So why do you want to live like this?

What do cats and cats look like?

It's like a toy that children use when they play house. If you let you be a father, you have to be a father. If you let you be a son, you are a fucking son.

Lin Mo returned to the previous room, and he was observing.

Finding that the transformed Mao Mao and Captain Zhou were nothing special, and nothing could be seen in the nightmare world, Lin Mo wanted to know what they looked like in the real world.

It can't be like this.

Because no matter what level of nightmare or spiritual body, it is impossible to change a person into another person in the real world.

Lin Mo thinks this is a breakthrough in thinking.

At that moment, he found 416 and asked her to stare here.

As for Lin Mo himself, an escaped bean quickly woke up, then ran out of the hotel and ran towards this living area.

On the way, Lin Mo imagined many possibilities.

But when he got there, Lin Mo was dumbfounded.

This is an abandoned residential area.

Obviously suffered from a fire, the whole area was silent, not to mention the living, and there were no dead.

Near the side of the street, there is a long yellow warning tape, and some houses have been burned and collapsed. Anyway, it is dark over there at night.

Some people can even be seen on the side of the road, lighting candles, drawing circles, burning paper money, and kneeling on the ground to worship.

Lin Moxin said that this neighboring country also has the custom of burning paper money?

Has it always been there, or copied?

Just thinking about it, I heard the people who worshiped over there chattering.

Lin Mo has a good ear, and the other party speaks Chinese.

My own person!

He had an idea and ran over immediately.

With Lin Mo's social attributes, he quickly got close to the other party.

The other party is indeed a native of China. He went to school here, and worked here after graduation. He also married a local girl and gave birth to a pair of twins.

This life sounds beautiful to Lin Mo.

But there are unforeseen circumstances.

The nightmare didn't destroy the family, but the accident did.

The man burst into tears as he spoke.

Said that their house used to be here, and when the fire caught fire that day, he was not at home, and as a result, none of his wife and children ran out.

After hearing this, Lin Mo felt miserable in his heart.

At the moment, it is good words to persuade and comfort.

Lin Mo's heart is soft, he can't see this, so he said brother, don't cry, if you cry again, I will cry too.

The problem is that it arouses the sadness of the other party, so stop wherever you can.

As a result, Lin Mo also thought of the "tragic death" of the curtain ghost, and of the cat and cat who had turned from a woman to a man, and suddenly felt sad and cried.

That voice was much louder than the other party.

When the brother on the opposite side heard this posture, he didn't dare to cry anymore. Now he had to comfort Lin Mo instead, so he asked brother what difficulties you encountered and why you cried so sadly.

Of course Lin Mo couldn't say, he waved his hand and wiped away his tears.

"Don't say it, don't say it, if you say it again, you have to draw tears out."

"Yes, yes." The man also sighed Yang Tian. He said that he hit it off with Lin Mo, and he happened to be carrying a big bag of beer, so he wanted to drink some.

"Drink as much as you want!"

One opened a bottle, clinked glasses, and drank.

While drinking, chatting.

Chapter 0883 I Don't Like Being Passive

The man is seven years older than Lin Mo, and his name is Jiang Fang.

Have lived in neighboring country for 11 years.

"It's not easy for you, big brother, to start a family and start a business in a foreign country." Lin Mo said.

"Who said it wasn't." Jiang Fang sighed several times when Lin Mo's words came to his heart.

Next, he talked about the past few years.

Of course, Lin Mo asked emphatically about the situation after the nightmare, and Jiang Fang knew everything.

Speaking of which, this neighboring country is quite strange.

Their officials want to take care of things, but the people below don't obey.It said that a safe zone would be built to surround their capital, and it would be a good thing to leave this matter elsewhere.

The public should strongly support it.

But in this place, some people actually took to the streets to object.

Say no.

The reasons are mixed, some say it costs money, some say it is useless, and more say that the higher-ups use it to make money and fill their own pockets, so they absolutely cannot agree.

As a result, this good thing has been messed up like this.

Jiang Fang was quite critical of this, and started scolding when he mentioned this.

There are even weirder things.

It is said that the land area of ​​the neighboring country is small, but it turns out that there are many churches in this place.

And one is more leathery than the other.

This one says come on, those who believe in me can avoid disaster; the other says that our side is the master of the future, and if you want to get ahead, you can only come to us.

In short, you sing and I come on stage.

