The five people criticized Zhu Yun Taoist at this moment.

I don't know about others, but Lin Mo was stunned when he heard it anyway.

This is obviously different from what Taoist Zhu Yun said before.

Moreover, Taoist Zhu Yun never mentioned these people.

Obviously, one of the two parties must be lying.

Lin Mo felt that Taoist Zhu Yun was not telling the truth before, and the appearance of these five people obviously confirmed Lin Mo's previous guess.

But whether this is the case or not, it is impossible to listen to the one-sided words of these five people.

First identify it.

They said they were Feng Shui masters, so Lin Mo asked them to talk about Feng Shui.

I don't understand.

But listen, you can probably see if these people really have something in their stomachs.

If it is nonsense, then nine times out of ten there will be flaws in the process of explaining.

The next five people really talked.

Regarding the professional knowledge of Feng Shui masters, what I said is a slip.To be honest, Lin Mo doesn't understand, but it sounds like these five people are very professional.

In particular, the other party's explanation of the Fengshui Bureau of Qianlong Palace is easy to understand, which is much more detailed than what Taoist Zhu Yun said.

Also more professional.

In this way, at least in the professional matter of feng shui masters, Lin Mo felt that these five people should not be lying.

They should be Feng Shui masters.

There is a problem here, that is, since Taoist Zhu Yun doesn't understand Fengshui, how did he change the auspicious place into a bad place.

Lin Mo asked a question.

The five people immediately said: "He understands, Zhu Yun Yaodao understands a little Feng Shui, but not as good as us."

"Since you are professional, why don't you change it back? It shouldn't be difficult, right?" Lin Mo asked.

The five Feng Shui masters shook their heads again and again.

"It's not so easy. Once this kind of game is changed once, it can't be done a second time, otherwise it will be counterattacked."

It turned out to be the case.

Lin Mo didn't understand, and the questions he asked were very laymen.

"Then how do you know that Taoist Zhu Yun and I are not on the same side?"

This question is rather sharp.

"We don't know, we can only guess."

The answer was quite straightforward and straightforward.

But if you think about it carefully, you will know that there are actually a lot of considerations in this answer.

If it was Taoist Zhu Yun's accomplice, Lin Mo must have known what the five people said just now, so there is no problem if they said it.

Conversely, if it wasn't Taoist Zhu Yun's accomplice, then nine out of ten would not know about these things.

To put it bluntly, it is a gamble.

Because Lin Mo's performance was very strong and extremely brave just now, they were afraid and knew that continuing to fight would only hurt both sides, so they tried to communicate, assuming that Lin Mo was not on Zhu Yun's side.

From the current point of view, they are obviously betting right.

"Brother, what's your name?" Seeing Lin Momo thinking seriously, the five people hurriedly asked.

"I'm sex forest."

"Oh, Brother Lin, did Zhu Yun Yaodao ask you to do something for him?"

The other party asked a question.

This thing really exists.

Wasn't it before?Taoist Zhu Yun planned to storm the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and asked Lin Mo and Xiao Lu to help him contain the guards, and he himself went in to kill the emperor.

So Lin Mo nodded.

"Do you want you to help him kill the emperor?"

The other party asked again.

This time Lin Mo narrowed his eyes and became even more curious.

He didn't answer immediately, but looked at the five people in front of him in surprise.

"Brother, please don't help him. If he kills the emperor, all evils will enter his body. Then his plot will succeed. At that time, no one will be able to defeat him."

Hearing this, Lin Mo fell silent for a while.

Taoist Zhu Yun said one thing, and these five people said another, but obviously, one of them must be lying.

Who is lying?

Chapter 0914 You Are Seeking Your Own Death

The five Feng Shui masters obviously wanted to persuade Lin Mo and Xiao Lu.

Of course, the main reason is because Lin Mo and the others are not easy to mess with.

If it was easy to bully, the opponent would have died when the Liannu shot just now.

If he didn't die, it means that he is very cowhide.

not to be trifled.

The five people were still talking about some things, mainly about Taoist Zhu Yun, saying that the other party was treacherous, and that the other party was a scheming and sinister villain.

However, it is estimated that Lin Mo doesn't quite believe it. The middle-aged man who took the lead among the five immediately said: "I know that we met by chance, and Brother Lin must be suspicious. In this way, Brother Lin, you two will go to the same place with us, and when we arrive at the same place You can see it."

It was very sincere.

"Really?" Lin Mo had reasonable doubts.

"It's absolutely true. Let's guarantee it with the head of the project. Brother Lin, you believe me this time, I will never let you make this trip in vain."

Several other Feng Shui masters also immediately chimed in.

It's good for Lin Mo to think about it, the main reason is that he has a lot of cards and backhands, and he is not afraid of the opponent's playing tricks. On the contrary, Lin Mo still hopes that they will play tricks.

Because, that's the fun.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

Lin Mo agreed.

The situation here is obviously getting more and more complicated. The five Feng Shui masters Lin Mo don't believe it, but Taoist Zhu Yun, Lin Mo also understands that the other party may not be trustworthy.

