"Then let me try?"

"Yes, you should try it, especially when you are under pressure. Playing this game is the most decompressive."

"Okay, then you bring the things here."

When the male model was picking up something, he secretly sent a text message.

A set of VR equipment, after Lu Ping put it on according to the male model's instructions, she chose the game of 'Death Chamber'.

"Not to mention, this game is very real, just like the real thing."

Lu Ping said at this time.

She saw a woman approaching her, and handed her a card, asking her to write down her own game ID.

Of course, she didn't know what a game ID was, and the other party told her how to check it very considerately.

After checking it, Lu Ping's face changed, she was silent for a moment, and wrote three words on the card.


"Maybe it's just a coincidence." Lu Ping muttered.

She thought that the woman opposite was an NPC, because the male model told her that this was a stand-alone game.

Who knew that the female NPC on the opposite side smiled when she saw her writing the game ID.

The smile and the laugh were inappropriate.

"That's it!"

After the other party finished speaking, he looked up at Lu Ping.

"Lin Rou and Liu Jian are waiting for you. My personal suggestion is to admit your mistakes directly. Maybe there is still a little life left."

Hearing these two names, Lu Ping's complexion finally changed drastically.

She even took two steps back subconsciously, with horror and disbelief.

"You, who are you?"

The woman on the opposite side didn't answer, but came over, pulled the card with one hand, and tore open the card in Lu Ping's hand.

In an instant, the card turned into a cloud of black mist and engulfed Lu Ping, after which the whole person disappeared.

The woman also took out a card at this time.

"VIP, repay the annual card. When I have nothing to do in the future, it seems that I can only go to the horror house to chat with them."

After speaking, he flicked.

Black air came out from the card, enveloping the woman.

Lu Ping obviously belonged to the kind of person who didn't shed tears when he saw the coffin, and didn't look back when he broke through the south wall.


Only this kind of paranoid personality can do things that are set on fire because of jealousy.

At first Lu Ping yelled and cursed, but later she was punished, and she slowly talked about the matter, but she also said a part and hid a part.

Very dishonest.

It wasn't until Liu Jian hung her up and peeled off the skin from one leg that Lu Ping honestly told what happened back then.

"I'm jealous of Lin Rou. I've been jealous of her since I was in school, but I set the fire just to frighten her. I didn't really intend to burn her to death."

"Others, they don't know, but they drank Lin Rou a lot that day, if it wasn't for them, Lin Rou would not have been burned."

"I know I was wrong, please let me go."

Obviously, Lin Rou and Liu Jian didn't intend to let her go.

What follows is totally R-rated.

Lin Mo silently quit Liu Jian's 'studio'.

Although it was a bit cruel, there was nothing to do, it was karma.

If I had known this before, why should I do it in the first place?

The screams lasted for half an hour before they fell silent.

Lin Mo got a reminder to complete the task of finding Lu Ping.

Liu Jian and Lin Rou walked out of the studio one after the other, and it was obvious that the two of them were different from before.

There is a sense of release that a great revenge has been rewarded.

There is also a kind of relief that the knot is opened.

"Thank you!"

Two people came over to thank Lin Mo.

"It should be, we are all friends."

Lin Mo said politely.

"Since we are friends, I will come here often and treat this place as your home." Liu Jian said.

Lin Mo was still polite, and said it's a pity, there are only three projects in the horror house, and they have already experienced it, so next time they come, they can only chat and drink tea or something.

"Don't worry about this, I plan to add a few items recently, I will call you the first experience when I finish it, don't worry, we are friends, I will definitely let you experience it first, and it will definitely let you feel the most authentic horror .”

After Liu Jian said this, Lin Mo made up his mind, and he would definitely not come in a short time.

Just kidding, it's true.

When she was about to leave, Lin Rou and Liu Jian sent Lin Mo to the door, which was really enthusiastic.

Lin Mo remembered that he still had a gold coin, which he had to use.

He wanted to see what would be exchanged for this gold coin with the word 'Nightmare' written on it.Guess it should be a nightmare, but what kind of nightmare is unclear.

