not moving at all.

This room is obviously a storage room, but in front of Xiao Lu, there is a secret door on the wall, which has been opened at this moment, and Lin Mo looked inside.

It was pitch black, and the flashlight illuminated it.

There is a passage inside, I don't know where it leads.

Lin Mo didn't have time to figure this out now. He went over to look at Xiao Lu. The girl had her eyes open, as if she had been petrified. She stood still and didn't respond to talking to her.

She still had the phone in her hand.

Grip tightly.

Lin Mo reached out and touched her, mainly to feel her pulse.

Fortunately, alive!

This way, it's like falling into a dream.

I tried to scream, but I couldn't wake it up no matter what, it could only explain that something happened in the nightmare world.

Then go down and have a look.

Lin Mo asked Xiao 8 to stare at him.

"If you encounter an emergency, you can let go of your hands and feet." Lin Mo reminded.

Because Xiao 8 is extremely lethal, Lin Mo had a strong restraint on Xiao 8 before, not letting him mess around.

But this time the situation was obviously a little weird, so Lin Mo didn't care so much. Don't blame him for being cruel to those who attack him or live him at this time.

Lin Mo is holding Xiao Lu's left hand at the moment, standing beside him with his eyes closed and dreaming.

For him, falling into a dream is just a moment.

Opening his eyes in less than a second, Lin Mo had already entered the world of nightmares.

Turn your head and look, good guy.

This scene is extremely scary.

Xiao Lu actually stood in the same place as in the real world, but on the other side, stood a figure, holding her right hand firmly.

It seemed that Xiao Lu wanted to break free, and even used some means, but it was useless.

The strength of the opponent crushed Xiao 6.

Moreover, Xiao Lu's right arm was obviously invaded by strange black air at this moment, which made her unable to move.

At this moment, Lin Mo was holding Xiao Lu's left hand, and the figure was holding his right hand, as if he was robbing his girlfriend.

Lin Mo glanced at the figure.

The appearance of the other party is not very clear.

It wasn't because there was something blocking it, but because the guy's head was covered in blood and flesh, and it felt like he had seen it somewhere before.

I remembered.

That's what the corpse that ran to Yong'an Community with the head in its arms looked like.

At that time, Lin Mo also analyzed that the corpse was driven by the human head and used to carry it as a tool man, but because he couldn't bear the resentment and malice on the human head, it was corroded into a bloody mess.

And the longer it is in contact with the human head, the stronger the degree of corrosion and damage.

Could this figure be the same?

But the other party didn't hold anything in his hand.

Lin Mo was not ambiguous at this time, no matter what the other party was, it was obvious that he had no good intentions in grabbing Xiao Lu at the moment.At the moment, he pulled out his waist knife and slashed directly at the opponent.

You don't even need to ask, just cut off your hand first.

The former tiger bone sickle has been damaged in Qianlong Palace, this waist knife was given by the second brother, not only is it not weak, but it is even stronger.

The figure on Xiao Lu's right hand obviously also sensed the sharpness of the waist knife, and instead of fighting back, he let go of Xiao Lu and fled immediately.

This operation made Lin Mo a little dazed.

Didn't even hit it?

Lin Mo especially wanted to say, young man, you are quite strong. If you don’t try, how will you know you can’t beat me?

In such a dazed moment, the other party rushed into the wall.

The hidden door in the wall.

Lin Mo knew that there must be something famous in the secret door, but right now he had to confirm Xiao Lu's situation.

Little 6's right wrist was black, with obvious fingerprints on it.

A wave of strong resentment and malice seemed to want to occupy Xiao Lu's body. Xiao Lu was holding on at the moment, and Lin Mo immediately asked Xiao Yu and Sister Yue to help.

Xiao Yu and Sister Yue appeared one after another, grabbing Xiao Lu's wrists to absorb the resentment from above.

In an instant, Xiao Lu's complexion improved a lot, not as livid and pale as before.

After opening his eyes, Xiao Lu said something.

"It's the devil!"


Lin Moxin said that the devil's right foot and head are in the cardboard box, and his right hand is in the mirror world, where did the devil come from.

But the next moment he thought of something.

are other body parts.

Thinking back carefully, the figure, body, left hand and left foot just now are obviously different from other parts, as if spliced ​​into another person.

Except for the left hand and left foot of the body, other parts of the other party were bloody.