Officials can't close this matter, just say an open-air square, [-] is the church speech here, [-] is the church speech over there, Jiang Fang said brother, you have never seen it, there is a middle-aged man on the stage The greasy uncle wore strange clothes and a hat, stretched out his hands, felt the blessings of the so-called gods, chanted, and asked the people below to do the movements and chanting, it was almost laughable.


"It's really childish!"


"Pretty ridiculous!"

Lin Mo thought about it and asked, then Brother Jiang, you must not have joined the religion.

"I'm in." Jiang Fang took it for granted.


"If you don't join, you can't do it. The community we live in requires unified teaching. If you don't join, they will come to talk to you every day. If you don't listen, they will force you to move away. I think, at least you can live in peace. One day, so I joined. But you know what I mean, it’s just a formality.”


Lin Mo had an expression that I understood.

"In the beginning, it was quite normal. Even if nightmares come, this church can really protect us. In short, we just need to stay at home at night and not go out."

Lin Mo nodded, guessing that Jiang Fangjin's church was also supported by a certain god.

This kind of thing is very normal in neighboring countries.

Everyone survives this way.

"Furthermore, the average sleep time of people in this country is very short. Many people only sleep three or four hours a day, or even less, but all of them are so energetic. Don't you think it's strange!"

"I've heard of this. They don't drink coffee in the morning, drink beer in the evening, play all night, go to bed at four, and wake up at six. This day is full of energy."



"It's not just weird, it's simply abnormal."

"Yes, very perverted."

The two talked together and had another drink.

It's quite the meaning of seeing each other late.

Later Jiang Fang talked about the saddest part.

He worked late that day, and when he was about to go back, he saw that the place where his house was located was already ablaze.

He tried to rush in like crazy, but was stopped by someone.

There was no way anyone could have survived that kind of fire.

Lin Mo gave a word of comfort at this time, and then asked a question.

"Nightmare is a bad thing, but it also has a good side, that is, people who die in the real world can still exist in the nightmare world. Why don't you go to the nightmare world to find them?"

"I found it!" Jiang Fang raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot at the moment: "But I couldn't find them, they seemed to have disappeared completely. I thought of many ways, and I also asked people from the church for help, but they And there was nothing I could do. You know, from that day on, I was actually dead too."

Lin Mo said a few more words of comfort.

"By the way, I just have a few questions for you." Lin Mo told Jiang Fang about the situation he encountered before. In the real world, this place was burned to the ground and turned into a blackened ruin, but in the nightmare In the world, there are still many people living and living here, so what is going on.

Jiang Fang should know about this, after all, he lived here before.

As soon as Lin Mo said that, Jiang Fang suddenly raised his head.

"What did you say? You said that there are still many people living in this place in the nightmare world."

Lin Mo nodded and said yes, there were many people, and then gave Jiang Fang an example.

Let’s talk about the young couple that Mao Mao and Captain Zhou became, and describe their appearance.

But seeing Jiang Fang's body trembling, he couldn't believe it.

"Impossible, impossible, you, how did you get in, you, it's impossible to get in."

Jiang Fang's words were somewhat inexplicable.

Lin Mo didn't quite understand what it meant.

It is estimated that Jiang Fang also knew that his reaction just now was a bit big, so he controlled his emotions and explained the reason to Lin Mo.

Ever since the fire broke out in this area, the same area as the Nightmare World has been shrouded in a puff of smoke and dust. He tried, but couldn't get in at all.

Neither can anyone else.

Lin Mo recalled after listening.

It seems that when he and 416 followed the paper crane all the way, they did pass through a cloud of smoke, but they didn't think about it that much at the time, and the smoke didn't stop them.

So it didn't matter at all.

Lin Mo told Jiang Fang that he did go in, and told Jiang Fang the situation inside carefully.

The latter was dumbfounded, and suddenly said: "I know the young couple you mentioned. I have met the man before, and he is quite familiar. His name is Xu Xian, and his wife's name is Hui En. They just got married not long ago, and they are very loving."

This time Lin Mo was stunned.

He also described to Jiang Fang a few characteristic neighbors around him, and Jiang Fang also said that he knew them one by one, and added to Lin Mo's description.

Like a lock and key.

It's all right.

The problem is that Lin Mo always thought that the people over there were 'created' by someone with normal people.

Looking at it now, it seems that the situation is a little more complicated than he thought.

Lin Mo looked at Jiang Fang, thought for a while, and told the other party the actual situation.

The situation was obviously unbelievable, so Jiang Fang was stunned for a long time.

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