It's not easy to do business in this world now, and it hasn't opened much this morning.

"Which one is Jin Liang?" A man with a small crew cut in the lead asked seriously.

The boss was taken aback, and subconsciously pointed to the young man who was tallying the goods over there.

"Are you Jin Liang?"

"Yes, it's me, you are..."

"Come with us."

The man with the flat head didn't say much, but Jin Liang's heart moved, and he knew what was going on.

At the moment, he took off his work clothes and dragged his own luggage out of the back warehouse.

"Boss, I'm quitting. You can find someone else. Remember to put this month's salary on my card. I've worked for thirteen days. Just give me 800 yuan."

After speaking, he got in the car and drove away in a hurry, leaving only the convenience store owner with a confused face.

Whale swallowing city.

Lin Mo, who hung up the phone, was in a good mood. He called his colleagues in the Snake City and Bear City safety zones and arranged for them to pick them up. When the other party heard that it was the work arranged by the head of the special operations team of the General Administration, they were of course very cooperative.

Lin Mo had already applied to the General Administration just now.

He wants to add an institution under the Special Operations Group, a team dedicated to exploring and researching the game 'Death Chamber'.

Just like the game studio he once opened.

This time, it is an official studio.

After thinking about it, this time he will do something special.

At the beginning, two players have been recruited, which can be regarded as winning the first prize, and it will definitely be prosperous, with a new atmosphere every day.

The General Administration did not express any opinion on Lin Mo's request, and agreed directly.

And it is strongly supported.

There must be a location in Qianlong City, and the same is true for Tunjing City.

Lin Mo approached the acting director of the Security Bureau of Tunjing City. When he told the request, the other party swiped a pen and directly approved a floor for Lin Mo to use.

Fortunately, with the help of Wang Zhen and Zhao Xun, they coordinated the purchase of office equipment and tidied up the office space. In less than half a day, the stall was set up.

high efficiency.

Lin Mo sat in the brand-new office, looking at the scenery outside the window, feeling that such a large place would be a waste for only three or five people.

"So, recruit a few more people to come in."

But Lin Mo also knew that he couldn't rush this matter. Not everyone can play the game of the chamber of death.

Strictly speaking, this game is somehow more dangerous than Nightmare World.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult for newcomers to play, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate a master of this game. It is better to recruit masters on the leaderboard.

For Lin Mo, except for the top 'player', everyone else can be recruited.

For the 'player', Sister Yue has already booked his head. With the relationship between Lin Mo and Sister Yue, how can he bend his elbows to outsiders?

Taking advantage of the time, Lin Mo also wrote a report on some findings and situations about the 'Death Chamber' and sent it to the mailbox of the director of the General Administration separately.

That afternoon, the 'sick man' Su Fu arrived. After all, he lived in Snake City, which was very close to Tunjing City.

Seeing Lin Mo, the first thing Su Fu asked was.

I thought you were a girl.

"That's just my skin, why, you still want to find someone?"

"Can't you?"

"Okay, but don't think about me. We are not swordsmen. There are many girls here. I will introduce one to you in a while."

"Just say this, you are my big brother, brother!"

"younger brother!"

"Brother, I will do whatever you ask me to do in the future. If you tell me to go east, I will never go west. If you ask me to catch dogs, we will never catch chickens, okay?"

"Too much."

The conversation between two neuropaths is called a hot one.

Next, Lin Mo introduced Wang Zhen to Su Fu. As for whether he would like him, Lin Mo didn't care, he just introduced.

"The black people live far away, and they will arrive later." Lin Mo arranged a dormitory for the sick man, and he still liked to call him the sick man.

Show kindness.

From the beginning to the end, the sick man never asked Lin Mo what he was doing, or even asked, what is this place?

It seemed that none of this mattered to him.

All he knew was that he wanted to play games with Lin Mo, and the other party had to take care of him to eat, drink, stay and find a partner.

The black Jin Liang arrived the next morning.

In addition to the original Wang Zhen and Zhao Xun, the game studio, no, the team of the investigation team is set up.

That night, the three of them cooperated to explore a new game scene, and the effect was very good. The three of them cooperated properly, and within two hours, the game scene was conquered by them.

There are silver coins and points, and the income is not bad.

Besides the game, Lin Mo will also fall into a dream, and stay in the nightmare world for a while, to see if Xiao Yu wakes up, and to see if the paper crane he released before has replied.

The smell of light rain on the pencil is getting stronger day by day, and it seems that it has only been a few days since he woke up.

As for the paper crane's reply, there really are.

Lin Mo looked up, and something flew over from a distance, approached slowly, and finally fell into Lin Mo's hands.


Lin Mo mumbled.

