Zhou Zheng raised his hand as if coughing, hissed and asked, "Ao Ying, do you think there is another possibility?"


"That monster is not actually in this building, and its strength is much stronger than we expected? I noticed just now that those people on the fifth floor with a demonic aura are very close to the murdered girl..."


Ao Ying immediately fell into thought.

Zhou Zheng's brain became more and more active.

He walked down the stairs, looked at the crowd outside who had begun to evacuate, and suddenly had a different thought than that of a monk.

'If this girl has a few good friends who are on good terms, it shouldn't be hard to find them now. '

at the same time.

In the corridor on the fifth floor, Captain Feng Bugui, who was a bit too strong, frowned at the dozen or so people in front of him.

Their breaths were stable, their faces were rosy, all the evil spirits in their bodies had been purified, without any abnormal reactions, and the evil spirits they carried were not much, floating on the surface.

Did that young man named Zhou Zheng have a problem?

Feng Bugui folded his arms and muttered for a while, recruited a team member casually, muttered a few words in a low voice, the team member nodded immediately, took a talisman and stuck it inside the pocket of the windbreaker, bowed his head and walked away quickly.


'The little monk who killed a thousand swords almost ruined the big thing by him! '

Du Lin, who was wearing dark green overalls, was hiding in the crowd at this moment.

Like the few workers around him, he looked at the young girl who seemed to be asleep from a distance with a somewhat sad expression on his face.

Only Du Lin knew that the girl died last night.

After a happy meeting between you and me, he sucked the other party's soul and used secret methods to maintain her body's functions.

The incident of jumping off a building today was naturally planned by him... No, it was a bold attempt rather than a careful plan.

Try how to absorb the soul and practice the holy law without disturbing the practitioners.

Is there an easier route than online dating?

The damn thing is, he obviously planned everything, took into account various situations, deleted all the chat messages, and even the place where he made an appointment to open a room last night was an unlicensed small hotel without surveillance!

He can perfectly disguise his prey as a fall and accidental death!

But just as the plan was about to be perfectly implemented, Cheng Yaojin appeared on the way.

Du Lin glanced across the crowd and saw Zhou Zheng who was talking with several young girls over there. Before the other party noticed, he immediately turned his gaze back.

Du Lin was not worried that the other party would find him.

Because he is a human being, as long as he doesn't stimulate the holy fetus in his body, he won't have any abnormalities.

Several police cars drove up, and the loudspeakers blared the police to clear the scene, and the police wanted to seal off the scene for protection.

Most of the workers who rushed over to watch the excitement chose to turn around and leave at this moment.

They have already seen the incident and took a lot of photos. They will have enough conversations with their friends in the next few days, so there is no need to stay any longer.

Even some enthusiastic netizens who acted quickly have received news that their posts on the Internet have been deleted.

Durin stayed for a while longer, he really wanted to see the scenes of these so-called city guardians scratching their heads.

Soon, Du Lin looked at that 'Cheng Yaojin' again, and found that the other party was chatting enthusiastically with the aunt in the dormitory, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

"Adu is gone! The police chased him away!"

The companions greeted them, and Du Lin nodded calmly, then turned around and followed behind several companions.

After walking a few steps, Du Lin faintly felt a pair of eyes staring at him from behind, but when he turned his head, all he saw was a large number of policemen pouring into the chaotic scene...

No, it is not advisable to stay here for long.

Du Lin clenched his fists, his eyes were a little cold, and he followed the crowd slowly.

"What's wrong with you, Adu? You look so pale."

"It's okay." Du Lin forced his smile on purpose, "It's just that I was a little frightened when I saw a person jump off the building and die like this... Please ask me for a leave of absence. I'll go home and visit my parents."

The companion sighed: "It's a bit scary when a person says he's gone, isn't your house near here? You still need to ask for leave?"

"Well, I'll go back and stay with them," Du Lin explained, "I just suddenly thought that there are so many accidents in this world, why not spend more time with the elderly while I have the opportunity."

"Why are you suddenly sensational?"

"Go ahead, let's ask for leave for you. Don't leave any psychological shadows. It must be because of a mistake and an accidental fall."

Du Lin nodded with a smile, bid farewell to his companions briefly, and walked towards the nearest gate of the factory.

A cordon was put up in front of the gate.

Two police cars stopped at the intersection, and uniformed police officers were holding horns to let the people entering and exiting line up for inspection.

Du Lin inevitably felt a little guilty.

But he concluded that if he stayed here again, something might go wrong, so he just walked up and got in the back of the line.

The waiting process is a bit long.

Du Lin held the phone, scrolling through the latest messages boredly.

He searched everywhere for keywords related to the steel factory jumping incident, but there are very few effective links; even if he clicks on the webpage successfully, he will soon be reminded that the webpage is abnormal...

"Hello, please show your identity information and verify your fingerprints here."


Du Lin raised his head and smiled, as cheerful as ever.

Finally, Du Lin successfully passed the temporary checkpoint.

He walked to the middle of the square outside the gate, turned his head and glanced at the heavy industry base built 20 years ago, the arched gate was calm and atmospheric.

