He walked towards the direction reminded by Bingning's voice, turned around several screens, walked through the 'corridor' made up of green plants and concrete load-bearing columns, and successfully found the 'faculty dormitory'.

The door opens of its own accord to reveal the quaint and spacious suite inside.

Zhou Zheng had only seen the style of furniture here in ancient TV dramas before the catastrophe—the canopy bed with curtains, the Arhat bed with a chessboard in the middle, the round stools and round tables painted with red lacquer, and the carpet embroidered with cranes was spotless.

Zhou Zheng walked into it and closed the door behind him.

"Instructor? Teacher Bing Ning?"

Zhou Zheng called softly a few times, but did not get a response from Bing Ning.

He faintly heard the sound of hot oil frying, so he followed the sound forward, passing the clean and bright bathroom and bathroom, and arrived at the small kitchen equipped with this suite.

Zhou Zheng couldn't help being amused by the scene in front of him.

Ao Ying was wearing a crop top, denim shorts, and a chef's hat on her head. She was sitting on the edge of the sink at the moment, her two white and clean feet dangling back and forth.

Bing Ning was still wearing the plain white dress, holding the spatula in her right hand and the iron pot in her left hand, constantly mixing the ingredients in the pot.

Ao Ying looked at Zhou Zheng and said with a smile, "It's hard work!"

Zhou Zheng smiled and shook his head, leaning against the door with his hands behind his back, watching Fairy Bingning busy there.

Bing Ning picked up a chopstick, dipped it in the soup and put it into his mouth to suck it lightly. He frowned and said, "You matched all the seasonings, why is the taste still not right?"

smell?Smell of the sea?Zhou Zheng's eyes were full of curiosity.

Ao Ying said seriously: "Only by being emotionally attached to the ingredients can one comprehend the true way of cooking; a beginner like Fairy still has a long way to go."

Zhou Zheng almost laughed out loud.

What is involved in emotion is that the timing of the heat and adding seasonings is not grasped.

Bing Ning was lost in thought while looking at the vegetables in the pot, and glanced at Zhou Zheng out of the corner of her eye.

At noon that day, Zhou Zheng had a sumptuous and extravagant lunch.

After eating more than a dozen dishes in one meal, I almost broke my stomach!

Two hours later...

Zhou Zheng returned to the only remaining dormitory with his bulging stomach, locked the door, and the formation in the room opened automatically.

"Okay! There is an isolation formation here! I don't need to hide!"

Ao Ying jumped onto the big bed in her human form, rolling around happily.

Each student dormitory has the same configuration. There are two rooms inside and outside. All kinds of bathroom supplies are available. The most rare thing is that there is a large bathtub. The living environment can be said to be quite comfortable.

Ao Ying embraced the soft quilt, giggled at Zhou Zheng, and patted the pillow beside her.

Zhou Zheng raised his hand to express his refusal, and silently recited her age in this life several times in his heart to avoid making any mistakes.

"I'm going to sleep on the sofa outside for a while, and I can't hold it anymore."

Zhou Zheng yawned, with a strong sense of tiredness on his face, he turned and walked back to the outside room.

Ao Ying immediately turned over and said, "Come and sleep inside, Zhou, I still like soaking in water the most!"

"I'll just sleep on the sofa, you should rest too, I'm so tired..."

Zhou Zheng responded vaguely, and snored as soon as he lay down.

For monks who are just starting out, long-term practice is very energy-consuming, not to mention that Zhou Zheng has broken through the third level in a row.

Ao Ying pinched her waist and looked at Zhou Zheng, then shook her fist at Zhou Zheng.

She leaned over to help Zhou Zheng take off his shoes and socks, lifted Zhou Zheng with all her strength, and carefully carried him to the bed.

Not long after, Zhou Zheng fell asleep soundly under the thin quilt, accompanied by the cool breeze from the air conditioner.

Ao Ying recruited two suitcases from the storage magic weapon, and began to arrange their luggage and daily necessities.

"Daosheng Xuanyi..."


