The sound of the straw filling the air is heard on the left.

Ao Yitian turned his head to look, and his muscles tensed instantly.

The boy with two thongs was leaning against the shop window, with his mobile phone in his right hand and his thumb gently sliding the screen, and the Coke he was holding in his left hand was almost gone.

Where, where?

"The belt is a little loose recently," Nezha muttered softly.

Ao Yitian's face turned pale, and he turned around to run away, but an inexplicable anger filled his heart, his eyes became more ruthless, and he sneered: "What does the third prince Nezha mean?"

Nezha ignored him, as if he didn't hear the other party's call.

The corners of Ao Yitian's mouth trembled slightly, he continued to look at Zhou Zheng, and said calmly:

"Zhou Zheng, Emperor Zhou, the so-called things are people..."

"Brother Xiong, what are we doing here?"

Suddenly a greeting came from the street ahead. Taoist Qianshan, who had just taken a bath in seawater, was wearing a fairly clean Taoist robe, and his long curly hair exuded the fresh smell of 'sea salt'. Diao Erlang was passing by.

In front of him, Mr. Black Bear was holding a thick hardcover book, and the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose added a bit of bookishness to him.

"Amitabha," the black bear spirit said slowly, "I just passed by by chance."

The Great God of the Mountain, Black Bear Spirit!

With some unknown person!

Ao Yitian frowned.

He looked at Zhou Zheng in front of him, and the retreat drum had already started to thud.

That's right, this guy's status is different. Both Futianmeng and Buddhism have sent experts to protect him.

Although those demon kings told me this, I didn't pay much attention to it at the time.

Doesn't his dragon clan have a three-point prestige?

But looking at the current situation... as the saying goes, good dragons don't suffer from immediate losses...

'Ao Yitian, after all, you are just a coward without any achievements. Does anyone in the Dragon Clan look up to you? '

"Emperor Qinghua Zhou Zheng should have just become immortal, or even not yet, this is your only chance to become famous. '

'You are not going to kill him, but to beat him once. This will not only give you the face of the dragon patriarch, but also let the three realms know that there is a person like you. What the roc Garuda can't do, but you can do it Now, why don't the elders of the Dragon Clan treat you differently? '

Of course Ao Yitian knew that the monster king in the sea who said these words just wanted to motivate himself and watch the excitement.

But Ao Yitian felt that...

What the other party said actually made sense, and this might as well be an opportunity.

Can't go back!

Use your speech skills to grasp Zhou Zheng first!

"Zhou Zheng, Emperor Zhou, the so-called things are right and people are wrong, it's really nothing more than..."

"How are you Zhou!"

There was an urgent cry in the air, and with a touch of jade slipping off, Ao Ying stood in front of Zhou Zheng, her long skirt and blue silk slipped down together, her pretty face was somewhat annoyed, and she glared angrily at Ao Yitian.

Bingning and Xiaoyue appeared on the outskirts of the street with more than a dozen Linshixians from the Futian League.

Ao Yitian's forehead was tensed with blue veins, and he cursed angrily: "Can you let me finish my sentence! Can you all come out together! Don't you even dare to listen to what I say!"

Zhou Zheng raised his hand and patted Ao Ying's shoulder, and said slowly: "Let me do it, I still have old grudges with him."

"Well, okay, stay safe."

Ao Ying didn't say much, she stepped back obediently, and stared at Ao Yitian again.

Seeing this, Ao Yitian became even more infuriated, and said angrily:

"Hello Zhou Zheng! You frivolous son, Lu Dongbin reincarnated! You lied to me, the dragon girl of the Dragon Clan, today I will seek an explanation from you! If you are still a man, then!"

Taoist Qianshan laughed and muttered, "Why is Lu Dongbin's reincarnation a curse word?"

"Just fight with you?"

Zhou Zheng took the initiative to answer the conversation, and said with a smile: "Okay, right here, one-on-one."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to unbutton the collar of his shirt, and looked at Ao Yitian calmly.

Ao Yitian didn't expect Zhou Zheng to agree so resolutely, he thought there might be some deceit, he stared carefully at the robe on Zhou Zheng's body, but he couldn't see any treasure, and the doubt in his heart was even worse.

What does he rely on?

The dragon carefully sensed Zhou Zheng's aura...

Yuan Xian?

"I wonder why you are so confident. It turns out that you have already cultivated to become a primordial immortal."

Ao Yitian sneered, and said calmly: "The reincarnation of the emperor is really extraordinary. In today's battle, I claim to be half of my strength, so that no one will say that I bullied you."

"No need," Zhou Zheng said calmly, "Yingying gave me the power of a half-dragon, and Laojun gave me a magic sword. If you let go, you may not win me."

"You! Very well! You asked for this!"

Ao Yitian pulled off his cloak, revealing a dark red battle armor, with his left hand held empty, a sword quickly formed with the divine light, and he held the hilt.

Ao Yitian held a sword flower and stared at Zhou Zheng.

Zhou Zheng moved forward with a smile, and pulled out the Laojun Sword from the storage wristband. With a light flick, a gust of wind blew forward. His standing posture was as straight as a pine and cypress.

The two are driven by air engines.

On this street more than ten meters wide, a dragon and a fairy stand opposite each other.

In the next moment, Ao Yitian took a step forward!

Hearing dragon chant, Ao Yitian stepped on a black dragon, pointed out the sword light in his hand, and stabbed Zhou Zheng's shoulder through the air!

Don't hit the vitals?

