"The place you are going to is a small closed world, isolated from the outside world.

"The difference from our side is that the rules of heaven there are very strict, there are no loopholes to exploit, the power of the catastrophe is [-]% to [-]% stronger, and it is more difficult for a mortal to kill an immortal than to become an immortal.

"Come on, Dijun! I'll come pick you up in an hour and a half!"

call out!

Six beams of light erupted at the same time, and Zhou Zheng disappeared in an instant with five people and one dragon.

Xiaoyin clapped her hands, pinched her waist and looked at it for a while, and waited for the vortex to subside gradually, then turned around and jumped away from the vortex in the middle.

The flow rate of time here is the same as that of the other world that Zhou Zheng and the others are going to, so it may take three years to wait here.

Little Silver appeared in a small locker room after she was in a vortex.

He gradually grew in size, and soon turned into a young man in his early twenties. He picked up the goggles, put on a white coat, and pushed the door into the chemical laboratory filled with the fragrance of dan.

An old professor with white hair sat cross-legged behind the desk, seemingly falling asleep.

Another young man wearing a white trigram was squatting by the fireplace in the corner, waving a fan dejectedly.

When Xiaoyin approached, the two whispered to each other for a while.

"Did you send it?"


"Is there really another confidante of Emperor Qinghua this time? Isn't Laojun afraid that they will fight?"

"Who knows, she looks good-looking too."

"Remember to set the alarm clock, don't miss the hour, half an hour here and a year there."

There were a few more whispers in the laboratory.

The old man sitting quietly behind the desk showed a slight smile, as if he had seen something interesting.


come down.

The moment Zhou Zheng regained his senses, he found himself falling in the sky, the magic power in his body was operating by itself, and his figure was suspended in midair.

His first reaction was to recite the "Heart Sutra", his eyes kept looking left and right, and then his eyes lit up, and his figure crossed out of thin air.


"Xiao Zheng!"

Suddenly there were two shouts, Zhou Zheng looked up, and saw Ao Ying and Ye Yan'er flying in the air at the same time, the former was surrounded by a phantom of a white dragon, and the latter was surrounded by a phantom of a sacred tree;

One is youthful and beautiful, like a beautiful girl walking out of a manga, and the other is elegant and noble in a black dress, like a goddess of Sifan who has fallen from the sky.

They moved forward at the same time, seeing that Zhou Zheng did not fall one after another, they paused again.

Ao Ying blinked, then bowed slightly to the front: "Sister, come first."

"No, no, you go," Ye Yan'er narrowed her eyes and smiled, "He only recognizes you now, why should I join in the fun as a god-sister."

"Then, thank you sister."

Ao Ying didn't know why she thanked her, but with a strange feeling in her heart, she floated to Zhou Zheng's side, and a layer of white clouds spread under their feet.

Ye Yan'er floated over with her hands behind her back, and stood on one side.

The three of them were faintly forming corners with each other.

Zhou Zheng spread his spiritual sense and looked around, but did not find Li Zhiyong, Xiao Sheng, and Yue Wushuang, so he said, "Let's find a place to hide."

As soon as he finished speaking, a feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, and the world in front of him seemed to turn black in an instant.


Ao Ying suddenly made a sound, not caring about what to say, she grabbed Zhou Zheng's wrist with one slender hand, and grabbed Ye Yan'er's arm with the other. Flying towards the distance at extreme speed.

Ye Yan'er's eyes revealed a bit of emerald green light, and she opened her eyes to look at the sky.

A dark cloud was coming after them.

There was a rushing wind beside her ears, and Ao Ying had already changed into a half-embracing posture, which made Zhou Zheng feel quite comfortable.

Zhou Zheng could faintly see that there were one after another bustling city walls on the ground, and he also saw one after another mountain peaks filled with monster aura, but the sense of 'coercion' he felt before was gradually being thrown away at this moment.

After a while, they flew above a piece of blue, and Ao Ying dragged the two of them into the sea, where they transformed into a phantom of a real dragon, and fled thousands of miles before stopping on an isolated island.

"Back off."

Ao Ying turned into a human form, and patted her chest with lingering fear, regardless of the wetness of her little clothes.

Zhou Zheng frowned and asked, "Golden Immortal Demon?"

"I'm afraid," Ao Ying said, "The dragon clan is born with a fighting instinct, and I'm no match for it."

"I don't have any means of attack." Ye Yan'er combed her long hair that was blown by the wind, "I can only trap the enemy or help you heal your injuries."

Zhou Zheng looked up at the sky, and what he saw was a clear sky.

"Are we going to cross the tribulation here, under the gaze of a big monster?"

"It's very slow," Ao Ying said, "Maybe I can lure it away."

"Don't be in a hurry, let's meet Zhiyong."

Zhou Zheng took out the 'Jade Talisman of Wisdom and Courage' and found that there was only one spot of light.

This suggests that the three were together, just to the southwest of them.

Zhou Zheng said: "Sneak away later, I just sensed that there are many monsters in this small world. Although the strength is quite ordinary, the number is really scary."

Ao Ying added: "There are still many monks, but this way, we encountered more than 20 situations where monks and demons were killed."

"Yingying, have you received the mission?"


They looked at Ye Yan'er at the same time, Ye Yan'er blinked: "What mission?"

"There will be a ding in my heart, and then some words will appear." Zhou Zheng touched his chin, "There must be a task, maybe it hasn't met the triggering conditions yet."

He glanced at the sea water and found that his true face was reflected in the sea water, and he felt at ease in his heart.

