These are the last two locations not explored.

Although Building No. 4 did not enter, Lin Mo was kept away by the nightmare inside. The two sides reached a tacit agreement, that is, well water does not violate river water.

So there is no rush.

But what Lin Mo wants is not just that the well water does not violate the river water, but what he wants is 'unity and stability'.

The first is to 'unity'.

Only the nightmares who are willing to unite with themselves can stay.

This is the premise.

There is no room for negotiation.

In front of Building 5, Lin Mo and Mao Mao said: "This time you are in front, whether you are talking or talking, you are the judge."


Maomao feels a heavy burden on his shoulders.

But she understood that this was Lin Mo's training her, and it was also a rare opportunity, so she had to seize it.

Thinking of this, Mao Mao touched the handle of the knife at his waist, then touched the broken white bone mask on the other side, and pointed at the curtain ghost standing next to him pretending to be a human.

"Pay attention to protect me!"

Lin Mo behind nodded, yes, he already has a bit of his own style.

Since it is sweeping the building, of course it is necessary to investigate layer by layer. The first floor of Building 5 was empty and there was nothing there. Lin Mo didn't say a word, wanting to see Maomao's ability.

"No smell, there should be no nightmares on this floor." Maomao's tone was a little uncertain, she glanced at Lin Mo, Lin Mo nodded: "Be confident, it's okay to be wrong."

"it is good!"

The ability to perceive nightmares is also very important. This needs to be practiced slowly. The trick is to stay with nightmares all the time.

That's how Lin Mo carried a pencil next to him.

The two went up to the second floor one after the other.

There was no nightmare atmosphere on the second floor either.

It wasn't until the third floor that Maomao saw a person standing in the extremely dark corridor.

This person seemed to be with his head down, his back turned to this side, his upper body was naked, his lower body was wearing a pair of big black pants and dirty slippers.

There is no doubt that this is a nightmare.

Normal people's skin will not be this dead white.

Maomao was very nervous at this time, she thought about it carefully, what would Lin Mo do if he encountered this situation?

Observe first.

Lin Mo said that every nightmare has its own characteristics.

Just like human personality.

And the characteristics of nightmares are sometimes mandatory, just like Lao Bai.

Lao Bai will only kill the person who is possessed by it and turns back.

If you understand this point, when you meet Lao Bai, as long as you are determined enough, you can treat Lao Bai as if he doesn't exist, and you can even use Lao Bai's power to suppress other nightmares.

Use nightmares to deal with nightmares.

This is the second trick.

But the premise is to figure out how to borrow the opponent's strength.

No, Maomao found that the more he thought about it, the more chaotic he became.She collected herself and observed carefully, observing the nightmare and the surrounding environment where the nightmare was located.

The corridor is very messy, many things seem to have been moved, some are directly broken, some parts of the wall are damaged, and the wall skin is peeling off.

It was as if it had been picked off by fingers.

Maybe this nightmare did it.

Maomao picked up a shard of glass from the ground and threw it to the other side.


Nightmare over there was motionless.

Hard of hearing?

Mao Mao walked over, and at this moment, the nightmare suddenly moved.

I saw it stretch out its hand, feel around, and turn around.

The cat's eyes shrank.

Just now I thought that the nightmare was lowering his head, but now he saw it clearly, the other party didn't lower his head at all, it just didn't have a head at all.

It is hollow above the neck.

It was as if his head had been chopped off by a sharp knife.

But the wound didn't bleed, and, moreover, it was scarred.

This nightmare seemed to be a busy person, reaching out and fumbling in front of him, and walked over.

"Without a head, it means that you can't see, hear, or smell, and you can only rely on the sense of touch. Then, just don't be touched by it." Maomao discovered the characteristics of this nightmare.

To verify, she picked up another piece of glass, threw it away, and hit the nightmare.

The next moment, the nightmare suddenly went berserk, baring its teeth and claws, waving its arms and pounced forward.

This sudden turn of events startled Maomao, the speed of the opponent was too fast, the blink of an eye was in front of him, and Maomao would be embraced by this nightmare in the next moment.

"Get down!"

Lin Mo shouted from behind.

Maomao immediately followed suit.

Dangerously avoided the two hands of this nightmare.

The nightmare walked by the cat, Lin Mo took the opportunity to throw a glass bottle on the nightmare, and then the nightmare moved his fists violently in one direction.

There was a loud bang.

Nightmare's two fists were like a hammer, forcibly punching the side wall to expose the bricks inside, and each punch could break a layer of cement.

If this hits the body, one punch can break a person's bones.

"Okay, don't touch it, let's continue upstairs." Lin Mo said at this time.

