But people are like that sometimes, the more I think about it, the more I can't remember it.

"Forget it, forget it, how can you think wildly when playing games, you have to concentrate, concentrate!"

Lin Mo immediately followed Lin Rou to Liu Jian's studio.

On the way, Lin Mo persisted in talking to Lin Rou.

"Look, your surname is Lin, and I'm also surnamed Lin. We were a family 500 years ago, and now we meet again. It's really fate."

"Sister-in-law Lin Rou, your wire is very unique, can I touch it? If you don't speak, it means you agree. I touched it!"

"I gave brother Liu Jian a bottle of medicine last time. Have you used it? How is the effect? ​​If you like it, I'll get you another bottle next time. Don't be polite, it's just a matter of words."

Lin Mo felt that Lin Rou should have been touched by his words.

She should be very touched.

Didn't you see her clenching her fists and trembling all over?

So, if you want to have a strong relationship, you need to chat more. How can you deepen your impression and enhance your relationship without chatting?

to the place.

This is a hidden room for thieves, and it is locked. After Lin Rou opened it, she pushed the door and went in. The human skins hanging on the wall greeted her eyes.

In addition to these, the walls and floors in this room are all covered with human skin, and even the chairs are made of 'real leather'.

"This is Brother Liu Jian's studio? The decoration is very unique and unique."

Lin Mo made a comment.

And on a wall full of human skin in front, there is a huge heart.

This is obviously not a decoration effect, but a real heart.

Still beating regularly.

The huge blood vessels are integrated with the whole room, giving people the feeling that this room is alive.

And on that heart, there is a gap, about half a person's height and two feet wide.

It's bleeding out right now.

Lin Mo didn't want to look at this, so he turned his head and asked Lin Rou where the door of evil was, and told me, I have to go in quickly to find our elder brother and come back.

Lin Rou pointed at the gap in the huge heart: "This is it!"

"Is this the door?"

"Yes, the door of evil!"

"How to get in?"

"You stand over and I'll tell you."

Lin Mo followed Lin Rou's instructions and stood in front of the heart gap. When he was about to turn around and ask how to operate next, Lin Rou from behind directly kicked him in.


Lin Mo cursed, and then his whole body was sucked into the flesh and blood gap.

Even if it was playing a game, Lin Mo got goosebumps all over when he was wrapped and squeezed by flesh and blood.

Fortunately, soon, this feeling disappeared.

Lin Mo found himself standing on what looked like the inner wall of the large intestine.

The scene prompts that this is the 'Path of Evil'.

The feet were covered with soft flesh and fluff, and he couldn't stand still, otherwise the finger-thin sarcoid tumors would wrap around the feet and ankles.

So keep moving.

The problem is that this kind of sarcoma, which is more than a foot long, is everywhere, densely packed, in all directions, and on the top of the head. In addition, the entire passage has a circular inner wall and looks winding, so Lin Mo called it the large intestine.

"What is the path of evil? This is clearly the path of the large intestine. This place is not scary, but it is disgusting." Lin Mo was hairy all over, even trembling, trying his best to hide from the wriggling sarcoma.

But now that everything is here, I still hurry to find Liu Jian and bring him back, so that I can get out of the sea of ​​suffering sooner.

Lin Mo started to run.

But can't run fast.

The sarcoma under his feet has been trying to hinder him, as if walking in mud, every step takes a lot of effort.

There is a relatively large space in front. Lin Mo walked over and saw that there was a single-plank bridge, and a few meters below it was tumbling flesh and blood.

In the flesh and blood, many people were struggling and howling.

The screams were piercing and piercing.

It feels like this is Senluo Hell.

I don't know if Liu Jian is here.

Lin Mo carefully identified.

There are too many people rolling in the flesh and blood below, there may be hundreds of people, and a few of them obviously have no human skin, as if they were forcibly peeled off.


Here are the victims.

Liu Jian is the perpetrator, so he must not be below.

Lin Mo was going to cross this single-plank bridge, but when he was halfway there, he heard someone calling him.

"Lin Mo, Lin Mo!"

After listening carefully, it was true, someone was calling him.

This is really strange.

Looking down, Lin Mo saw a person struggling in the flesh and blood below, screaming at him.

look familiar.

It seems to be Zhou Li.

Isn't this guy dead?

Soon, more and more figures were screaming at him.

Look carefully, they are all acquaintances, basically the villains that Lin Mo killed before.

