It must be extraordinary to be able to restrain the sick and the others silently.

But this is the worst plan. If they are attacked by something, it is impossible for the four of them to remain silent.

Most likely to go the wrong way.

But with someone leading the way, how could this go wrong?

On the other side, the sick man and the others were still slowly following the people leading the way.

The sick man was enduring the pain at the moment, and walked forward slowly.It felt terrible to be pierced by thorns before. Fortunately, his body is special, and he can use self-hypnosis to alleviate the negative conditions brought about by his body.

For example, pain can be self-relieved through hypnosis, or even completely ignored.Such ordinary pain can be solved by self-hypnosis for a while, just like a normal person.

But this time it was clearly different.

The sting is doubled.

And more than doubled.

He couldn't walk a little bit.

At the moment, he reached out to touch, and he wanted to tell Lin Mo to take a break first.

But as soon as he reached forward, he touched something.

This thing is logically impossible to touch.

Because that is a face.

One is that Lin Mo has always been facing forward, and it is impossible to walk backwards; the other is that the position of this face is relatively low, about the height of the back waist.

Whose face will grow in that place?

The sick young man knew immediately that something was wrong.

He was quite courageous, after all, he was a pervert and a lunatic, so instead of withdrawing his hand, he began to touch it carefully.

It's like a blind man touching an elephant.

The other party didn't move, just cooperated and let him touch it.

The face is very large, the nose is flat, the mouth seems to be open, and the teeth can be touched.

short hair.

This is obviously not Lin Mo. Lin Mo is using the skin of the madman Xu Min. It has long hair, a small face, three-dimensional features, and is very beautiful.

"Could it be the big brother who followed Lin Mo?" The sick man thought of Lao Bai.

But it's not right either.

Lao Bai is bald and tall.

Just as he was thinking about it, the sick man felt his wrist being grabbed by someone, and the next moment, he was yanked and dragged forward.

The sick man was shocked and wanted to resist, but he didn't have much strength.

He can't call either.

As soon as he called, he was bound to be attacked by the thorn forest.

I can only be dragged away by the other party with aggrieved, doubt and inexplicable.

At first it was a brisk walk, and then it became a trot.

This feeling of not being able to see anything, knowing that there are thorns all around, and running so fast if you hit it, is quite exciting.

The sick man now wants to know who is pulling him away.

Is it Lin Mo?

No, absolutely not.

Not even black people.

At this moment, the sick man also looked away. With his other hand, he silently pulled out a knife, but did not attack immediately. He wanted to see where the other party was planning to drag him.

"I want to see who it is!" The sick man thought to himself.

In the previous position, blacks, tailors and rhinos have been waiting.

There was no movement in front, and I didn't know what was going on. I reached out to touch, but there was no one in front.


Just now they heard slight footsteps, but they didn't know who made them.

At this moment, the three people didn't know what to do. They touched each other, knew each other's existence, and then communicated through finger movements.

Finally came to a conclusion.

Waiting in situ.

The surrounding situation is unknown, and it is dark. I don't know how to go, and even if I go, I don't know where I will go.

In this case, it is better to wait in place.

At this moment, the tailor felt a hand stretched out from the front and touched his face.

who is it?

Is it Lin Mo or the sick child?

Soon, this hand grabbed the tailor's hand, trying to pull him away.

Of course the tailor didn't want to, he resisted.

That hand seemed to be in a hurry, and kept giving him 'hints', and let go of him after finding that the tailor was still unmoved.

But the next moment, more hands grabbed over. This time the tailor couldn't hold it anymore. He was pulled hard and slammed into the front. In an instant, dozens of thorns pierced his body and died on the spot.

After seeing the prompt that his character is dead, the tailor can't help but curse.

But what he said now can no longer ring out in this game scene.


In a completely dark place, people will lose their sense of direction.

In other words, you have no idea if you're going straight ahead, or in circles.

