After that, he said two words to Lin Mo.

"Class A!"

Lin Mo supported Shen He and sat on a booth in the distance. The latter rested with his eyes closed.The scarecrow followed Lin Mo's instructions and ran over to pick up the scattered copper coins on the ground one by one.

As for the piano, none of them dared to go any closer.

The girl playing the piano also disappeared like before.

After a while, Shen He opened his eyes, his complexion was much better than before.

"That girl is the real source of pollution. This kind of nightmare and source of pollution is no longer suitable for storage. It is best to eradicate it, but I failed."

Shen He was a little unwilling, but in the situation just now, he couldn't even hold the girl's note, and almost died.

Fortunately, the girl playing the piano didn't have the consciousness of taking the initiative to attack. It should be a kind of self-protection just now.

"I will report this matter to the General Administration. Don't move the piano for now."

The next step is to wait for the set automatic wake-up time.

When the time came, Lin Mo and Shen He woke up in reality.

Shen He walked out alone at the first time, and then dialed a number on the phone.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Added a new nightmare file; code name, girl playing the piano, rating A, the music played by her is set as a pollutant, and can kill people through musical notes...Passive nightmare, with great potential, it is recommended to further research. The current area is Migratory Bird City Thousand The projection area of ​​the commercial plaza...the triggerer of the nightmare, Lin Mo..."

Chapter 0109 The Bad Guys Found

The person on the other end of the phone was visibly startled.

"Class A? Are you sure?"

"Sure." Shen He supported the wall next to him, enduring the stabbing pain in his head.He was severely injured in the nightmare world. Not only was his weapon shattered, but his spirit was also a little unstable.

If he hadn't been instructed by a famous teacher since he was a child, and learned the secret method of meditation and concentration, the previous note would have killed him.

"Okay, the information has been recorded. Since this is the third A-level nightmare discovered in China, the confidentiality level has been adjusted to the highest level. Except for the official members of the General Administration's expert group, the director and the dispatcher, it is not allowed to be disclosed to other personnel. I will be the first Immediately notify the director to hold a meeting, please close the commercial square immediately, and no one is allowed to enter from now on."

Shen He thought for a while at this time, and said again: "Apply to increase the authority of Lin Mo, a member of the alternate expert group. Currently, the girl playing the piano can only be activated by Lin Mo."

"The application has been accepted, but it needs to be approved by the director. Before that, please do not disclose the confidential content to people outside the authority, including Lin Mo."


After hanging up the phone, Shen He found Lin Mo and asked him to return to the Migratory Bird Base immediately to stand by.

After that, he sat down on the chair next to him, took out a medicine box, swallowed a tablet, crushed it and swallowed it.

After a while, the splitting headache started to get better.

At this time, Lin Mo was already sitting in the car back to the base.

In addition to the driver, he was himself in the car.

Mao Mao has already returned to the migratory bird base, and as for the fat man, he was also taken back to receive counseling from a psychologist.

On the way, Lin Mo received a call.

Old Xu from Sanqiao Sub-bureau called.

Xu Ju and Lin Mo have a good personal relationship now, and they often chat in chat letters on weekdays. Lin Mo asked Xu Ju to help investigate the suspect in the missing child case 20 years ago.

The clue was provided by Zhang Yinping before his death.

Including his accomplices, and several other people in the organ trafficking line.

These people are still at large.

Originally, Team Leader Liu could also investigate this matter, but there are too many things in the Security Bureau, and Lin Mo can't bother him anymore.

Bureau Xu called, and it really was about this matter.

"Expert Lin, I have found all the people you mentioned last time, but the case you mentioned is too long ago, so it is extremely difficult to investigate and collect evidence, but don't worry, as long as they committed crimes and offended No matter how long it has passed, no matter what price we pay, we will investigate to the end.”

Lin Mo nodded, Xu Ju and the others are doing a good job, and he also believes in Xu Ju and the others.

Ke Linmo didn't want to wait.

For some, they deserve harsher punishments.

"Bureau Xu, please send me the information and forget about it. If someone asks you in the future, just say you don't know."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, Bureau Xu realized something was wrong.

"Expert Lin, you are..."

"Xu Bureau, don't worry, I will definitely not do anything illegal."

After hanging up the phone, after a while, Lin Mo received a message from those people.

In the end, Bureau Xu also sent a sentence.

"I heard that the Security Bureau has special law enforcement powers. Even if they kill someone, they don't need to be held accountable. I wonder if it's true?"

Lin Mo smiled and replied, "Is there such a thing? I don't know either!"

The conversation ended tacitly.

The Security Service does have special enforcement powers.

Lin Mo's certificate is the embodiment.

On any occasion outside, as long as you show this certificate, you can go unimpeded, and law enforcement officers everywhere do not have jurisdiction.