Those who have not replied to him so far include his elder brother Lin Yuan, Shi Wenjun and the captain on the Glutton, and Liu Jia in the ghost town under the abandoned mine in the eastern suburbs.

By the way, and Dad.

This time it should be one of the four of them.

I opened it and saw that it was a letter from my father.

There is only one sentence on it.

"I went to look for your mother in Tongmen, everything is fine, don't read it!"

Chapter 0769 Xiaoyu, you woke up at the right time

After reading his father's simple reply, Lin Mo was stunned for a long time.

Although the content is small, there are many things contained in it.

It stands to reason that Dad should be in Xinghua Hotel, accompanying 'Mom' in the special past timeline.Although Lin Mo knew that the 'mother' was not real in the strict sense, but just a kind of 'memory' similar to the tape.

Hotel memories.

But Dad was still stuck in it, unable to extricate himself.

Fortunately, the situation over there has been figured out, there is no danger, and Lin Mo did not stop him.

Dad has suffered for so many years, and finally found his mother. Although it is only a memory, as long as it can make Dad happy, Lin Mo will support it.

But the mother in memory can only exist in that hotel.

Xinghua Hotel itself is a strange thing, no one can say for how long that kind of memory will last.It may be that something has changed there, or it may be that the old man has realized it. In short, some reason made the old man decide to go to the No. 4 copper gate to find his mother.

Lin Mo has been to No. 4 Bronze Gate, which is the world of the dead.

It is also the place where my mother is most likely to exist.

So my father went there without hesitation for the sake of love.

The old man told him not to read, how could Lin Mo really stop reading.

It's true that Dad is very strong, but the No. 4 copper gate is also very dangerous, and anything can happen in that kind of place.

"No, I have to go!"

Without further ado, Lin Mo was ready to leave immediately.

He is going too.

Although he knew that his father had always done things safely, and that the No. 4 bronze door was always guarded by his father, he was absolutely aware of the danger of this No. 4 bronze door, but as the saying goes, love can make people go to their heads.

If Dad was impulsive and went to see Mom regardless, then Lin Mo had to go.

Calling the sick young man, the black man, and Wang Zhen, Lin Mo said that he would go out and let them explore the game according to the plan, and at the same time secretly contact and understand the 'player'.

"Call me if you have any news, and I can play games outside. If you need help, just use the friend card."

The card Lin Mo said is a special prop that can invite friends to join the same game scene in the game.

After explaining this, Lin Mo had to ask for leave from the General Administration.

This is a private matter.

After everything was settled, Lin Mo was already on his way to Hei Ya City.

Now that there is a paper crane, there is basically no one Lin Mo can't find. As long as he knows the name, basically there is no big problem.So even if Dad has already entered the No. 4 bronze gate, Lin Mo is sure to find him.

Even further, you can use paper cranes to find your mother inside the No. 4 copper gate.

This matter also came to Lin Mo's mind suddenly.

As long as my mother is inside the No. 4 copper gate, then according to Zhihe's ability to find people, she will definitely be able to find her.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo became even more anxious. He had too many things before and ignored this point. If he could find his mother, wouldn't his family be complete?

This has been his wish since childhood.

So Lin Mo was excited.

If he really finds his mother, then Lin Mo can also ask his brother Lin Yuan about it.

"Why didn't I think of it before?"

Lin Mo is a little impatient now.

Of course, Lin Mo also has to consider the potential dangers that should be considered.

Take the S-class nightmare Yuan Xiuqing for example.

At that time, Yuan Xiuqing didn't seem to be chasing out from the No. 4 copper gate, so Lin Mo had a hunch that he would encounter this terrible nightmare again.

However, Lin Mo felt that today is not what it used to be.

Last time, Lin Mo also admitted that his overall strength was slightly worse than that of Yuan Xiuqing.

It is indeed not an opponent.

But this time is different.

Although Sister Yue was beaten into a 'disabled' because of dealing with the evil spirits in the Black Sheep Mansion, Lin Mo still has Doudou as a powerful thug.

Not to mention, he has successfully obtained a 'Tool Nightmare' redeemed from the Death Chamber game, Liu Jian, the owner of the House of Horrors.

This is a killer feature.

The points Lin Mo has accumulated now can at least support him in one game.

There is one more important point.

Lin Mo felt that Xiao Yu was about to wake up.

To say which nightmare he has the deepest connection with, it is without a doubt Xiao Yu.

The longest time to get along is not only understanding, but also a curse connection.As long as Lin Mo holds a pencil, he can feel the general situation of Xiao Yu.

Anyway, recently, Xiao Yu's aura has become stronger and more active.

This shows that Xiaoyu is about to wake up from the fourth transformation.

Lin Mo still doesn't know how strong Xiao Yu is after the fourth transformation, but based on his feeling, it shouldn't be any worse.

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