The next second, the person outside the door knocked.

dong dong dong.

Xiao Lu was overjoyed, and looked at Lin Mo with an expression that seemed to say, look, there's a knock on the door, why don't you hurry up and open it.

Lin Mo was upset, didn't open the door, and didn't make a sound.

The opponent continued to knock.

Still quite persistent.

Lin Mo replied impatiently: "No one, stop knocking."

The figure outside paused for a moment.

May not have encountered this situation before.

After a while, I came to my senses and knocked again, this time not only knocking, but also talking.

"Open the door, no one can talk to anyone, don't scare me, open the door quickly."

Yo, it's pretty smart, it didn't cover it.

Lin Mo didn't recruit this time, let's drive.Anyway, it's just a principle, chat as soon as you can, and do it if you can't, try not to disturb others as much as possible.

Open the door.

A foul-smelling corpse gas rushed in.

Guys, a bit of a top.

Lin Mo has also been on the battlefield for a long time, and has never seen any scenes.So even though his eyes were a little hot, he remained calm and calm.

The one outside is really disgusting.

The head was indeed upside down, but it looked as if it had been twisted abruptly by someone, and the broken bones could be seen pulled by the skin.

His whole body was dead gray, mucus flowed from his nose and mouth, and there were a few big mung bean flies lying on his stomach.

Strange, where are the flies in this place?

Because the facial features are upside down, the other party looks very weird, and they are all like this, and they can still walk, brother, you should lie down and die, come out all day to scare people with fake corpses, what are you trying to do?

Of course, Lin Mo couldn't say this.

Taoist Zhu Yun said that the people in this place must not let them know that they are dead, otherwise, a terrible ghost will happen immediately.

So no matter how weird the other party looks, he can't show it.

I can't even say it.

"Mr. Xu, do you dislike me?"

I don't know what this person's name is, so let's call him Brother Tietou first.

Brother Tilted Head came in and said.

Lin Mo felt that the crooked head brother had a bad head before, but he didn't expect that his eyes were not good. Does he look like Mr. Xu?

Could it be that the other party is still nearsighted?

"No, no, how could I dislike you." Lin Mo chatted indiscriminately, but he was thinking about what the other party was going to do, whether he really didn't see himself clearly, or pretended not to see clearly.

Of course, Lin Mo is always on guard.

In case of attack, he can kill the opponent immediately.

"Mr. Xu, why do you feel nervous?" Brother Tietou asked again.

Lin Moxin said to you, who wouldn't be nervous seeing this?

He just wanted to say that he wasn't nervous, but Brother Tiltou suddenly said: "No wonder you didn't open the door for me. It turns out that you are here to have a tryst with the maid."

Palace maid?

Lin Mo turned his head and glanced at Xiao Lu.

Now it is basically certain that Brother Tiltou's eyes are not very good, it's fine to regard himself as Director Xu, but he actually regards Xiao Lu as a palace maid.

This look is really not good.

By the way, Manager Xu, it might be the eunuch that Taoist Zhu Yun pretended to be.

In other words, the other party came to find Taoist Zhu Yun.

Lin Mo thought that there must be something wrong with the other party.

As for what it was, I couldn't guess the specifics, but nine times out of ten it was because the other party had something to ask of Taoist Zhu Yun.

Otherwise, it would not be him looking for him, but Taoist Zhu Yun looking for him.

Immediately Lin Mo said: "You come back next time for the previous thing, I'm still busy here."

As he spoke, he pushed Brother Tilting Out.

"You are busy." Brother Tietou scolded: "Isn't it just a tryst with this maid here? The guy in your crotch has nothing to do, isn't that just a rush? Hurry up, think about how to deal with it For my neck and head, I've been getting more pain lately."

After finishing speaking, Brother Tietou shouted at Xiao Lu: "You really have no eyesight, what are you still doing here? Get out, get out quickly, I won't pursue it this time, let me know next time, be careful Your leg is broken."

Judging by the tone, Brother Tietou is quite crazy, he probably has some status.

Lin Mo didn't argue with the other party on this matter, and gave Xiao Lu a wink.

Let Xiao 6 wait outside first.

The obedient Xiao Lu walked out, and closed the door thoughtfully.

In the house, the smell of corpses became stronger.

If it weren't for the smell of medicine before, Lin Mo felt that he couldn't hold on.

