Indeed, Lin Mo is still here, questioning the other party's brother in front of others, which is really not good.

Other Taoist priests also felt that this statement was a bit ridiculous.

Back then, that Mr. Lin obviously came up with the method of dismembering the ban to better ban the devil. It's really not good to question it without any evidence.

While thinking about it, Lin Mo suddenly slapped his thigh over there.

Startled everyone.

"Uncle Zuo, wait a minute, let me say something."

Lin Mo gained control of his body at this time.

Then he said, "I think what Daoist Yuan He said just now is quite reasonable, it's not impossible."

The crowd was stunned.

I don't know what Lin Mo means.

Sarcasm for being angry?

They didn't understand, but Zuo Bai stayed with Lin Mo for a long time, and he knew that Lin Mo was not sarcastic or sarcastic, but really thinking so.

"Think about it, the place where the devil is banned is top secret. Even in the Zhenggan Palace, very few people know about it. Except for you, only my brother knows. And the big formation was owned by my brother back then. If he did this, he must There is a reason. Do you think, how did the devil's head come out in the first place?"

No one can answer.

Because no one knows.

"Maybe, some kind of gap was left when the formation was set up. This gap will expand after a few years, so the head can break through the formation. Only my brother can do this kind of thing. So I said, What Daoist Yuan He said is very reasonable, maybe the one who released his left hand and left foot is my brother."

Hearing this, the hearts of many Taoists jumped.

Is that really the case?

If this is the case, isn't Mr. Lin back then an accomplice of the devil?

What is he doing?

I didn't dare to think about this matter carefully. After thinking about it, it was extremely frightening and my scalp was numb.

"Of course, I'm just guessing, but whether it's my brother or not, his final goal must be to release all the limbs of the devil. I have a head here, and there is a right leg in the room. Now the left leg and left foot It was also released, so there are still three places left, namely the right hand, body and heart, right?"

Lin Mo asked, everyone nodded.

"You tell me the other three locations, and I'll go and have a look."

"Ah, this..." Several old Taoist priests looked at each other and said that it was a secret and should not be told at will.

Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense, and asked Zuo Bai to ask.

Zuo Bai asked, but they dare not say nothing.

"In addition, I have to take the head and right leg. If it's really my brother, I'll take it for him, saving him from running over to get it."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Chapter 0949 Isn't this overreaching?

Cognition is a kind of consciousness activity, which is the information processing process and result of an individual's understanding of the objective world, the judgment of the concept of things and the summary of the laws of things.

People of different ages have different perceptions.

For example, modern society pays attention to science, so when it comes to naming nightmares, it follows the method of objective laws.

A perverted killer can be called directly by name, or directly called a perverted killer.

If a ghost has no head, it is called a headless ghost; if it has two heads, it is called a double-headed ghost.

Simple and straightforward.

It's clear.

The name 'devil head', in modern society, except for the two-year-old boy, almost no one would use this name to name the nightmare.

But in ancient times, this was very fashionable, and no one would find it weird.

Especially Daomen.

In the Taoist books hidden in the Zhenggan Palace, the description of the 'demon' is like this.

The world was first opened, and everything was in chaos.

This is the beginning.

Afterwards, there were many descriptions, one of which said that 'people have seven emotions and six desires, and resentment, evil, and hatred give birth to demons', so basically, in that era, nightmares were called 'demons'.

The head is the head, the head has the meaning of the first and the highest, and the head of the devil refers to the number one among the devils.

There is an inheritance in the Zhengqian Palace, and it is their responsibility to eliminate demons, especially the demon heads, even if they are smashed to pieces, they must be eliminated.

If it cannot be eliminated, seal it.

So when Lin Mo said that he was going to leave with the head and right leg of the devil, the Taoist priests in the Zhenggan Palace immediately turned pale with fright.

At this time, I can't care so much.

Several old Taoist priests stood up immediately and said in unison: "No!"

The two words are categorical, unquestionable, and not negotiable.

However, Lin Mo did not discuss with the other party.

He didn't intend to discuss it either.

At this moment, Lin Mo looked up at the old Taoist priests who got up, and asked what was wrong.

"Take away the devil's head and right leg, no!"

Several old Taoist priests repeated it.

Lin Mo smiled.

He felt that it should be made clear.

