He called the chief.

Now the Qianlong Palace incident has become the most important case of the General Administration, which is very important. The director personally sits in charge. At this time, no matter what resources Lin Mo needs, he will be deployed as soon as possible.

The person Lin Mo wanted was sent to Qianlong Palace.

Is a member of the 'Death Chamber' studio.

Sick people and black people.

These two are the first to join under Lin Mo's studio, and they are also the most skilled in the game. In the game of Death Chamber, they are definitely the masters on the leaderboard.

Neither the sick man nor the black man had seen such a scene.

From the time they received the call from the General Administration, to getting on the plane, and finally bringing them here, it can be said that there was no delay.

At first they had no idea what was going on and were just told to bring all their gaming equipment.Only when I got to this place and got on the phone with Lin Mo did I know what happened.

"This matter, I can only let the two of you try it. You can play the 'Death Chamber' at the entrance of the Nether Road. Based on my understanding of the game Death Chamber, it will absorb the surrounding horror elements and scenes, and even Extract the scenes that the player has experienced, even the scene you expected. By the way, I have looked through the scenes that I got from the players before. Maybe there is something about Qianlong Palace. I want you to find the corresponding scene and enter Among them, look for clues."

This is Lin Mo's plan.

Let people look for clues from the game Chamber of Death.

Lin Mo is also experienced in doing this.

The clues I found in this game when I was looking for the Gluttony before, the game Chamber of Death is very mysterious and powerful, and even Lin Mo suspects that from this game, you can experience all the unknowns in the current nightmare world and taboo scenes.

These were all communicated by phone, and the sick man and the black man also understood Lin Mo's intentions, saying that they would try it immediately.

The equipment is all ready-made, and they are not just at the entrance of the Netherworld, they just climb in and play games inside.

In this way, perhaps by opening the treasure chest, the scene about this hidden Qianlong Palace can be opened.

The most important thing is that in the game, there is the concept of 'life'.

In other words, the fault tolerance rate in the game scene should be high.

If you die accidentally, all you lose is your life in the game.

As long as the life in the game is not exhausted, they can start again.

In the beginning, the game of death was regarded as a horrible and dangerous taboo game, because the death rate of people who played this game was extremely high.

But if you are familiar with this game and have some accumulation in the game, then in turn, the game mechanism will protect the player.

The first is to find the corresponding scene.

This process is not dangerous, what is needed is carefulness and patience.

Soon, the sick man was discovered.

He quit the game, talked to Lin Mo, and said that he found several suspected scenes.

"There are several scenes such as "Palace of Death", "Ghosts in the Court", and "The Murderous Eunuch", and I feel that they all have a relationship with Qianlong Palace."

When Lin Mo heard it, it seemed so, but he felt that these three scenes did not seem like the target he was looking for.

To be honest, he has already explored in great detail about Qianlong Palace.

What he wanted was about Nether Dao.

At this time, the black man also noticed that he took off his helmet, grabbed his mobile phone and told Lin Mo that he had spent hundreds of points to open more than a dozen scene treasure boxes in a row.

A game scene is opened in one of the treasure chests.

It's called "The Nether Way of Death"!

Lin Mo was refreshed after hearing this.

The place where the black people are is the entrance of Netherworld, and opening a treasure chest at that place is very likely to open the corresponding scene.

And the name is right on.

Not surprisingly, this is it.

"Then let's enter the game exploration."

The sick man said to the black man.

Lin Mo told them to be careful.

"Remember, your goal is very simple, that is to explore, record everything you see and encounter, and then tell me, understand?"

"Understood, leave it to us."

Sick and Negroes are full of energy.

They live a comfortable life now, with the official establishment of the General Administration, and a very complete insurance system, which are the envy of the neighbors in their hometown.

Obviously, it is all because of Lin Mo's support that they can live the life they are now, and they remember this kindness.

So as long as they can help Lin Mo, they are not afraid of any dangerous tasks.

The two put on the equipment again and started to enter the game.

For the game Chamber of Death, sick people and black people are already very familiar.

After all, now, they are doing this full-time.

Lin Mo had gained a lot of benefits in the game before, but because of other tasks, he hadn't entered the game for a long time, but they played every day, so the resources the two of them had in the game at this time were absolutely terrifying.

Select the game scene, pull in friends, and start to enter the game.

The scene is very similar to the passage they stayed in before.

It can't even be said to be like, exactly the same.

The two of them also had a tacit understanding and began to look for the clown divination machine.