It's like unpacking a blind box. Only when you don't know will you be stimulated and you will have expectations.

Hearing that Lin Mo was going to use the clown divination machine, Liu Jian said that there was one in the lounge and took Lin Mo there.

Lin Mo was very straightforward this time, took out the gold coin and put it into it.

Work together.

Next, go to the Nightmare World, and the exchanged Nightmare will appear.

He can't wait to go out and have a look now.

So after saying goodbye to Liu Jian, I immediately took off the VR device.

Then fall asleep.

As a result, in the nightmare world, Lin Mo looked at Liu Jian standing in front of him and fell into deep thought.

"What do you mean? You, why did you come here?"

Lin Mo asked.

Liu Jian in front of him didn't say a word.

The other party was expressionless and motionless.

Lin Mo touched his pocket.

There is one more thing.

At first glance, it is a game console.

Open it and take a look, there is a button to summon the nightmare. The current status is that it has been summoned, and the attribute of the nightmare is written as 'Horror House Boss'.

Isn't this Liu Jian?

"Wait a minute, the nightmare I exchanged for gold coins is Liu Jian?"

Lin Mo knew that it must be so.

Random, or is there some other reason why the Nightmare of Gold Exchange is limited?

Lin Mo thinks it's because of the latter.

Possibly because of favorability.

Lin Mo didn't know exactly what was going on, but it seemed good to get the nightmare of Liu Jian. Lin Mo had experienced the powerful combat power of the opponent.

It's just the ability to fight in hand-to-hand combat, which is no longer lost to the butcher.

And Liu Jian seems to have other abilities.

Because the other party's name is 'Horror House Boss'.

Look again, this nightmare is a replica.

A replica of Nightmare!

In addition, there is ability.

Lin Mo liked this, so he hurriedly opened it to check it carefully.

Melee A+ level, this one is good.Strong physique, feature 'undead', this is also great.

Skill 1: Skinning, no need to consume points.

Skill 2: Create a house of horrors, it takes 200 points to use.

Taboo: Gate of Evil, 500 points are required to use.

After Lin Mo finished reading it, he went straight to the top!

Chapter 0768 The reopened studio

Lin Mo's boss is both excited and angry.

the reason is simple.

The reason for the excitement is that 'Liu Jian' is a taboo nightmare with such great strength that he can definitely turn things around and reverse the situation at critical moments.

And angry because of the ability of 'Liu Jian', it needs points to release it.

The most deceitful thing is that once you release it, you consume it once.

The player's own points can also be checked on this handheld, and 950 points are clearly written on it.

Even twice the 'Gate of Evil' can not be cast.

"It turns out that the points are not only related to the ranking, but also related to the use of the controlled nightmare skills."

Lin Mo's understanding of the game Chamber of Death has gone deeper this time.

"Wait a minute, let's just say that the last time I played against the 'player', as long as I consumed the opponent, the player will be exhausted by me sooner or later, because he needs to consume points if he wants to use Nightmare."

After realizing this, Lin Mo regretted a little.

It's just that the situation last time was special. That player had the ability to resurrect, and he was very cunning. Even if he knew it, he couldn't do anything about it.

"It's okay, the future is long, and sooner or later there will be time to settle the accounts."

Lin Mo mumbled.

Next he did some research on the clone of the horror house boss.

He found that it was really just a duplicate body, without the normal thinking that the owner of the horror house should have at all, it was more like a tool without thinking ability.

Although "Building a House of Horrors" and "Gate of Evil" require points to be released, they are not needed for normal fighting. Apart from these two abilities, Liu Jian, the owner of the House of Horrors, is also a master of the same level as a butcher.

In short, the cost performance is good, and the upper limit is high.

This is Lin Mo's conclusion.

After studying for a while, Lin Mo took the 'Horror House Boss' back.

It can be operated on the handheld.

Not only can the owner of the horror house be recovered, but even the previous bottle of poison can be recovered.

Next, Lin Mo began to study the handheld.

There are several small games on it, which can be played when bored, and Lin Mo found that playing these small games can unlock more small games, and after clearing the level, according to the score, a certain point reward can be given.

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