But Lin Mo didn't intend to do it himself.

What has been emphasized since ancient times is that there is a grievance and a debt.

Their creditors are not themselves.


Lin Mo said.

The driver was taken aback for a moment, but stopped on the side of the road.

"I'm going to do some private matters. I'll talk to Team Leader Liu and the General Administration." After Lin Mo finished speaking, he opened the car door and walked out.

The driver can't help it either.

In terms of level, he has to listen to Lin Mo. After all, he is an alternate expert. If he can't stop him, then he doesn't have to stop him.

But this matter should be recorded and reported, and he is not responsible for what goes wrong.

It was already late at night.

The time is 10:45 in the evening.

Stopping a taxi on the side of the road, Lin Mo navigated an address on his mobile phone and handed it to the driver.

"Go here."

In the car, the driver master began to chat without saying a word.

Just passing by a road to Qiandu Commercial Plaza was blocked, the driver began to show off.

"A major event happened in Migratory Bird City today. Qiandu Commercial Plaza, have you heard of it? It was blocked, and now you can say anything, and the outside world is in chaos. Many people's family members are inside, but the army controls it. Do not let in."

Lin Mo was also curious, so he asked, "Do you know what happened?"

"We don't know the specific situation, but I heard that many people died. Some people on the Internet said that it was a virus leak, and some people said that someone took hostages. The most outrageous thing is that some people said that they were having nightmares, and some people died. In the dream, isn't this nonsense."

The driver has always been very energetic when talking about this kind of news.

Lin Mo smiled.

Secretly think that the most unlikely situation you think is actually true.

But since there is this rumor, it means that things cannot be contained.

Lin Mo also heard from Shen He before that the leaders of the General Administration are meeting overnight, and I believe they will come up with a countermeasure soon.

This matter is not something Lin Mo worries about.

I had a good chat with the driver along the way. When we arrived at the place, Lin Mo paid the fare and checked the time. It was already 11:20 in the evening.

In front is a high-end residential area.

You need to enter the password to enter the door. Lin Mo walked over and entered the password the scarecrow told him, and entered smoothly.

Building 5, Room 1011.

Fingerprint lock, you can also enter a password.

Lin Mo entered the password as usual and entered the room smoothly.

This is the Scarecrow's home in Migratory Bird City.

This guy and the hypnotist have made a lot of money by cooperating with some rich people in a few months. They have bought real estate not only in Migratory Bird City, but also in several surrounding cities.

The interior decoration is naturally top-notch.

Everything he saw was super luxurious, but ironically, according to the Scarecrow, he hadn't slept almost a day in this house.

It's just a place where he stores his stuff.

The scarecrow has become Lin Mo's younger brother, and the other party is dead in the real world, so he told Lin Mo all these things.

Lin Mo can find here.

There is only one purpose here, and that is to find pollutants.

Scarecrow has been a member for several months, and the other party also has several pollutants in his hands.

Of course, the ability to pollute is not strong. According to the Scarecrow, it can only affect individual people under certain circumstances.

But this is enough for Lin Mo, and quite suitable.

Since Lin Jin decided to punish those bad guys, he had to find a way to drag them into the nightmare world.

Walking into the study, Lin Mo removed a painting on the wall, revealing the safe behind it.

Enter the password and open it successfully.

In addition to piles of cash, there is also a small bottle of transparent medicine.

This thing is the scarecrow's pollutants.

Chapter 0110 Don't be afraid that they won't come

At any time, key messages are the most important.

How the pollutant is acquired is a key piece of information.

To get this kind of news, you need channels and corresponding circles.

Generally, this kind of thing needs to be accumulated and managed. Of course, there is another way to get it quickly.

Threatened to ask.

Lin Mo used this method.

He can now decide whether the Scarecrow lives or dies, so the Scarecrow can only confide everything he knows in order to survive.

This includes the origin of this vial of pollutants.

"Nightmare market...there is such a place?" Lin Mo had to sigh, the market and the economy, these two things, have been born since the birth of human beings.

No matter where, as long as there is demand, corresponding commodities will be born, whether it is barter or currency replacement, in short, if there are commodities, a market will be formed, and finally an economy will be born.

In the real world, no matter what the market is, it is very mature, but in the world of nightmares, this thing is definitely new.

The scarecrow said that he only knew of a nightmare market in a village called 'Jinghai Village' hundreds of kilometers away.

That was the first place to be polluted as the Nightmare Zone.

It is said that it is extremely dangerous.

Fortunately, the polluted area is very large, spanning more than ten kilometers. The most dangerous place is in the central area, but the other peripheral polluted areas are relatively safe.

The Nightmare Market is in this fringe area.

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