For example, the human trafficker Zhang Yinping.

These people yelled at Lin Mo, telling about the crimes Lin Mo had committed.

Lin Mo laughed.

"Do you also have the face to break up with me here? Let me tell you, each of you deserves to die, and I can only kill you once, otherwise, I will let you try the top ten tortures. Shameless stuff, I will give you all." I'm going to fuck off."

A rebuke.

These figures were cowarded by the scolding, and slowly sank into the flesh and blood.

Lin Mo has a clear conscience.

Even if he killed some people, it was because the other party deserved to be killed, so he didn't feel any guilt in his heart.

As he said, if these people live again, he has to kill them all.

Passed the single-plank bridge smoothly.

After going through another disgusting passage like a large intestine wrapped in a small intestine, Lin Mo entered a special space.

At this moment, even Lin Mo, who had a steel mind, felt his scalp tingling at this moment.

This circular dome space is densely packed with eyeballs.

The eyeballs are next to each other, and there are more grapes than there are grapes on the vine. Fortunately, these eyeballs are not looking at Lin Mo, but at a person in front of him.

It is Liu Jian, the owner of the horror house.

The other party was kneeling in the middle of this space, half of his body was wrapped in the flesh and blood below. Lin Mo felt that if he came a little later, the boss of the horror house would be completely swallowed by the flesh and blood below.

Lin Mo walked over to look left and right, and went around to look in front.

The boss of the house of horrors has blank eyes at the moment, like a sculpture.

Lin Mo stretched out his hand and shook it in front of the opponent's eyes.

no response.

The tens of thousands of eyeballs around are staring at the owner of the horror house at this moment.

Maybe this is also the reason why the other party can't move.

The idea of ​​piercing these eyeballs passed through Lin Mo's mind and was immediately rejected.

It's better to keep a low profile and don't cause trouble.

Lin Rou just asked to take Liu Jian out, that's all. If these eyeballs were pierced, it would be like stabbing a hornet's nest.

No need!

Lin Mo reached out and hugged the owner of the horror house, and began to pull it out.

It's like pulling out a person stuck in the mud. It seems simple, but it's actually very difficult.

Anyway, after tossing for a long time, I didn't pull it out.

"No, it's useless for me to work hard by myself. I have to find a way to wake Liu Jian up. The two of us work together to have hope." Lin Mo began to call Liu Jian like a soul.

But the other party was unmoved at all.

There is no other way but to get started.

Slap first and then hit, from hitting to pinching.

The horror house owner is just like a dead person, without any reaction.

There was still a little strength before, but Lin Mo used all his strength later.

The slap was loud, and the skin on his arm was pinched blue and purple, but this guy still didn't wake up.

Hit with a wrench, afraid of killing the opponent, Lin Mo thought about it and bit it with his mouth.

This pain is extremely strong.

Moreover, the skin and teeth of Xu Min in madman form are as sharp as those of a ghoul, so he is guaranteed to see blood in his mouthful, and the pain will be doubled.

Lin Mo took a bite at the arm of the owner of the horror house.

This time the other party finally responded.

At this moment, the pupils of the absent-minded pupils recondensed and narrowed, and finally turned to look at Lin Mo.

"Brother Liu Jian, you are finally awake. Hurry up and cooperate with us."

Lin Mo hurriedly hugged the other party and dragged him out.

Liu Jian also came back to his senses, cooperated with Lin Mo, and this time finally got rid of the shackles of flesh and blood below, and crawled out from inside.

At this moment, the surrounding eyeballs looked over at the same moment, with incredible malice, but some were looking at Lin Mo, and some were looking at Liu Jian.

Lin Mo immediately felt as if Mount Tai was overwhelmed, his actions were hindered, and for a moment, he couldn't see anything, and his eyes were all white.

It's the effect of those eyeballs.

Although I can't see it, the action is slow, but at least I can move.

Lin Mo felt that someone had caught him.

It's Liu Jian.

The opponent can also move.

Lin Mo understood that Liu Jian was the only one before, and he was under the gaze of all eyes alone, so he couldn't move at all.

This time I have myself to share a part for him, so I can move around.

In terms of physical strength and strength, Liu Jian is obviously much stronger than Lin Mo.

At this moment, the other party pulled Lin Mo out.

During the period, some weird roars could be heard, as well as the sound of fighting, screams, and the sound of sharp weapons cutting into flesh and blood.

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