At this time, Lin Mo gave Xiao Lu a breakaway bean and asked her to go out and wait.

Then immediately greeted Xiao Yu and Sister Yue and rushed into the secret door on the wall.

Inside is a passage that only allows one person to pass through. Lin Mo walked in, and it seemed that someone was walking out in front.

But it was hard to see because of the low light.

Xiao Yu came over and attached himself to Lin Mo.

I can feel that Xiaoyu is a little 'nervous' at this time. In the past, she would only behave like this when she encountered a real strong enemy.

Even Sister Yue reached out and grabbed Lin Mo's hand, trying to drag Lin Mo behind her.

Could it be that even Sister Yue felt the danger?

This is fresh.

But Lin Mo didn't think about quitting, no matter who the person walking across was, it was already at this time, how could he just quit like this.

If Lin Mo is not mistaken, the end of this passage must be the place where the devil's heart is sealed.

In addition to the spliced ​​body with stumps just now, the person walking towards him is very likely to be the 'opponent'.

Lin Mo has analyzed before that the opponent is more likely to be an enemy.

Obviously, Lin Mo can't let the other party leave so smoothly, and vice versa. He has the other three body stumps of the devil in his hands, and the other party can't let him go.

So it's bound to be a fight.

It's not that he didn't fight the enemy to the death in the past. Lin Mo is very experienced in this.

In the narrow passage, the two sides meet each other on a narrow road, and they are getting closer and closer at this moment.

When there was about three to five meters apart, both sides stopped.

Lin Mo could see two people on the opposite side, the figure who was holding Xiao Lu before was behind, and a person walking in front was about the same height as himself.

Not only the height, but also the body shape.

Not only the body shape, but even the facial features look like a thief.

Lin Mo was wondering, the man on the opposite side was taken aback, and took two quick steps to look Lin Mo up and down.

Then he opened his mouth and said, "Xiao Mo?"

Lin Mo saw the other party clearly, and when he heard the voice again, his heart beat wildly.


"It's really you, why did you come here?" The person on the opposite side showed surprise, and grabbed Lin Mo's shoulder after speaking.

Here comes a bear hug.

"Brother, is it really you?"

"Of course it's me. Can you recognize me? Have you been to the maze? Have you recovered your memory?"

"You really put it on Mo Wenting's side?"

"Yes, there was nothing I could do at that time. I just let it go temporarily. I was going out at that time, thinking about getting it back later. Hey, by the way, do you still remember the big willow tree in front of our house?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"I carved a word on the willow tree, tell me what it is?"

"Brother, hurry up, you didn't know how to read at that time, you carved a two-headed man, and you asked if we will grow up like this in the future."

Obviously, just now was a test.

This is a secret that only the brothers know.

Lin Mo can answer it, which means that he has no problem. Conversely, if the elder brother can ask this question, it means that the other party should have no problem.

This time, the two brothers were basically sure that each other was real.

"Go out and talk!"


The two brothers walked out one after the other. Sister Yue glanced at the splicing monster, and the other side also glanced at her helplessly.

Originally, they thought they were going to fight, but who would have thought that there would be a bloody show about confessing relatives.

I really didn't expect it.

Lin Mo didn't expect that, after his previous analysis, he was very sure that the person who took away the stump of the devil this time could not be the elder brother.

As a result, reality came to a slap in the face.

Really old man.

The brothers went outside and made their way inside the church.

Because this is a nightmare world, there are no people here at the moment, and the auditorium is quiet and quiet, without the splendor and brightness outside.

"Sit down."

"it is good!"

The brothers sat on a bench.

"How did you get involved in this matter?" The elder brother spoke first.

"What's the matter?"

"That's it." The old man pointed to the stitching monster over there. At this time, he could see clearly that it was really a stitching monster. Not only the left hand, left leg, and torso were joined together, but even the heart in the chest was stitched together. Looks like it was just put in.

Lin Mo said that this was an accidental discovery.

"I was looking for clues about you. No. [-] said that you had been to Zhenggan Palace. When you got there, he said that you seemed to have a house there, so he found out."

Lin Mo took out Number One.

Seeing Lin Yuan, Number One began to tremble all over.

The elder brother glanced at No. [-], nodded, and said, "Give me the other parts of the devil's body."

Chapter 0953 this is tacit understanding

Brother is indeed collecting the remaining limbs of the devil's body, which is already certain, but he didn't say what he did specifically.

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