of carefully arranged fruits in her hand.

"Nothing unusual, it feels good."

Zhou Zheng looked at himself in the half-length mirror, the three imprints on his wrists were really... conspicuous and attractive.

Finally, I can practice with peace of mind without any doubts.

He grabbed an apple and stuffed it into his mouth, and quickly changed his short sleeves: "I'm going to practice, it's time for the class to start."

"Hey! Eat something first!"

"It's okay, I'll eat more at noon!"

Zhou Zheng opened the door, turned around and gave Ao Ying a thumbs up: "The apples are cut well, see you at noon."

Holding the fruit plate, Ao Ying nodded gently, with a small smile on her lips.

When Zhou Zheng closed the door, she just hummed softly: "Praise people don't care about it, the apple is delicious because it grows well, what does it have to do with me cutting it."

Of course, such complaints from the 'husband' behind him cannot be heard by Zhou Zheng.

As soon as Zhou Zheng ran to his seat in a hurry, Fairy Bing Ning appeared in front of the nine people accompanied by a fairy light.

Bing Ning said: "You have been here to practice for some time, and you practice meditation every day, and change the content today."

Most of the students' eyes lit up.

They discussed it in a small group with only students yesterday. This special training class should not only let the immortals teach them the skills of practice, but also definitely have magic skills lessons, magic medicine pill refining, and some experience in fighting the enemy. teach.

Bing Ning paused for a while, her eyes flicked past Zhou Zheng, and fell on Xiao Sheng who was beside her.

"Xiao Sheng, go for a few steps aside."

"What the hell? What did you say?"

Xiao Sheng, who was wearing a headset, listened intently.

Lightly tap the ice lemon, Xiao Sheng's headset was immediately attached to the ice, and the red and swollen ears miraculously returned to normal.

"Eh? I'm all right?" Xiao Sheng pinched his earlobe for a while, happily.

Bing Ning said: "Go for a few steps."

Xiao Sheng rolled his eyes, but sat there leisurely, obviously wanting to sit down to the end.

What is he afraid of?Everyone is an old minister of the Heavenly Court. In his previous life, he was a general in the front hall. Although he is not in the same system as the chief maid of the Caixiang Hall, he is not far behind.

Men, you should be tougher!

Xiao Sheng turned his head to look at Zhou Zheng, and raised his eyebrows at Zhou Zheng.

Zhou Zheng pondered for a few moments, and pointed behind Xiao Sheng kindly; the latter turned his head to look, and his hairs stood on end in an instant.

Translucent ice crystal flying swords are forming silently behind Xiao Sheng and above his head...

Xiao Sheng gritted his teeth at Bing Ning, bowed his head and walked to the side, and began to run around the practice area, his steps were loose and listless, like a soldier who had lost a battle.

Bing Ning frowned slightly, and wrote a few comments in the jade talisman in her hand.

"As you can see, this way of running is based on the strength of the body, and the purpose is to get yourself to the front position."

The eight serious students nodded at the same time.

"You come."

Bing Ning ordered a female student to stand in front of her, and then asked the female student to raise both hands and stand on one foot.

Repeat this several times, and put on several warm-up poses one after another.

In Zhou Zheng's feeling, it was like a radio gymnastics or aerobics, but the movements were much softer and more natural.

"Do you remember these movements? Do them several times in a row."

The female student followed her words, and the coherent movements were quite beautiful.

"Prepare to run," Bing Ning said, "recall the state of my usual practice, find this state with a standing posture, let the breath in the body circulate throughout the day, and maintain the normal cycle of meditation while running. "

"Okay teacher, let me try," the female student kept her standing posture and started to run, closing her eyes and adjusting her breathing.

I don't know if she was too nervous, or she was used to meditating all the year round, but this female student couldn't find the state and couldn't let herself concentrate.

Bing Ning signaled her not to be nervous, and changed to another female student to continue trying.

Soon, all six female students tried it again, and the one who was in the best condition only insisted on running for a few steps, and because of the tremor of breath, she broke away from the state of trance.

Meditation requires concentration, but it is impossible to achieve concentration while running.

Bing Ning frowned slightly.

She actually didn't want to name Zhou Zheng today. After all, there were nine people in the entire special training class. During this period of time, because of some problems in Zhou Zheng's practice, he had already paid too much attention to him.

As a teacher, you can't favor one another.

But this kind of situation will greatly affect her teaching effect.

"Zhou Zheng, come here."

Zhou Zheng exhaled, got up and ran to Bing Ning, facing him sideways.

Bing Ning's palm rested on his arm, and led him to do a set of warm-up movements. Zhou Zheng felt faintly that the breath in his body seemed to be aroused.

He kept standing, closed his eyes, and recalled the state of "sleeping but not asleep", and his mind sank after a while.

Although he maintained a standing posture, he was already in meditation.