"Don't rush to make a decision, I have a reason for doing this."

"No matter what the reason, no!"

A few old Taoists are like stubborn donkeys.

Lin Mo frowned.

He originally wanted to tell these old Taoists that if it was really his elder brother Lin Yuan who did all this, then there must be a deep meaning.As a brother, how could Lin Mo not stand up and help at such a critical time?

On the other hand, if it wasn't the elder brother Lin Yuan, it would be some other terrifying existence.

That has to be taken away.

Just relying on these old Taoist priests in Zhenggan Palace, can they hold on?

Can't hold it.

Putting it here, what is the difference from hiding gold bars in the kindergarten and shouting all over the world that there are no bandits?

It's not that Lin Mo underestimated them, it's that these old Taoist priests in Zhenggan Palace really can't do it.

Zuo Bai is fine.

But the problem is that Zuobai has to ask God to get on his body, and what's more, it's his own body. Because of this, Lin Mo is sure to take the devil's head and right leg out for a walk.

That's because he has strength and the ability to hold it.

Taking these two things away is also to ensure that they will not fall into the hands of 'bad guys'.

This is what Lin Mo considered.

Unexpectedly, these old Taoist priests didn't listen at all, they just kept saying 'no' and 'no'.

Originally, Lin Mo wanted to talk to them, to talk about the reasons and his own considerations, but seeing this posture, he didn't bother to talk.

To put it simply, I have decided on the head and right leg, and no one can stop them, no one can stop them.

Seeing that Lin Mo seemed to be 'willing to go his own way', these old Taoist priests were in a hurry.

They also seemed to know that Lin Mo couldn't be stopped. At this time, they shouted to Master Zuo, begging Master Zuo to stop Lin Mo from messing around.

So Lin Mo felt that these old Taoist priests were really confused.

He and Zuo Bai, he is the master, Zuo Bai, to put it bluntly, is a god invited by him.

If you say go, you have to go.

There is no dominance.

Besides, as far as Lin Mo knew Zuo Bai, Zuo Bai would not turn to his stupid disciples and grandchildren when something happened.

The actual situation is also the same.

Zuo Bai didn't speak at all at the moment, and he probably guessed Lin Mo's plan.

He approves of Lin Mo's decision.

Of course, even if you don't agree, there is no way to stop it.

So those old Taoist priests are shouting and shouting now, it is completely meaningless shouting and shouting.

Fart is useless.

Lin Mo himself was holding the head, and now he was going to get his right leg.

"Mr. Lin, if you insist on doing this, we can only stop it with all our might."

Several old Taoist priests rushed up.

It seems that he intends to use force.

An old Taoist priest just took out the raging fire talisman, but he couldn't swing it down with his hand holding the talisman.

It's like being controlled by an invisible force.

It was entangled by Lin Mo's spiritual noose.

"Several, we have some friendship after all. Why are you bothering? You are simply overthinking your capabilities. Stop making trouble and go back quickly."

Lin Mo waved his hand.

Although these old Taoist priests in Zhengqian Palace are a bit stubborn, the other party has a good intention.

Lin Mo didn't intend to be cruel either.

Nor is it necessary.

He is the fourth special expert of the General Administration, and in terms of strength, he can already crush the veterans of the Zhenggan Palace.

In the end, Lin Mo took his right leg away.

The old Taoists could only watch helplessly.

Can't stop it.

Even Lin Mo's actions do not need to be reported to anyone, even the big boss of the General Administration, and there is no need to specifically inform.

He has discretion.

After going out, Lin Mo stuffed the head and right leg into the cardboard box and asked Doudou to take good care of it.

"Remember, you must not tear off the talisman on it."

Lin Mo reminded him specially.

"Okay Dad, that, can I tear it off and stick it on again?" Doudou is an honest child, he can say whatever he thinks.

"No, if you tear it off, the devil inside will wake up. The opponent is very powerful, and you are the only one who can't hold it down."

"So powerful? Forget it, Dad, don't worry, I will definitely not tear it up."


I am still very relieved about Doudou Linmo.

This child, if he said he would not tear it up, he would definitely not tear it up.

After waking up, Lin Mo got into the car and asked Xiao Lu to drive.

Little 6 told Lin Mo that some Taoist priests wanted to get close before, but little 8 got them back.

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