It just so happened that the dark clouds parted in the sky, and a beam of sunlight shone on Du Lin, making him feel more relaxed than ever.

The so-called official practitioners, the so-called guardians, are nothing more than that.

A yellow taxi just came by.

Du Lin rushed over at a relaxed pace, beckoned, stopped the car, opened the door and sat in it, and the taxi started quickly.

"Go to Xinbei Station."

Du Lin spoke quickly, but as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help frowning.

The size of this driver... isn't it a bit too big?

Du Lin stared at the rearview mirror.

The mirror reflected the driver's big rough face, a few acne marks, a few scars, and a friendly smile at the moment.

Du Lin was about to grab the door immediately, but a golden light burst out from the gap in the window; the driver stepped on the accelerator hard, and the taxi began to accelerate violently!

The gate of the steel factory.

Zhou Zheng and two young team members in dark blue trench coats walked around behind the bus stop sign.

Looking at the taxi that was surrounded by golden light and quickly turned off the road, Zhou Zheng, who had been expressionless all this time, finally smiled a little.

"The Sealing Demon Treasure has responded!"

A young team member shouted in surprise: "It's really him! Fellow Daoist, Mr. Zhou, how did you find out! You almost let him run away!"

"He has the scent of the victim on him."

Zhou Zheng said something simply.

In fact, the process of locking this Durin was also full of twists and turns.

In the shortest possible time, Zhou Zheng first found the victim's close roommates and friends through his "connections" accumulated from working in the steel factory, and found out the news that the victim had recently started dating online.

More importantly, the victim told her friends yesterday afternoon that she would not go back to the dormitory at night.

Most likely, it's time to go on a date with an online dating partner!

But this demon was very cautious. The victim's mobile phone was cleared of records, and the victim only mentioned to others that he had an online relationship, and did not tell anyone about the online dating partner.

This clue will not be used in a short time.

Ao Ying's timely reminder is crucial.

If the murderer is powerful and wants to hide the truth and fake an accidental death by mistake, it stands to reason that he should not leave such an obvious demonic aura.

Assuming that the murderer is not strong enough and wants to control a 'walking corpse' to walk normally, it is certainly not possible to be too far away.

Therefore, the murderer was probably nearby when the girl fell down the fifth floor.

It might even be right under Zhou Zheng's nose.

Zhou Zheng and Ao Ying began to try their best to recall, when Zhou Zheng was sitting on the bench, who appeared in his line of sight, and who was nearby in Ao Ying's perception.

Fortunately, there were not many passers-by at that time.

It must be admitted that when Zhou Zheng and Ao Ying locked Du Lin, there was a lot of gambling involved in this one-person-one-dragon.

Zhou Zheng added: "In fact, as long as we check and monitor the victim's trajectory, we can find this guy later, it just takes a little time."

"That might have really let him go."

"These dirty things are quite capable of escaping."

The two young players were filled with emotion.

Zhou Zheng also praised secretly - this "please enter the car" that recruited a certain shark master, is quite easy to use.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back first..."

Zhou Zheng's voice paused, and he turned his head to look at the direction where the yellow leather taxi was at this time.

There suddenly flashed a miserable green light, followed by a huge roar, and a cloud in the shape of a skull slowly rose.

Chapter 15 Stay in a hotel, even if it costs a little more

Zhou Zheng mixed with a group of young team members and hurried to the taxi explosion site.

The scenes at the scene were a bit horrible.

The wreckage of the taxi was overturned on the side of the road, half of the four wheels were missing, the top layer of the car body was blasted with big holes, the chassis had been cracked everywhere, and even the asphalt road had potholes with a diameter of three meters. Liquid remains at the bottom of the pit.

If this kind of explosion happened not in a car, but in a densely populated dormitory building...

The consequences could be disastrous.

There is nothing serious about Feng Bugui.

When Zhou Zheng arrived, he was standing on one side of the road, blocking vehicles heading in this direction.

Although the clothes on his body were tattered, there was no damage to the bronzed muscles.

It is worthy of being a congenital and perfect horizontal trainer.

As for that Du Lin... His broken limbs were found at the scene, and his walk was not peaceful.

"Damn it!"

Feng Bugui ran back cursing.

The windbreaker that had been torn into strips swung back and forth, revealing the lumpy muscles, which made people feel more oppressed.

"That's a silly spore!

"Being regarded as a cauldron by a demon, I still feel that I am practicing some kind of supreme magic! Just as I was about to take him down, the big demon behind him exploded the demon seeds in his body.

"If he blows up in a crowded place this time, it will be really troublesome!"


Zhou Zheng was a little confused.

Ao Ying immediately sent a voice secretly, to make up for him with common sense.

"In order to enhance the power of demons, some monsters will use some strange and weird methods because they dare not easily set foot in mortal cities where practitioners are active.

"If I understand correctly, this Du Lin probably mistakenly thought that he had picked up some 'wonderful' method of cultivation, swallowed some strange treasure, and thought that he could soar into the sky.

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