

Suddenly a gust of wind blew through the courtyard, and the doors and windows began to slam.

Voices came from the backyard:

"Why is it cloudy again today?"

"I'm afraid there will be another heavy rain soon!"

Zhou Zheng couldn't help laughing, thinking that these guys' ability to keep people is really simple.

When he looked forward again, he saw that the female ghost had disappeared, and couldn't help but put a question mark in his heart.

What's the situation?

The evil wind continued outside, Zhou Zheng looked embarrassed when he saw this, but he still put down the bookcase and said loudly:

"Today, Xiaosheng was trapped in wind and rain, and he stayed here overnight. Please forgive me, Xiaosheng will never leave the front hall for half a step, and leave immediately after dawn.

"Fame matters are very important, please don't come to the front hall, girls, otherwise, otherwise this is really hard to tell."

Tsk, enough of the pedantry.

At that moment, Zhou Zheng hugged the bookcase and sat down against the wooden pillar. He closed his eyes and planned to fall asleep, but he couldn't sleep on both sides. He took out a book with rain on the edges and read it carefully in his hand.

"Nine Chapters of Arithmetic"?

Why, originally this scholar failed the merit test, so he planned to find a big family to be a concierge?

It's a good career choice.

Zhou Zheng's spiritual sense carefully inspected the bookcase, and found an account book, which was wet with water and stained with ink.

Afterwards, a little enlightenment appeared in Zhou Zheng's heart.

He went to the town ahead to collect the bill.


Sure enough, there was thunder again outside the door.

Zhou Zheng's spiritual consciousness also brought the voices of discussions among the Yin cultivators in the backyard.

There was a bit of dissatisfaction in the words of a Yinxiu:

"Sister Xiaoqian, it's not my sister who is talking about you. Grandma has given you three chances, and this is the fourth time. If you still can't get a man's Yuan Yang to respect grandma, grandma may just swallow you up."

The Ovumbender who showed up just now muttered softly, "I, I know."

"what do you know?"

"That's right! The first three times, they were all good Yuanyang! My sister gave them up to you, but what happened? Either you think this one is too rude, or you think that one is ugly.

"What's the use of being good-looking? You have to see if his Yuanyang is pure!"

"Yes, thank you sister for teaching me."

"Tonight, this man is not bad. He is fine-skinned and tender-fleshed, well-mannered, and has a good appearance. Sister, why don't you pick the first one, and let my sister pick the second one."

"Is he going to die if you encounter him?"

"Give him some medicine and he can survive the second time. It's a pity that the first time will break."

Several yin cultivators laughed and whispered advice in Xiaoqian's ear.

However, Xiaoqian groaned softly, her eyes flickered with a bit of firm light.

After a while.

A female yin cultivator made a bowl of steaming soup with magic tricks, and Xiaoqian carried it slowly towards the front yard.

Zhou Zheng pretended to be reading, and under the light of the fire, his face became a little more sleepy, and he couldn't help yawning.

Boom, boom, boom.

Jiaoer knocked on the door lightly, and called the young master across the paper.

With a creak, the side door on the side of the main hall opened, and Xiaoqian in white walked in, her face was slightly flushed, her eyes were a little shy, and she called out: "Young master."

"You stand there!"

Zhou Zheng suddenly yelled loudly, so frightened that Yinxiu in white almost smashed the tray in his hand.

Zhou Zheng got up and frowned, took a half step back defensively, and said seriously:

"Girl, didn't I say it before, this night is dark and windy, lonely men and widows, it will really ruin your reputation! I have a wife in my family, and I will never change her until death! Don't move forward! You stop Hey, you woman! Why don't you listen!"

Xiaoqian was even more shy when she heard the words, but she kept on stepping, and said in her mouth:

"My lord, drink a cup of ginger tea to dispel the cold, hey!"

She seemed to be unsteady on her feet, and she fell towards Zhou Zheng while holding the tray.

At this time, the distance between the two was no more than an arm's length away, and Xiaoqian fell suddenly and threw herself into Zhou Zheng's arms.

Looking at the handsome scholar's face in front of her, Xiaoqian's heart beat faster for a moment, and a strange feeling that she had never felt before swayed from the bottom of her heart, pervading her whole body like an electric shock.

Of course she didn't know that this was the effect of a certain technique.

At this moment, Xiaoqian didn't have time to think about what happened to her, because after she was one foot away from that face, the two sides stopped getting closer, and the blue bricks on the ground rapidly enlarged.


The two embroidered shoes vibrated, and the flower tinsel on the cloud temples shook slightly.

The girl in white threw herself on the ground, holding the tray high with both hands, half of the soup inside spilled out.

Zhou Zheng stood aside and chose wisely...

Step back!

"Girl, it's really inappropriate for you to do this whether men and women give or take kisses."

"Ginger tea and tea are here."

Xiaoqian got up, covered her nose with her right hand, held the hem of her skirt with her left hand, lowered her head and ran towards the door, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Zhou Zheng frowned slightly, picked up the two embroidered shoes she had left behind, and put them away outside the side door.

