The Last Big Boss in Heaven Author: Closer to home

brief introduction:

"My name is Zhou Zheng, and I am a contract worker of the Futian League. A certain heavenly god reincarnated, the tenth pure yang (currently), the ninth good man, has just won the honorary title of Lord of the Great Tribulation. The girl is too cute], [The love in the previous life is flawless], [the original starring role in the sequel of Journey to the West] and many other rare achievements.

As for why I am sitting in the detention room of the public security station with the demon king who has changed his appearance, and the rising star of the Tengu clan.

This is beyond words. '—Excerpt from Chapter 110 Nine.

Volume [-]

Chapter 1 The Fish's Repayment

"Zhou Zheng, how long have your symptoms lasted?"

In the sunlight-filled consultation room, Dr. Fu, whose figure became a "blessing" character, asked the young man in front of him in a gentle voice.

Uncle Fu was very familiar with the young man named Zhou Zheng in front of him.

He not only knows Zhou Zheng's working environment and home address, but occasionally cares about Zhou Zheng's love life and gives Zhou Zheng some supermarket discount coupons.

"It's been a few days."

Zhou Zheng's voice was hoarse, his eyes were cloudy, and his symptoms of lack of sleep were obvious.

"Xiao Zhou, don't be nervous," Doctor Fu said softly, "First describe the hallucinations you see."


Zhou Zheng picked up the paper cup, took a sip of the warm water in it, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the door. After making sure that there was no one outside, he leaned forward, almost lying on the table, and whispered:

"Forbe, I don't think I may be hallucinating.

"At first it was three nights ago, when I came back from get off work, when I entered the house, I saw... I saw ready-made meals on the table, three dishes and one soup."

A wry smile appeared on Zhou Zheng's thin face.

"It's still hot."


Forbe's bloated body leaned back hard, and a sharp light flashed through his squeezed eyes: "Have you eaten? Is it real food?"

"Except for the slightly salty taste, everything else is good."

Zhou Zheng gave a pertinent evaluation.

Fu Bo pondered a few times, and asked with concern: "Xiao Zhou, have you been under a lot of work pressure recently?"

"I'm an iron rice bowl that has been admitted. I work five days a week and two days off. How can I have work pressure?"

Zhou Zheng smiled wryly and said, "At first I thought my neighbor did it for me, but I didn't dare to ask, so I secretly changed the lock the next day, and then..."


"The day before yesterday, I got home at 06:30 in the afternoon."

Zhou Zheng frowned and pursed his lips, his complexion became paler:

"There are still pre-cooked meals on the table, made from what's in my fridge.

"It's been like this for three days in a row, and I even used up half a bottle of vegetable oil in three days!"

Uncle Fu also wondered, "Have you checked the surveillance at the door?"

"Look, the door has never been opened," Zhou Zheng exhaled slowly, "I actually have a suspicion right now."

Fu Bowen said: "You say."

Zhou Zheng's complexion became a little pale, he pursed his lips slightly, and gestured cooperatively with both hands.

"Maybe I'm, this is schizophrenia, and I created a secondary personality to take care of the main personality... Uh, Fu Bo, why do you look at me like this?"

Forbe laughed dumbfounded, and said slowly:

"Haven't you heard that saying? Drunk people usually like to say they're not drunk, and the real psycho always thinks they're normal.

"I see you, you're just thinking nonsense!

"Have you had a girlfriend recently?"

Zhou Zheng explained honestly: "I'm saving money for my wedding, and I'm planning to start an official blind date next year when I'm old enough. Isn't that the most reliable? Falling in love now will only increase unnecessary expenses for nothing."

"Look, isn't this stressful?"

Dr. Fu cleared his throat and said with a smile:

"I live alone for a long time, and I will have some psychological problems more or less.

"Sometimes the pressure is invisible.

"Your problem is actually not a big one. Don't be too nervous. Eat what you should eat, drink what you should drink, and do less needlework before going to bed, but don't suppress yourself, let nature take its course, follow your heart, and you will know what to do." for authenticity.

"Well, Xiao Zhou, I'll rank you up for an in-depth inspection.

"However, you also know that medical resources are relatively tight now, and your schedule will probably be half a month later."

Zhou Zheng frowned and asked, "Am I okay?"

"Okay, let's go! Later, Uncle Fu will be free, and I will take you there to increase your knowledge and enjoy your body and mind. All problems will be gone!"


After a few minutes.

Holding the small packet of confiscated pills, Zhou Zheng walked out of the single-family building in a daze.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he always feels that Uncle Fu has become more and more dishonest in the past two years.

The three-story single-family building is submerged in the dense high-rise buildings, which makes the clinic look even more eye-catching.

Zhou Zheng followed the outline of the building and looked towards the sky. The thin and lubricated energy cover above the city made the blue sky look a little blurry.

He lowered his head and sighed, took out his mobile phone and searched online, wanting to know what kind of symptoms his symptoms corresponded to.

'Let's go home and get some sleep, I took half a day off today anyway. '

Zhou Zheng wrapped himself in a single gown, walked towards the apartment buildings not far away, and kept staring at the book "Self-Care for Schizophrenics" in his mobile phone.

