There were six women and three men in the small group, and the other two men were named Li Zhiyong and Xiao Sheng, both of whom looked like they were Zhou Zheng's age.

According to instructor Xiaoyue's complaints, one of Li Zhiyong and Xiao Sheng should be the reincarnation of a general.

——It is the outrageous general who has the memory of the previous life, but is still stuck in the bottleneck of cultivation in this life.

These two male compatriots have been silent all the time, they just sent a 'received' message in response to the ice lemon fairy.

The ones who have been harassing Zhou Zheng since yesterday are those extremely active female Taoist friends.

[Cultivation of Immortals scientific name: Kun Dao full of social passive points].

In the chest pocket of Zhou Zheng's coat, Ao Ying's jade fish was also staring at the phone screen through the thin fabric.

Obviously, she has a little bit of a sense of crisis.

The third industrial island is the area where Zhou Zheng works. This trip is also Zhou Zheng's determination to cut off the redundant worldly fate.

I'm going to resign.

The iron rice bowl that Zhou Zheng held in his hand was something that he had worked so hard for a year to pass the exam!

Before that, he worked for a large government-run enterprise, which belonged to the establishment of Longchen City.

The benefits in the company are quite good, and preferential housing purchase quotas are regularly issued. If there is no major fault, you will basically not be fired, so it is called the iron rice bowl.

Zhou Zheng's daily work is to check the status of several machines in the No. [-] workshop, look at the instruments, and copy the data. Most of the time it is quite easy and will not take up his time outside of work.

The only downside of this job may be that the working environment does not have access to too many women.

He originally thought that he would just hang around like this for the rest of his life.

Get married and have children for a few years, become an engineer for more than ten years, raise fish and grow grass in the workshop, and spend this life happily.

Who ever thought that a small fish swims in life;

And he took the initiative to take a step forward and became the guardian of the city.

Of course, it is still a reserve.

bang bang!

The light rail train drove out of the protective cover of the main city, and the windows were immediately filled with greenery.

Large tracts of mechanically planted wheat fields set off thick green waves of wheat under the breeze.

Zhou Zheng seemed to be talking to himself: "I'd better say it in the group, my squad leader is just a little monk now."

A ray of sound from Ao Ying penetrated into Zhou Zheng's ears like the buzzing of mosquitoes in summer, making his ears and heart itch.

She said: "It's just temporary strength, but don't pay too much attention to these practitioners. Among them, there are very few who can become immortals, and even fewer who can step into true immortals and heavenly immortals."

"We can't think about it that way."

Zhou Zheng said with a smile: "In the textbook I read yesterday, I think there is a saying that is very good - the strength of mortals lies in infinite possibilities, and the tyranny of living beings lies in endless advancement."

"It's quite heavenly."

Ao Ying whispered:

"Those strong gods pour chicken soup into our Dragon Clan every day, saying that the ancient overlord of the Dragon Clan is rich all over the world, and they turned around and named some ingredients that have nothing to do with us as dragon liver and phoenix marrow, suppressing the prestige of our Dragon Clan among the hundreds of clans.

"Hmph, my mother said, the minds of those old gods are terrible!"

"Ah, it's not like that."

Zhou Zheng was dumbfounded for a while, holding his mobile phone and deliberating, he still sent a message in the group.

Group chat [62 special training classes].

Zhou Zheng (administrator): 'Let me be honest with everyone, I just started practicing a few days ago, and I don't have much cultivation yet. Please take care of me in the future. '

After doing this, Zhou Zheng felt much lighter all over his body, and the burden that had been on his shoulders since last night was finally unloaded.

A series of question marks popped up on the screen very quickly.

'real or fake? '

'Is the monitor joking?Isn't this a special training class opened by immortals? '

'Could it be that the squad leader has some extraordinary encounter, or a hidden identity? '

'If the squad leader just started practicing, can he keep up with our progress?Could it be that the teacher Xianren didn't understand the lessons taught by him? '

Zhou Zheng smiled and continued to type and reply: "I tried my best not to break everyone's legs, hehe." '

Fortunately, there was no cynicism as he expected, and no one raised any objections to Immortal Bingling's arrangement.

On the contrary, those few girls who had been chatting with Zhou Zheng in private chatted with each other to encourage Zhou Zheng a few words, and chatted enthusiastically in the group chat, and there was a tendency to form a small group.

Just as Zhou Zheng was about to put away his phone and enjoy the scenery outside the window, a private chat message popped up again.

Xiao Sheng: "Squad leader, don't worry, I will cover you from now on."If you don’t understand anything about cultivating the Tao, just ask me, we’ll just say two words, and we’ll tell you everything. '

Zhou Zheng immediately had a good impression of this classmate who could not read numbers.


"What? You're resigning!"

On the edge of No. [-] production workshop, in that simple and spacious office, Director Wang's loud voice made people dizzy and tinnitus.

Zhou Zheng stood in front of this middle-aged uncle, his attitude was still very gentle.

He got along well with everyone before, and he didn't have any complaints, so there's no need to be too stiff.

"Xiao Zhou, you have to think carefully!"

The workshop director frowned and said:

"It's easy for me to sign this letter, but it's hard for you to come back!

"Nowadays, if you can have a stable job, you can have a good family. What do you want to do after you quit your job?"

Zhou Zheng had already prepared the answer: "I want to go to the police examination, and I have already found a good relationship."

"Police? Are police officers so easy to test?"