Then close the door and hang the bolt.

So, another time passed.

The melancholy sound of the flute came from outside the window.

Zhou Zheng searched for the sound, and by the moonlight, through the wooden window that had no window paper, he saw a figure standing quietly in the corner of the corridor outside the window.

Xiaoqian dressed in white is playing the flute, the picture is really beautiful, it is...

Just ...

This voice is obviously not coming from you!

Even a mortal, if he is not confused by the beautiful scenery in front of him, he should be able to hear the Xiao sound coming from outside the wall beside you!

What Zhou Zheng saw with his spiritual sense was that there was a woman in red outside the wall who was playing the flute emotionally.

Just pretend you didn't hear it.

Zhou Zheng yawned, leaned against the wooden pillar and dozed off with his head down. Not long after, he started snoring loudly enough to be real.

Not long after, Zhou Zheng's spiritual sense brought the other party a meeting to discuss.

"That's an elm lump, which gave birth to such a good skin for nothing! Or we'll make it tough! Use magic!"

"Using techniques to control his spirit, the harvested Yuanyang will be stained, which may displease grandma, but it is better for him to become lustful, so that the Yuanyang can be pure and can be picked clean."

"Xiaoqian, how could you be so unlucky to meet a elm head."

"Don't worry, we also have the ability to use it."

"You mean, if you want... well, let's just put in some effort and wait for an hour."

Xiaoqian said: "Sisters, why don't we just forget about it, I'll go to grandma to ask for forgiveness, I can't bear to do anything to him."

"Xiaoqian, this is no longer just your business. If you can't take this man down, the rest of us will laugh at you to death."

Zhou Zheng couldn't help reflecting while he was asleep.

This is my first level of pure yang Wuji Kungfu, could it be effective for women?

That's right, these are all yin cultivators, and they have an instinctive desire for the power of pure yang, like moths to a flame.

Zhou Zheng was not in a hurry, anyway, the night was still long, and his plan of "playing hard to get" was only half implemented.

After secretly comprehending Taoism, an hour passed without knowing it.

Only ashes remained in the fire.

Suddenly there was the sound of a piano and flute ensemble outside the window.

Zhou Zheng opened his eyes in a daze, but saw a few women passing by with laughter outside the window, the main hall door opened inexplicably, the two women turned their heads to look at him, and then covered their mouths and sneered.

Their clothes seem to be neat, but in fact, they wear light gauze skirts and bare feet to show their waists. It is better to wear them than not to wear them.

The sound of the zither changed, and the two women twisted the waist of the water snake and danced gracefully. Their frowns and smiles were alluring, and they kept trying to get closer to Zhou Zheng.

But they danced lightly and staggered across the room, they didn't get close to Zhou Zheng, but retreated to the left and right with a smile.

A woman said: "Officer, there is a sister in my family who is innocent, lonely in the mountains, I have never been to such a handsome man as an official, I just want to have a dewy relationship with the official, it is all her regret, in the future Serve my mother well in the mountains."

A woman said: "Why are officials so hard-hearted? If you don't tell me, how will others know?"

After saying that, the figures of the two women had disappeared.

Xiaoqian in a white dress danced on tiptoe from outside the door, glanced at Zhou Zheng timidly, and then was about to step inside.

Zhou Zheng fiddled with the bookcase with his palm, and took out...a suona!

Xiaoqian blinked, not knowing what he was going to do.

However, Zhou Zheng took a deep breath, played the suona, did a lot of work, and directly cut off the sound of the piano and the sound of Xiao.

"Girl! You are really enough!"

Zhou Zheng threw the suona back into the bookcase, got up and looked at the girl in white.

Maybe it was his scowling.

In Xiaoqian's eyes, he is just a scholar who has no power to restrain a chicken, but at this moment, he has an indescribable majesty, which makes her heart lift fifteen buckets - ups and downs.

"Can this kind of thing be such a trifling matter? How can there be humanities in the wild! Is the education of the son in vain!

"Girl, I think you are also a person who has studied, why are you so nonsense!"

Xiaoqian couldn't help but be darkened by what he said, her little face was full of guilt, her eyes turned red, and she seemed about to burst into tears.

Zhou Zheng: So simple? !

Unexpectedly, Xiaoqian took a light breath, and said softly: "Young master, I took the liberty to bother you, so I just..."

Zhou Zheng frowned slightly.

Why don't you cry?

She was about to cry, so she finished the task directly and found a place to hide and practice.

However, these are within the plan.

Zhou Zheng's face softened a little, and he called out to stop Xiaoqian who was about to leave.


Xiaoqian held the door, turned her head and looked over.

He said slowly:

"I know, at your age, you may be ignorant and yearning for the love between men and women, but this is a major event in life, and it is not a trifling matter.

"There is only one proof of true love between a man and a woman."


"Yes, it is true tears."

Zhou Zheng showed a gentle smile: "The tears flow from the depths of love, this is the true meaning of the love between men and women."

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