The same is true for the surrounding intersections leading to Qianlong Palace.

Lin Mo went over and showed his credentials.

Apparently, the police here have all been ordered by their superiors, and after verifying their credentials, they saluted and let them go.

This time and then go forward, it is quiet, no one is there.

It is now 08:30 in the evening, and the sky is already dark. Normally, this place is definitely crowded with people, and it is very lively, but at this moment, the shops are closed, and there is no one on the road.

The quiet is a little scary.

At the entrance, Lin Mo asked 416 to scan the QR code pasted at the entrance with his mobile phone, and he can listen to the audio explanation. Most scenic spots, or places with some historical stories, will have a similar self-help explanation function.

416 is very obedient, she does what she is asked to do, but after scanning the QR code, she was surprised to hear the explanation voice inside.

On the mobile phone, a gentle female voice is explaining the gate of Qianlong Palace, and through the gate, you are inside.

"The Qianlong Palace was built in... It is the largest existing ancient palace complex, covering a total area of..."

The sound is crisp.

Because the surrounding is very quiet, it also sounds very clear.

Lin Mo also listened to the explanation.

He thought that since he wanted to explore Qianlong Palace carefully, it would definitely be beneficial to listen to some explanations and understand the origins and allusions of different areas and buildings.

At this time, his personal communicator rang.

It was Zhong Kui, Veteran and Lin Nan who picked up the conversation.

They are also here now.

After all, the time they had agreed upon had arrived.

"Lin Mo, where are you?"

Zhong Kui in the communicator asked.

"The main entrance!" Lin Mo replied.

"We are also here. So, get ready to start. Let's start from here. Let's check Qianlong Palace carefully. did I hear someone talking on your side?"

"It's a self-help explanation." Lin Mo explained to Zhong Kui and the others.

After understanding what a self-help explanation is, Zhong Kui said that they should listen with louder voice.


In this way, the tour can be synchronized, and if there is any abnormality, it can be found at the first time.

"Then, let's follow the self-help explanation."


Lin Mo put the communicator close to Xiao 6's mobile phone, and then started to visit Qianlong Palace at night.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this place feels a little gloomy even if it is crowded with people during the day, especially in some special hidden inner courtyards.

Because some places are not open, coupled with some messy horror rumors, it is still serious.

For example, the cold palace in this place can often hear the cries of women, and for example, in the dilapidated and locked yard, there is a well, because many people died in that well, so it is closed, and even this yard is not allowed any tourists near.

Anyway, how evil is it?

Lin Mo didn't believe this.

Again, this place has been a well-known tourist attraction both at home and abroad since the birth of Xinhua Kingdom. It has received many tourists for decades.

There are tens of thousands of people who come here every day.Not to mention that there is no gloomy atmosphere in this place, even if there are ghosts, even if there are ghosts, people come and go every day, and any ghosts will be out of their wits.

"The ones in front are 36 Beaulieu Pillars, each of which is carved from high-quality white marble. At that time, almost all skilled craftsmen from all over the country were gathered..."

In the empty square in front of the temple, the voice from the explanation APP has an appeal, which makes people unconsciously feel the history that has happened here, and the unique sense of history.

In the communicator, Zhong Kui said that he spoke well.

Lin Mo said that everything is normal here, the moon is bright and the scenery is very good.

Zhong Kui said that in the nightmare world, this place is also good. Although it is not too dark and the visibility is not high, there is nothing special about it.

Then go on.

Xiao Lu protested at this time, saying that Lin Mo and the others should speak in a quieter voice, which disturbed her from listening to the explanation.

"In front are the Taihe, Zhonghe and Baohe Halls of Qianlong Palace. This is also the place where ancient emperors exercised their power and held sacred ceremonies. You can see that the three halls are all on the central axis, and the materials used are the best at that time. Yes, just tearing down a piece of wood here is priceless..."

Lin Mo, with his hands behind his back, listened to the explanation, and strolled in this ancient Qianlong Palace.

It felt like a member of an elderly tour group.

As for 416, this two-year-old girl who was born in the laboratory of White Eagle Country has long been overwhelmed by the rich history and rich cultural heritage here, and the one who listened most carefully and seriously.

"Did you find anything?" Lin Mo asked on the walkie-talkie at this time.

The main thing is that everything is normal on his side.

Lin Mo's own perception ability is very strong, but he didn't find anything, not only him, but also the two powerful spiritual bodies 416 and 418.

This shows that the Qianlong Palace in the real world is indeed not abnormal.

Then, the possible problem is Qianlong Palace in the nightmare world.

"Nothing has been found, at least so far." Zhong Kui's voice came. At this time, Lin Mo heard Lin Nan's voice and said that there was nothing found.

They have only entered less than one-third of Qianlong Palace at most, and there are more buildings behind, gardens, rockeries, and places where palace maids and eunuchs live.

So it is too early to say that this investigation did not find it.

Then take your time.

In the following time, Lin Mo and 416 started a serious night tour of Qianlong Palace according to the route and explanation of the self-guided explanation APP.

This way leads to the back garden.

Similarly, the three Zhong Kui in Nightmare World also arrived at the same position.


Lin Nan said something in the communicator.

Lin Mo was also refreshed, and hurriedly asked what he found.