This is almost mirage stress disorder!

"Hide your figure," Zhou Zheng said, "Let's go there as quietly as possible, don't disturb the forces here, there is Zhiyong there, so we shouldn't worry too much."

Ao Yingsu turned her hand over and took out a palm-sized shuttle. The shuttle slowly unfolded and turned into a length of three feet. It could accommodate four people to sit quietly, and it disappeared into nothingness by itself.

Of course Mother Long didn't come here for nothing, Ao Ying was afraid that Zhou Zheng would be in danger, so she asked her mother for a few treasures from the treasury.

That's when it comes in handy.

On the other side, Li Zhiyong looked at the situation in front of him with a wry smile.

Three chains imprisoning mana, and three fellow travelers trapped on the stone pillar.

What kind of start is this?

How come it's a bundled game?

He's not the heartthrob of the squad leader!

There are dozens of stone pillars standing here, and on each pillar hangs a young man and woman—the kind with thin skin and tender flesh, but who has died.

Yue Wushuang's pretty face turned pale, and hissed: "Mana, I can't use mana anymore."

Xiao Sheng narrowed his eyes: "Don't be nervous, my physical strength can break the chain, what should Zhiyong say?"

"Hold on, don't rush."

A small bee flew out of Li Zhiyong's cuff, and the body imprisoned by the iron chain quickly withered and shrunk, turning into a small paper man and being burned by a ball of fire.

The bee turned into the figure of Li Zhiyong, holding the iron chain behind his hands, as if he was trapped.

He thought carefully, completely ignoring the jaws of the two people beside him that were about to fall to the ground.

"Although the strength of the monsters here is lower than that of you and me, there are quite a lot of them, and they may disturb the monsters on other hills. My suggestion is to use poison."

"You," Xiao Sheng unconsciously used honorifics, "You just need to play your best."

Li Zhiyong squinted his eyes and smiled, six bees flew out of his sleeves, and the six bees disappeared in the next instant.

two hours later.

Three figures disguised as demon soldiers escorted more than a dozen young men and women in shackles out of the ravine and along a mountain road to the flat land below the mountain.

In the cave they had just walked out of, a monster with a humanoid animal head seemed to be fast asleep, grunting everywhere, but its figure gradually melted like wax.

Six bees flew into the fire by themselves, leaving no trace at the scene of the crime.

Chapter 1 Sixty: Laojun's Targeted Catastrophe!

"They're also moving toward us."

A white cloud was hidden in the mist in the mountains, and three figures were sitting cross-legged.

Zhou Zheng held the jade talisman to observe carefully, Ao Ying looked around vigilantly, Ye Yan'er held two seeds with her fingertips, and gently twisted them.

Ao Ying asked worriedly: "Will they encounter trouble?"

Zhou Zheng said: "Even if there is danger, it should be fine. We haven't received the task from Laojun yet, and that's the problem."

Ye Yan'er said: "Just concentrate on crossing the tribulation, that task doesn't have to be completed."

Zhou Zheng smiled and didn't say much, but Ye Yan'er frowned secretly.

Bad thing, she made up a random excuse before.

Her problem cannot be solved with new fragments, it is due to the drawbacks of the ritual itself.

If the new Dao fragments can solve the problem of self-destruction caused by the shepherd, Jie Tianjiao has already divided the fragments into small parts and replenished them in sections. Wouldn't it be possible for the shepherd to be born in large numbers?

According to Ye Yan'er's understanding, Jietianjiao had already tried this, and the final result was naturally not good.

What does the old gentleman mean by this move?

For the famous Taishang Laojun, Ye Yan'er had only heard of the name, so she was not familiar with it, nor did she have the sense of admiration for the gods of the old heaven.

What exactly does this giant who has transcended the Three Realms want to do...

Ye Yan'er considers herself superficial, so she is really unpredictable.

She looked forward, Zhou Zheng and Ao Ying were whispering, their manners were intimate, and they talked and laughed freely.

The corner of Ye Yan'er's mouth twitched, and she changed herself into a bracelet made of several jade fish.

Tsk, I will publish an autobiography in the future, and the title of the book will be "Ye Duoyu".

"Well, if you don't count the big monster in the deep sky, this small world is also interesting," Zhou Zheng said, "There are many sects, secular kingship, monster clans occupy the mountains and forests, and evil spirits are rampant. It is much more fairy-like than our Blue Star. "

Ye Yan'er said indifferently: "It's just a variant of the feudal society, and it is always the mortals who suffer the most."

"Sister, is your Tao a fully automatic bar lifter? I just said that it tastes like a fairy, and it tastes like a fairy!"

"Little brother is good. My sister just hasn't quarreled with anyone for many years. You won't be happy if you don't hate me."

Zhou Zheng clenched his fists with grief and indignation on his face.

"Let's go find them," Ao Ying said softly, "Don't let them encounter any danger."

Zhou Zheng immediately responded gently.

Ye Yan'er rolled her eyes angrily.

The white cloud began to move rapidly towards the west and south, all the aura and dao rhyme of the three were hidden, and the speed of the white cloud was also calculated in detail by Zhou Zheng.

To be honest, Zhou Zheng didn't think that Li Zhiyong and the others would encounter any danger.

That guy Li Zhiyong had a mysterious background, and he himself was a terrified person. Although Xiao Sheng and Yue Wushuang were joking and flirting on weekdays, they were not reckless.

Maybe a few of them are already sitting in a certain restaurant, eating and drinking while looking for a place to practice.



The ground is shaking, and the mountains are shaking.

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