"You are mistaken, we are a clothing store here, and the hotel is next door."

"That's right, it's here, open the door quickly."

dong dong dong.

Along with the voice, there was another knock on the door.

Lin Mo knew that they seemed to be being targeted.

There are two roads ahead.

Open the door, don't open the door.

If you open the door, you will face the danger; if you don't open the door, no one can predict what will happen. It is possible that the other party will leave, or it may be that the other party will use its own method to come in.

Lin Mo hugged Xiaohu and thought for a while, then walked over.

"Don't open the door." The hypnotist couldn't help but say something.

The current situation clearly shows that the outside is a nightmare. If the other party comes in after opening the door, the situation will be difficult to deal with.

The hypnotist's hands are gone now, and even the nightmare bugs that merged with him have been eaten. Now he is a useless person. If he encounters a severe nightmare, he will definitely be the first to suffer.

"Open the door quickly, the list is going to be timed out, if you don't open the door, I will lose money. If I lose money, how will I repay the mortgage, how will I apply for the child's cram school, my wife will call me worthless, open the door, open the door, open the door!"

The delivery boy outside the door was obviously in a hurry.

The malice in the voice grew stronger.

Even from the crack in the door, strange black air seeped in.

Can't hesitate.

Lin Mo immediately made a judgment. He reached out, opened the lock, and pushed the door open a crack.

A strong smell of corpses immediately poured in from the crack of the door, and then a rotten, maggot-covered, face approached the crack of the door with a hint of anxiety.

In addition to the strong and disgusting stench, there is also a malice mixed in it.

Lin Mo stared at the other person's face: "It's okay to open the door for you, but as I said, you made a mistake."

"No, no, it's here, and the food that the customer ordered is here." The delivery boy reached out and grabbed the door, and tore it open.

A click.

The door was ripped off right away.

Such a terrifying power.

Lin Mo took a step back.

The reason why he opened the door was because he sensed that this nightmare was in danger of getting out of control. Instead of keeping the door closed, he might as well open the door first, otherwise the other party might run away.

The fact is, as Lin Mo expected, this takeaway guy is very dangerous, even if he didn't lose control, he easily tore open the door panel.

It's as simple as tearing off a layer of window paper.

Speaking of which, the other party originally had the ability to break in, but he still knocked on the door and asked, which showed that he was really polite and principled.

Lin Mo likes principled nightmares.

Walking with stiff steps, the delivery guy wearing a worn-out and dirty delivery suit and carrying a delivery box walked in.

The room suddenly became extremely cold.

Lin Mo made a quick assessment. The malice and suffocating obsession in the other party can be compared with the female evil spirit that crawled out of the corpse when he was hiding in the closet before.

Even more than that.

It has to be said that thousands of people were involved this time, and in the nightmare that was born, there were indeed a few top quality ones out of a thousand.

Just like the female ghost crawling like a spider before.

Just like the takeaway boy in front of me.

I don't know what is in the takeaway box on the other party's back. It looks extremely heavy, and the already thin body is even more rickety.

Lin Mo took another step back.

At this moment, behind him is a wall.

There is no way out.

Winking at Xiao Hei, Lin Mo took out the pencil and touched Xiaohu's head, which was grinning.

If the delivery guy wants to attack him, Lin Mo will fight back with all his might.

If you are strong, you are strong, but if you want to kill me, I have to fight you hard.

The takeaway boy glanced at Lin Mo with weird eyes, paused for two seconds, moved away, and then looked at another person in the room.


The latter trembled in fright.

He is very aware of the horror of this takeaway ghost, not to mention the current him, even if he is not injured and the nightmare bugs are there, he is definitely not the opponent of this thing.

“Meals are here!”

After the delivery boy finished speaking, he rushed over and stuffed the hypnotist into a lunch box with incredible speed.

The bloody lunch box was then put into the box behind it.

This process was so fast that the hypnotist didn't even have time to scream, and the instant kill was completed in almost a second.

The hypnotist is dead.

It was the first time Lin Mo saw such a nightmare of 'efficiency'.

It was also the first time I saw a person die like this.

There is no need for cremation, it will be stuffed directly into the box for you.

With this speed, how could the food delivery time out?

After carrying the takeaway box back, the delivery boy turned his head and smiled at Lin Mo, and walked out of the room.