Anyway, you can't follow others' opinions, you have to listen to their words and observe their actions, and you have to make your own judgments.

Since the five feng shui masters are convincing, of course they have to go and see.

It certainly wouldn't hurt to know a little more about this eerie Qianlong Palace.

Seeing that Lin Mo agreed, the five feng shui masters were naturally very excited. They led Lin Mo and Xiao Lu out of this small courtyard, and they didn't leave the door. They were all very skilled, and they could turn over four or five times with a single jump. Meter high walls.

Lin Mo couldn't do it, and Xiao Lu was almost upset, so they chose to walk through the door.

But going through the door is risky.

Some court ladies and eunuchs may be encountered.

But the advantage is that these maids and eunuchs can be hypnotized by Xiao Lu.

So there was no danger along the way. After leaving the imperial concubine's palace, five Feng Shui masters led the way. Judging from their appearance, they were indeed quite familiar with this place.

These five Feng Shui masters are essentially the same as Taoist Zhu Yun. They have not been assimilated by the influence of Qianlong Palace, knowing that this is not a real world.

Even knowing that they themselves are dead.

Lin Mo asked them on the way if they knew about the 'ghost change'.

They say they know.

But the "ghost change" is only aimed at ordinary people who have completely integrated into the Qianlong Palace, those who are ignorant every day, do not notice the abnormalities here at all, and still think that they are still alive and living a normal life.Once this kind of person knows the 'truth', he will immediately detonate the evil spirit accumulated in his body for hundreds of years.

And the five Feng Shui masters said that this was actually caused by the Feng Shui Bureau. Originally, the Feng Shui Bureau had a formation eye for releasing evil spirits, but Taoist Zhu Yun destroyed the formation eye, just like a stream with smooth water, it will not accumulate pools , But if the creek is blocked, it will store water in low-lying areas, and finally store more and more until the embankment bursts and collapses, causing disasters.

"The yin and evil energy accumulated here for hundreds of years has reached its limit and is beginning to leak out, but the embankment has not yet burst. Once the embankment bursts, it will inevitably cause a catastrophe. This is all thanks to Taoist Zhu Yun. Brother Lin, what do you say? , Zhu Yun Yaodao should die or not?"

Five Feng Shui masters asked questions.

Lin Mo said that if it is true as you said, then Taoist Zhu Yun should indeed die and go to hell.

And at this time, Lin Mo suddenly remembered why the breath here hadn't leaked out before, it was because it hadn't reached the critical point.

As the five Feng Shui masters said, this place is like a reservoir that is constantly accumulating and increasing. It only flows in, but does not flow out. Sooner or later, it will overflow due to fullness.

Talk to the place.

Lin Mo wanted to see what the five Feng Shui masters were going to show him, to prove that Taoist Zhu Yun was a bad guy.

In front is a secluded courtyard, open the door.

"Come in!" The five Feng Shui masters pointed inside.

Lin Mo looked inside, then at the four weird stone beasts standing around the yard, and asked what the four stone beasts were for.

"Don't worry, this is decoration!"

"Then, the bronze mirror hanging on the door is..."

"You know, we are Feng Shui masters. Isn't it normal to put some bronze mirrors where we live? It's very reasonable."

"It's true, hey, there seems to be a pile of skulls under the corner, what's so special about it?"

"Mourning the dead, praying for safety, we are Feng Shui masters, sometimes we have to use these formations, there is no fuss."

"Understood, understood, the picture of evil spirits pasted on the door must also be used to guard the house."

"That's right, brother Lin has good eyesight, that's all right, don't ask so many questions, come on, let's go in and talk."

Lin Mo smiled and nodded without hesitation, and followed the five Feng Shui masters into the courtyard.

As soon as he entered, the other party closed the courtyard door.

Then it started spraying things on the ground.

A blood-red viscous liquid with a fishy smell.

Lin Mo asked what is this?

"Heigouxue, used for formation, hey, Brother Lin, please sit down, please sit down, we'll be busy for a while, so you can sit down first."

A feng shui master answered Lin Mo while he was busy.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Lin Mo asked kindly.

"No, how can we keep the guests busy. Brother Lin, you sit with this girl first, and then entertain you after we finish our work. Come, sit, and don't be polite to us."

"This one……"

"Wait a minute, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it later."

Upon hearing this, Lin Mo stopped asking.

Xiao Lu pulled Lin Mo over at this time, no surprises, these five people should have no good intentions, and they formed an array face to face, which obviously didn't take them seriously.

It's really like we are Kaizi.

"It should be like this, but I'm curious, where did they get such confidence."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he thought that he was idle anyway, so he asked Xiaoyu.

So he took out his pencil and muttered, "Xiao Yu, who of the five Feng Shui masters and Taoist Zhu Yun told a lie, and who didn't?"

Xiao Yu's divination is sometimes very effective, and sometimes not.

This has to be tried.

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