Nothing happened again, and the shadows dissipated.

Doudou and Grandma Meng rushed in to check, but found nothing.

And the latter found that the cross pressing on its body cracked and shattered into countless pieces, obviously without its original divine power.

Not just this cross.

The same goes for this spooky community, which started to crumble at a very fast pace.

But the community didn't disappear.

It seems that a layer of the original filter has quickly faded away.

Return to its original appearance.

In addition to the remaining unburned buildings in the community, there are still people.

residents here.

Originally hiding in the distance.

But this fading power reached them as well.

This restored them to their original appearance, including the sealed memories.

For a while, the scene was in chaos.

Males become females, females become males, kittens become big men, clothes hangers become naked men, it is quite lively.

Screams, doubts, sudden realizations, and laughter kept ringing out.

In addition, the strange fog barrier around this weird community also collapsed and dissipated at this moment, connecting with the nightmare world outside.

You must know that this place is the key area of ​​the Redemption Society.

How could the Redemption Society not know about such a big thing?

In fact, when Lin Mo led people into the weird community, the people of the Redemption Society knew about it.

If Lin Mo and the others were not very decisive, they might have been stopped by the Redemption Society on the way.

But even if it didn't stop, the Redemption Society didn't feel that the situation was irreparable.

Although they are suffering now.

Lost four powerful gods, two of whom were members of high-level councils.

But their basics are still there.

The real masters are still there.

So they surrounded the spooky community, and at the same time, made the members of the real world take action.

The result is that the action in the real world fails.

The loss was heavy, and the target was lost.

This is not good news.

Fortunately, in the nightmare world, they blocked the enemies in the weird community.

Some middle-level members of the Redemption Society proposed to attack directly and kill the opponent.

But the real high-level leaders of the Redemption Society did not agree.

Only the real high-level people know what this weird community represents and what is hidden inside.

The senior officials of the Redemption Society ordered that they are not allowed to enter the community, and they just need to wait outside.

Members below the top are unknown.

But several higher-ups knew why.

In a small dark room, the high-level committee of the Redemption Society is holding an emergency meeting to discuss.

There were originally seven seats, but at this moment, two are vacant.

"The God of the Blood Ancestor and the Sage Worder have been killed. These two wastes have already told them not to underestimate the enemy." On the side of the round table, a certain high-ranking god couldn't help cursing.

"Okay, this is the end of the matter, what's the use of talking about it? Now that the enemy has gained insight into that community, what should we do now?"

"There is no need to do anything. They are looking for their own death. Although the Yedi in the community has not yet formed, according to the G-value calculation, it has reached more than 50000. Let alone them, even if we go in, we will die."

"It makes sense, but how to deal with the aftermath of this matter is a problem. At that time, the matter of Emperor Ye can't be hidden. I'm afraid that the old gods below will unite to make trouble."

"They don't dare. The Yedi we created by gathering all the resources this time is enough to suppress everything. I have said this a long time ago. There is no need to be so cautious. It is you who have to hide it. In the end, it is not exposed."

"Don't hide it, those old gods know, how can we let us do this with peace of mind? Well, well, now is not the time to discuss this, let's think about the plan and see what to do next. "

"Do you need to think about it? At present, there is only one possibility, that is, they will be killed by the unformed Yedi. What we have to do is how to control those old gods who may cause trouble."

At this time, the lively discussion was interrupted by waves of roaring waves.

The people from these high-level committees went out to take a look and found that the fog barrier around the weird community over there was rapidly dissipating.

Chapter 0897 redemption will be scared to move overnight

"What's going on?" A high-ranking member of the Redemption Society looked at the dissipated barrier, and his heart skipped a beat.

This is not a good sign.

The barrier surrounding the entire community was also created by 'Yedi'.

Now that the barrier disappears, did something happen to Yedi inside?

"Send someone in to have a look right away."

Another high-ranking Redemption Society issued an order.

"Send someone, let's go in and see if it's okay."