Did not stop because of the smell of fried rice from the fast food truck;

Nor stop for the new comic periodicals on the bookstall.

When Zhou Zheng went out, he deliberately connected an old mobile phone to the charger, turned on the video recording mode, and pointed it at the kitchen of the restaurant.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zheng's steps became more urgent.

"handsome guy!"

A crisp and soft voice pierced into the ears, as if trying to hook people's souls.

Zhou Zheng hesitated a little, although he wasn't sure if the other party was calling him, but he didn't have any female friends, so it should have nothing to do with him.

He didn't stop on his feet, and continued to move forward, with faster steps.

A graceful figure flashed out of the alley, and took two quick steps towards Zhou Zheng. That snow-white slender hand naturally grabbed Zhou Zheng's elbow.

"Hey! Handsome guy! Why are you running away!"

Zhou Zheng only felt a strong fragrance of flowers coming, and subconsciously turned his head to look.

This is a strange woman, with a slim cheongsam wrapping her protruding figure, the snow-white gully under her neck is eye-catching, and two strands of gradually light blue hair are mixed in her smooth long hair.

Zhou Zheng maintained his strategic focus, fixed his eyes on the other party's beautiful and soft face, and asked tentatively in a low voice:

"Are you calling me?"

"Handsome guy, are you a resident nearby?"

A woman's smile is very natural, natural and warm.

"That's right," Zhou Zheng stepped aside, freed her slender hand, and kept a distance of three chests away from her.

The woman blinked, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was indescribably charming. She raised her hand and brushed a strand of hair beside her ear, and said with a smile, "I just want to ask for directions. I'm sorry, I'm a little too reckless."

"It's okay, where are you going?"

"Ah, I'm going to this address."

The woman took out her mobile phone, but her soft body leaned towards Zhou Zheng.

Although Zhou Zheng was somewhat resistant in his heart, he moved half of his body away to the side, carefully looked at the icons on the phone screen, and began to line up the combination of left and right turns on his mouth.

He didn't notice that a light red light flashed across the woman's eyes, and a sneer was drawn at the corner of her mouth.

'Oh, man. '

Shallow ripples appeared around the woman's mouth, and her voice sounded like it sounded directly from the bottom of Zhou Zheng's heart, and said beside Zhou Zheng's ear:

"Take me to where you live."

Zhou Zheng was startled.

The look of disdain in the woman's eyes was even worse.

'For mere mortals, if there is a gap in the heart, a simple sound control technique can easily solve it.

'This one is thin-skinned and tender-fleshed, and has pretty features. The most rare thing is that there is still a spirit in his body. It is not in a hurry to swallow his flesh and blood. It would be good to have a good time for a few days first. '

She took Zhou Zheng's arm skillfully and naturally, leaning her head on Zhou Zheng's shoulder like a couple in love.


"Well, sister, what are you doing?"

Zhou Zheng's Adam's apple trembled a few times, his shoulders sank to the side, and he broke away from the opponent's pull with all his strength.

"Why are you going to my house?"

The woman's fingers trembled, and a bit of astonishment flashed across her eyes.

Magic is useless?

"I think," Zhou Zheng withdrew his hands abruptly, and took two steps back to the side.

"Xiao Zhou, you have to remember that the society is very chaotic now, and the girls who take the initiative to throw themselves into your arms may not be prey, but hunters." ' - Forber said.

"I think eldest sister, you may... I am actually more conservative in my views, and I don't want to break the law and disturb the social atmosphere, sorry!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't know what to do. He smiled apologetically, turned his head and took a step, and circles of smoke soon sprang out from the soles of his shoes.

Run, run away?

The woman had a look of astonishment on her face.

And from the beginning to the end, the passers-by or vendors on the street never cast their eyes on her.

A charming smile was drawn at the corner of the woman's mouth, and she walked back to the alley with her water snake waist swaying. The cheongsam on her body seemed to be broken by the part under her neck at any time.



a light humming sound;

The sizzling sound of green vegetables after being put into hot oil;

It reverberates in this one-bedroom, but not narrow apartment.

There was a small figure in a pale gold dress standing by the stove, skillfully flipping the food in the iron pot.

The oily smoke from the pot was absorbed by a ball of water suspended above the iron pot.

The girl should have just passed the cardamom age, her long black hair was tied into a flying fairy bun which is rare nowadays, and the long skirt on her body was very complicated, with three layers inside and three layers covering her tightly, but it never covered her up. That slender beauty.

If she turns around, she can see that this small round face is still a bit green and tender, with beautiful almond eyes and a lovely nose, the curved eyebrows seem to be "light strokes", the thin lips interpret "light strokes", and the complexion is like Pink petals after morning dew.

She skillfully fiddled with the seasoning jar next to the stove, and a home-cooked vegetable was endowed with rich flavors.

The girl dipped a little soup with a kitchen shovel, brought it to her mouth and sniffed it lightly, and the tip of her tongue returned as soon as she touched it, just like a dragonfly touches water.

Then she smashed her small mouth, revealing a somewhat smug smile.

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