No one spoke on the communicator for a few seconds, but fortunately, Zhong Kui's voice came over soon.

"Hey, Bai made us happy. It's a water ghost in the lake. It's not a threat."

If it's just a water ghost in the nightmare world, then it's really not a threat.

But is that really just an ordinary water ghost?

Lin Mo said whether to interrogate?

"Okay, the trial will be the trial." Zhong Kui had no objection.

Lin Mo said wait a moment, I will go down and interrogate with you.

So Lin Mo fell into a dream on the spot, entered the nightmare world, joined the other three, and began to interrogate the water ghost.

After using a set of methods, the other party only said that it was a nightmare hiding here, and they didn't know or know anything else.

"Don't tell the truth!"

Lin Mo went up and tortured Zhong Kui, who looked so proficient, frowned.

some torture.

The water ghost couldn't bear it, and said it was not an ordinary nightmare, anyway, I am what you think I am, just please don't hit me.

Asked if it knew the secret hidden here, the water ghost directly admitted that it was the biggest secret in Qianlong Palace.

Zhong Kui walked over and said, "You are so special, this is a trick of torture, this is not acceptable."

After finishing speaking, he waved his big sleeve, and actually put the water ghost into his sleeve.

This skill is quite powerful.

"Okay, you go out, let's continue to investigate."

Zhong Kui waved his hand.

Lin Mo smiled awkwardly and woke up from the nightmare world.

It was just a small episode just now, in fact Lin Mo also knew that the water ghost probably didn't know anything, but if he knew something, he should ask.

Many times in the past, some inconspicuous little characters were often the key to breaking the game.

Lin Mo has suffered and benefited from this, so he tortured him severely to ensure that he can squeeze the other party dry.

In the end, there was only a small part of the unopened area left, and Lin Mo also walked forward, ready to take 416 over to have a look.

It stands to reason that this kind of place does not record the tour guide's explanation.

But when Lin Mo and 416 walked over, 416 habitually opened the app and scanned together.

At this time, something unexpected happened.

It was obviously pitch black in front of him, but when the mobile phone swiped over, there was a beep, and something was scanned.

What's even weirder is that the voice of explanation came out immediately.

It was the same voice, but the tone seemed completely different from before.

"This is the place where the maids live. On the crooked neck tree in the front yard, no less than seventeen court ladies have been hanged. The white silk is wrapped around the branches, and the women died. Tourists, please look at the branches over there. Is it still hanging?" What about a dead man?"

Chapter 0906 does not exist bloody Palace Gate

The female voice on the phone sounded eerie.

People can't help but look towards the front yard, and there is indeed a big tree with a crooked neck inside, and there seems to be something hanging under it.

When the wind blows, it sways back and forth.

At this moment, the sense of terror is already full.

At this time, Lin Mo went directly to push open the half-closed wooden door, and went straight to look under the crooked neck tree.

"It's just a piece of white silk, it makes me very nervous."

Grabbing the thing and looking at it, Lin Mo said something.

Because of the wind, the light was dim, and the white silk was shaking, so it looked like a dead man was hanging.

At this time, Lin Nan's voice came from the communicator.

"We have a situation here. There was indeed a dead man hanging under the crooked neck tree in the yard just now, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Brother Zhong Kui chased him, and now he doesn't know where he went."

Lin Mo immediately told Lin Nan and the veteran not to run around, and waited for Zhong Kui to come back.

"Well, that's what the old soldier said, what about your situation?" Lin Nan asked.

"Nothing unusual, except that the moonlight is gone." Lin Mo looked up, and the originally bright moonlight was now blocked by a cloud of dark clouds, which made the surroundings even darker.

In fact, Lin Mo still has some discoveries.

For example, this courtyard is obviously less visited by people, let alone repaired, because it belongs to the unopened area of ​​Qianlong Palace, so the weeds are overgrown here, and the growth is quite good.

But only this crooked neck tree was bare and seemed to have been dead for many years.

Also, who is this Bai Ling who is idle and has nothing to do with the tree trunk?

At this time, the weird explanation sound came from the mobile phone in 416's hand.

"This courtyard is a typical court lady's courtyard, used to house maids at the lower level. You can see the houses on both sides. The layout is completely different from that of the owner's house. One house can accommodate ten court ladies. Usually they are children of poor families. They also They are all cardamom years, but they are trapped in this cold courtyard in the deep palace, and they are oppressed by their master. If things go on like this, it is conceivable that resentment will arise in their hearts. If they make mistakes or offend their masters, they will be dragged to the backyard to be rode to death."

"Everyone walks forward, and you can see the red wooden stick standing in the corner. The red color on it is not red paint, but too much blood, which cannot be washed off. And because of the resentment and There is too much hatred, so those who used these wooden sticks later will suffer a terrible death."

It can be heard that the female voice who explained it seems to be emotional, especially the four words 'not a good death', which can be called gnashing of teeth.

"As for the backyard where the palace maid was killed, because too many people died, the blood flowed layer after layer, causing the soil and bricks over there to be blood-red."

Lin Mo and 416 looked at each other, became interested, and immediately ran over to have a look.

First of all, I didn't find any red wooden sticks in the corner of the backyard.

The female voice explaining it was babbling.

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