Those who are impatient, An can't stand it now, and immediately rushed forward.

As a result, they saw the scene where the entire weird community collapsed.

The mentality of these high-level committee members is also a bit broken at the moment.

Seeing this scene, their reactions were surprisingly consistent.

Something happened to Jedi.

Otherwise, the community cannot collapse.

"Probe and see if you can find him!" The calm one said immediately at this moment.

Among the five high-level committee members are those who are good at scouting.

Within a certain range, no trouble could be hidden from him. If you want to find someone, as long as the other party is within this range, it is impossible to find him.

"I can't find it, I don't have a breath at all." The high-level person who is good at probing has a livid face.

"Impossible, try again."

"It's the same if you try again. It's true that there is no breath of Emperor Ye. He is not here, or he was killed!"

got killed?

These four words were like a huge boulder weighing [-] jin at the moment, pressing directly on the shoulders of these committee members, so that no one spoke for the next ten seconds.

The silence was eerie.

Finally someone responded.

"Impossible, that's Yedi. We used all the resources to create Yedi, even if it's just a prototype, but it's still Yedi. How could he be killed? No one in this world can kill him."

Someone yelled out.

The kind with a red face and a thick neck.

Not arguing, it's purely a vent, a stress response out of fear.

After this guy finished speaking, he fell silent and looked at the other four people, hoping that someone would come out and agree with him.

But no one said a word.

There was another period of silence.

In less than 1 minute, from doubt, to shock and unbelief, to accept the reality.

Mentality is like being on a roller coaster, high for a while, low for a while.

This kind of rapid change can make people collapse.

Fortunately, none of these five high-ranking members of the Redemption Society are ordinary people, and it is impossible for ordinary people to lead the Redemption Society today.

"Are there any other gods at the scene?" a person asked.

"Yes, God Meng!"

"Is it? It's not Yedi's opponent, is there anyone else?"

"Yes, but the aura has never been seen before. In addition, there are a few other auras in the air other than Yedi, which are strange but terrifying."

"How scary?"

"It feels as scary as Yedi."


"Come on!"


"Don't ask, let's go, Yedi is very likely to be killed, if you can kill Yedi, you can also kill us, so go, go now."

The five top leaders of the Redemption Society seem to have reached a consensus in an instant.

Turn around and leave.

Without the slightest hesitation.

They knew very well that if Yedi's aura disappeared, nine out of ten would be finished, otherwise the community created by divine power would not collapse, and those who had been changed would not be able to change back.

The other party can kill Yedi, so naturally it is easy to kill them.

It's that quick of a mentality change.

From the arrogant self-confidence at the beginning, he thought that he could rule Blue Star in the next second, but he was hit in the end, and ran all the way on the road of shock, fear and acceptance of reality.

In the end, in order to save his life, he gave up everything and ran wildly.

It is really impossible for ordinary people to complete this transformation in just a few minutes.

What does it mean to be a superior person?

What capable people can't do, they do things that ordinary people can't do, so they are called masters.

The five high-level members of the Redemption Society are obviously the elite of the elite, decisive and straightforward.

Even the Eleventh District, they spent several years and countless painstaking efforts to build it, but in order to save their lives, they would throw it away as soon as they said it, without hesitation at all.

The upper echelons of the Redemption Society ran away immediately, and the middle and lower echelons also got the news very quickly.

How to do?

run chant.

What else can be done.

The boss has run away, do you still expect them, the people below, to stick to their posts?

Isn't that nonsense.

"Move, move overnight!"

A middle-level man gave the order.

Take away what you can take away, and don't care about what you can't take away.

Anyway, this place can't stay anymore.

There are also sober middle-level members who want to stabilize the situation.

Because they know very well that once the Redemption Society of District [-] collapses, it is absolutely impossible to proceed slowly bit by bit, but to collapse suddenly.

But obviously, the situation is over, and the situation cannot be stabilized by just a few people.

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