"I'm sure," Zhou Zheng said quite seriously, "Thanks to your care for the past two years, in the future, if there is any work at the director's house, please call me."

Director Wang frowned and looked at Zhou Zheng, as if he wanted to see some flowers on this handsome face.

He originally planned to wait for Zhou Zheng to calm down for a year or two before introducing him to his niece who was still in college, but he didn't expect that Zhou Zheng, who was always cautious in his work and generous to others, would be so impulsive in his bones.

Sighing, the director shook his head and signed the document in front of him.

"Go to the personnel department to go through the formalities. It may be a bit cumbersome. I'll say hello to Manager Liu... let's go."

"Okay, thank you Director, thank you Director."

The uncle frowned and waved his hands, with regret in his eyes.

He hesitated to speak several times, but finally he just said: "Live well."

After half an hour.

Holding a few file bags, Zhou Zheng walked in the workshop where the machines were roaring, looking at those steel shelves that had no emotion.

His youthful little tail stayed here.

The acquaintances on the road were also greeting each other, and Zhou Zheng exchanged greetings with them as usual.

It's just that maybe after today, it should be difficult to see each other.

A few acquainted colleagues would warmly come over to hook up, and when they shared some 'beautiful but simple' pictures as usual, Zhou Zheng resolutely chose to refuse.

Fish are watching!

Probably, this was the last time he walked through the streets of the park.

Zhou Zheng glanced across the storefronts along the street, and across the six-story buildings in the canteen and dormitory area, always feeling a little bit reluctant.

"Not quite right."

Ao Ying suddenly sent a voice to remind: "It seems that there is a demonic aura mixed here, and the demonic aura seems to be absent, as if it just passed by here not long ago."

Zhou Zheng wondered, "Monster Qi?"

"Husband... let's leave quickly," Ao Ying said, "Just send a message to Instructor Xiaoyue. This is outside the main city area, and it is closer to the outer protective formation. There is no danger of demon activities." Strange."

Zhou Zheng immediately took out his mobile phone to contact Xiaoyue, and sent an address, with a postscript:

'There is a demon spirit. '

Concise and clear at a glance.

He was planning to leave quickly, lest he, who hadn't practiced for a few days, get involved in right and wrong, but Xiaoyue quickly wrote back.

'Let Her Royal Highness Ao Ying judge whether she can deal with the opponent's strength. If she is confident enough to deal with it, she will be the first to follow. I will immediately arrange the people below to dispatch the practitioners around you.Now that you have discovered the evil spirit, you must first make sure that the evil spirit will not harm people. '

'Good instructor. '

You don't need to tell Ao Yingduo, she can see the contents of the phone screen clearly from where she is.

Ao Ying said directly, "Houtian Xun takes the throne."

Zhou Zheng stared: "What the hell?"

"Uh, facing due south, about one o'clock in front of the left."

I said that earlier.

Zhou Zheng tucked the file under his arm, and walked into the staff dormitory area as if he was strolling casually, reminiscing about the good times of the past two years.

This factory has more than 2 employees, and most of the grassroots employees will choose to live in dormitories. If you are a couple working together, you can also apply for a couple's dormitory with a good size.

After all, it's free here.

Therefore, the supporting facilities around the dormitory area are also very complete, and there is a snack street that Zhou Zheng likes very much nearby.

Ao Ying gave pointers along the way, and Zhou Zheng made a half-circle on purpose, passing by the dormitory where Yaoqi was.

These dormitory buildings are quite old.

The dark yellow exterior paint is peeling off, and clothes are hanging out of the windows to dry.

The internal structure is long corridors with one-sided rooms. There are about twelve dormitories on the first floor, and each dormitory can accommodate two to four people.

"The evil spirit is inside the building."

Ao Ying sent a voice reminder:

"I have already blocked your and my breath fluctuations, the other party seems to be a little demon with a hundred years of practice, nothing to worry about, just find it and clean it up.

"However, for the sake of caution, let's mark this area and wait for other practitioners to arrive."

300-year-old ferrets... [-]-year-old ferrets...

Zhou Zheng did as he said, sat on the roadside bench, rubbed his chest and murmured, "That cataclysm, that is, the return of the blue star's spiritual energy, wasn't it just over 20 years ago, how could there be a monster with hundreds of years of practice?"

"This is just a description of their strength."

Ao Ying chuckled softly and explained softly:

"Hundred years and hundreds of years are actually just a standard, referring to the strength that the monster race can produce through normal cultivation of the power of the sun, moon and stars.

"Like the immortals and practitioners on the Blue Star, there are two groups of monsters on the Blue Star, one is foreign, and the other is enlightened by these foreign monsters.

"In order for monsters to quickly increase their strength, the fastest way is to ask for it from ordinary people. For example, the previous ferrets relied on absorbing strong men... umh, yang energy, to quickly increase their strength.

"There are also monsters who feed on living souls, and there are also those who use certain emotions of mortals to practice supernatural powers."

Zhou Zheng nodded slowly, these were not written in the introductory practice textbook.

Long experience.

Zhou Zheng was about to say something when he suddenly felt something and looked up at a window on the fifth floor.

There was a young girl in a work uniform, she raised her hand to smooth the ends of her hair by her ears, and suddenly leaned forward out of the window...

She actually fell down!

"Ao Ying!"

call out--

Glittering gold.

Just as Zhou Zheng got up, the girl had already fallen to the ground like a fallen leaf, and a hosta was attached to her back, removing all the force of her fall.

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