Brother Tietou not only has poor eyes and brain, but also a bad nose. It stinks so badly that he can't smell it at all.

"Mr. Xu, I'm sick, you need to think of a way, I feel my neck is even more crooked."

Brother Tietou complained, and then groped to sit on the edge of the bed, just like the elder brother from the neighbor came over to chat.

"Your disease is not easy to treat."

Lin Mo can only see the trick.

Since the other party didn't recognize me, it doesn't matter where the show is, it's best if you don't wear clothes, and you can survive until Taoist Zhu Yun comes back. If it really doesn't work, it's not too late to do it.

"Every time I see you, you say that every time. I don't care this time. You have to find a way to treat me. Otherwise, I will be too uncomfortable. Not only does it hurt, but I can't see things clearly. I always feel something is wrong."

Lin Mo thought to himself, is this right?

You turn your head upside down to look at the world, and only when you are satisfied can you call yourself a ghost.

Brother Tietou has been pestering Lin Mo all the time, insisting on letting it be treated. How could Lin Mo understand this, so he could only continue to procrastinate.

Finally, the tilted head brother slapped the table.

"Don't be so troublesome. In this way, you can straighten my head for me. It should work, right?"

It's really simple.

The main thing is to shirk again, fearing that the other party will turn his back, or see the clues.

After thinking about it, Lin Mo said, let me try?

"Try, hurry up."

Brother Tietou moved his scalp-numbing head over.

Quite the spirit of talking and laughing about the public scraping bones to cure poison.

Apparently this tilted head brother is also a fierce man.

Lin Mo leaned over and gestured with his hands for a long time, not knowing where to start.

Because the distance is very close, Lin Mo can carefully look at each other's head and neck.

The more I look at it, the more I feel something is wrong.

Carefully peeling away the wrinkled skin, Lin Mo finally knew what was wrong.

This head and body are not a pair at all.

It was another person's head, which was sewn onto someone's body, and it hadn't been sewn properly yet, the head was deliberately turned upside down and sewn together.

This was obviously intentional.

Lin Mo especially wanted to ask Brother Tiltou, your capital is wrong, and you didn't notice it at all?

But then thought again.

This may be what Taoist Zhu Yun did. Since the other party did this, there must be a reason for doing it. If he told Brother Tiltou, it would be bad if Taoist Zhu Yun's plan was ruined.

After all, they've only just built a little trust.

Besides, as long as anyone with a normal mind knows that the brain and body are put together, how can this person still be alive?

Must be dead.

This will make the other party realize this, and then something will happen.

Of course, perhaps Taoist Zhu Yun didn't do this, but because Taoist Zhu Yun couldn't tell the truth to the other party, and didn't dare to undo the stitches rashly and straighten his head, so he kept procrastinating.


I have to find a way to stall for time.

Lin Mo's mind is spinning very fast at the moment.

I got it.

"Well, your situation has improved, much better than last time."

Lin Mo started talking nonsense.

He's been to the hospital and knows how doctors talk.

Brother Tilted Head was overjoyed.

"Is it really getting better?"

"That's right, I'll straighten it out for you."

"Quick, quick, break."

"Wait a minute, forget it, look at my brain, forget it, I have to prepare some medicine for you, only if I have this medicine can I get it for you."

"What kind of medicine? Hurry up and break it, I'm not afraid of pain."

"How can this work? It will take only a few days to prepare the medicine. In this case, you go back first and come back in two days."

"You seem to have said the same thing last time."

"Really?" Lin Mo scolded Taoist Zhu Yun in his heart, and could only smile: "That's right, you got better last time, but I haven't prepared this medicine yet, so you can wait a little longer Two days, next time we must be ready."

Chapter 0912 The Emperor in the Palace of Mental Cultivation

To put it bluntly, Lin Mo persuaded Brother Tietou to go back.

This guy is really tough.

Come back next time, it's not easy to be fooled.

Lin Mo felt that there would be no next time.

After opening the door to see off the guests, Lin Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead as he watched the other party leave the small courtyard.

Little 6 came out from another room.

"That guy is gone?"


"Did you straighten his head?"

Lin Mo glanced at Xiao Lu and told the actual situation.

Hearing that the other party's head and body were not alone at all, and they were deliberately pretended to be reversed, Xiao Lu was also very surprised.

"Who did it? Have a grudge against him?"

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