Ao Ying turned her head and looked at the big bed. Seeing that Zhou Zheng was reciting scriptures in his sleep, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle, and secretly took a few photos.

Not long after, the room was restored to cleanliness. Ao Ying filled the bathtub with clean water, turned into a small fish and sank into it, uttering a few comfortable groans.

She has not yet transformed into a dragon, so she will inevitably be a little dependent on water.


In the large suite where the immortal instructor lived.

Bing Ning left the kitchen with a plate of fried bean sprouts, with a contented smile on her lips.

Although it was just an ordinary bean sprouts, Bing Lim still took out a pot of fairy wine quite solemnly, ready to have a few drinks.

Immortal consciousness swept over, and all the situations in a radius of hundreds of miles belonged to the bottom of her heart.

Bing Ning just made a routine inspection, and left the immortal consciousness in the nine dormitories on the same floor to observe the nine students carefully.

The single formation in the room can indeed block outside inspections, but at best it can only block the immortal consciousness of the real fairyland, and cannot stop this ice fairy.

Seven of the nine are practicing—Li Zhiyong and six young Kun Dao.

Li Zhiyong was meditating cross-legged on the sofa, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

But Bing Ning looked at him a few more times, with thought in her eyes.

The practice habits of the six female students are different.

Two of them have no special features, and they burn incense and sit quietly; two of them only wear close-fitting clothes, and they don't seem to like restraint; one Kun Dao sits in a bathtub and soaks in water to practice, and the water is mixed with spices that can purify aura.

There is also a female student sitting on the toilet. She is neatly dressed and has a serious face. It seems that only in this special position can she have more inspiration and insights.

Bing Ning has long been familiar with this.

She cast her eyes on Xiao Sheng, and quickly frowned.

Xiao Sheng got a disc player from nowhere, set up a simple light ball, and arranged two layers of sound-proof arrays. He was playing discs with headphones on, and made strange noises from time to time.

This fellow is estimated to have reached the highest level of self-entertainment!

Bing Ning shook her head speechlessly, turned her gaze to the dormitory next door, and saw the small fish swimming in the fish tank, and Zhou Zheng who was drowsy and asleep.

'Who was he in his previous life? '

Bing Ning stared at Zhou Zheng for a while, and couldn't help thinking of asking a few friends from the Underworld to check the book of life and death, and then dismissed the idea.

It just adds to the annoyance.

I took a sip of the fried bean sprouts I made myself, and sipped the fine wine from Yaochi that has been stored for hundreds of years.

It's a pity that no one appreciates such a beautiful scenery.

She hummed a tune that was popular in Guanghan Palace, and with an extra jade talisman in her hand, she began to record today's teaching results.

[On the seventh day of April in the Jiazi year, a new class was opened, and the Nine Xius were introduced, and Zhou Zheng broke through to the fourth level of body training. 】


In the East China Sea, more than 1000 kilometers away from Longchen City, somewhere in a trench.

There is a cave at the bottom of the trench, and a few strange-shaped fishes that grow casually float slowly outside the cave.

There are a few clusters of light in the darkness.

The source of the light is the three jade stones arranged in the character "pin" in the depths of the cave. At this moment, three pictures emerged from the three jade stones at the same time.

In the center is a young man with long hair and armor, sitting on a coral throne, with several beautiful and gentle clam girls kneeling beside him to serve him.

On the left is a mass of black shadows, whose outline cannot be seen clearly;

On the right is a strong shirtless man, sitting on a throne of white bones, with several jade heads under his feet.

At this moment, the young man's expression was full of displeasure, and the shirtless burly man looked a little embarrassed.

"Go down."

The young man raised his hand slightly, and the clam girls bowed their heads in salute, then turned and floated away into the distance.

Afterwards, the young man said coldly: "It seems that the two promises to me are far from being fulfilled."

"Second Highness," the shirtless burly man grinned, "after all, the land is different from our sea. Most of our subordinates are the holy spirits in the sea. If we leave the sea, our combat power will drop by more than [-]%. It is always beyond our reach."