If you can find it and use the corresponding coin for divination, you may get unexpected hints.

In the various game scenarios they played in the past, the probability of finding the clown divination machine at the beginning should be [-]%. As long as they can find it, there will be a hint.

But in this passage, it feels like there is no place to put the clown divination machine.

The two moved on.

After walking a distance of 30 meters, I suddenly heard a strange singing.

Lin Mo had already mentioned this weirdness of singing to the sick young man and black people before.

So the two reacted immediately.

The black man took out a prop in an instant.

It's a squealing chicken, then a quick pinch.


A sharp and funny voice sounded, counteracting the weird singing voice.

Chapter 0925 Weepers and Sound-seeking Arrows

Screaming Chicken is a prop.

Don't look at its shrill cry, but its characteristic lies in its shrill cry.When the black man got this prop, it was very clear that this prop was to interfere with the sound of ghosts attacking.

Hypnosis, illusion, bewitchment, curse.

Such weirdness transmitted through sound can be deciphered with this screaming chicken.

This thing is very useful.

Not advertised, but tried and tested.

Because of Lin Mo's advance notice, the black man prepared the screaming chicken early in the morning, so he squeezed the chicken immediately after hearing the weird singing.

The crowing of the cock immediately lifted the spirits of the sick man and the black man at the same time.

But at the same time, the weird singing sounds seemed to have not stopped.

Still singing.

"Uncle Rita, keep pinching, don't stop!"

The sick man shouted.

The black man didn't need his reminder, he was working hard at the moment.

In Youming Dao, the sound of screaming chickens and the sound of the play complement each other, and they seem to complement each other.

It's like a disco troupe gathered together, playing music and dancing.

That's a hilarious one.

It is the ears and nerves that suffer.

At the beginning, the crowing of the rooster and the singing of the opera were separate and did not interfere with each other, and no one could beat the other. The black man was just enjoying himself. Soon, he discovered a very strange thing.

The more he squeezed the screaming chicken, the more the sound of the screaming chicken seemed to be singing an opera. When he pinched it again at the end, what came out of the screaming chicken was the sound of singing.

Obviously, it is very obvious who is strong and who is weak.

Sick people and black people were also recruited almost immediately.

The game was forcibly quit.

Because their characters are dead.

After logging into this Netherworld scene through the game, if you encounter a 'coma' or a state similar to 'dream', the game will directly determine that the character is dead.

very strict.

But because the game character is a concept of life, so in the case of many lives, in the same scene, it naturally occupies a very large advantage.

In the preparation room, sick people and black people are summing up lessons learned.

"Screaming chicken is not good enough."

"I've never encountered such a thing before. Who would have thought that the singing voice could be transmitted to the screaming chicken. I like this prop very much, but this time it was completely useless."

"By the way, Negro, you still have a few lives."

"Me? There are quite a few more, about four or five more, let me see, well, five, and five lives."

"I still have seven!" The sick man said.

"Fuck, why do you have two more than me?"

"What I have accumulated before, let's talk about business. At present, you can still make five trials and errors, and I can still make seven trials and errors. I hope that I can find enough clues in these few times to explore the Nether Dao." complete."

"But now, we can't even pass this first level."

"Try again, if the screaming chicken doesn't work, just change it to something else, there will always be something that can restrain the noise."

"I'll think about it, or call out the weepers, and use a sound-seeking arrow."

"That's what I meant too."

At the moment, the two of them got ready and made a second attempt.

The Wailer is a very specific nightmare controlled by the sick man.

Nothing else.

Just cry.

But the voice of the other party can suppress all other voices. Although listening to this guy's cry is not a good thing, if the singing voice can be suppressed, even if there are some disadvantages and side effects, it is acceptable.

As for the sound-seeking arrow, it is a special weapon.

Used in a special environment, it will attack whoever makes a sound, and it is almost invincible.

These two things can be regarded as the treasures of sick people and black people, and they are also props that they bought at a great price, and they are reluctant to use them on weekdays.

But this time, it should be used and must be used.

The second attempt is relatively easy, and it is still the same route. After arriving at the place, I heard the strange singing.

The 'Weeper' was released immediately.

At that moment, a woman with her head bowed appeared in the passage. The woman was barefoot, wearing a bloody white dress, covering her face, and crying.

Weeping very sadly, but also very miserable.

This made its voice extremely disturbing, and at the moment it first appeared, it actually suppressed the singing voice.

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