Zhou Zheng's just-emerged fighting spirit was immediately suppressed for the most part, and the long sword just moved forward lightly, seemingly casually sweeping back the sword light, and took half a step forward.

In just half a step, countless sword lights suddenly lit up in front of Ao Yitian's eyes!

He seems to have seen Zhou Zheng's next trajectory, but there are dozens of these trajectories!

I can't see his kendo, and I can't figure out his routines!

Ao Yitian's body suddenly turned to the left, his body soared into the sky, and he lowered his head to stare at the peaceful street below.

Obviously, Zhou Zheng just raised his sword slightly just now...

"it is good!"

Taoist Qianshan applauded vigorously: "Dragon Palace's combat skills are amazing! It really is unexpected, it seems to be an attack but not an attack, and it is invincible!"

Ao Yitian's face showed anger, and he slashed down with the sword in both hands, and a [-]-meter-long sword light smashed towards Zhou Zheng!

A white light lit up in the street, like a sun rising rapidly.

Zhou Zheng controlled the amount of immortal power at the peak of the Yuan Immortal Realm, imitating the aura fluctuations of the Yuan Immortal, and running the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu.

Just listen!


That Jianmang collided head-on with the 'sun'.

No shock waves erupted, nor did space tremors appear.

Ao Yitian seemed to be pulled forward by someone, his strength lost control, and he rushed forward in the air, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Looking at that 'sun' again, a dark vortex appeared in it, pure yang contained yin, and the combination of yin and yang melted all the strength of Ao Yitian.

Nezha and Black Bear Spirit's eyes lit up at the same time.

The two great gods have long been prepared to protect mortals, and they also believe that Zhou Zheng chose to fight with the opponent here because he meant to let them help control the field.

But Zhou Zheng not only accepted Ao Yitian's offensive calmly, but also melted away the aftermath of the fight.

Zhou Zheng's performance was really beyond the expectations of Nezha and Hei Xiongjing.

Such an exquisite method of transforming power.

Lightweight, unrestrained and elegant.

They wouldn't be surprised if Lu Dongbin in his previous life did this; but this kind of power control appeared on Zhou Zheng who had no memory of his previous life, which really made them look sideways.

Looking at the sky again, there is another war.

The "sunlight" around Zhou Zheng dissipated, and Ao Yitian stabilized his figure, and rushed towards Zhou Zheng with a loud roar, surrounded by the phantom shadow of the blue dragon, and the long sword was like the sharp claws of the blue dragon.

Zhou Zheng frowned, turned sideways, closed his eyes, moved his long sword forward a little, his figure seemed to be motionless, but he moved forward for tens of meters strangely!

The sound of the dragon's roar stopped abruptly.

The tip of Zhou Zheng's sword touched Ao Yitian's eyebrows, but Ao Yitian's long sword was still two feet away from Zhou Zheng's heart, which was obviously half an instant slower.

"Do you still want to fight?"


Ao Yitian's long sword knocked Zhou Zheng's Laojun sword away, his head turned into a dragon's head, and his figure was about to swell!

Zhou Zheng's arm swelled, Laojun's sword was erected, and it was directly drawn horizontally!


Ao Yitian's process of transforming into a dragon was abruptly cut off, and his body was thrown out of the city like a stone, leaving layers of ripples in the air, hitting the wasteland on the edge of the city, plowing a gully.

Half-Dragon Power!

Pure physical strength!

Zhou Zheng snorted coldly, his swollen arms returned to normal, the blade of the sword was still shaking, he leaped across the air, and fell towards the edge of the city with his hands behind his back.

Ao Yitian was dumbfounded.

How is this going?Didn't it mean that Zhou Zheng had no memory of his previous life?Why is he not an opponent at all, why is it!

'Ao Yitian! '

who?Who is calling yourself?

Ao Yitian lowered his head and sprayed blood, closed his eyes forcefully, and when he opened them again, two strange purple lights appeared in his eyes.

The light disappeared very quickly.

Zhou Zheng floated down and said calmly:

"You sent someone to teach me a lesson, and I have taught you a lesson today, and the personal grievances between us have been evened out.

"Why don't you come here today, you have the power of a dragon, but you don't know how to use it, you have the magic power comparable to that of a fairy in the fairyland, but you are not good at dragon spells at all.

"Don't embarrass the dragon clan, I don't want to make too much trouble with your dragon clan."

"is it?"

Ao Yitian squinted his eyes, and suddenly slapped the ground and jumped up, a little sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, the long sword in his hand hummed uncontrollably, and the sharp sword intent went straight to the bullfighting bull!

Zhou Zheng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "He actually hid his strength."

"Since you dare to challenge the emperor, you can't really disgrace my dragon clan. What does the emperor think of my sword?"

Ao Yitian's figure suddenly moved forward in a ghostly manner, leaving afterimages in midair. These afterimages coincided with some kind of formation, arousing the aura of heaven and earth in a radius of tens of miles.

The sword is like the wind!

Zhou Zheng had some doubts in his heart, but he didn't have time to think about it, so he could only continue to attack.

He didn't want to use immortal power that exceeded the peak of Yuan Immortal Realm.

Master Zhiyong's scriptures are right, you should hide what you have to hide, you just need to deal with this kind of competition, every hole card you can hide well is the death knell of your future enemy.

The sword walks through the ice formation!

Zhou Zheng forcibly inserted himself into the afterimages of the opponent, and the two figures shuttled back and forth over the wasteland, and from time to time there would be afterimages of two clashing swords.

Ao Yitian's strength soared a little strangely;

But Zhou Zheng still handled it with ease.

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