Maomao nodded, and the two of them went up to the fourth floor carefully.

"very scary!"

Mao Mao patted her chest. She found that the speed of this headless nightmare was no less than that of Lao Bai, and what was more terrifying than Lao Bai was that once touched by it, she would be killed immediately.

"So just don't touch it. This nightmare can't see, hear, or smell. Touch is the only sense. But to be honest, the combat power is really amazing."

Lin Mo also gave his evaluation.

Then, Lin Mo asked a question that he was very curious about.

"But where did its head go?"

Chapter 0118 Where is its head?

Hearing that Lin Mo actually cared about where the nightmare's head went, Mao Mao felt that there was still a gap between his realm and Lin Mo's, and the gap was quite large.

"Where is its head, is it important?" Mao Mao asked curiously.

"I think it's very important. Think about it, is the nightmare just now very irritable? Why is it so irritable? Is it because others have heads? If it gets its head back, will it be very happy? There should be unexpected gains." Lin Mo felt that his logic was impeccable.

The cat understands.

Lin Mo played this completely as a game.

Only by maintaining the mentality of playing the game can this kind of problem be considered.

At the beginning, she also wanted to have such a relaxed attitude, but after thinking about it, it is extremely difficult to really achieve this.

Absolute calm must be maintained and must not be disturbed by any emotion.

Otherwise, you will only fall into the chaotic emotions of fear and survival.

But soon she thought of the problem in this logic.

"What if it is not? Maybe it has no head since it was born, or maybe its irritable is not because of anger, but instinct. Also, even if it finds its head, it may not be happy, maybe it will With vision, hearing and smell, wouldn’t this nightmare be even more powerful, what if it wants to kill us?”

Mao Mao is also a series of rhetorical questions.

Lin Mo was overjoyed: "Not bad, Maomao, you have made progress, keep working hard."

After a pause, he said again: "Actually, I have thought about this question, but it is only one of many possibilities. Sometimes, we need to take risks. Of course, the premise is to be prepared."

"You need at least the ability to save your life, or the strength to reach a balance with the opponent, and the best thing is to be able to suppress the opponent."

Hearing this, Mao Mao rolled his eyes.

What else can you say if you have this ability.

Lin Mo seemed to see through Maomao's thoughts: "If you don't have enough ability, you can improve it. It's the same as you need to level up and collect equipment when playing games. For example, you have the ability to wear a broken bone mask for a long time, which can double your physical fitness , strength and reaction speed; then you should strengthen and improve in this area, and in addition, what is the weakness? Find it and repair it, which is equivalent to improving your strength in disguise."

"In addition, the curtain ghost obeys your orders, so it is a reliable partner. Of course, you need to improve its strength. Compared with improving your own strength, it must be easier."

Mao Mao was dumbfounded.

It's not because Lin Mo's words are difficult to understand, but because she understands them all.

But she didn't work hard in this area in the past.

"The reason is that you rely too much on me, so I want you to take the lead. You think clearly, once I leave, you will be the only one here. If there is a problem, can you handle it?"

To Maomao, these words were tantamount to enlightenment.

"I see, three floors up, I want to explore alone."

Mao Mao has clearly made up his mind.

"Okay, you go alone. If you really encounter a problem, report my name. If the other party still doesn't give face, remember, don't hesitate, run away as soon as possible."

Mao Mao smiled. She felt that the middle link could be removed.

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing Mao Mao go upstairs without hesitation, Lin Mo returned to the third floor.

Maomao is going to sweep the building, since he doesn't need to follow, let's start from the third floor first, and look for the head of that headless nightmare.

Back on the third floor, Lin Mo immediately confirmed the location of the Headless Nightmare.

This is very important.

Because the opponent's actions have no rules at all, sometimes they stand still, and sometimes they rush over suddenly, so it is necessary to keep the opponent within sight at all times.

Other than that, it must not be touched by it.

Because the headless nightmare was active on the third floor, Lin Mo felt that there was the greatest possibility of the opponent's head here.

Otherwise, what is it looking for here?

Lin Mo also thought about other possibilities.

For example, on the upper floors of Building 3, there is a flying head.

The other party has no body, and the one here has no head, isn't it a match made in heaven?

But that head is huge, two or three times the size of an average person.

So it is unlikely that it is the head of this headless nightmare.

There is also the father and son who live upstairs in Building 3. Lin Mo once visited each other's house. The father is a brutal killer, but the child is quite naive and plays football all day long.

Of course Lin Mo knew that the ball was a head.

So could the head shot by the opponent be the head of this headless nightmare?

There is this possibility.

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