Lin Mo judged from the sound that the surrounding thorn forest was constantly changing, which meant that the path he had walked before might have changed.

It is no longer practical to go back, because even if you go back, it may not be the same way as before.

After much deliberation, Lin Mo could only continue to move forward.

He keeps an eye on the time.

The interface prompts that they have persisted in this scene for an hour and 27 minutes.

The two-hour customs clearance time limit is very close.

But often, the real difficulty of this kind of survival game will only appear when the time limit is approaching.

Lin Mo didn't know the situation of the other four people.

Just think about the worst, the four of them are all finished, and only myself is left.

Then he is an only child.

So what we have to do now is not to go back to find the four people who may have died, but to think about how to protect ourselves and live to the end.

Lin Mo took a deep breath.

He has a feeling that this is the second-floor dream.

What he has to do is not only to pass this level, but also to find clues.

He didn't stop, but continued to move forward in the dark.

Time passed in a minute and a second.

With less than 10 minutes to go before the two-hour time limit, the situation changed.

Someone next to him suddenly grabbed his arm.

Want to drag him over.

Lin Mo reacted quickly and stabbed with a knife.

At the same time, a hand reached down from the top of his head and grabbed his hair. Lin Mo did the same to force the hands of those evil corpses back.

At this time, Lin Mo realized a weakness of this madman Xu Min.

Hair is too long.

If caught by the hands of the evil corpse, one will be dragged over if one is not careful.

So Lin Mo squatted down and cut off his hair with a dagger.

This process was not smooth, and it was very painful, but Lin Mo did it very resolutely, and finally stopped when he got short hair. The result was that his scalp hurt so badly, and some hairs were almost pulled out by force.

Only less than 2 minutes left.

victory is in sight.

But the sense of danger is also getting stronger and stronger.

Lin Mo heard the strange friction sound around him, and felt a storm was coming.

He knew that he had to do something, otherwise he would definitely not be able to survive the last 2 minutes.

Lin Mo reached out and touched the two bottles of spirits and the oil lamp in his arms.

An idea came to mind.

He took off his coat, unscrewed the wine bottle, poured the spirits on the clothes, and poured the kerosene in the oil lamp on it, leaving a bottle of spirits behind, and then sprinkled the wine along the road as he walked forward.

For a moment, the darkness was filled with the smell of wine.

The surrounding thorns have begun to move around.

After walking for about ten meters, when the wine was poured, Lin Mo reached out and took out the match, and silently recited three numbers in his heart. After lighting it, he threw it on the ground at a very fast speed.

Suddenly, a blue flame ignited along the route where the wine was poured just now, advancing all the way, igniting the clothes drenched in spirits and kerosene more than ten meters away.

This group of fire is very strong.

Lin Mo took a few steps back quickly, and then looked around with the short light.

He realized just now that if he just walked forward in the dark, he would survive to the end and complete this task.

But Lin Mo wanted more than that.

He wants more clues.

As for clues, things need to be seen with eyes.

So he needs light.

Even if it can only last for ten seconds.

The fire illuminated the surroundings, and at the same time, the surrounding thorn forest also began to stir, twisting crazily, and rushed towards the direction of the flame.

At this moment, there is only the sound of rushing in the ears, like the sound heard when standing in front of the waterfall, the noise is disturbing.

In just ten seconds, Lin Mo quickly looked around.

There are benefits to doing so.

If the sick people are still alive, the distance should not be too far. There is fire and light here, so they should be able to see and tell them their location.

Or, let Lin Mo see their positions.

Another advantage is that you can observe the surrounding environment and see how big this thorn forest is.

After quickly scanning around, he didn't see the sick man and the others, but Lin Mo saw something else.

a door.

A wooden door surrounded by thorns.

This wooden door was just over ten meters away, and because the surrounding thorns were rushing towards the flames, a narrow passage was created there.

Lin Mo made a decision almost immediately.

He ran towards the wooden door over there.

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