The group of black shadows said in a loud voice: "Feng Qing just took the benefits we gave, and didn't really help us put pressure on Long Chen."

"is it?"

The young man sneered: "Judging from this matter, the abilities of the two of you are far inferior to what you boasted about. It seems that there is no need to talk about the other cooperation we have agreed."

"Please, Second Highness, be at peace."

The shirtless man's eyes flashed several times, and his words were a little more threatening:

"It is indeed troublesome for us to act on land, but it is not impossible.

"On the contrary, it is His Highness the Second Highness, you and my three families have decided to divide the East China Sea, and it was always His Highness the Second Highness who made the promise alone, and Lingjie's attitude is vague, and Lingmei is now in Longchen City.

"Could it be that Dragon Palace wants to hold us back, accumulate strength secretly, unite with the Futian League, and then start a war with our two families?"

The young man's face quickly darkened.

The shirtless burly man did not give in, and looked at the young man across two pieces of jade.

Soon, the Second Highness of the Blue Star Dragon Palace said:

"You don't have to interfere with Ao Ying's affairs, I will let her return to Dragon Palace within seven days at the latest.

"The Futian League is nothing more than a candle in the wind, and the remnants of the Heavenly Court will eventually become irrelevant. I will definitely repay whatever the Heavenly Court has imposed on my Dragon Clan."

"Hehe, I hope so."

at the same time;

In the Crystal Palace not far from the bedroom of His Second Highness.

The beautiful woman lying on her side in the floppy bed did not open her eyes, she only sighed softly, and continued to pretend to be asleep.

Chapter 21 Partitions Have Ears

[On the eighth day of the fourth month of the Jiazi year, each lectured on the essence of the Nine Cultivation Techniques, and no one broke through. 】

[On April [-]th, the secret technique of intersecting soul and Taoism, Zhou Zheng wanted to break through, but was frozen. 】

[On April [-]th, Xiao Sheng wanted to drop out of school, and was frozen in ice. 】

[April [-]th, explaining the basics of spells, Zhou Zheng wanted to break through, but was frozen. 】

[This child's spiritual power is too strong. I don't know whether the breakthrough is driven by spiritual power or my own comprehension. We need to find a countermeasure so as not to delay this child's practice. 】


"Zhou Zheng, follow me."

Bing Ning said hello, and Zhou Zheng who was meditating immediately got up.

The other eight students were no stranger to this, and several of them cast sympathetic glances at the squad leader.

Immortal is too strict with monitor!

It's only been a week since the special training class started, and the class leader has been frozen three times, almost without any reason!

In contrast, Xiao Sheng, the thorn in the class, was only banned twice.

Every time Zhou Zheng breaks through the ice, seeing his uncomfortable appearance of desperately breathing, several Kun Dao feel all kinds of emotions, and they will also cheer Zhou Zheng up in private, and secretly give some spiritual encouragement.

Just after Zhou Zheng chased Bing Ning for a few steps, Xiao Sheng slapped his thigh and stood up, revealing the big gold chain of 'social style' around his neck.

"I can't take it anymore! Bingxian, stop!"

Liu Kun Dao Qiqi looked back at Xiao Sheng's actions, or frowned and thought he was noisy, or wondered what he wanted to do next, or looked expectant in his eyes, wanting to add something to the peaceful monastic life' fun'.


Bing Ning, who was about to turn into a corner, stopped, turned her head slightly, and looked away from the corner of her eye.

Xiao Sheng held his head high, and said in a steady voice: "Come at me if you have the ability! What do you mean by always embarrassing Squad Leader Xiao Zhou! He is just now!"

Ice blue light flashed across Bing Ning's eyes, Xiao Sheng kept moving forward, and was instantly locked in place.

Zhou Zheng opened his mouth to plead for Xiao Sheng, but Bing Ning had already stepped forward, leaving behind only two faint afterimages, which disappeared into the corner built by several pots of green plants.

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