Bing Ning gently pushed Zhou Zheng's shoulder with his palm, Zhou Zheng closed his eyes and started to run forward, the breath in his body trembled, his eyelids twitched slightly, as if he was about to break free from his trance.

But when he opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to be out of focus, and his expression didn't fluctuate at all. He turned around in front of him naturally and chased after Xiao Sheng.

The practice status has not returned!

Zhou Zheng's breathing began to become lighter, and his running steps became more firm and powerful. The swing of his arms seemed to be able to attract aura, and his feet seemed to step on an invisible barrier when they stepped on the ground alternately.

All the students are not mediocre, and they have already discovered it at this moment. The speed of absorbing spiritual energy seems to have increased a lot while running in a state of concentration.

Xiao Sheng, who was running and having fun, couldn't help but stop, watching Zhou Zheng running in front of him, his eyes were full of surprise.

Really effective?

Bing Ning put her hands behind her back, and with a faint smile on her lips, Zhou Zheng continued to run around the perimeter, and began to explain the essentials of this method to others.

"There are yin and yang in the heaven and the earth, and there is stillness and movement in all things.

"For a long time, our understanding of practice is to start by quietly absorbing spiritual energy, whether it is a monk or a monster race, it is the same.

"But is it always the best thing to do?

"Since it fits itself into the great way of heaven and earth, why can it only be static and not dynamic? There was an ancient great immortal named Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth immortal and the master of the earth immortal world. Meng left a few exercises he improved, and then disappeared again.

"One of the exercises is very special. It does not point to a certain avenue, but to help monks who have not yet become immortals to practice. It is this "Shengxi Jue". It is the first step of the introduction to "Shengxi Jue". ..."

"Instructor," Li Zhiyong said suddenly, succinctly, "Please pay attention to the monitor's status."

Bing Ning turned her head to look at Zhou Zheng who was running behind her, but saw that Zhou Zheng's eyes were full of blue light at the moment, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and there seemed to be a cyclone spinning in his abdomen while running.

The wind is blowing under your feet, but you are not in a hurry;

The palm of the hand is condensed, as if it has attracted an invisible force.

Zhou Zheng stopped his steps slowly, kept his eyes out of focus, and exhaled lightly. The divine splendor fell from the top of his head, and the halos on the soles of his feet rose slowly, meeting next to his naturally hanging palms.


Everyone seemed to hear a soft sound, and then the breath in Zhou Zheng's body rose slowly.

There is a light jade color under the skin, and the originally inconspicuous muscle lines can be faintly seen through the clothes at this moment, and the muscles all over the body have become tighter.

Body forging state, fifth level!

Zhou Zheng stood there quietly comprehending for a while, and then stepped forward again.

This time, his eyes gradually recovered, and instead of running in circles subconsciously, he was able to turn his head and look at the classmates who were sitting in a daze in their respective positions, and Bing Ning who was standing still with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face.

"What's wrong with everyone?"

Yue Wushuang asked in surprise: "Squad leader, are you still practicing?"

"Well," Zhou Zheng lowered his head and looked at himself, "It seems that he can no longer use it deliberately, and the mana is keeping the cycle running by itself."

Question marks were hung above everyone's heads.

Xiao Sheng stared at Zhou Zheng with big eyes, and his eyes gradually became hotter.


"Hum hum hum~"

Amidst the slight sound of running water, Ao Ying was floating in the bathtub in a simple swimsuit, with two children's armbands hanging on her white arms, watching the latest romance anime on her mobile phone.

The phone vibrated slightly and a message popped up.

Big Sister: Ao Yitian has already left for Longchen. '

Ao Ying was stunned for a moment, and stood up directly in the water with a slightly annoyed expression on her face, before she fell into deep thought.

If this second brother did too much, what should I do?

Could it be that the real dragon token was used?

But once the True Dragon Token is activated, several nearby dragons from the human world will rush over to support them. If there is no emergency, it will embarrass everyone.

"Why doesn't this guy see others well?"

Ao Ying patted her forehead and began to think hard about countermeasures.

It is impossible to leave.

It’s hard to get acquainted with Zhou, he doesn’t exclude himself from being here, and he also likes to hide by his side, the Internet in the city is fast, and the human world has a lot of resources, every day can let her learn a lot, but this nominal second brother ...

Make the fish head big.


On the small playground, nine students were jogging in twos and threes.

Three men... or boys, ran side by side at the front of the line, each breathing in a unified rhythm, looking for the state of cultivation.

Li Zhiyong was the fastest learner. Zhou Zheng led him to run for two laps, and he was able to "run into meditation" intermittently.

Xiao Sheng still couldn't figure it out. If he forced himself into samadhi, his hands and feet would become uncoordinated while running, and he almost hit the wall in a straight line a few times.

The six girls are still in the groping stage, waiting for Zhou Zheng to finish teaching Li Zhiyong and Xiao Sheng and come to take them for dozens of laps.

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