Lin Mo looked out again, but there was no trace of this nightmare.

"This guy is more dangerous than I thought."

Lin Mo didn't want to make a move just now, but he didn't have time.

The hypnotist died too quickly.

Fortunately, the takeaway ghost just took away a meal, so it only needs to kill one person. The easiest person to kill in this room is the hypnotist.

So it was him who died, not himself.

This may be the rule of the takeaway ghost.

Knock on the door politely, pick up food quietly, customer first, efficiency first!

Lin Mo stepped out.

This place can't stay anymore, the next time I meet a takeaway ghost to pick up food, Lin Mo doesn't know if Xiao Yu and Xiao Hei can stop this thing.

If you can't stop it, you have to become a box.

Lin Mo went outside and looked around. Darkness and gloom are the main colors here. At this time, he heard movement upstairs and looked up.

On the third floor, a figure flashed past.

Although he only glanced at it, Lin Mo was stunned.

"Fatty, why is he here?"

Chapter 0102 Fatty, why are you here

The fat man walked on the third floor in horror.

He kept chanting in his mouth, and if he listened carefully, he could hear the whispers of Amitabha Buddha, the Supreme Lord, God bless and so on.

He walked very carefully along the way, and he could see corpses on the ground from time to time.

Or, it was a weird sound coming from somewhere in this weird shopping mall.

"If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have come out to meet any netizen girls. How nice it would be to stay in the studio and play games." The fat man reflected on himself, regretting his mistakes.

But it's too late to say anything now.

There was movement in front, and the fat man hurriedly stopped, and then hid in a toilet next to him.

The light in the toilet is on and off for a while.

On the mirror in front of the washbasin, someone drew graffiti of a weird smiling face.

The fat man seemed to be approaching when he heard footsteps outside.

He panicked and wanted to hide in the men's room.

But there was a big puddle of blood at the door of the men's room, which made the fatty's heart flutter. He was afraid that there was something in the men's room, so he had no choice but to tiptoe to the women's room.

There was no one inside, so the fat man pushed open the second partition and hid in.

Close the door and lock it.

At this moment, Fatty felt like his heart was about to jump out.

Thinking about the experience just now, it is really unbearable to look back, full of tears.

I had chatted with a girl on the Internet before, who had similar interests, and the other party proposed to meet, and the fat man with a belly full of gaudy intestines readily agreed without even thinking about it.

Because Lin Mo left the studio to him, Fatty's income has increased a lot in the past few days, and he also has some money in hand. Otherwise, in the past, he would not have dared to meet the girl offline.

The pockets are bulging, and people are much more confident.

The meeting place was at Qiandu Commercial Plaza, the girl was very nice, and within a few words of meeting, she pestered the fat man to buy bags and cosmetics, all of which were famous brands, and the fat man was not a vegetarian, so he did not agree.

Although he is fat, he is not stupid.

This girl obviously took him for a fool.

In the end, of course, there was an upset.

As soon as the fat man thought about coming out by himself, he would eat something before going back.

As a result, at this time, he heard piano music.

What happened next was completely beyond his imagination.

Horror and madness descended in an instant.

But he was lucky, and he survived the chaos. He had been hiding under a table in a certain restaurant before, watching several people die in front of him.

The murderer was a rotting zombie.

This thing is exactly the same as the monster in a certain horror game he played before. This monster throws people down and eats them, and the person who is bitten to death will quickly stand up again and become a member of the monster.

The fat man who saw this scene almost exploded on the spot.

so horrible.

Fortunately, he hid and didn't move or scream, and because the smell of blood was all around, those monsters didn't find him.

He hid in that place for more than an hour afterwards.

During this period, he heard many miserable and desperate cries, and saw some unbelievable monsters passing by.

Later, those screams gradually became inaudible.

At first, the fat man hoped that someone would come to save him, but this hope gradually turned into despair as time passed.

He knew that no one came to save him.

If you want to live, you can only rely on yourself.

So he crawled out of his hiding place and wanted to leave the mall.

As a result, within ten meters after walking out, he encountered a situation and hid in the women's toilet.

He heard footsteps again.

The nervous fatty immediately held his breath.

The sound of footsteps seemed to be entering the toilet, which made the fatty even more nervous. He thought of one thing, if the other party came in and looked down, he could see his feet through the gap in the door.

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